tmoved transaction monitoring code to a new file transactionmonitor.py - electrum-personal-server - Maximally lightweight electrum server for a single user
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   DIR commit 3a91eb324efc00ba935fc2467121b49937d22b6a
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  HTML Author: chris-belcher <chris-belcher@users.noreply.github.com>
       Date:   Wed, 21 Mar 2018 00:41:37 +0000
       moved transaction monitoring code to a new file transactionmonitor.py
         M server.py                           |     348 +++----------------------------
         A transactionmonitor.py               |     326 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
       2 files changed, 354 insertions(+), 320 deletions(-)
   DIR diff --git a/server.py b/server.py
       t@@ -3,12 +3,11 @@
        #the electrum protocol uses hash(scriptpubkey) as a key for lookups
        # as an alternative to address or scriptpubkey
       -import socket, time, json, datetime, struct, binascii, math, pprint, ssl
       +import socket, time, json, datetime, struct, binascii, ssl
        from configparser import ConfigParser, NoSectionError
       -from decimal import Decimal
        from jsonrpc import JsonRpc, JsonRpcError
       -import hashes, merkleproof, deterministicwallet
       +import hashes, merkleproof, deterministicwallet, transactionmonitor
        ADDRESSES_LABEL = "electrum-watchonly-addresses"
       t@@ -31,7 +30,6 @@ Pruning: {pruning}
        ## global variables are actually mutable lists
        subscribed_to_headers = [False]
        bestblockhash = [None]
       -last_known_recent_txid = [None]
        #log for checking up/seeing your wallet, debug for when something has gone wrong
        def debugorlog(line, ttype):
       t@@ -55,14 +53,11 @@ def send_update(sock, update):
            sock.sendall(json.dumps(update).encode('utf-8') + b'\n')
            debug('<= ' + json.dumps(update))
       -def on_heartbeat_listening(rpc, address_history, unconfirmed_txes,
       -        deterministic_wallets):
       +def on_heartbeat_listening(txmonitor):
            debug("on heartbeat listening")
       -    check_for_updated_txes(rpc, address_history, unconfirmed_txes,
       -        deterministic_wallets)
       +    txmonitor.check_for_updated_txes()
       -def on_heartbeat_connected(sock, rpc, address_history, unconfirmed_txes,
       -        deterministic_wallets):
       +def on_heartbeat_connected(sock, rpc, txmonitor):
            debug("on heartbeat connected")
            is_tip_updated, header = check_for_new_blockchain_tip(rpc)
            if is_tip_updated:
       t@@ -71,23 +66,18 @@ def on_heartbeat_connected(sock, rpc, address_history, unconfirmed_txes,
                    update = {"method": "blockchain.headers.subscribe",
                        "params": [header]}
                    send_update(sock, update)
       -    updated_scripthashes = check_for_updated_txes(rpc, address_history,
       -        unconfirmed_txes, deterministic_wallets)
       +    updated_scripthashes = txmonitor.check_for_updated_txes()
            for scrhash in updated_scripthashes:
       -        if not address_history[scrhash]["subscribed"]:
       -            continue
       -        history_hash = hashes.get_status_electrum( ((h["tx_hash"], h["height"])
       -            for h in address_history[scrhash]["history"]) )
       +        history_hash = txmonitor.get_electrum_history_hash(scrhash)
                update = {"method": "blockchain.scripthash.subscribe", "params": 
                    [scrhash, history_hash]}
                send_update(sock, update)
       -def on_disconnect(address_history):
       +def on_disconnect(txmonitor):
            subscribed_to_headers[0] = False
       -    for srchash, his in address_history.items():
       -        his["subscribed"] = False
       +    txmonitor.unsubscribe_all_addresses()
       -def handle_query(sock, line, rpc, address_history, deterministic_wallets):
       +def handle_query(sock, line, rpc, txmonitor):
            debug("=> " + line)
                query = json.loads(line)
       t@@ -123,20 +113,16 @@ def handle_query(sock, line, rpc, address_history, deterministic_wallets):
                send_response(sock, query, reply)
            elif method == "blockchain.scripthash.subscribe":
                scrhash = query["params"][0]
       -        if scrhash in address_history:
       -            address_history[scrhash]["subscribed"] = True
       -            history_hash = hashes.get_status_electrum((
       -                (h["tx_hash"], h["height"])
       -                for h in address_history[scrhash]["history"]))
       +        if txmonitor.subscribe_address(scrhash):
       +            history_hash = txmonitor.get_electrum_history_hash(scrhash)
                    log("WARNING: address scripthash not known to us: " + scrhash)
                    history_hash = hashes.get_status_electrum([])
                send_response(sock, query, history_hash)
            elif method == "blockchain.scripthash.get_history":
                scrhash = query["params"][0]
       -        if scrhash in address_history:
       -            history = address_history[scrhash]["history"]
       -        else:
       +        history = txmonitor.get_electrum_history(scrhash)
       +        if history == None:
                    history = []
                    log("WARNING: address scripthash history not known to us: "
                        + scrhash)
       t@@ -180,7 +166,7 @@ def handle_query(sock, line, rpc, address_history, deterministic_wallets):
                debug("tx broadcast result = " + str(result))
                send_response(sock, query, result)
            elif method == "mempool.get_fee_histogram":
       -        result = [] #not handling, sending empty
       +        result = [] #TODO not handling, sending empty
                send_response(sock, query, result)
            elif method == "blockchain.estimatefee":
                estimate = rpc.call("estimatesmartfee", [query["params"][0]])
       t@@ -196,8 +182,8 @@ def handle_query(sock, line, rpc, address_history, deterministic_wallets):
                blockchaininfo = rpc.call("getblockchaininfo", [])
                uptime = rpc.call("uptime", [])
                send_response(sock, query, BANNER.format(
       -            detwallets=len(deterministic_wallets),
       -            addr=len(address_history),
       +            detwallets=len(txmonitor.deterministic_wallets),
       +            addr=len(txmonitor.address_history),
       t@@ -246,8 +232,7 @@ def create_server_socket(hostport):
            log("Listening on " + str(hostport))
            return server_sock
       -def run_electrum_server(hostport, rpc, address_history, unconfirmed_txes,
       -        deterministic_wallets, poll_interval_listening,
       +def run_electrum_server(hostport, rpc, txmonitor, poll_interval_listening,
                poll_interval_connected, certfile, keyfile):
            log("Starting electrum server")
            server_sock = create_server_socket(hostport)
       t@@ -262,8 +247,7 @@ def run_electrum_server(hostport, rpc, address_history, unconfirmed_txes,
                                certfile=certfile, keyfile=keyfile,
                        except socket.timeout:
       -                    on_heartbeat_listening(rpc, address_history,
       -                        unconfirmed_txes, deterministic_wallets)
       +                    on_heartbeat_listening(txmonitor)
                        except ssl.SSLError:
                            sock = None
       t@@ -285,10 +269,9 @@ def run_electrum_server(hostport, rpc, address_history, unconfirmed_txes,
                                recv_buffer = recv_buffer[lb + 1:]
                                lb = recv_buffer.find(b'\n')
                                handle_query(sock, line.decode("utf-8"), rpc,
       -                            address_history, deterministic_wallets)
       +                            txmonitor)
                        except socket.timeout:
       -                    on_heartbeat_connected(sock, rpc, address_history,
       -                        unconfirmed_txes, deterministic_wallets)
       +                    on_heartbeat_connected(sock, rpc, txmonitor)
                except (IOError, EOFError) as e:
                    if isinstance(e, EOFError):
                        log("Electrum wallet disconnected")
       t@@ -299,284 +282,9 @@ def run_electrum_server(hostport, rpc, address_history, unconfirmed_txes,
                    except IOError:
                    sock = None
       -            on_disconnect(address_history)
       +            on_disconnect(txmonitor)
       -def get_input_and_output_scriptpubkeys(rpc, txid):
       -    gettx = rpc.call("gettransaction", [txid])
       -    txd = rpc.call("decoderawtransaction", [gettx["hex"]])
       -    output_scriptpubkeys = [out["scriptPubKey"]["hex"] for out in txd["vout"]]
       -    input_scriptpubkeys = []
       -    for inn in txd["vin"]:
       -        try:
       -            wallet_tx = rpc.call("gettransaction", [inn["txid"]])
       -        except JsonRpcError:
       -            #wallet doesnt know about this tx, so the input isnt ours
       -            continue
       -        input_decoded = rpc.call("decoderawtransaction", [wallet_tx["hex"]])
       -        script = input_decoded["vout"][inn["vout"]]["scriptPubKey"]["hex"]
       -        input_scriptpubkeys.append(script)
       -    return output_scriptpubkeys, input_scriptpubkeys, txd
       -def generate_new_history_element(rpc, tx, txd):
       -    if tx["confirmations"] == 0:
       -        unconfirmed_input = False
       -        total_input_value = 0
       -        for inn in txd["vin"]:
       -            utxo = rpc.call("gettxout", [inn["txid"], inn["vout"], True])
       -            if utxo is None:
       -                utxo = rpc.call("gettxout", [inn["txid"], inn["vout"], False])
       -                if utxo is None:
       -                    debug("utxo not found(!)")
       -                    #TODO detect this and figure out how to tell
       -                    # electrum that we dont know the fee
       -            total_input_value += int(Decimal(utxo["value"]) * Decimal(1e8))
       -            unconfirmed_input = unconfirmed_input or utxo["confirmations"] == 0
       -        debug("total_input_value = " + str(total_input_value))
       -        fee = total_input_value - sum([int(Decimal(out["value"])*Decimal(1e8))
       -            for out in txd["vout"]])
       -        height = -1 if unconfirmed_input else 0
       -        new_history_element = ({"tx_hash": tx["txid"], "height": height,
       -            "fee": fee})
       -    else:
       -        blockheader = rpc.call("getblockheader", [tx['blockhash']])
       -        new_history_element = ({"tx_hash": tx["txid"],
       -            "height": blockheader["height"]})
       -    return new_history_element
       -def sort_address_history_list(his):
       -    unconfirm_txes = list(filter(lambda h:h["height"] == 0, his["history"]))
       -    confirm_txes = filter(lambda h:h["height"] != 0, his["history"])
       -    #TODO txes must be "in blockchain order"
       -    # the order they appear in the block
       -    # it might be "blockindex" in listtransactions and gettransaction
       -    #so must sort with key height+':'+blockindex
       -    #perhaps check if any heights are the same then get the pos only for those
       -    #a better way to do this is to have a separate dict that isnt in history
       -    # which maps txid => blockindex
       -    # and then sort by key height+":"+idx[txid]
       -    his["history"] = sorted(confirm_txes, key=lambda h:h["height"])
       -    his["history"].extend(unconfirm_txes)
       -    return unconfirm_txes
       -def check_for_updated_txes(rpc, address_history, unconfirmed_txes,
       -        deterministic_wallets):
       -    updated_srchashes1 = check_for_new_txes(rpc, address_history,
       -        unconfirmed_txes, deterministic_wallets)
       -    updated_srchashes2 = check_for_confirmations(rpc, address_history,
       -        unconfirmed_txes)
       -    updated_srchashes = updated_srchashes1 | updated_srchashes2
       -    for ush in updated_srchashes:
       -        his = address_history[ush]
       -        sort_address_history_list(his)
       -    if len(updated_srchashes) > 0:
       -        debug("new tx address_history =\n" + pprint.pformat(address_history))
       -        debug("unconfirmed txes = " + pprint.pformat(unconfirmed_txes))
       -        debug("updated_scripthashes = " + str(updated_srchashes))
       -    else:
       -        debug("no updated txes")
       -    return updated_srchashes
       -def check_for_confirmations(rpc, address_history, unconfirmed_txes):
       -    confirmed_txes_srchashes = []
       -    debug("check4con unconfirmed_txes = " + pprint.pformat(unconfirmed_txes))
       -    for uc_txid, srchashes in unconfirmed_txes.items():
       -        tx = rpc.call("gettransaction", [uc_txid])
       -        debug("uc_txid=" + uc_txid + " => " + str(tx))
       -        if tx["confirmations"] == 0:
       -            continue #still unconfirmed
       -        log("A transaction confirmed: " + uc_txid)
       -        confirmed_txes_srchashes.append((uc_txid, srchashes))
       -        block = rpc.call("getblockheader", [tx["blockhash"]])
       -        for srchash in srchashes:
       -            #delete the old unconfirmed entry in address_history
       -            deleted_entries = [h for h in address_history[srchash][
       -                "history"] if h["tx_hash"] == uc_txid]
       -            for d_his in deleted_entries:
       -                address_history[srchash]["history"].remove(d_his)
       -            #create the new confirmed entry in address_history
       -            address_history[srchash]["history"].append({"height":
       -                block["height"], "tx_hash": uc_txid})
       -    updated_srchashes = set()
       -    for tx, srchashes in confirmed_txes_srchashes:
       -        del unconfirmed_txes[tx]
       -        updated_srchashes.update(set(srchashes))
       -    return updated_srchashes
       -def check_for_new_txes(rpc, address_history, unconfirmed_txes,
       -        deterministic_wallets):
       -    MAX_TX_REQUEST_COUNT = 256 
       -    tx_request_count = 2
       -    max_attempts = int(math.log(MAX_TX_REQUEST_COUNT, 2))
       -    for i in range(max_attempts):
       -        debug("listtransactions tx_request_count=" + str(tx_request_count))
       -        ret = rpc.call("listtransactions", ["*", tx_request_count, 0, True])
       -        ret = ret[::-1]
       -        if last_known_recent_txid[0] == None:
       -            recent_tx_index = len(ret) #=0 means no new txes
       -            break
       -        else:
       -            txid_list = [(tx["txid"], tx["address"]) for tx in ret]
       -            recent_tx_index = next((i for i, (txid, addr)
       -                in enumerate(txid_list) if
       -                txid == last_known_recent_txid[0][0] and
       -                addr == last_known_recent_txid[0][1]), -1)
       -            if recent_tx_index != -1:
       -                break
       -            tx_request_count *= 2
       -    #TODO low priority: handle a user getting more than 255 new
       -    # transactions in 15 seconds
       -    debug("recent tx index = " + str(recent_tx_index) + " ret = " + str(ret))
       -    #    str([(t["txid"], t["address"]) for t in ret]))
       -    if len(ret) > 0:
       -        last_known_recent_txid[0] = (ret[0]["txid"], ret[0]["address"])
       -        debug("last_known_recent_txid = " + str(last_known_recent_txid[0]))
       -    assert(recent_tx_index != -1)
       -    if recent_tx_index == 0:
       -        return set()
       -    new_txes = ret[:recent_tx_index][::-1]
       -    debug("new txes = " + str(new_txes))
       -    #tests: finding one unconfirmed tx, finding one confirmed tx
       -    #sending a tx that has nothing to do with our wallets
       -    #getting a new tx on a completely empty wallet
       -    #finding a confirmed and unconfirmed tx, in that order, then both confirm
       -    #finding an unconfirmed and confirmed tx, in that order, then both confirm
       -    #send a tx to an address which hasnt been used before
       -    #import two addresses, transaction from one to the other, unc then confirm
       -    obtained_txids = set()
       -    updated_scripthashes = []
       -    for tx in new_txes:
       -        if "txid" not in tx or "category" not in tx:
       -            continue
       -        if tx["category"] not in ("receive", "send"):
       -            continue
       -        if tx["txid"] in obtained_txids:
       -            continue
       -        obtained_txids.add(tx["txid"])
       -        output_scriptpubkeys, input_scriptpubkeys, txd = \
       -            get_input_and_output_scriptpubkeys(rpc, tx["txid"])
       -        matching_scripthashes = []
       -        for spk in (output_scriptpubkeys + input_scriptpubkeys):
       -            scripthash = hashes.script_to_scripthash(spk)
       -            if scripthash in address_history:
       -                matching_scripthashes.append(scripthash)
       -        if len(matching_scripthashes) == 0:
       -            continue
       -        for wal in deterministic_wallets:
       -            overrun_depths = wal.have_scriptpubkeys_overrun_gaplimit(
       -                output_scriptpubkeys)
       -            if overrun_depths != None:
       -                for change, import_count in overrun_depths.items():
       -                    spks = wal.get_new_scriptpubkeys(change, import_count)
       -                    new_addrs = [hashes.script_to_address(s, rpc) for s in spks]
       -                    debug("Importing " + str(len(spks)) + " into change="
       -                        + str(change))
       -                    import_addresses(rpc, new_addrs)
       -        updated_scripthashes.extend(matching_scripthashes)
       -        new_history_element = generate_new_history_element(rpc, tx, txd)
       -        log("Found new tx: " + str(new_history_element))
       -        for srchash in matching_scripthashes:
       -            address_history[srchash]["history"].append(new_history_element)
       -            if new_history_element["height"] == 0:
       -                if tx["txid"] in unconfirmed_txes:
       -                    unconfirmed_txes[tx["txid"]].append(srchash)
       -                else:
       -                    unconfirmed_txes[tx["txid"]] = [srchash]
       -        #check whether the gap limits have been overrun and import more addrs
       -    return set(updated_scripthashes)
       -def build_address_history(rpc, monitored_scriptpubkeys, deterministic_wallets):
       -    log("Building history with " + str(len(monitored_scriptpubkeys)) +
       -        " addresses")
       -    st = time.time()
       -    address_history = {}
       -    for spk in monitored_scriptpubkeys:
       -        address_history[hashes.script_to_scripthash(spk)] = {'history': [],
       -            'subscribed': False}
       -    wallet_addr_scripthashes = set(address_history.keys())
       -    #populate history
       -    #which is a blockheight-ordered list of ("txhash", height)
       -    #unconfirmed transactions go at the end as ("txhash", 0, fee)
       -    # 0=unconfirmed -1=unconfirmed with unconfirmed parents
       -    BATCH_SIZE = 1000
       -    ret = list(range(BATCH_SIZE))
       -    t = 0
       -    count = 0
       -    obtained_txids = set()
       -    while len(ret) == BATCH_SIZE:
       -        ret = rpc.call("listtransactions", ["*", BATCH_SIZE, t, True])
       -        debug("listtransactions skip=" + str(t) + " len(ret)=" + str(len(ret)))
       -        t += len(ret)
       -        for tx in ret:
       -            if "txid" not in tx or "category" not in tx:
       -                continue
       -            if tx["category"] not in ("receive", "send"):
       -                continue
       -            if tx["txid"] in obtained_txids:
       -                continue
       -            debug("adding obtained tx=" + str(tx["txid"]))
       -            obtained_txids.add(tx["txid"])
       -            #obtain all the addresses this transaction is involved with
       -            output_scriptpubkeys, input_scriptpubkeys, txd = \
       -                get_input_and_output_scriptpubkeys(rpc, tx["txid"])
       -            output_scripthashes = [hashes.script_to_scripthash(sc)
       -                for sc in output_scriptpubkeys]
       -            sh_to_add = wallet_addr_scripthashes.intersection(set(
       -                output_scripthashes))
       -            input_scripthashes = [hashes.script_to_scripthash(sc)
       -                for sc in input_scriptpubkeys]
       -            sh_to_add |= wallet_addr_scripthashes.intersection(set(
       -                input_scripthashes))
       -            if len(sh_to_add) == 0:
       -                continue
       -            for wal in deterministic_wallets:
       -                overrun_depths = wal.have_scriptpubkeys_overrun_gaplimit(
       -                    output_scriptpubkeys)
       -                if overrun_depths != None:
       -                    log("ERROR: Not enough addresses imported. Exiting.")
       -                    log("Delete wallet.dat and increase the value of " +
       -                        "`initial_import_count` in the file `config.cfg` " +
       -                        "then reimport and rescan")
       -                    #TODO make it so users dont have to delete wallet.dat
       -                    # check whether all initial_import_count addresses are
       -                    # imported rather than just the first one
       -                    return None, None
       -            new_history_element = generate_new_history_element(rpc, tx, txd)
       -            for scripthash in sh_to_add:
       -                address_history[scripthash][
       -                    "history"].append(new_history_element)
       -            count += 1
       -    unconfirmed_txes = {}
       -    for srchash, his in address_history.items():
       -        uctx = sort_address_history_list(his)
       -        for u in uctx:
       -            if u["tx_hash"] in unconfirmed_txes:
       -                unconfirmed_txes[u["tx_hash"]].append(srchash)
       -            else:
       -                unconfirmed_txes[u["tx_hash"]] = [srchash]
       -    debug("unconfirmed_txes = " + str(unconfirmed_txes))
       -    if len(ret) > 0:
       -        #txid doesnt uniquely identify transactions from listtransactions
       -        #but the tuple (txid, address) does
       -        last_known_recent_txid[0] = (ret[-1]["txid"], ret[-1]["address"])
       -    else:
       -        last_known_recent_txid[0] = None
       -    debug("last_known_recent_txid = " + str(last_known_recent_txid[0]))
       -    et = time.time()
       -    log("Found " + str(count) + " txes. History built in " + str(et - st)
       -        + "sec")
       -    debug("address_history =\n" + pprint.pformat(address_history))
       -    return address_history, unconfirmed_txes
        def get_scriptpubkeys_to_monitor(rpc, config):
            imported_addresses = set(rpc.call("getaddressesbyaccount",
       t@@ -693,9 +401,9 @@ def main():
                    "that the wallets are new\nand empty then there's no need to " +
                    "rescan, just restart this script")
       -        address_history, unconfirmed_txes = build_address_history(
       -            rpc, relevant_spks_addrs, deterministic_wallets)
       -        if address_history == None:
       +        txmonitor = transactionmonitor.TransactionMonitor(rpc,
       +            deterministic_wallets)
       +        if not txmonitor.build_address_history(relevant_spks_addrs):
                hostport = (config.get("electrum-server", "host"),
                        int(config.get("electrum-server", "port")))
       t@@ -705,8 +413,8 @@ def main():
                certfile = config.get("electrum-server", "certfile")
                keyfile = config.get("electrum-server", "keyfile")
       -        run_electrum_server(hostport, rpc, address_history, unconfirmed_txes,
       -            deterministic_wallets, poll_interval_listening,
       +        run_electrum_server(hostport, rpc, txmonitor, poll_interval_listening,
                    poll_interval_connected, certfile, keyfile)
       +if __name__ == "__main__":
       +    main()
   DIR diff --git a/transactionmonitor.py b/transactionmonitor.py
       t@@ -0,0 +1,326 @@
       +import time, pprint, math
       +from decimal import Decimal
       +from jsonrpc import JsonRpcError
       +from server import debug, log, import_addresses
       +import hashes
       +class TransactionMonitor(object):
       +    def __init__(self, rpc, deterministic_wallets):
       +        self.rpc = rpc
       +        self.deterministic_wallets = deterministic_wallets
       +        self.last_known_recent_txid = None
       +        self.address_history = None
       +        self.unconfirmed_txes = None
       +    def get_electrum_history_hash(self, scrhash):
       +        return hashes.get_status_electrum( ((h["tx_hash"], h["height"])
       +            for h in self.address_history[scrhash]["history"]) )
       +    def get_electrum_history(self, scrhash):
       +        if scrhash in self.address_history:
       +            return self.address_history[scrhash]["history"]
       +        else:
       +            return None
       +    def subscribe_address(self, scrhash):
       +        if scrhash in self.address_history:
       +            self.address_history[scrhash]["subscribed"] = True
       +            return True
       +        else:
       +            return False
       +    def unsubscribe_all_addresses(self):
       +        for srchash, his in self.address_history.items():
       +            his["subscribed"] = False
       +    def build_address_history(self, monitored_scriptpubkeys):
       +        log("Building history with " + str(len(monitored_scriptpubkeys)) +
       +            " addresses")
       +        st = time.time()
       +        address_history = {}
       +        for spk in monitored_scriptpubkeys:
       +            address_history[hashes.script_to_scripthash(spk)] = {'history': [],
       +                'subscribed': False}
       +        wallet_addr_scripthashes = set(address_history.keys())
       +        #populate history
       +        #which is a blockheight-ordered list of ("txhash", height)
       +        #unconfirmed transactions go at the end as ("txhash", 0, fee)
       +        # 0=unconfirmed -1=unconfirmed with unconfirmed parents
       +        BATCH_SIZE = 1000
       +        ret = list(range(BATCH_SIZE))
       +        t = 0
       +        count = 0
       +        obtained_txids = set()
       +        while len(ret) == BATCH_SIZE:
       +            ret = self.rpc.call("listtransactions", ["*", BATCH_SIZE, t, True])
       +            debug("listtransactions skip=" + str(t) + " len(ret)="
       +                + str(len(ret)))
       +            t += len(ret)
       +            for tx in ret:
       +                if "txid" not in tx or "category" not in tx:
       +                    continue
       +                if tx["category"] not in ("receive", "send"):
       +                    continue
       +                if tx["txid"] in obtained_txids:
       +                    continue
       +                debug("adding obtained tx=" + str(tx["txid"]))
       +                obtained_txids.add(tx["txid"])
       +                #obtain all the addresses this transaction is involved with
       +                output_scriptpubkeys, input_scriptpubkeys, txd = \
       +                    self.get_input_and_output_scriptpubkeys(tx["txid"])
       +                output_scripthashes = [hashes.script_to_scripthash(sc)
       +                    for sc in output_scriptpubkeys]
       +                sh_to_add = wallet_addr_scripthashes.intersection(set(
       +                    output_scripthashes))
       +                input_scripthashes = [hashes.script_to_scripthash(sc)
       +                    for sc in input_scriptpubkeys]
       +                sh_to_add |= wallet_addr_scripthashes.intersection(set(
       +                    input_scripthashes))
       +                if len(sh_to_add) == 0:
       +                    continue
       +                for wal in self.deterministic_wallets:
       +                    overrun_depths = wal.have_scriptpubkeys_overrun_gaplimit(
       +                        output_scriptpubkeys)
       +                    if overrun_depths != None:
       +                        log("ERROR: Not enough addresses imported.")
       +                        log("Delete wallet.dat and increase the value " +
       +                            "of `initial_import_count` in the file " + 
       +                            "`config.cfg` then reimport and rescan")
       +                        #TODO make it so users dont have to delete wallet.dat
       +                        # check whether all initial_import_count addresses are
       +                        # imported rather than just the first one
       +                        return False
       +                new_history_element = self.generate_new_history_element(tx, txd)
       +                for scripthash in sh_to_add:
       +                    address_history[scripthash][
       +                        "history"].append(new_history_element)
       +                count += 1
       +        unconfirmed_txes = {}
       +        for srchash, his in address_history.items():
       +            uctx = self.sort_address_history_list(his)
       +            for u in uctx:
       +                if u["tx_hash"] in unconfirmed_txes:
       +                    unconfirmed_txes[u["tx_hash"]].append(srchash)
       +                else:
       +                    unconfirmed_txes[u["tx_hash"]] = [srchash]
       +        debug("unconfirmed_txes = " + str(unconfirmed_txes))
       +        if len(ret) > 0:
       +            #txid doesnt uniquely identify transactions from listtransactions
       +            #but the tuple (txid, address) does
       +            self.last_known_recent_txid = (ret[-1]["txid"], ret[-1]["address"])
       +        else:
       +            self.last_known_recent_txid = None
       +        debug("last_known_recent_txid = " + str(self.last_known_recent_txid))
       +        et = time.time()
       +        log("Found " + str(count) + " txes. History built in " +
       +            str(et - st) + "sec")
       +        debug("address_history =\n" + pprint.pformat(address_history))
       +        self.address_history = address_history
       +        self.unconfirmed_txes = unconfirmed_txes
       +        return True
       +    def get_input_and_output_scriptpubkeys(self, txid):
       +        gettx = self.rpc.call("gettransaction", [txid])
       +        txd = self.rpc.call("decoderawtransaction", [gettx["hex"]])
       +        output_scriptpubkeys = [out["scriptPubKey"]["hex"]
       +            for out in txd["vout"]]
       +        input_scriptpubkeys = []
       +        for inn in txd["vin"]:
       +            try:
       +                wallet_tx = self.rpc.call("gettransaction", [inn["txid"]])
       +            except JsonRpcError:
       +                #wallet doesnt know about this tx, so the input isnt ours
       +                continue
       +            input_decoded = self.rpc.call("decoderawtransaction", [wallet_tx[
       +                "hex"]])
       +            script = input_decoded["vout"][inn["vout"]]["scriptPubKey"]["hex"]
       +            input_scriptpubkeys.append(script)
       +        return output_scriptpubkeys, input_scriptpubkeys, txd
       +    def generate_new_history_element(self, tx, txd):
       +        if tx["confirmations"] == 0:
       +            unconfirmed_input = False
       +            total_input_value = 0
       +            for inn in txd["vin"]:
       +                utxo = self.rpc.call("gettxout", [inn["txid"], inn["vout"],
       +                    True])
       +                if utxo is None:
       +                    utxo = self.rpc.call("gettxout", [inn["txid"], inn["vout"],
       +                        False])
       +                    if utxo is None:
       +                        debug("utxo not found(!)")
       +                        #TODO detect this and figure out how to tell
       +                        # electrum that we dont know the fee
       +                total_input_value += int(Decimal(utxo["value"]) * Decimal(1e8))
       +                unconfirmed_input = (unconfirmed_input or
       +                    utxo["confirmations"] == 0)
       +            debug("total_input_value = " + str(total_input_value))
       +            fee = total_input_value - sum([int(Decimal(out["value"])
       +                * Decimal(1e8)) for out in txd["vout"]])
       +            height = -1 if unconfirmed_input else 0
       +            new_history_element = ({"tx_hash": tx["txid"], "height": height,
       +                "fee": fee})
       +        else:
       +            blockheader = self.rpc.call("getblockheader", [tx['blockhash']])
       +            new_history_element = ({"tx_hash": tx["txid"],
       +                "height": blockheader["height"]})
       +        return new_history_element
       +    def sort_address_history_list(self, his):
       +        unconfirm_txes = list(filter(lambda h:h["height"] == 0, his["history"]))
       +        confirm_txes = filter(lambda h:h["height"] != 0, his["history"])
       +        #TODO txes must be "in blockchain order"
       +        # the order they appear in the block
       +        # it might be "blockindex" in listtransactions and gettransaction
       +        #so must sort with key height+':'+blockindex
       +        #maybe check if any heights are the same then get the pos only for those
       +        #better way to do this is to have a separate dict that isnt in history
       +        # which maps txid => blockindex
       +        # and then sort by key height+":"+idx[txid]
       +        his["history"] = sorted(confirm_txes, key=lambda h:h["height"])
       +        his["history"].extend(unconfirm_txes)
       +        return unconfirm_txes
       +    def check_for_updated_txes(self):
       +        updated_srchashes1 = self.check_for_new_txes()
       +        updated_srchashes2 = self.check_for_confirmations()
       +        updated_srchashes = updated_srchashes1 | updated_srchashes2
       +        for ush in updated_srchashes:
       +            his = self.address_history[ush]
       +            self.sort_address_history_list(his)
       +        if len(updated_srchashes) > 0:
       +            debug("new tx address_history =\n"
       +                + pprint.pformat(self.address_history))
       +            debug("unconfirmed txes = " + pprint.pformat(self.unconfirmed_txes))
       +            debug("updated_scripthashes = " + str(updated_srchashes))
       +        else:
       +            debug("no updated txes")
       +        updated_srchashes = filter(lambda sh:self.address_history[sh][
       +            "subscribed"], updated_srchashes)
       +        #TODO srchashes is misspelled, should be scrhashes
       +        return updated_srchashes
       +    def check_for_confirmations(self):
       +        confirmed_txes_srchashes = []
       +        debug("check4con unconfirmed_txes = "
       +            + pprint.pformat(self.unconfirmed_txes))
       +        for uc_txid, srchashes in self.unconfirmed_txes.items():
       +            tx = self.rpc.call("gettransaction", [uc_txid])
       +            debug("uc_txid=" + uc_txid + " => " + str(tx))
       +            if tx["confirmations"] == 0:
       +                continue #still unconfirmed
       +            log("A transaction confirmed: " + uc_txid)
       +            confirmed_txes_srchashes.append((uc_txid, srchashes))
       +            block = self.rpc.call("getblockheader", [tx["blockhash"]])
       +            for srchash in srchashes:
       +                #delete the old unconfirmed entry in address_history
       +                deleted_entries = [h for h in self.address_history[srchash][
       +                    "history"] if h["tx_hash"] == uc_txid]
       +                for d_his in deleted_entries:
       +                    self.address_history[srchash]["history"].remove(d_his)
       +                #create the new confirmed entry in address_history
       +                self.address_history[srchash]["history"].append({"height":
       +                    block["height"], "tx_hash": uc_txid})
       +        updated_srchashes = set()
       +        for tx, srchashes in confirmed_txes_srchashes:
       +            del self.unconfirmed_txes[tx]
       +            updated_srchashes.update(set(srchashes))
       +        return updated_srchashes
       +    def check_for_new_txes(self):
       +        MAX_TX_REQUEST_COUNT = 256 
       +        tx_request_count = 2
       +        max_attempts = int(math.log(MAX_TX_REQUEST_COUNT, 2))
       +        for i in range(max_attempts):
       +            debug("listtransactions tx_request_count=" + str(tx_request_count))
       +            ret = self.rpc.call("listtransactions", ["*", tx_request_count, 0,
       +                True])
       +            ret = ret[::-1]
       +            if self.last_known_recent_txid == None:
       +                recent_tx_index = len(ret) #=0 means no new txes
       +                break
       +            else:
       +                txid_list = [(tx["txid"], tx["address"]) for tx in ret]
       +                recent_tx_index = next((i for i, (txid, addr)
       +                    in enumerate(txid_list) if
       +                    txid == self.last_known_recent_txid[0] and
       +                    addr == self.last_known_recent_txid[1]), -1)
       +                if recent_tx_index != -1:
       +                    break
       +                tx_request_count *= 2
       +        #TODO low priority: handle a user getting more than 255 new
       +        # transactions in 15 seconds
       +        debug("recent tx index = " + str(recent_tx_index) + " ret = " +
       +            str(ret))
       +        #    str([(t["txid"], t["address"]) for t in ret]))
       +        if len(ret) > 0:
       +            self.last_known_recent_txid = (ret[0]["txid"], ret[0]["address"])
       +            debug("last_known_recent_txid = " + str(
       +                self.last_known_recent_txid))
       +        assert(recent_tx_index != -1)
       +        if recent_tx_index == 0:
       +            return set()
       +        new_txes = ret[:recent_tx_index][::-1]
       +        debug("new txes = " + str(new_txes))
       +        #tests: finding one unconfirmed tx, finding one confirmed tx
       +        #sending a tx that has nothing to do with our wallets
       +        #getting a new tx on a completely empty wallet
       +        #finding confirmed and unconfirmed tx, in that order, then both confirm
       +        #finding unconfirmed and confirmed tx, in that order, then both confirm
       +        #send a tx to an address which hasnt been used before
       +        #import two addresses, transaction from one to the other
       +        obtained_txids = set()
       +        updated_scripthashes = []
       +        for tx in new_txes:
       +            if "txid" not in tx or "category" not in tx:
       +                continue
       +            if tx["category"] not in ("receive", "send"):
       +                continue
       +            if tx["txid"] in obtained_txids:
       +                continue
       +            obtained_txids.add(tx["txid"])
       +            output_scriptpubkeys, input_scriptpubkeys, txd = \
       +                self.get_input_and_output_scriptpubkeys(tx["txid"])
       +            matching_scripthashes = []
       +            for spk in (output_scriptpubkeys + input_scriptpubkeys):
       +                scripthash = hashes.script_to_scripthash(spk)
       +                if scripthash in self.address_history:
       +                    matching_scripthashes.append(scripthash)
       +            if len(matching_scripthashes) == 0:
       +                continue
       +            for wal in self.deterministic_wallets:
       +                overrun_depths = wal.have_scriptpubkeys_overrun_gaplimit(
       +                    output_scriptpubkeys)
       +                if overrun_depths != None:
       +                    for change, import_count in overrun_depths.items():
       +                        spks = wal.get_new_scriptpubkeys(change, import_count)
       +                        new_addrs = [hashes.script_to_address(s, rpc)
       +                            for s in spks]
       +                        debug("Importing " + str(len(spks)) + " into change="
       +                            + str(change))
       +                        import_addresses(rpc, new_addrs)
       +            updated_scripthashes.extend(matching_scripthashes)
       +            new_history_element = self.generate_new_history_element(tx, txd)
       +            log("Found new tx: " + str(new_history_element))
       +            for srchash in matching_scripthashes:
       +                self.address_history[srchash]["history"].append(
       +                    new_history_element)
       +                if new_history_element["height"] == 0:
       +                    if tx["txid"] in self.unconfirmed_txes:
       +                        self.unconfirmed_txes[tx["txid"]].append(srchash)
       +                    else:
       +                        self.unconfirmed_txes[tx["txid"]] = [srchash]
       +            #check whether gap limits have been overrun and import more addrs
       +        return set(updated_scripthashes)