tln: avoid recursive dependencies, make new lnutil - electrum - Electrum Bitcoin wallet
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   DIR commit fe973a5137ecb1ed9a8b63e042363b0c7792edef
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  HTML Author: Janus <ysangkok@gmail.com>
       Date:   Thu, 28 Jun 2018 15:50:45 +0200
       ln: avoid recursive dependencies, make new lnutil
         M lib/lnbase.py                       |     366 +------------------------------
         M lib/lnhtlc.py                       |      62 ++++++++++++++++++++-----------
         M lib/lnrouter.py                     |      10 ++++++----
         A lib/lnutil.py                       |     315 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
         M lib/lnwatcher.py                    |       2 +-
         M lib/lnworker.py                     |      10 ++++------
         D lib/tests/test_lnbase.py            |     819 -------------------------------
         M lib/tests/test_lnhtlc.py            |      11 ++++++-----
         A lib/tests/test_lnrouter.py          |     150 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
         A lib/tests/test_lnutil.py            |     670 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
       10 files changed, 1205 insertions(+), 1210 deletions(-)
   DIR diff --git a/lib/lnbase.py b/lib/lnbase.py
       t@@ -5,49 +5,12 @@
        from collections import namedtuple, defaultdict, OrderedDict, defaultdict
       -Keypair = namedtuple("Keypair", ["pubkey", "privkey"])
       -Outpoint = namedtuple("Outpoint", ["txid", "output_index"])
       -ChannelConfig = namedtuple("ChannelConfig", [
       -    "payment_basepoint", "multisig_key", "htlc_basepoint", "delayed_basepoint", "revocation_basepoint",
       -    "to_self_delay", "dust_limit_sat", "max_htlc_value_in_flight_msat", "max_accepted_htlcs"])
       -OnlyPubkeyKeypair = namedtuple("OnlyPubkeyKeypair", ["pubkey"])
       -RemoteState = namedtuple("RemoteState", ["ctn", "next_per_commitment_point", "amount_msat", "revocation_store", "current_per_commitment_point", "next_htlc_id"])
       -LocalState = namedtuple("LocalState", ["ctn", "per_commitment_secret_seed", "amount_msat", "next_htlc_id", "funding_locked_received", "was_announced", "current_commitment_signature"])
       -ChannelConstraints = namedtuple("ChannelConstraints", ["feerate", "capacity", "is_initiator", "funding_txn_minimum_depth"])
       -#OpenChannel = namedtuple("OpenChannel", ["channel_id", "short_channel_id", "funding_outpoint", "local_config", "remote_config", "remote_state", "local_state", "constraints", "node_id"])
       -class RevocationStore:
       -    """ taken from lnd """
       -    def __init__(self):
       -        self.buckets = [None] * 48
       -        self.index = 2**48 - 1
       -    def add_next_entry(self, hsh):
       -        new_element = ShachainElement(index=self.index, secret=hsh)
       -        bucket = count_trailing_zeros(self.index)
       -        for i in range(0, bucket):
       -            this_bucket = self.buckets[i]
       -            e = shachain_derive(new_element, this_bucket.index)
       -            if e != this_bucket:
       -                raise Exception("hash is not derivable: {} {} {}".format(bh2u(e.secret), bh2u(this_bucket.secret), this_bucket.index))
       -        self.buckets[bucket] = new_element
       -        self.index -= 1
       -    def serialize(self):
       -        return {"index": self.index, "buckets": [[bh2u(k.secret), k.index] if k is not None else None for k in self.buckets]}
       -    @staticmethod
       -    def from_json_obj(decoded_json_obj):
       -        store = RevocationStore()
       -        decode = lambda to_decode: ShachainElement(bfh(to_decode[0]), int(to_decode[1]))
       -        store.buckets = [k if k is None else decode(k) for k in decoded_json_obj["buckets"]]
       -        store.index = decoded_json_obj["index"]
       -        return store
       -    def __eq__(self, o):
       -        return type(o) is RevocationStore and self.serialize() == o.serialize()
       -    def __hash__(self):
       -        return hash(json.dumps(self.serialize(), sort_keys=True))
       +from .lnutil import Outpoint, ChannelConfig, LocalState, RemoteState, Keypair, OnlyPubkeyKeypair, ChannelConstraints, RevocationStore
       +from .lnutil import sign_and_get_sig_string, funding_output_script, get_ecdh, get_per_commitment_secret_from_seed
       +from .lnutil import secret_to_pubkey
       +from .bitcoin import COIN
        from ecdsa.util import sigdecode_der, sigencode_string_canonize, sigdecode_string
       -from ecdsa.curves import SECP256k1
        import queue
        import traceback
        import json
       t@@ -58,18 +21,8 @@ import time
        import binascii
        import hashlib
        import hmac
       -from typing import Sequence, Union, Tuple
        import cryptography.hazmat.primitives.ciphers.aead as AEAD
       -from cryptography.hazmat.primitives.ciphers import Cipher, algorithms
       -from cryptography.hazmat.backends import default_backend
       -from .ecc import ser_to_point, point_to_ser, string_to_number
       -from .bitcoin import (deserialize_privkey, rev_hex, int_to_hex,
       -                      push_script, script_num_to_hex,
       -                      add_number_to_script, var_int, COIN)
        from . import bitcoin
        from . import ecc
        from . import crypto
       t@@ -82,6 +35,8 @@ from .lnrouter import new_onion_packet, OnionHopsDataSingle, OnionPerHop, decode
        from .lightning_payencode.lnaddr import lndecode
        from .lnhtlc import UpdateAddHtlc, HTLCStateMachine, RevokeAndAck, SettleHtlc
       +REV_GENESIS = bytes.fromhex(bitcoin.rev_hex(constants.net.GENESIS))
        def channel_id_from_funding_tx(funding_txid, funding_index):
            funding_txid_bytes = bytes.fromhex(funding_txid)[::-1]
            i = int.from_bytes(funding_txid_bytes, 'big') ^ funding_index
       t@@ -289,10 +244,6 @@ def get_bolt8_hkdf(salt, ikm):
            assert len(T1 + T2) == 64
            return T1, T2
       -def get_ecdh(priv: bytes, pub: bytes) -> bytes:
       -    pt = ecc.ECPubkey(pub) * string_to_number(priv)
       -    return sha256(pt.get_public_key_bytes())
        def act1_initiator_message(hs, my_privkey):
            #Get a new ephemeral key
            epriv, epub = create_ephemeral_key(my_privkey)
       t@@ -328,290 +279,6 @@ def aiosafe(f):
            return f2
       -def get_obscured_ctn(ctn, local, remote):
       -    mask = int.from_bytes(sha256(local + remote)[-6:], 'big')
       -    return ctn ^ mask
       -def secret_to_pubkey(secret):
       -    assert type(secret) is int
       -    return point_to_ser(SECP256k1.generator * secret)
       -def derive_pubkey(basepoint, per_commitment_point):
       -    p = ecc.ECPubkey(basepoint) + ecc.generator() * ecc.string_to_number(sha256(per_commitment_point + basepoint))
       -    return p.get_public_key_bytes()
       -def derive_privkey(secret, per_commitment_point):
       -    assert type(secret) is int
       -    basepoint = point_to_ser(SECP256k1.generator * secret)
       -    basepoint = secret + ecc.string_to_number(sha256(per_commitment_point + basepoint))
       -    basepoint %= SECP256k1.order
       -    return basepoint
       -def derive_blinded_pubkey(basepoint, per_commitment_point):
       -    k1 = ecc.ECPubkey(basepoint) * ecc.string_to_number(sha256(basepoint + per_commitment_point))
       -    k2 = ecc.ECPubkey(per_commitment_point) * ecc.string_to_number(sha256(per_commitment_point + basepoint))
       -    return (k1 + k2).get_public_key_bytes()
       -def shachain_derive(element, toIndex):
       -    return ShachainElement(get_per_commitment_secret_from_seed(element.secret, toIndex, count_trailing_zeros(element.index)), toIndex)
       -def get_per_commitment_secret_from_seed(seed: bytes, i: int, bits: int = 48) -> bytes:
       -    """Generate per commitment secret."""
       -    per_commitment_secret = bytearray(seed)
       -    for bitindex in range(bits - 1, -1, -1):
       -        mask = 1 << bitindex
       -        if i & mask:
       -            per_commitment_secret[bitindex // 8] ^= 1 << (bitindex % 8)
       -            per_commitment_secret = bytearray(sha256(per_commitment_secret))
       -    bajts = bytes(per_commitment_secret)
       -    return bajts
       -def overall_weight(num_htlc):
       -    return 500 + 172 * num_htlc + 224
       -def make_htlc_tx_output(amount_msat, local_feerate, revocationpubkey, local_delayedpubkey, success, to_self_delay):
       -    assert type(amount_msat) is int
       -    assert type(local_feerate) is int
       -    assert type(revocationpubkey) is bytes
       -    assert type(local_delayedpubkey) is bytes
       -    script = bytes([opcodes.OP_IF]) \
       -        + bfh(push_script(bh2u(revocationpubkey))) \
       -        + bytes([opcodes.OP_ELSE]) \
       -        + bitcoin.add_number_to_script(to_self_delay) \
       -        + bytes([opcodes.OP_CSV, opcodes.OP_DROP]) \
       -        + bfh(push_script(bh2u(local_delayedpubkey))) \
       -        + bytes([opcodes.OP_ENDIF, opcodes.OP_CHECKSIG])
       -    p2wsh = bitcoin.redeem_script_to_address('p2wsh', bh2u(script))
       -    weight = HTLC_SUCCESS_WEIGHT if success else HTLC_TIMEOUT_WEIGHT
       -    fee = local_feerate * weight
       -    final_amount_sat = (amount_msat - fee) // 1000
       -    assert final_amount_sat > 0, final_amount_sat
       -    output = (bitcoin.TYPE_ADDRESS, p2wsh, final_amount_sat)
       -    return output
       -def make_htlc_tx_witness(remotehtlcsig, localhtlcsig, payment_preimage, witness_script):
       -    assert type(remotehtlcsig) is bytes
       -    assert type(localhtlcsig) is bytes
       -    assert type(payment_preimage) is bytes
       -    assert type(witness_script) is bytes
       -    return bfh(transaction.construct_witness([0, remotehtlcsig, localhtlcsig, payment_preimage, witness_script]))
       -def make_htlc_tx_inputs(htlc_output_txid, htlc_output_index, revocationpubkey, local_delayedpubkey, amount_msat, witness_script):
       -    assert type(htlc_output_txid) is str
       -    assert type(htlc_output_index) is int
       -    assert type(revocationpubkey) is bytes
       -    assert type(local_delayedpubkey) is bytes
       -    assert type(amount_msat) is int
       -    assert type(witness_script) is str
       -    c_inputs = [{
       -        'scriptSig': '',
       -        'type': 'p2wsh',
       -        'signatures': [],
       -        'num_sig': 0,
       -        'prevout_n': htlc_output_index,
       -        'prevout_hash': htlc_output_txid,
       -        'value': amount_msat // 1000,
       -        'coinbase': False,
       -        'sequence': 0x0,
       -        'preimage_script': witness_script,
       -    }]
       -    return c_inputs
       -def make_htlc_tx(cltv_timeout, inputs, output):
       -    assert type(cltv_timeout) is int
       -    c_outputs = [output]
       -    tx = Transaction.from_io(inputs, c_outputs, locktime=cltv_timeout, version=2)
       -    tx.BIP_LI01_sort()
       -    return tx
       -def make_offered_htlc(revocation_pubkey, remote_htlcpubkey, local_htlcpubkey, payment_hash):
       -    assert type(revocation_pubkey) is bytes
       -    assert type(remote_htlcpubkey) is bytes
       -    assert type(local_htlcpubkey) is bytes
       -    assert type(payment_hash) is bytes
       -    return bytes([opcodes.OP_DUP, opcodes.OP_HASH160]) + bfh(push_script(bh2u(bitcoin.hash_160(revocation_pubkey))))\
       -        + bytes([opcodes.OP_EQUAL, opcodes.OP_IF, opcodes.OP_CHECKSIG, opcodes.OP_ELSE]) \
       -        + bfh(push_script(bh2u(remote_htlcpubkey)))\
       -        + bytes([opcodes.OP_SWAP, opcodes.OP_SIZE]) + bitcoin.add_number_to_script(32) + bytes([opcodes.OP_EQUAL, opcodes.OP_NOTIF, opcodes.OP_DROP])\
       -        + bitcoin.add_number_to_script(2) + bytes([opcodes.OP_SWAP]) + bfh(push_script(bh2u(local_htlcpubkey))) + bitcoin.add_number_to_script(2)\
       -        + bytes([opcodes.OP_CHECKMULTISIG, opcodes.OP_ELSE, opcodes.OP_HASH160])\
       -        + bfh(push_script(bh2u(crypto.ripemd(payment_hash)))) + bytes([opcodes.OP_EQUALVERIFY, opcodes.OP_CHECKSIG, opcodes.OP_ENDIF, opcodes.OP_ENDIF])
       -def make_received_htlc(revocation_pubkey, remote_htlcpubkey, local_htlcpubkey, payment_hash, cltv_expiry):
       -    for i in [revocation_pubkey, remote_htlcpubkey, local_htlcpubkey, payment_hash]:
       -        assert type(i) is bytes
       -    assert type(cltv_expiry) is int
       -    return bytes([opcodes.OP_DUP, opcodes.OP_HASH160]) \
       -        + bfh(push_script(bh2u(bitcoin.hash_160(revocation_pubkey)))) \
       -        + bytes([opcodes.OP_EQUAL, opcodes.OP_IF, opcodes.OP_CHECKSIG, opcodes.OP_ELSE]) \
       -        + bfh(push_script(bh2u(remote_htlcpubkey))) \
       -        + bytes([opcodes.OP_SWAP, opcodes.OP_SIZE]) \
       -        + bitcoin.add_number_to_script(32) \
       -        + bytes([opcodes.OP_EQUAL, opcodes.OP_IF, opcodes.OP_HASH160]) \
       -        + bfh(push_script(bh2u(crypto.ripemd(payment_hash)))) \
       -        + bytes([opcodes.OP_EQUALVERIFY]) \
       -        + bitcoin.add_number_to_script(2) \
       -        + bytes([opcodes.OP_SWAP]) \
       -        + bfh(push_script(bh2u(local_htlcpubkey))) \
       -        + bitcoin.add_number_to_script(2) \
       -        + bytes([opcodes.OP_CHECKMULTISIG, opcodes.OP_ELSE, opcodes.OP_DROP]) \
       -        + bitcoin.add_number_to_script(cltv_expiry) \
       -        + bytes([opcodes.OP_CLTV, opcodes.OP_DROP, opcodes.OP_CHECKSIG, opcodes.OP_ENDIF, opcodes.OP_ENDIF])
       -def make_htlc_tx_with_open_channel(chan, pcp, for_us, we_receive, amount_msat, cltv_expiry, payment_hash, commit, original_htlc_output_index):
       -    conf = chan.local_config if for_us else chan.remote_config
       -    other_conf = chan.local_config if not for_us else chan.remote_config
       -    revocation_pubkey = derive_blinded_pubkey(other_conf.revocation_basepoint.pubkey, pcp)
       -    delayedpubkey = derive_pubkey(conf.delayed_basepoint.pubkey, pcp)
       -    other_revocation_pubkey = derive_blinded_pubkey(other_conf.revocation_basepoint.pubkey, pcp)
       -    other_htlc_pubkey = derive_pubkey(other_conf.htlc_basepoint.pubkey, pcp)
       -    htlc_pubkey = derive_pubkey(conf.htlc_basepoint.pubkey, pcp)
       -    # HTLC-success for the HTLC spending from a received HTLC output
       -    # if we do not receive, and the commitment tx is not for us, they receive, so it is also an HTLC-success
       -    is_htlc_success = for_us == we_receive
       -    htlc_tx_output = make_htlc_tx_output(
       -        amount_msat = amount_msat,
       -        local_feerate = chan.constraints.feerate,
       -        revocationpubkey=revocation_pubkey,
       -        local_delayedpubkey=delayedpubkey,
       -        success = is_htlc_success,
       -        to_self_delay = other_conf.to_self_delay)
       -    if is_htlc_success:
       -        preimage_script = make_received_htlc(other_revocation_pubkey, other_htlc_pubkey, htlc_pubkey, payment_hash, cltv_expiry)
       -    else:
       -        preimage_script = make_offered_htlc(other_revocation_pubkey, other_htlc_pubkey, htlc_pubkey, payment_hash)
       -    htlc_tx_inputs = make_htlc_tx_inputs(
       -        commit.txid(), commit.htlc_output_indices[original_htlc_output_index],
       -        revocationpubkey=revocation_pubkey,
       -        local_delayedpubkey=delayedpubkey,
       -        amount_msat=amount_msat,
       -        witness_script=bh2u(preimage_script))
       -    if is_htlc_success:
       -        cltv_expiry = 0
       -    htlc_tx = make_htlc_tx(cltv_expiry, inputs=htlc_tx_inputs, output=htlc_tx_output)
       -    return htlc_tx
       -def make_commitment_using_open_channel(chan, ctn, for_us, pcp, local_msat, remote_msat, htlcs=[], trimmed=0):
       -    conf = chan.local_config if for_us else chan.remote_config
       -    other_conf = chan.local_config if not for_us else chan.remote_config
       -    payment_pubkey = derive_pubkey(other_conf.payment_basepoint.pubkey, pcp)
       -    remote_revocation_pubkey = derive_blinded_pubkey(other_conf.revocation_basepoint.pubkey, pcp)
       -    return make_commitment(
       -        ctn,
       -        conf.multisig_key.pubkey,
       -        other_conf.multisig_key.pubkey,
       -        payment_pubkey,
       -        chan.local_config.payment_basepoint.pubkey,
       -        chan.remote_config.payment_basepoint.pubkey,
       -        remote_revocation_pubkey,
       -        derive_pubkey(conf.delayed_basepoint.pubkey, pcp),
       -        other_conf.to_self_delay,
       -        *chan.funding_outpoint,
       -        chan.constraints.capacity,
       -        local_msat,
       -        remote_msat,
       -        chan.local_config.dust_limit_sat,
       -        chan.constraints.feerate,
       -        for_us,
       -        chan.constraints.is_initiator,
       -        htlcs=htlcs,
       -        trimmed=trimmed)
       -def make_commitment(ctn, local_funding_pubkey, remote_funding_pubkey,
       -                    remote_payment_pubkey, payment_basepoint,
       -                    remote_payment_basepoint, revocation_pubkey,
       -                    delayed_pubkey, to_self_delay, funding_txid,
       -                    funding_pos, funding_sat, local_amount, remote_amount,
       -                    dust_limit_sat, local_feerate, for_us, we_are_initiator,
       -                    htlcs, trimmed=0):
       -    pubkeys = sorted([bh2u(local_funding_pubkey), bh2u(remote_funding_pubkey)])
       -    payments = [payment_basepoint, remote_payment_basepoint]
       -    if not we_are_initiator:
       -        payments.reverse()
       -    obs = get_obscured_ctn(ctn, *payments)
       -    locktime = (0x20 << 24) + (obs & 0xffffff)
       -    sequence = (0x80 << 24) + (obs >> 24)
       -    print_error('locktime', locktime, hex(locktime))
       -    # commitment tx input
       -    c_inputs = [{
       -        'type': 'p2wsh',
       -        'x_pubkeys': pubkeys,
       -        'signatures': [None, None],
       -        'num_sig': 2,
       -        'prevout_n': funding_pos,
       -        'prevout_hash': funding_txid,
       -        'value': funding_sat,
       -        'coinbase': False,
       -        'sequence': sequence
       -    }]
       -    # commitment tx outputs
       -    local_script = bytes([opcodes.OP_IF]) + bfh(push_script(bh2u(revocation_pubkey))) + bytes([opcodes.OP_ELSE]) + add_number_to_script(to_self_delay) \
       -                   + bytes([opcodes.OP_CSV, opcodes.OP_DROP]) + bfh(push_script(bh2u(delayed_pubkey))) + bytes([opcodes.OP_ENDIF, opcodes.OP_CHECKSIG])
       -    local_address = bitcoin.redeem_script_to_address('p2wsh', bh2u(local_script))
       -    remote_address = bitcoin.pubkey_to_address('p2wpkh', bh2u(remote_payment_pubkey))
       -    # TODO trim htlc outputs here while also considering 2nd stage htlc transactions
       -    fee = local_feerate * overall_weight(len(htlcs))
       -    fee -= trimmed * 1000
       -    assert type(fee) is int
       -    we_pay_fee = for_us == we_are_initiator
       -    to_local_amt = local_amount - (fee if we_pay_fee else 0)
       -    assert type(to_local_amt) is int
       -    to_local = (bitcoin.TYPE_ADDRESS, local_address, to_local_amt // 1000)
       -    to_remote_amt = remote_amount - (fee if not we_pay_fee else 0)
       -    assert type(to_remote_amt) is int
       -    to_remote = (bitcoin.TYPE_ADDRESS, remote_address, to_remote_amt // 1000)
       -    c_outputs = [to_local, to_remote]
       -    for script, msat_amount in htlcs:
       -        c_outputs += [(bitcoin.TYPE_ADDRESS, bitcoin.redeem_script_to_address('p2wsh', bh2u(script)), msat_amount // 1000)]
       -    # trim outputs
       -    c_outputs_filtered = list(filter(lambda x:x[2]>= dust_limit_sat, c_outputs))
       -    assert sum(x[2] for x in c_outputs) <= funding_sat
       -    # create commitment tx
       -    tx = Transaction.from_io(c_inputs, c_outputs_filtered, locktime=locktime, version=2)
       -    tx.BIP_LI01_sort()
       -    tx.htlc_output_indices = {}
       -    for idx, output in enumerate(c_outputs):
       -        if output in tx.outputs():
       -            # minus the first two outputs (to_local, to_remote)
       -            tx.htlc_output_indices[idx - 2] = tx.outputs().index(output)
       -    return tx
       -def calc_short_channel_id(block_height: int, tx_pos_in_block: int, output_index: int) -> bytes:
       -    bh = block_height.to_bytes(3, byteorder='big')
       -    tpos = tx_pos_in_block.to_bytes(3, byteorder='big')
       -    oi = output_index.to_bytes(2, byteorder='big')
       -    return bh + tpos + oi
       -def sign_and_get_sig_string(tx, local_config, remote_config):
       -    pubkeys = sorted([bh2u(local_config.multisig_key.pubkey), bh2u(remote_config.multisig_key.pubkey)])
       -    tx.sign({bh2u(local_config.multisig_key.pubkey): (local_config.multisig_key.privkey, True)})
       -    sig_index = pubkeys.index(bh2u(local_config.multisig_key.pubkey))
       -    sig = bytes.fromhex(tx.inputs()[0]["signatures"][sig_index])
       -    r, s = sigdecode_der(sig[:-1], SECP256k1.generator.order())
       -    sig_64 = sigencode_string_canonize(r, s, SECP256k1.generator.order())
       -    return sig_64
       -def is_synced(network):
       -    local_height, server_height = network.get_status_value("updated")
       -    synced = server_height != 0 and network.is_up_to_date() and local_height >= server_height
       -    return synced
       -def funding_output_script(local_config, remote_config):
       -    pubkeys = sorted([bh2u(local_config.multisig_key.pubkey), bh2u(remote_config.multisig_key.pubkey)])
       -    return transaction.multisig_script(pubkeys, 2)
        class Peer(PrintError):
            def __init__(self, lnworker, host, port, pubkey, request_initial_sync=False):
       t@@ -864,7 +531,7 @@ class Peer(PrintError):
                msg = gen_msg(
       -            chain_hash=bytes.fromhex(rev_hex(constants.net.GENESIS)),
       +            chain_hash=REV_GENESIS,
       t@@ -1065,7 +732,7 @@ class Peer(PrintError):
                    #features not set (defaults to zeros)
       -            chain_hash=bytes.fromhex(rev_hex(constants.net.GENESIS)),
       +            chain_hash=REV_GENESIS,
       t@@ -1107,7 +774,7 @@ class Peer(PrintError):
                chan_ann = gen_msg("channel_announcement",
                    #features not set (defaults to zeros)
       -            chain_hash=bytes.fromhex(rev_hex(constants.net.GENESIS)),
       +            chain_hash=REV_GENESIS,
       t@@ -1217,7 +884,7 @@ class Peer(PrintError):
                # TODO process above commitment transactions
       -        bare_ctx = make_commitment_using_open_channel(chan, chan.remote_state.ctn + 1, False, chan.remote_state.next_per_commitment_point,
       +        bare_ctx = chan.make_commitment(chan.remote_state.ctn + 1, False, chan.remote_state.next_per_commitment_point,
                    msat_remote, msat_local)
                sig_64 = sign_and_get_sig_string(bare_ctx, chan.local_config, chan.remote_config)
       t@@ -1249,7 +916,7 @@ class Peer(PrintError):
            async def receive_commitment_revoke_ack(self, htlc, decoded, payment_preimage):
                chan = self.channels[htlc['channel_id']]
                channel_id = chan.channel_id
       -        expected_received_msat = int(decoded.amount * COIN * 1000)
       +        expected_received_msat = int(decoded.amount * bitcoin.COIN * 1000)
                htlc_id = int.from_bytes(htlc["id"], 'big')
                assert htlc_id == chan.remote_state.next_htlc_id, (htlc_id, chan.remote_state.next_htlc_id)
       t@@ -1279,7 +946,7 @@ class Peer(PrintError):
                self.send_message(gen_msg("update_fulfill_htlc", channel_id=channel_id, id=htlc_id, payment_preimage=payment_preimage))
                # remote commitment transaction without htlcs
       -        bare_ctx = make_commitment_using_open_channel(m, m.remote_state.ctn + 1, False, m.remote_state.next_per_commitment_point,
       +        bare_ctx = chan.make_commitment(m.remote_state.ctn + 1, False, m.remote_state.next_per_commitment_point,
                    m.remote_state.amount_msat - expected_received_msat, m.local_state.amount_msat + expected_received_msat)
                sig_64 = sign_and_get_sig_string(bare_ctx, m.local_config, m.remote_config)
                self.send_message(gen_msg("commitment_signed", channel_id=channel_id, signature=sig_64, num_htlcs=0))
       t@@ -1333,13 +1000,4 @@ class Peer(PrintError):
                self.channels[channel_id].update_fee(int.from_bytes(payload["feerate_per_kw"], "big"))
       -def count_trailing_zeros(index):
       -    """ BOLT-03 (where_to_put_secret) """
       -    try:
       -        return list(reversed(bin(index)[2:])).index("1")
       -    except ValueError:
       -        return 48
       -ShachainElement = namedtuple("ShachainElement", ["secret", "index"])
       -ShachainElement.__str__ = lambda self: "ShachainElement(" + bh2u(self.secret) + "," + str(self.index) + ")"
   DIR diff --git a/lib/lnhtlc.py b/lib/lnhtlc.py
       t@@ -1,17 +1,17 @@
        # ported from lnd 42de4400bff5105352d0552155f73589166d162b
       +from collections import namedtuple
        import binascii
        import json
       -from ecdsa.util import sigencode_string_canonize, sigdecode_der
        from .util import bfh, PrintError
        from .bitcoin import Hash
       -from collections import namedtuple
       -from ecdsa.curves import SECP256k1
        from .crypto import sha256
        from . import ecc
       -from . import lnbase
       -from .lnbase import Outpoint, ChannelConfig, LocalState, RemoteState, Keypair, OnlyPubkeyKeypair, ChannelConstraints, RevocationStore
       +from .lnutil import Outpoint, ChannelConfig, LocalState, RemoteState, Keypair, OnlyPubkeyKeypair, ChannelConstraints, RevocationStore
       +from .lnutil import get_per_commitment_secret_from_seed
       +from .lnutil import secret_to_pubkey, derive_privkey, derive_pubkey, derive_blinded_pubkey
       +from .lnutil import sign_and_get_sig_string
       +from .lnutil import make_htlc_tx_with_open_channel, make_commitment, make_received_htlc, make_offered_htlc
       +from .lnutil import HTLC_TIMEOUT_WEIGHT, HTLC_SUCCESS_WEIGHT
        SettleHtlc = namedtuple("SettleHtlc", ["htlc_id"])
        RevokeAndAck = namedtuple("RevokeAndAck", ["per_commitment_secret", "next_per_commitment_point"])
       t@@ -149,7 +149,6 @@ class HTLCStateMachine(PrintError):
                any). The HTLC signatures are sorted according to the BIP 69 order of the
                HTLC's on the commitment transaction.
       -        from .lnbase import sign_and_get_sig_string, derive_privkey, make_htlc_tx_with_open_channel
                for htlc in self.local_update_log:
                    if not type(htlc) is UpdateAddHtlc: continue
                    if htlc.l_locked_in is None: htlc.l_locked_in = self.local_state.ctn
       t@@ -168,15 +167,14 @@ class HTLCStateMachine(PrintError):
                for we_receive, htlcs in zip([True, False], [self.htlcs_in_remote, self.htlcs_in_local]):
                    assert len(htlcs) <= 1
                    for htlc in htlcs:
       -                weight = lnbase.HTLC_SUCCESS_WEIGHT if we_receive else lnbase.HTLC_TIMEOUT_WEIGHT
       +                weight = HTLC_SUCCESS_WEIGHT if we_receive else HTLC_TIMEOUT_WEIGHT
                        if htlc.amount_msat // 1000 - weight * (self.constraints.feerate // 1000) < self.remote_config.dust_limit_sat:
                        original_htlc_output_index = 0
                        args = [self.remote_state.next_per_commitment_point, for_us, we_receive, htlc.amount_msat + htlc.total_fee, htlc.cltv_expiry, htlc.payment_hash, self.remote_commitment, original_htlc_output_index]
                        htlc_tx = make_htlc_tx_with_open_channel(self, *args)
                        sig = bfh(htlc_tx.sign_txin(0, their_remote_htlc_privkey))
       -                r, s = sigdecode_der(sig[:-1], SECP256k1.generator.order())
       -                htlc_sig = sigencode_string_canonize(r, s, SECP256k1.generator.order())
       +                htlc_sig = ecc.sig_string_from_der_sig(sig[:-1])
                return sig_64, htlcsigs
       t@@ -192,7 +190,6 @@ class HTLCStateMachine(PrintError):
                state, then this newly added commitment becomes our current accepted channel
       -        from .lnbase import make_htlc_tx_with_open_channel , derive_pubkey
                for htlc in self.remote_update_log:
       t@@ -252,7 +249,6 @@ class HTLCStateMachine(PrintError):
            def points(self):
       -        from .lnbase import get_per_commitment_secret_from_seed, secret_to_pubkey
                last_small_num = self.local_state.ctn
                next_small_num = last_small_num + 2
                this_small_num = last_small_num + 1
       t@@ -356,7 +352,6 @@ class HTLCStateMachine(PrintError):
            def remote_commitment(self):
       -        from .lnbase import make_commitment_using_open_channel, make_received_htlc, make_offered_htlc, derive_pubkey, derive_blinded_pubkey
                remote_msat, total_fee_remote, local_msat, total_fee_local = self.amounts()
                assert local_msat >= 0
                assert remote_msat >= 0
       t@@ -371,7 +366,7 @@ class HTLCStateMachine(PrintError):
                htlcs_in_local = []
                for htlc in self.htlcs_in_local:
       -            if htlc.amount_msat // 1000 - lnbase.HTLC_SUCCESS_WEIGHT * (self.constraints.feerate // 1000) < self.remote_config.dust_limit_sat:
       +            if htlc.amount_msat // 1000 - HTLC_SUCCESS_WEIGHT * (self.constraints.feerate // 1000) < self.remote_config.dust_limit_sat:
                        trimmed += htlc.amount_msat // 1000
       t@@ -379,20 +374,19 @@ class HTLCStateMachine(PrintError):
                htlcs_in_remote = []
                for htlc in self.htlcs_in_remote:
       -            if htlc.amount_msat // 1000 - lnbase.HTLC_TIMEOUT_WEIGHT * (self.constraints.feerate // 1000) < self.remote_config.dust_limit_sat:
       +            if htlc.amount_msat // 1000 - HTLC_TIMEOUT_WEIGHT * (self.constraints.feerate // 1000) < self.remote_config.dust_limit_sat:
                        trimmed += htlc.amount_msat // 1000
                        ( make_offered_htlc(local_revocation_pubkey, local_htlc_pubkey, remote_htlc_pubkey, htlc.payment_hash), htlc.amount_msat + htlc.total_fee))
       -        commit = make_commitment_using_open_channel(self, self.remote_state.ctn + 1,
       +        commit = self.make_commitment(self.remote_state.ctn + 1,
                    False, this_point,
                    remote_msat - total_fee_remote, local_msat - total_fee_local, htlcs_in_local + htlcs_in_remote, trimmed)
                return commit
            def local_commitment(self):
       -        from .lnbase import make_commitment_using_open_channel, make_received_htlc, make_offered_htlc, derive_pubkey, derive_blinded_pubkey, get_per_commitment_secret_from_seed, secret_to_pubkey
                remote_msat, total_fee_remote, local_msat, total_fee_local = self.amounts()
                assert local_msat >= 0
                assert remote_msat >= 0
       t@@ -407,7 +401,7 @@ class HTLCStateMachine(PrintError):
                htlcs_in_local = []
                for htlc in self.htlcs_in_local:
       -            if htlc.amount_msat // 1000 - lnbase.HTLC_TIMEOUT_WEIGHT * (self.constraints.feerate // 1000) < self.local_config.dust_limit_sat:
       +            if htlc.amount_msat // 1000 - HTLC_TIMEOUT_WEIGHT * (self.constraints.feerate // 1000) < self.local_config.dust_limit_sat:
                        trimmed += htlc.amount_msat // 1000
       t@@ -415,13 +409,13 @@ class HTLCStateMachine(PrintError):
                htlcs_in_remote = []
                for htlc in self.htlcs_in_remote:
       -            if htlc.amount_msat // 1000 - lnbase.HTLC_SUCCESS_WEIGHT * (self.constraints.feerate // 1000) < self.local_config.dust_limit_sat:
       +            if htlc.amount_msat // 1000 - HTLC_SUCCESS_WEIGHT * (self.constraints.feerate // 1000) < self.local_config.dust_limit_sat:
                        trimmed += htlc.amount_msat // 1000
                        ( make_received_htlc(remote_revocation_pubkey, remote_htlc_pubkey, local_htlc_pubkey, htlc.payment_hash, htlc.cltv_expiry), htlc.amount_msat + htlc.total_fee))
       -        commit = make_commitment_using_open_channel(self, self.local_state.ctn + 1,
       +        commit = self.make_commitment(self.local_state.ctn + 1,
                    True, this_point,
                    local_msat - total_fee_local, remote_msat - total_fee_remote, htlcs_in_local + htlcs_in_remote, trimmed)
                return commit
       t@@ -523,3 +517,29 @@ class HTLCStateMachine(PrintError):
            def __str__(self):
                return self.serialize()
       +    def make_commitment(chan, ctn, for_us, pcp, local_msat, remote_msat, htlcs=[], trimmed=0):
       +        conf = chan.local_config if for_us else chan.remote_config
       +        other_conf = chan.local_config if not for_us else chan.remote_config
       +        payment_pubkey = derive_pubkey(other_conf.payment_basepoint.pubkey, pcp)
       +        remote_revocation_pubkey = derive_blinded_pubkey(other_conf.revocation_basepoint.pubkey, pcp)
       +        return make_commitment(
       +            ctn,
       +            conf.multisig_key.pubkey,
       +            other_conf.multisig_key.pubkey,
       +            payment_pubkey,
       +            chan.local_config.payment_basepoint.pubkey,
       +            chan.remote_config.payment_basepoint.pubkey,
       +            remote_revocation_pubkey,
       +            derive_pubkey(conf.delayed_basepoint.pubkey, pcp),
       +            other_conf.to_self_delay,
       +            *chan.funding_outpoint,
       +            chan.constraints.capacity,
       +            local_msat,
       +            remote_msat,
       +            chan.local_config.dust_limit_sat,
       +            chan.constraints.feerate,
       +            for_us,
       +            chan.constraints.is_initiator,
       +            htlcs=htlcs,
       +            trimmed=trimmed)
   DIR diff --git a/lib/lnrouter.py b/lib/lnrouter.py
       t@@ -40,8 +40,8 @@ from . import bitcoin
        from . import ecc
        from . import crypto
        from .crypto import sha256
       -from .util import PrintError, bh2u, print_error, bfh, profiler, xor_bytes
       -from . import lnbase
       +from .util import PrintError, bh2u, profiler, xor_bytes
       +from .lnutil import get_ecdh
        class ChannelInfo(PrintError):
       t@@ -368,7 +368,7 @@ def get_shared_secrets_along_route(payment_path_pubkeys: Sequence[bytes],
            ephemeral_key = session_key
            # compute shared key for each hop
            for i in range(0, num_hops):
       -        hop_shared_secrets[i] = lnbase.get_ecdh(ephemeral_key, payment_path_pubkeys[i])
       +        hop_shared_secrets[i] = get_ecdh(ephemeral_key, payment_path_pubkeys[i])
                ephemeral_pubkey = ecc.ECPrivkey(ephemeral_key).get_public_key_bytes()
                blinding_factor = sha256(ephemeral_pubkey + hop_shared_secrets[i])
                blinding_factor_int = int.from_bytes(blinding_factor, byteorder="big")
       t@@ -435,7 +435,7 @@ ProcessedOnionPacket = namedtuple("ProcessedOnionPacket", ["are_we_final", "hop_
        # TODO replay protection
        def process_onion_packet(onion_packet: OnionPacket, associated_data: bytes,
                                 our_onion_private_key: bytes) -> ProcessedOnionPacket:
       -    shared_secret = lnbase.get_ecdh(our_onion_private_key, onion_packet.public_key)
       +    shared_secret = get_ecdh(our_onion_private_key, onion_packet.public_key)
            # check message integrity
            mu_key = get_bolt04_onion_key(b'mu', shared_secret)
       t@@ -519,5 +519,7 @@ def get_failure_msg_from_onion_error(decrypted_error_packet: bytes) -> OnionRout
            return OnionRoutingFailureMessage(failure_code, failure_data)
        # <----- bolt 04, "onion"
   DIR diff --git a/lib/lnutil.py b/lib/lnutil.py
       t@@ -0,0 +1,315 @@
       +from .util import bfh, bh2u
       +from .crypto import sha256
       +import json
       +from collections import namedtuple
       +from .transaction import Transaction
       +from .ecc import CURVE_ORDER, generator, sig_string_from_der_sig, ECPubkey, string_to_number
       +from . import ecc, bitcoin, crypto, transaction
       +from .transaction import opcodes
       +from .bitcoin import push_script
       +Keypair = namedtuple("Keypair", ["pubkey", "privkey"])
       +Outpoint = namedtuple("Outpoint", ["txid", "output_index"])
       +ChannelConfig = namedtuple("ChannelConfig", [
       +    "payment_basepoint", "multisig_key", "htlc_basepoint", "delayed_basepoint", "revocation_basepoint",
       +    "to_self_delay", "dust_limit_sat", "max_htlc_value_in_flight_msat", "max_accepted_htlcs"])
       +OnlyPubkeyKeypair = namedtuple("OnlyPubkeyKeypair", ["pubkey"])
       +RemoteState = namedtuple("RemoteState", ["ctn", "next_per_commitment_point", "amount_msat", "revocation_store", "current_per_commitment_point", "next_htlc_id"])
       +LocalState = namedtuple("LocalState", ["ctn", "per_commitment_secret_seed", "amount_msat", "next_htlc_id", "funding_locked_received", "was_announced", "current_commitment_signature"])
       +ChannelConstraints = namedtuple("ChannelConstraints", ["feerate", "capacity", "is_initiator", "funding_txn_minimum_depth"])
       +#OpenChannel = namedtuple("OpenChannel", ["channel_id", "short_channel_id", "funding_outpoint", "local_config", "remote_config", "remote_state", "local_state", "constraints", "node_id"])
       +class RevocationStore:
       +    """ taken from lnd """
       +    def __init__(self):
       +        self.buckets = [None] * 48
       +        self.index = 2**48 - 1
       +    def add_next_entry(self, hsh):
       +        new_element = ShachainElement(index=self.index, secret=hsh)
       +        bucket = count_trailing_zeros(self.index)
       +        for i in range(0, bucket):
       +            this_bucket = self.buckets[i]
       +            e = shachain_derive(new_element, this_bucket.index)
       +            if e != this_bucket:
       +                raise Exception("hash is not derivable: {} {} {}".format(bh2u(e.secret), bh2u(this_bucket.secret), this_bucket.index))
       +        self.buckets[bucket] = new_element
       +        self.index -= 1
       +    def serialize(self):
       +        return {"index": self.index, "buckets": [[bh2u(k.secret), k.index] if k is not None else None for k in self.buckets]}
       +    @staticmethod
       +    def from_json_obj(decoded_json_obj):
       +        store = RevocationStore()
       +        decode = lambda to_decode: ShachainElement(bfh(to_decode[0]), int(to_decode[1]))
       +        store.buckets = [k if k is None else decode(k) for k in decoded_json_obj["buckets"]]
       +        store.index = decoded_json_obj["index"]
       +        return store
       +    def __eq__(self, o):
       +        return type(o) is RevocationStore and self.serialize() == o.serialize()
       +    def __hash__(self):
       +        return hash(json.dumps(self.serialize(), sort_keys=True))
       +def count_trailing_zeros(index):
       +    """ BOLT-03 (where_to_put_secret) """
       +    try:
       +        return list(reversed(bin(index)[2:])).index("1")
       +    except ValueError:
       +        return 48
       +def shachain_derive(element, toIndex):
       +    return ShachainElement(get_per_commitment_secret_from_seed(element.secret, toIndex, count_trailing_zeros(element.index)), toIndex)
       +ShachainElement = namedtuple("ShachainElement", ["secret", "index"])
       +ShachainElement.__str__ = lambda self: "ShachainElement(" + bh2u(self.secret) + "," + str(self.index) + ")"
       +def get_per_commitment_secret_from_seed(seed: bytes, i: int, bits: int = 48) -> bytes:
       +    """Generate per commitment secret."""
       +    per_commitment_secret = bytearray(seed)
       +    for bitindex in range(bits - 1, -1, -1):
       +        mask = 1 << bitindex
       +        if i & mask:
       +            per_commitment_secret[bitindex // 8] ^= 1 << (bitindex % 8)
       +            per_commitment_secret = bytearray(sha256(per_commitment_secret))
       +    bajts = bytes(per_commitment_secret)
       +    return bajts
       +def secret_to_pubkey(secret):
       +    assert type(secret) is int
       +    return (ecc.generator() * secret).get_public_key_bytes()
       +def derive_pubkey(basepoint, per_commitment_point):
       +    p = ecc.ECPubkey(basepoint) + ecc.generator() * ecc.string_to_number(sha256(per_commitment_point + basepoint))
       +    return p.get_public_key_bytes()
       +def derive_privkey(secret, per_commitment_point):
       +    assert type(secret) is int
       +    basepoint = (ecc.generator() * secret).get_public_key_bytes()
       +    basepoint = secret + ecc.string_to_number(sha256(per_commitment_point + basepoint))
       +    basepoint %= CURVE_ORDER
       +    return basepoint
       +def derive_blinded_pubkey(basepoint, per_commitment_point):
       +    k1 = ecc.ECPubkey(basepoint) * ecc.string_to_number(sha256(basepoint + per_commitment_point))
       +    k2 = ecc.ECPubkey(per_commitment_point) * ecc.string_to_number(sha256(per_commitment_point + basepoint))
       +    return (k1 + k2).get_public_key_bytes()
       +def make_htlc_tx_output(amount_msat, local_feerate, revocationpubkey, local_delayedpubkey, success, to_self_delay):
       +    assert type(amount_msat) is int
       +    assert type(local_feerate) is int
       +    assert type(revocationpubkey) is bytes
       +    assert type(local_delayedpubkey) is bytes
       +    script = bytes([opcodes.OP_IF]) \
       +        + bfh(push_script(bh2u(revocationpubkey))) \
       +        + bytes([opcodes.OP_ELSE]) \
       +        + bitcoin.add_number_to_script(to_self_delay) \
       +        + bytes([opcodes.OP_CSV, opcodes.OP_DROP]) \
       +        + bfh(push_script(bh2u(local_delayedpubkey))) \
       +        + bytes([opcodes.OP_ENDIF, opcodes.OP_CHECKSIG])
       +    p2wsh = bitcoin.redeem_script_to_address('p2wsh', bh2u(script))
       +    weight = HTLC_SUCCESS_WEIGHT if success else HTLC_TIMEOUT_WEIGHT
       +    fee = local_feerate * weight
       +    final_amount_sat = (amount_msat - fee) // 1000
       +    assert final_amount_sat > 0, final_amount_sat
       +    output = (bitcoin.TYPE_ADDRESS, p2wsh, final_amount_sat)
       +    return output
       +def make_htlc_tx_witness(remotehtlcsig, localhtlcsig, payment_preimage, witness_script):
       +    assert type(remotehtlcsig) is bytes
       +    assert type(localhtlcsig) is bytes
       +    assert type(payment_preimage) is bytes
       +    assert type(witness_script) is bytes
       +    return bfh(transaction.construct_witness([0, remotehtlcsig, localhtlcsig, payment_preimage, witness_script]))
       +def make_htlc_tx_inputs(htlc_output_txid, htlc_output_index, revocationpubkey, local_delayedpubkey, amount_msat, witness_script):
       +    assert type(htlc_output_txid) is str
       +    assert type(htlc_output_index) is int
       +    assert type(revocationpubkey) is bytes
       +    assert type(local_delayedpubkey) is bytes
       +    assert type(amount_msat) is int
       +    assert type(witness_script) is str
       +    c_inputs = [{
       +        'scriptSig': '',
       +        'type': 'p2wsh',
       +        'signatures': [],
       +        'num_sig': 0,
       +        'prevout_n': htlc_output_index,
       +        'prevout_hash': htlc_output_txid,
       +        'value': amount_msat // 1000,
       +        'coinbase': False,
       +        'sequence': 0x0,
       +        'preimage_script': witness_script,
       +    }]
       +    return c_inputs
       +def make_htlc_tx(cltv_timeout, inputs, output):
       +    assert type(cltv_timeout) is int
       +    c_outputs = [output]
       +    tx = Transaction.from_io(inputs, c_outputs, locktime=cltv_timeout, version=2)
       +    tx.BIP_LI01_sort()
       +    return tx
       +def make_offered_htlc(revocation_pubkey, remote_htlcpubkey, local_htlcpubkey, payment_hash):
       +    assert type(revocation_pubkey) is bytes
       +    assert type(remote_htlcpubkey) is bytes
       +    assert type(local_htlcpubkey) is bytes
       +    assert type(payment_hash) is bytes
       +    return bytes([opcodes.OP_DUP, opcodes.OP_HASH160]) + bfh(push_script(bh2u(bitcoin.hash_160(revocation_pubkey))))\
       +        + bytes([opcodes.OP_EQUAL, opcodes.OP_IF, opcodes.OP_CHECKSIG, opcodes.OP_ELSE]) \
       +        + bfh(push_script(bh2u(remote_htlcpubkey)))\
       +        + bytes([opcodes.OP_SWAP, opcodes.OP_SIZE]) + bitcoin.add_number_to_script(32) + bytes([opcodes.OP_EQUAL, opcodes.OP_NOTIF, opcodes.OP_DROP])\
       +        + bitcoin.add_number_to_script(2) + bytes([opcodes.OP_SWAP]) + bfh(push_script(bh2u(local_htlcpubkey))) + bitcoin.add_number_to_script(2)\
       +        + bytes([opcodes.OP_CHECKMULTISIG, opcodes.OP_ELSE, opcodes.OP_HASH160])\
       +        + bfh(push_script(bh2u(crypto.ripemd(payment_hash)))) + bytes([opcodes.OP_EQUALVERIFY, opcodes.OP_CHECKSIG, opcodes.OP_ENDIF, opcodes.OP_ENDIF])
       +def make_received_htlc(revocation_pubkey, remote_htlcpubkey, local_htlcpubkey, payment_hash, cltv_expiry):
       +    for i in [revocation_pubkey, remote_htlcpubkey, local_htlcpubkey, payment_hash]:
       +        assert type(i) is bytes
       +    assert type(cltv_expiry) is int
       +    return bytes([opcodes.OP_DUP, opcodes.OP_HASH160]) \
       +        + bfh(push_script(bh2u(bitcoin.hash_160(revocation_pubkey)))) \
       +        + bytes([opcodes.OP_EQUAL, opcodes.OP_IF, opcodes.OP_CHECKSIG, opcodes.OP_ELSE]) \
       +        + bfh(push_script(bh2u(remote_htlcpubkey))) \
       +        + bytes([opcodes.OP_SWAP, opcodes.OP_SIZE]) \
       +        + bitcoin.add_number_to_script(32) \
       +        + bytes([opcodes.OP_EQUAL, opcodes.OP_IF, opcodes.OP_HASH160]) \
       +        + bfh(push_script(bh2u(crypto.ripemd(payment_hash)))) \
       +        + bytes([opcodes.OP_EQUALVERIFY]) \
       +        + bitcoin.add_number_to_script(2) \
       +        + bytes([opcodes.OP_SWAP]) \
       +        + bfh(push_script(bh2u(local_htlcpubkey))) \
       +        + bitcoin.add_number_to_script(2) \
       +        + bytes([opcodes.OP_CHECKMULTISIG, opcodes.OP_ELSE, opcodes.OP_DROP]) \
       +        + bitcoin.add_number_to_script(cltv_expiry) \
       +        + bytes([opcodes.OP_CLTV, opcodes.OP_DROP, opcodes.OP_CHECKSIG, opcodes.OP_ENDIF, opcodes.OP_ENDIF])
       +def make_htlc_tx_with_open_channel(chan, pcp, for_us, we_receive, amount_msat, cltv_expiry, payment_hash, commit, original_htlc_output_index):
       +    conf = chan.local_config if for_us else chan.remote_config
       +    other_conf = chan.local_config if not for_us else chan.remote_config
       +    revocation_pubkey = derive_blinded_pubkey(other_conf.revocation_basepoint.pubkey, pcp)
       +    delayedpubkey = derive_pubkey(conf.delayed_basepoint.pubkey, pcp)
       +    other_revocation_pubkey = derive_blinded_pubkey(other_conf.revocation_basepoint.pubkey, pcp)
       +    other_htlc_pubkey = derive_pubkey(other_conf.htlc_basepoint.pubkey, pcp)
       +    htlc_pubkey = derive_pubkey(conf.htlc_basepoint.pubkey, pcp)
       +    # HTLC-success for the HTLC spending from a received HTLC output
       +    # if we do not receive, and the commitment tx is not for us, they receive, so it is also an HTLC-success
       +    is_htlc_success = for_us == we_receive
       +    htlc_tx_output = make_htlc_tx_output(
       +        amount_msat = amount_msat,
       +        local_feerate = chan.constraints.feerate,
       +        revocationpubkey=revocation_pubkey,
       +        local_delayedpubkey=delayedpubkey,
       +        success = is_htlc_success,
       +        to_self_delay = other_conf.to_self_delay)
       +    if is_htlc_success:
       +        preimage_script = make_received_htlc(other_revocation_pubkey, other_htlc_pubkey, htlc_pubkey, payment_hash, cltv_expiry)
       +    else:
       +        preimage_script = make_offered_htlc(other_revocation_pubkey, other_htlc_pubkey, htlc_pubkey, payment_hash)
       +    htlc_tx_inputs = make_htlc_tx_inputs(
       +        commit.txid(), commit.htlc_output_indices[original_htlc_output_index],
       +        revocationpubkey=revocation_pubkey,
       +        local_delayedpubkey=delayedpubkey,
       +        amount_msat=amount_msat,
       +        witness_script=bh2u(preimage_script))
       +    if is_htlc_success:
       +        cltv_expiry = 0
       +    htlc_tx = make_htlc_tx(cltv_expiry, inputs=htlc_tx_inputs, output=htlc_tx_output)
       +    return htlc_tx
       +def make_commitment(ctn, local_funding_pubkey, remote_funding_pubkey,
       +                    remote_payment_pubkey, payment_basepoint,
       +                    remote_payment_basepoint, revocation_pubkey,
       +                    delayed_pubkey, to_self_delay, funding_txid,
       +                    funding_pos, funding_sat, local_amount, remote_amount,
       +                    dust_limit_sat, local_feerate, for_us, we_are_initiator,
       +                    htlcs, trimmed=0):
       +    pubkeys = sorted([bh2u(local_funding_pubkey), bh2u(remote_funding_pubkey)])
       +    payments = [payment_basepoint, remote_payment_basepoint]
       +    if not we_are_initiator:
       +        payments.reverse()
       +    obs = get_obscured_ctn(ctn, *payments)
       +    locktime = (0x20 << 24) + (obs & 0xffffff)
       +    sequence = (0x80 << 24) + (obs >> 24)
       +    # commitment tx input
       +    c_inputs = [{
       +        'type': 'p2wsh',
       +        'x_pubkeys': pubkeys,
       +        'signatures': [None, None],
       +        'num_sig': 2,
       +        'prevout_n': funding_pos,
       +        'prevout_hash': funding_txid,
       +        'value': funding_sat,
       +        'coinbase': False,
       +        'sequence': sequence
       +    }]
       +    # commitment tx outputs
       +    local_script = bytes([opcodes.OP_IF]) + bfh(push_script(bh2u(revocation_pubkey))) + bytes([opcodes.OP_ELSE]) + bitcoin.add_number_to_script(to_self_delay) \
       +                   + bytes([opcodes.OP_CSV, opcodes.OP_DROP]) + bfh(push_script(bh2u(delayed_pubkey))) + bytes([opcodes.OP_ENDIF, opcodes.OP_CHECKSIG])
       +    local_address = bitcoin.redeem_script_to_address('p2wsh', bh2u(local_script))
       +    remote_address = bitcoin.pubkey_to_address('p2wpkh', bh2u(remote_payment_pubkey))
       +    # TODO trim htlc outputs here while also considering 2nd stage htlc transactions
       +    fee = local_feerate * overall_weight(len(htlcs))
       +    fee -= trimmed * 1000
       +    assert type(fee) is int
       +    we_pay_fee = for_us == we_are_initiator
       +    to_local_amt = local_amount - (fee if we_pay_fee else 0)
       +    assert type(to_local_amt) is int
       +    to_local = (bitcoin.TYPE_ADDRESS, local_address, to_local_amt // 1000)
       +    to_remote_amt = remote_amount - (fee if not we_pay_fee else 0)
       +    assert type(to_remote_amt) is int
       +    to_remote = (bitcoin.TYPE_ADDRESS, remote_address, to_remote_amt // 1000)
       +    c_outputs = [to_local, to_remote]
       +    for script, msat_amount in htlcs:
       +        c_outputs += [(bitcoin.TYPE_ADDRESS, bitcoin.redeem_script_to_address('p2wsh', bh2u(script)), msat_amount // 1000)]
       +    # trim outputs
       +    c_outputs_filtered = list(filter(lambda x:x[2]>= dust_limit_sat, c_outputs))
       +    assert sum(x[2] for x in c_outputs) <= funding_sat
       +    # create commitment tx
       +    tx = Transaction.from_io(c_inputs, c_outputs_filtered, locktime=locktime, version=2)
       +    tx.BIP_LI01_sort()
       +    tx.htlc_output_indices = {}
       +    for idx, output in enumerate(c_outputs):
       +        if output in tx.outputs():
       +            # minus the first two outputs (to_local, to_remote)
       +            tx.htlc_output_indices[idx - 2] = tx.outputs().index(output)
       +    return tx
       +def sign_and_get_sig_string(tx, local_config, remote_config):
       +    pubkeys = sorted([bh2u(local_config.multisig_key.pubkey), bh2u(remote_config.multisig_key.pubkey)])
       +    tx.sign({bh2u(local_config.multisig_key.pubkey): (local_config.multisig_key.privkey, True)})
       +    sig_index = pubkeys.index(bh2u(local_config.multisig_key.pubkey))
       +    sig = bytes.fromhex(tx.inputs()[0]["signatures"][sig_index])
       +    sig_64 = sig_string_from_der_sig(sig[:-1])
       +    return sig_64
       +def funding_output_script(local_config, remote_config):
       +    pubkeys = sorted([bh2u(local_config.multisig_key.pubkey), bh2u(remote_config.multisig_key.pubkey)])
       +    return transaction.multisig_script(pubkeys, 2)
       +def calc_short_channel_id(block_height: int, tx_pos_in_block: int, output_index: int) -> bytes:
       +    bh = block_height.to_bytes(3, byteorder='big')
       +    tpos = tx_pos_in_block.to_bytes(3, byteorder='big')
       +    oi = output_index.to_bytes(2, byteorder='big')
       +    return bh + tpos + oi
       +def get_obscured_ctn(ctn, local, remote):
       +    mask = int.from_bytes(sha256(local + remote)[-6:], 'big')
       +    return ctn ^ mask
       +def overall_weight(num_htlc):
       +    return 500 + 172 * num_htlc + 224
       +def get_ecdh(priv: bytes, pub: bytes) -> bytes:
       +    pt = ECPubkey(pub) * string_to_number(priv)
       +    return sha256(pt.get_public_key_bytes())
   DIR diff --git a/lib/lnwatcher.py b/lib/lnwatcher.py
       t@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
        from .util import PrintError
       -from .lnbase import funding_output_script
       +from .lnutil import funding_output_script
        from .bitcoin import redeem_script_to_address
        class LNWatcher(PrintError):
   DIR diff --git a/lib/lnworker.py b/lib/lnworker.py
       t@@ -10,12 +10,12 @@ from . import constants
        from .bitcoin import sha256, COIN
        from .util import bh2u, bfh, PrintError
        from .constants import set_testnet, set_simnet
       -from .lnbase import Peer, calc_short_channel_id, privkey_to_pubkey
       +from .lnbase import Peer, privkey_to_pubkey
        from .lightning_payencode.lnaddr import lnencode, LnAddr, lndecode
       -from .ecc import ECPrivkey, CURVE_ORDER, der_sig_from_sig_string
       +from .ecc import der_sig_from_sig_string
        from .transaction import Transaction
        from .lnhtlc import HTLCStateMachine
       -from .lnbase import Outpoint
       +from .lnutil import Outpoint, calc_short_channel_id
        # hardcoded nodes
        node_list = [
       t@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ class LNWorker(PrintError):
                    wallet.storage.put('lightning_privkey', pk)
                self.privkey = bfh(pk)
       -        self.pubkey = ECPrivkey(self.privkey).get_public_key_bytes()
       +        self.pubkey = privkey_to_pubkey(self.privkey)
                self.config = network.config
                self.peers = {}
                self.channels = {x.channel_id: x for x in map(HTLCStateMachine, wallet.storage.get("channels", []))}
       t@@ -157,8 +157,6 @@ class LNWorker(PrintError):
                RHASH = sha256(payment_preimage)
                amount_btc = amount_sat/Decimal(COIN) if amount_sat else None
                pay_req = lnencode(LnAddr(RHASH, amount_btc, tags=[('d', message)]), self.privkey)
       -        decoded = lndecode(pay_req, expected_hrp=constants.net.SEGWIT_HRP)
       -        assert decoded.pubkey.serialize() == privkey_to_pubkey(self.privkey)
                self.invoices[bh2u(payment_preimage)] = pay_req
                self.wallet.storage.put('lightning_invoices', self.invoices)
   DIR diff --git a/lib/tests/test_lnbase.py b/lib/tests/test_lnbase.py
       t@@ -1,819 +0,0 @@
       -import binascii
       -import json
       -import unittest
       -from lib.util import bh2u, bfh
       -from lib.lnbase import make_commitment, get_obscured_ctn, Peer, make_offered_htlc, make_received_htlc, make_htlc_tx
       -from lib.lnbase import secret_to_pubkey, derive_pubkey, derive_privkey, derive_blinded_pubkey, overall_weight
       -from lib.lnbase import make_htlc_tx_output, make_htlc_tx_inputs, get_per_commitment_secret_from_seed, make_htlc_tx_witness
       -from lib.lnrouter import OnionHopsDataSingle, new_onion_packet, OnionPerHop
       -from lib.lnbase import RevocationStore
       -from lib.transaction import Transaction
       -from lib import bitcoin
       -import ecdsa.ellipticcurve
       -from ecdsa.curves import SECP256k1
       -from lib.util import bfh
       -from lib import bitcoin, lnbase, lnrouter
       -funding_tx_id = '8984484a580b825b9972d7adb15050b3ab624ccd731946b3eeddb92f4e7ef6be'
       -funding_output_index = 0
       -funding_amount_satoshi = 10000000
       -commitment_number = 42
       -local_delay = 144
       -local_dust_limit_satoshi = 546
       -local_payment_basepoint = bytes.fromhex('034f355bdcb7cc0af728ef3cceb9615d90684bb5b2ca5f859ab0f0b704075871aa')
       -remote_payment_basepoint = bytes.fromhex('032c0b7cf95324a07d05398b240174dc0c2be444d96b159aa6c7f7b1e668680991')
       -obs = get_obscured_ctn(42, local_payment_basepoint, remote_payment_basepoint)
       -local_funding_privkey = bytes.fromhex('30ff4956bbdd3222d44cc5e8a1261dab1e07957bdac5ae88fe3261ef321f374901')
       -local_funding_pubkey = bytes.fromhex('023da092f6980e58d2c037173180e9a465476026ee50f96695963e8efe436f54eb')
       -remote_funding_pubkey = bytes.fromhex('030e9f7b623d2ccc7c9bd44d66d5ce21ce504c0acf6385a132cec6d3c39fa711c1')
       -local_privkey = bytes.fromhex('bb13b121cdc357cd2e608b0aea294afca36e2b34cf958e2e6451a2f27469449101')
       -localpubkey = bytes.fromhex('030d417a46946384f88d5f3337267c5e579765875dc4daca813e21734b140639e7')
       -remotepubkey = bytes.fromhex('0394854aa6eab5b2a8122cc726e9dded053a2184d88256816826d6231c068d4a5b')
       -local_delayedpubkey = bytes.fromhex('03fd5960528dc152014952efdb702a88f71e3c1653b2314431701ec77e57fde83c')
       -local_revocation_pubkey = bytes.fromhex('0212a140cd0c6539d07cd08dfe09984dec3251ea808b892efeac3ede9402bf2b19')
       -# funding wscript = 5221023da092f6980e58d2c037173180e9a465476026ee50f96695963e8efe436f54eb21030e9f7b623d2ccc7c9bd44d66d5ce21ce504c0acf6385a132cec6d3c39fa711c152ae
       -class Test_LNBase(unittest.TestCase):
       -    @staticmethod
       -    def parse_witness_list(witness_bytes):
       -        amount_witnesses = witness_bytes[0]
       -        witness_bytes = witness_bytes[1:]
       -        res = []
       -        for i in range(amount_witnesses):
       -            witness_length = witness_bytes[0]
       -            this_witness = witness_bytes[1:witness_length+1]
       -            assert len(this_witness) == witness_length
       -            witness_bytes = witness_bytes[witness_length+1:]
       -            res += [bytes(this_witness)]
       -        assert witness_bytes == b"", witness_bytes
       -        return res
       -    def test_simple_commitment_tx_with_no_HTLCs(self):
       -        to_local_msat = 7000000000
       -        to_remote_msat = 3000000000
       -        local_feerate_per_kw = 15000
       -        # base commitment transaction fee = 10860
       -        # actual commitment transaction fee = 10860
       -        # to_local amount 6989140 wscript 63210212a140cd0c6539d07cd08dfe09984dec3251ea808b892efeac3ede9402bf2b1967029000b2752103fd5960528dc152014952efdb702a88f71e3c1653b2314431701ec77e57fde83c68ac
       -        # to_remote amount 3000000 P2WPKH(0394854aa6eab5b2a8122cc726e9dded053a2184d88256816826d6231c068d4a5b)
       -        remote_signature = "3045022100f51d2e566a70ba740fc5d8c0f07b9b93d2ed741c3c0860c613173de7d39e7968022041376d520e9c0e1ad52248ddf4b22e12be8763007df977253ef45a4ca3bdb7c0"
       -        # local_signature = 3044022051b75c73198c6deee1a875871c3961832909acd297c6b908d59e3319e5185a46022055c419379c5051a78d00dbbce11b5b664a0c22815fbcc6fcef6b1937c3836939
       -        htlcs=[]
       -        our_commit_tx = make_commitment(
       -            commitment_number,
       -            local_funding_pubkey, remote_funding_pubkey, remotepubkey,
       -            local_payment_basepoint, remote_payment_basepoint,
       -            local_revocation_pubkey, local_delayedpubkey, local_delay,
       -            funding_tx_id, funding_output_index, funding_amount_satoshi,
       -            to_local_msat, to_remote_msat, local_dust_limit_satoshi,
       -            local_feerate_per_kw, True, we_are_initiator=True, htlcs=[])
       -        self.sign_and_insert_remote_sig(our_commit_tx, remote_funding_pubkey, remote_signature, local_funding_pubkey, local_funding_privkey)
       -        ref_commit_tx_str = '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'
       -        self.assertEqual(str(our_commit_tx), ref_commit_tx_str)
       -    def sign_and_insert_remote_sig(self, tx, remote_pubkey, remote_signature, pubkey, privkey):
       -        assert type(remote_pubkey) is bytes
       -        assert len(remote_pubkey) == 33
       -        assert type(remote_signature) is str
       -        assert type(pubkey) is bytes
       -        assert type(privkey) is bytes
       -        assert len(pubkey) == 33
       -        assert len(privkey) == 33
       -        tx.sign({bh2u(pubkey): (privkey[:-1], True)})
       -        pubkeys, _x_pubkeys = tx.get_sorted_pubkeys(tx.inputs()[0])
       -        index_of_pubkey = pubkeys.index(bh2u(remote_pubkey))
       -        tx._inputs[0]["signatures"][index_of_pubkey] = remote_signature + "01"
       -        tx.raw = None
       -    def test_commitment_tx_with_all_five_HTLCs_untrimmed_minimum_feerate(self):
       -        to_local_msat = 6988000000
       -        to_remote_msat = 3000000000
       -        local_feerate_per_kw = 0
       -        # base commitment transaction fee = 0
       -        # actual commitment transaction fee = 0
       -        per_commitment_secret = 0x1f1e1d1c1b1a191817161514131211100f0e0d0c0b0a09080706050403020100
       -        per_commitment_point = SECP256k1.generator * per_commitment_secret 
       -        remote_htlcpubkey = remotepubkey
       -        local_htlcpubkey = localpubkey
       -        htlc2_cltv_timeout = 502
       -        htlc2_payment_preimage = b"\x02" * 32
       -        htlc2 = make_offered_htlc(local_revocation_pubkey, remote_htlcpubkey, local_htlcpubkey, bitcoin.sha256(htlc2_payment_preimage))
       -        # HTLC 2 offered amount 2000
       -        ref_htlc2_wscript = "76a91414011f7254d96b819c76986c277d115efce6f7b58763ac67210394854aa6eab5b2a8122cc726e9dded053a2184d88256816826d6231c068d4a5b7c820120876475527c21030d417a46946384f88d5f3337267c5e579765875dc4daca813e21734b140639e752ae67a914b43e1b38138a41b37f7cd9a1d274bc63e3a9b5d188ac6868"
       -        self.assertEqual(htlc2, bfh(ref_htlc2_wscript))
       -        htlc3_cltv_timeout = 503
       -        htlc3_payment_preimage = b"\x03" * 32
       -        htlc3 = make_offered_htlc(local_revocation_pubkey, remote_htlcpubkey, local_htlcpubkey, bitcoin.sha256(htlc3_payment_preimage))
       -        # HTLC 3 offered amount 3000 
       -        ref_htlc3_wscript = "76a91414011f7254d96b819c76986c277d115efce6f7b58763ac67210394854aa6eab5b2a8122cc726e9dded053a2184d88256816826d6231c068d4a5b7c820120876475527c21030d417a46946384f88d5f3337267c5e579765875dc4daca813e21734b140639e752ae67a9148a486ff2e31d6158bf39e2608864d63fefd09d5b88ac6868"
       -        self.assertEqual(htlc3, bfh(ref_htlc3_wscript))
       -        htlc0_cltv_timeout = 500
       -        htlc0_payment_preimage = b"\x00" * 32
       -        htlc0 = make_received_htlc(local_revocation_pubkey, remote_htlcpubkey, local_htlcpubkey, bitcoin.sha256(htlc0_payment_preimage), htlc0_cltv_timeout)
       -        # HTLC 0 received amount 1000
       -        ref_htlc0_wscript = "76a91414011f7254d96b819c76986c277d115efce6f7b58763ac67210394854aa6eab5b2a8122cc726e9dded053a2184d88256816826d6231c068d4a5b7c8201208763a914b8bcb07f6344b42ab04250c86a6e8b75d3fdbbc688527c21030d417a46946384f88d5f3337267c5e579765875dc4daca813e21734b140639e752ae677502f401b175ac6868"
       -        self.assertEqual(htlc0, bfh(ref_htlc0_wscript))
       -        htlc1_cltv_timeout = 501
       -        htlc1_payment_preimage = b"\x01" * 32
       -        htlc1 = make_received_htlc(local_revocation_pubkey, remote_htlcpubkey, local_htlcpubkey, bitcoin.sha256(htlc1_payment_preimage), htlc1_cltv_timeout)
       -        # HTLC 1 received amount 2000 
       -        ref_htlc1_wscript = "76a91414011f7254d96b819c76986c277d115efce6f7b58763ac67210394854aa6eab5b2a8122cc726e9dded053a2184d88256816826d6231c068d4a5b7c8201208763a9144b6b2e5444c2639cc0fb7bcea5afba3f3cdce23988527c21030d417a46946384f88d5f3337267c5e579765875dc4daca813e21734b140639e752ae677502f501b175ac6868"
       -        self.assertEqual(htlc1, bfh(ref_htlc1_wscript))
       -        htlc4_cltv_timeout = 504
       -        htlc4_payment_preimage = b"\x04" * 32
       -        htlc4 = make_received_htlc(local_revocation_pubkey, remote_htlcpubkey, local_htlcpubkey, bitcoin.sha256(htlc4_payment_preimage), htlc4_cltv_timeout)
       -        # HTLC 4 received amount 4000 
       -        ref_htlc4_wscript = "76a91414011f7254d96b819c76986c277d115efce6f7b58763ac67210394854aa6eab5b2a8122cc726e9dded053a2184d88256816826d6231c068d4a5b7c8201208763a91418bc1a114ccf9c052d3d23e28d3b0a9d1227434288527c21030d417a46946384f88d5f3337267c5e579765875dc4daca813e21734b140639e752ae677502f801b175ac6868"
       -        self.assertEqual(htlc4, bfh(ref_htlc4_wscript))
       -        # to_local amount 6988000 wscript 63210212a140cd0c6539d07cd08dfe09984dec3251ea808b892efeac3ede9402bf2b1967029000b2752103fd5960528dc152014952efdb702a88f71e3c1653b2314431701ec77e57fde83c68ac
       -        # to_remote amount 3000000 P2WPKH(0394854aa6eab5b2a8122cc726e9dded053a2184d88256816826d6231c068d4a5b)
       -        remote_signature = "304402204fd4928835db1ccdfc40f5c78ce9bd65249b16348df81f0c44328dcdefc97d630220194d3869c38bc732dd87d13d2958015e2fc16829e74cd4377f84d215c0b70606"
       -        # local_signature = 30440220275b0c325a5e9355650dc30c0eccfbc7efb23987c24b556b9dfdd40effca18d202206caceb2c067836c51f296740c7ae807ffcbfbf1dd3a0d56b6de9a5b247985f06
parazyd.org:70 /git/electrum/commit/fe973a5137ecb1ed9a8b63e042363b0c7792edef.gph:1187: line too long