tMerge pull request #6705 from bitromortac/lnrater - electrum - Electrum Bitcoin wallet
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  HTML Author: ThomasV <thomasv@electrum.org>
       Date:   Mon,  9 Nov 2020 10:06:13 +0100
       Merge pull request #6705 from bitromortac/lnrater
       lightning: reintroduce node recommendation
         M electrum/channel_db.py              |       8 ++++++++
         M electrum/gui/kivy/uix/dialogs/ligh… |      17 +++++++++++++++++
         M electrum/gui/qt/channels_list.py    |      35 ++++++++++++++++++-------------
         M electrum/gui/qt/main_window.py      |      17 +++++++----------
         A electrum/lnrater.py                 |     255 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
         M electrum/lnworker.py                |      27 ++++++++++++++++++++++-----
       6 files changed, 329 insertions(+), 30 deletions(-)
   DIR diff --git a/electrum/channel_db.py b/electrum/channel_db.py
       t@@ -760,6 +760,14 @@ class ChannelDB(SqlDB):
            def get_node_info_for_node_id(self, node_id: bytes) -> Optional['NodeInfo']:
                return self._nodes.get(node_id)
       +    def get_node_infos(self) -> Dict[bytes, NodeInfo]:
       +        with self.lock:
       +            return self._nodes
       +    def get_node_policies(self) -> Dict[Tuple[bytes, ShortChannelID], Policy]:
       +        with self.lock:
       +            return self._policies
            def to_dict(self) -> dict:
                """ Generates a graph representation in terms of a dictionary.
   DIR diff --git a/electrum/gui/kivy/uix/dialogs/lightning_open_channel.py b/electrum/gui/kivy/uix/dialogs/lightning_open_channel.py
       t@@ -72,6 +72,11 @@ Builder.load_string('''
                        height: '48dp'
                        on_release: app.scan_qr(on_complete=s.on_qr)
       +                text: _('Suggest')
       +                size_hint: 1, None
       +                height: '48dp'
       +                on_release: s.suggest_node()
       +            Button:
                        text: _('Clear')
                        size_hint: 1, None
                        height: '48dp'
       t@@ -97,6 +102,18 @@ class LightningOpenChannelDialog(Factory.Popup, Logger):
                d = LabelDialog(_('IP/port in format:\n[host]:[port]'), self.ipport, callback)
       +    def suggest_node(self):
       +        self.app.wallet.network.start_gossip()
       +        suggested = self.app.wallet.lnworker.lnrater.suggest_peer()
       +        _, _, percent = self.app.wallet.network.lngossip.get_sync_progress_estimate()
       +        if suggested:
       +            self.pubkey = suggested.hex()
       +        else:
       +            if percent is None:
       +                percent = "??"
       +            self.pubkey = f"Please wait, graph is updating ({percent}% / 30% done)."
            def __init__(self, app, lnaddr=None, msg=None):
   DIR diff --git a/electrum/gui/qt/channels_list.py b/electrum/gui/qt/channels_list.py
       t@@ -329,11 +329,6 @@ class ChannelsList(MyTreeView):
                d = WindowModalDialog(self.parent, _('Open Channel'))
                vbox = QVBoxLayout(d)
                vbox.addWidget(QLabel(_('Enter Remote Node ID or connection string or invoice')))
       -        local_nodeid = FreezableLineEdit()
       -        local_nodeid.setMinimumWidth(700)
       -        local_nodeid.setText(bh2u(lnworker.node_keypair.pubkey))
       -        local_nodeid.setFrozen(True)
       -        local_nodeid.setCursorPosition(0)
                remote_nodeid = QLineEdit()
                amount_e = BTCAmountEdit(self.parent.get_decimal_point)
       t@@ -356,8 +351,20 @@ class ChannelsList(MyTreeView):
                max_button = EnterButton(_("Max"), spend_max)
       +        suggest_button = QPushButton(d, text=_('Suggest Peer'))
       +        def on_suggest():
       +            self.parent.wallet.network.start_gossip()
       +            nodeid = bh2u(lnworker.lnrater.suggest_peer() or b'')
       +            if not nodeid:
       +                remote_nodeid.setText(
       +                    "Please wait until the graph is synchronized to 30%.")
       +            else:
       +                remote_nodeid.setText(nodeid)
       +            remote_nodeid.repaint()  # macOS hack for #6269
       +        suggest_button.clicked.connect(on_suggest)
                clear_button = QPushButton(d, text=_('Clear'))
       -        clear_button.setFixedWidth(100)
                def on_clear():
       t@@ -367,16 +374,14 @@ class ChannelsList(MyTreeView):
                    max_button.repaint()  # macOS hack for #6269
                h = QGridLayout()
       -        h.addWidget(QLabel(_('Your Node ID')), 0, 0)
       -        h.addWidget(local_nodeid, 0, 1, 1, 4)
       -        h.addWidget(QLabel(_('Remote Node ID')), 1, 0)
       -        h.addWidget(remote_nodeid, 1, 1, 1, 4)
       -        h.addWidget(QLabel('Amount'), 3, 0)
       -        h.addWidget(amount_e, 3, 1)
       -        h.addWidget(max_button, 3, 2)
       -        h.addWidget(clear_button, 3, 3)
       +        h.addWidget(QLabel(_('Remote Node ID')), 0, 0)
       +        h.addWidget(remote_nodeid, 0, 1, 1, 3)
       +        h.addWidget(suggest_button, 1, 1)
       +        h.addWidget(clear_button, 1, 2)
       +        h.addWidget(QLabel('Amount'), 2, 0)
       +        h.addWidget(amount_e, 2, 1)
       +        h.addWidget(max_button, 2, 2)
                ok_button = OkButton(d)
   DIR diff --git a/electrum/gui/qt/main_window.py b/electrum/gui/qt/main_window.py
       t@@ -2206,19 +2206,12 @@ class ElectrumWindow(QMainWindow, MessageBoxMixin, Logger):
                # display colorful lightning icon to signal connection
       -        cur, total = self.network.lngossip.get_sync_progress_estimate()
       +        cur, total, progress_percent = self.network.lngossip.get_sync_progress_estimate()
                # self.logger.debug(f"updating lngossip sync progress estimate: cur={cur}, total={total}")
       -        progress_percent = 0
                progress_str = "??%"
       -        if cur is not None and total is not None and total > 0:
       -            # note: Progress is rescaled such that 95% is considered "done".
       -            #       "Real" progress can stay around 98-99% for a long time, which
       -            #       might needlessly worry users.
       -            progress_percent = (1.0 / 0.95 * cur / total) * 100
       -            progress_percent = min(progress_percent, 100)
       -            progress_percent = round(progress_percent)
       +        if progress_percent is not None:
                    progress_str = f"{progress_percent}%"
       -        if progress_percent >= 100:
       +        if progress_percent and progress_percent >= 100:
                    self.lightning_button.setToolTip(_("The Lightning Network graph is fully synced."))
       t@@ -2332,6 +2325,10 @@ class ElectrumWindow(QMainWindow, MessageBoxMixin, Logger):
                grid.addWidget(QLabel(_('Lightning') + ':'), 5, 0)
                if self.wallet.can_have_lightning():
                    grid.addWidget(QLabel(_('Enabled')), 5, 1)
       +            local_nodeid = QLabel(bh2u(self.wallet.lnworker.node_keypair.pubkey))
       +            local_nodeid.setTextInteractionFlags(Qt.TextSelectableByMouse)
       +            grid.addWidget(QLabel(_('Lightning Node ID:')), 6, 0)
       +            grid.addWidget(local_nodeid, 6, 1, 1, 3)
                    grid.addWidget(QLabel(_("Not available for this wallet.")), 5, 1)
                    grid.addWidget(HelpButton(_("Lightning is currently restricted to HD wallets with p2wpkh addresses.")), 5, 2)
   DIR diff --git a/electrum/lnrater.py b/electrum/lnrater.py
       t@@ -0,0 +1,255 @@
       +# Copyright (C) 2020 The Electrum developers
       +# Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying
       +# file LICENCE or http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php
       +lnrater.py contains Lightning Network node rating functionality.
       +import asyncio
       +from collections import defaultdict
       +from pprint import pformat
       +from random import choices
       +from statistics import mean, median, stdev
       +from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Dict, NamedTuple, Tuple, List
       +import time
       +from .logging import Logger
       +from .util import profiler
       +from .lnrouter import fee_for_edge_msat
       +if TYPE_CHECKING:
       +    from .network import Network
       +    from .channel_db import Policy
       +    from .lnchannel import ShortChannelID
       +    from .lnworker import LNWallet
       +MONTH_IN_BLOCKS = 6 * 24 * 30
       +# the scores are only updated after this time interval
       +RATER_UPDATE_TIME_SEC = 10 * 60
       +# amount used for calculating an effective relative fee
       +FEE_AMOUNT_MSAT = 100_000_000
       +# define some numbers for minimal requirements of good nodes
       +# exclude nodes with less number of channels
       +# exclude nodes with less mean capacity
       +EXCLUDE_MEAN_CAPACITY_MSAT = 1_000_000_000
       +# exclude nodes which are young
       +# exclude nodes which have young mean channel age
       +# exclude nodes which charge a high fee
       +# exclude nodes whose last channel open was a long time ago
       +class NodeStats(NamedTuple):
       +    number_channels: int
       +    # capacity related
       +    total_capacity_msat: int
       +    median_capacity_msat: float
       +    mean_capacity_msat: float
       +    # block height related
       +    node_age_block_height: int
       +    mean_channel_age_block_height: float
       +    blocks_since_last_channel: int
       +    # fees
       +    mean_fee_rate: float
       +def weighted_sum(numbers: List[float], weights: List[float]) -> float:
       +    running_sum = 0.0
       +    for n, w in zip(numbers, weights):
       +        running_sum += n * w
       +    return running_sum/sum(weights)
       +class LNRater(Logger):
       +    def __init__(self, lnworker: 'LNWallet', network: 'Network'):
       +        """LNRater can be used to suggest nodes to open up channels with.
       +        The graph is analyzed and some heuristics are applied to sort out nodes
       +        that are deemed to be bad routers or unmaintained.
       +        """
       +        Logger.__init__(self)
       +        self.lnworker = lnworker
       +        self.network = network
       +        self.channel_db = self.network.channel_db
       +        self._node_stats: Dict[bytes, NodeStats] = {}  # node_id -> NodeStats
       +        self._node_ratings: Dict[bytes, float] = {}  # node_id -> float
       +        self._policies_by_nodes: Dict[bytes, List[Tuple[ShortChannelID, Policy]]] = defaultdict(list)  # node_id -> (short_channel_id, policy)
       +        self._last_analyzed = 0  # timestamp
       +        self._last_progress_percent = 0
       +    def maybe_analyze_graph(self):
       +        asyncio.run(self._maybe_analyze_graph())
       +    def analyze_graph(self):
       +        """Forces a graph analysis, e.g., due to external triggers like
       +        the graph info reaching 50%."""
       +        asyncio.run(self._analyze_graph())
       +    async def _maybe_analyze_graph(self):
       +        """Analyzes the graph when in early sync stage (>30%) or when caching
       +        time expires."""
       +        # gather information about graph sync status
       +        current_channels, total, progress_percent = self.network.lngossip.get_sync_progress_estimate()
       +        # gossip sync progress state could be None when not started, but channel
       +        # db already knows something about the graph, which is why we allow to
       +        # evaluate the graph early
       +        if progress_percent is not None or self.channel_db.num_nodes > 500:
       +            progress_percent = progress_percent or 0  # convert None to 0
       +            now = time.time()
       +            # graph should have changed significantly during the sync progress
       +            # or last analysis was a long time ago
       +            if (30 <= progress_percent and progress_percent - self._last_progress_percent >= 10 or
       +                    self._last_analyzed + RATER_UPDATE_TIME_SEC < now):
       +                await self._analyze_graph()
       +                self._last_progress_percent = progress_percent
       +                self._last_analyzed = now
       +    async def _analyze_graph(self):
       +        await self.channel_db.data_loaded.wait()
       +        self._collect_policies_by_node()
       +        loop = asyncio.get_running_loop()
       +        # the analysis is run in an executor because it's costly
       +        await loop.run_in_executor(None, self._collect_purged_stats)
       +        self._rate_nodes()
       +        now = time.time()
       +        self._last_analyzed = now
       +    def _collect_policies_by_node(self):
       +        policies = self.channel_db.get_node_policies()
       +        for pv, p in policies.items():
       +            # append tuples of ShortChannelID and Policy
       +            self._policies_by_nodes[pv[0]].append((pv[1], p))
       +    @profiler
       +    def _collect_purged_stats(self):
       +        """Traverses through the graph and sorts out nodes."""
       +        current_height = self.network.get_local_height()
       +        node_infos = self.channel_db.get_node_infos()
       +        for n, channel_policies in self._policies_by_nodes.items():
       +            try:
       +                # use policies synonymously to channels
       +                num_channels = len(channel_policies)
       +                # save some time for nodes we are not interested in:
       +                if num_channels < EXCLUDE_NUM_CHANNELS:
       +                    continue
       +                # analyze block heights
       +                block_heights = [p[0].block_height for p in channel_policies]
       +                node_age_bh = current_height - min(block_heights)
       +                if node_age_bh < EXCLUDE_NODE_AGE:
       +                    continue
       +                mean_channel_age_bh = current_height - mean(block_heights)
       +                if mean_channel_age_bh < EXCLUDE_MEAN_CHANNEL_AGE:
       +                    continue
       +                blocks_since_last_channel = current_height - max(block_heights)
       +                if blocks_since_last_channel > EXCLUDE_BLOCKS_LAST_CHANNEL:
       +                    continue
       +                # analyze capacities
       +                capacities = [p[1].htlc_maximum_msat for p in channel_policies]
       +                if None in capacities:
       +                    continue
       +                total_capacity = sum(capacities)
       +                mean_capacity = total_capacity / num_channels if num_channels else 0
       +                if mean_capacity < EXCLUDE_MEAN_CAPACITY_MSAT:
       +                    continue
       +                median_capacity = median(capacities)
       +                # analyze fees
       +                effective_fee_rates = [fee_for_edge_msat(
       +                    FEE_AMOUNT_MSAT,
       +                    p[1].fee_base_msat,
       +                    p[1].fee_proportional_millionths) / FEE_AMOUNT_MSAT for p in channel_policies]
       +                mean_fees_rate = mean(effective_fee_rates)
       +                if mean_fees_rate > EXCLUCE_EFFECTIVE_FEE_RATE:
       +                    continue
       +                self._node_stats[n] = NodeStats(
       +                    number_channels=num_channels,
       +                    total_capacity_msat=total_capacity,
       +                    median_capacity_msat=median_capacity,
       +                    mean_capacity_msat=mean_capacity,
       +                    node_age_block_height=node_age_bh,
       +                    mean_channel_age_block_height=mean_channel_age_bh,
       +                    blocks_since_last_channel=blocks_since_last_channel,
       +                    mean_fee_rate=mean_fees_rate
       +                )
       +            except Exception as e:
       +                self.logger.exception("Could not use channel policies for "
       +                                      "calculating statistics.")
       +                self.logger.debug(pformat(channel_policies))
       +                continue
       +        self.logger.info(f"node statistics done, calculated statistics"
       +                         f"for {len(self._node_stats)} nodes")
       +    def _rate_nodes(self):
       +        """Rate nodes by collected statistics."""
       +        max_capacity = 0
       +        max_num_chan = 0
       +        min_fee_rate = float('inf')
       +        for stats in self._node_stats.values():
       +            max_capacity = max(max_capacity, stats.total_capacity_msat)
       +            max_num_chan = max(max_num_chan, stats.number_channels)
       +            min_fee_rate = min(min_fee_rate, stats.mean_fee_rate)
       +        for n, stats in self._node_stats.items():
       +            heuristics = []
       +            heuristics_weights = []
       +            # example of how we could construct a scalar score for nodes
       +            # this is probably not what we want to to, this is roughly
       +            # preferential attachment
       +            # number of channels
       +            heuristics.append(stats.number_channels / max_num_chan)
       +            heuristics_weights.append(0.2)
       +            # total capacity
       +            heuristics.append(stats.total_capacity_msat / max_capacity)
       +            heuristics_weights.append(0.8)
       +            # inverse fees
       +            fees = min(1E-6, min_fee_rate) / max(1E-10, stats.mean_fee_rate)
       +            heuristics.append(fees)
       +            heuristics_weights.append(1.0)
       +            self._node_ratings[n] = weighted_sum(heuristics, heuristics_weights)
       +    def suggest_node_channel_open(self) -> Tuple[bytes, NodeStats]:
       +        node_keys = list(self._node_stats.keys())
       +        node_ratings = list(self._node_ratings.values())
       +        channel_peers = self.lnworker.channel_peers()
       +        while True:
       +            # randomly pick nodes weighted by node_rating
       +            pk = choices(node_keys, weights=node_ratings, k=1)[0]
       +            # don't want to connect to nodes we are already connected to
       +            if pk not in channel_peers:
       +                break
       +        node_infos = self.channel_db.get_node_infos()
       +        self.logger.info(
       +            f"node rating for {node_infos[pk].alias}:\n"
       +            f"{pformat(self._node_stats[pk])} (score {self._node_ratings[pk]})")
       +        return pk, self._node_stats[pk]
       +    def suggest_peer(self):
       +        self.maybe_analyze_graph()
       +        if self._node_ratings:
       +            return self.suggest_node_channel_open()[0]
       +        else:
       +            return None
   DIR diff --git a/electrum/lnworker.py b/electrum/lnworker.py
       t@@ -45,6 +45,7 @@ from .lnaddr import lnencode, LnAddr, lndecode
        from .ecc import der_sig_from_sig_string
        from .lnchannel import Channel
        from .lnchannel import ChannelState, PeerState
       +from .lnrater import LNRater
        from . import lnutil
        from .lnutil import funding_output_script
        from .bitcoin import redeem_script_to_address
       t@@ -479,16 +480,28 @@ class LNGossip(LNWorker):
                return l[0:N]
       -    def get_sync_progress_estimate(self) -> Tuple[Optional[int], Optional[int]]:
       +    def get_sync_progress_estimate(self) -> Tuple[Optional[int], Optional[int], Optional[int]]:
       +        """Estimates the gossip synchronization process and returns the number
       +        of synchronized channels, the total channels in the network and a
       +        rescaled percentage of the synchronization process."""
                if self.num_peers() == 0:
       -            return None, None
       +            return None, None, None
                nchans_with_0p, nchans_with_1p, nchans_with_2p = self.channel_db.get_num_channels_partitioned_by_policy_count()
                num_db_channels = nchans_with_0p + nchans_with_1p + nchans_with_2p
                # some channels will never have two policies (only one is in gossip?...)
                # so if we have at least 1 policy for a channel, we consider that channel "complete" here
                current_est = num_db_channels - nchans_with_0p
                total_est = len(self.unknown_ids) + num_db_channels
       -        return current_est, total_est
       +        progress = current_est / total_est if total_est and current_est else 0
       +        progress_percent = (1.0 / 0.95 * progress) * 100
       +        progress_percent = min(progress_percent, 100)
       +        progress_percent = round(progress_percent)
       +        # take a minimal number of synchronized channels to get a more accurate
       +        # percentage estimate
       +        if current_est < 200:
       +            progress_percent = 0
       +        return current_est, total_est, progress_percent
        class LNWallet(LNWorker):
       t@@ -502,6 +515,7 @@ class LNWallet(LNWorker):
                self.config = wallet.config
                LNWorker.__init__(self, xprv)
                self.lnwatcher = None
       +        self.lnrater: LNRater = None
                self.features |= LnFeatures.OPTION_DATA_LOSS_PROTECT_REQ
                self.features |= LnFeatures.OPTION_STATIC_REMOTEKEY_REQ
                self.payments = self.db.get_dict('lightning_payments')     # RHASH -> amount, direction, is_paid  # FIXME amt should be msat
       t@@ -583,11 +597,10 @@ class LNWallet(LNWorker):
                self.network = network
                self.config = network.config
                self.channel_db = self.network.channel_db
                self.lnwatcher = LNWalletWatcher(self, network)
       -        self.network = network
                self.swap_manager.start_network(network=network, lnwatcher=self.lnwatcher)
       +        self.lnrater = LNRater(self, network)
                for chan in self.channels.values():
                    self.lnwatcher.add_channel(chan.funding_outpoint.to_str(), chan.get_funding_address())
       t@@ -743,6 +756,10 @@ class LNWallet(LNWorker):
                    item['balance_msat'] = balance_msat
                return out
       +    def channel_peers(self) -> List[bytes]:
       +        node_ids = [chan.node_id for chan in self.channels.values() if not chan.is_closed()]
       +        return node_ids
            def channels_for_peer(self, node_id):
                assert type(node_id) is bytes
                return {chan_id: chan for (chan_id, chan) in self.channels.items()