tExpand tests to include reorgs and many many txes - electrum-personal-server - Maximally lightweight electrum server for a single user
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   DIR commit 5b71d929988cf99a6ff2d5595218e4419c9cc620
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  HTML Author: chris-belcher <chris-belcher@users.noreply.github.com>
       Date:   Tue, 26 Jun 2018 23:31:44 +0100
       Expand tests to include reorgs and many many txes
       Several new tests are added to test the reorganization-checking code.
       Also added is a test which simulates building a history with 1100
       ttransactions, and where 130 transactions arrive afterwards.
       Some more debug print statements are added where they are useful.
         M electrumpersonalserver/transaction… |      30 +++++++++++++++---------------
         M test/test_parse_mpks.py             |       6 +++++-
         M test/test_transactionmonitor.py     |     218 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++-----
       3 files changed, 204 insertions(+), 50 deletions(-)
   DIR diff --git a/electrumpersonalserver/transactionmonitor.py b/electrumpersonalserver/transactionmonitor.py
       t@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
        import time, pprint, math, sys
        from decimal import Decimal
       +from collections import defaultdict
        from electrumpersonalserver.jsonrpc import JsonRpcError
        import electrumpersonalserver.hashes as hashes
       t@@ -155,14 +156,11 @@ class TransactionMonitor(object):
                                new_history_element["height"], sh_to_add))
                        count += 1
       -        unconfirmed_txes = {}
       +        unconfirmed_txes = defaultdict(list)
                for scrhash, his in address_history.items():
                    uctx = self.sort_address_history_list(his)
                    for u in uctx:
       -                if u["tx_hash"] in unconfirmed_txes:
       -                    unconfirmed_txes[u["tx_hash"]].append(scrhash)
       -                else:
       -                    unconfirmed_txes[u["tx_hash"]] = [scrhash]
       +                unconfirmed_txes[u["tx_hash"]].append(scrhash)
                self.debug("unconfirmed_txes = " + str(unconfirmed_txes))
                self.debug("reorganizable_txes = " + str(self.reorganizable_txes))
                if len(ret) > 0:
       t@@ -292,10 +290,7 @@ class TransactionMonitor(object):
                            #transaction became unconfirmed in a reorg
                            self.log("A transaction was reorg'd out: " + txid)
       -                    if txid in self.unconfirmed_txes:
       -                        self.unconfirmed_txes[txid].extend(scrhashes)
       -                    else:
       -                        self.unconfirmed_txes[txid] = list(scrhashes)
       +                    self.unconfirmed_txes[txid].extend(scrhashes)
                            #add to history as unconfirmed
                            txd = self.rpc.call("decoderawtransaction", [tx["hex"]])
       t@@ -312,11 +307,13 @@ class TransactionMonitor(object):
                    elif tx["blockhash"] != blockhash:
                        block = self.rpc.call("getblockheader", [tx["blockhash"]])
                        if block["height"] == height: #reorg but height is the same
       +                    self.log("A transaction was reorg'd but still confirmed " +
       +                        "at same height: " + txid)
                        #reorged but still confirmed at a different height
       -                self.log("A transaction was reorg'd but still confirmed at " +
       -                    "same height: " + txid)
       +                self.log("A transaction was reorg'd but still confirmed to " +
       +                    "a new block and different height: " + txid)
                        #update history with the new height
                        for scrhash in scrhashes:
                            for h in self.address_history[scrhash]["history"]:
       t@@ -383,6 +380,12 @@ class TransactionMonitor(object):
                for i in range(max_attempts):
                    self.debug("listtransactions tx_request_count="
                        + str(tx_request_count))
       +            ##how listtransactions works
       +            ##skip and count parameters take most-recent txes first
       +            ## so skip=0 count=1 will return the most recent tx
       +            ##and skip=0 count=3 will return the 3 most recent txes
       +            ##but the actual list returned has the REVERSED order
       +            ##skip=0 count=3 will return a list with the most recent tx LAST
                    ret = self.rpc.call("listtransactions", ["*", tx_request_count, 0,
                    ret = ret[::-1]
       t@@ -459,10 +462,7 @@ class TransactionMonitor(object):
                        if new_history_element["height"] == 0:
       -                    if tx["txid"] in self.unconfirmed_txes:
       -                        self.unconfirmed_txes[tx["txid"]].append(scrhash)
       -                    else:
       -                        self.unconfirmed_txes[tx["txid"]] = [scrhash]
       +                    self.unconfirmed_txes[tx["txid"]].append(scrhash)
                    if tx["confirmations"] > 0:
                        self.reorganizable_txes.append((tx["txid"], tx["blockhash"],
                            new_history_element["height"], matching_scripthashes))
   DIR diff --git a/test/test_parse_mpks.py b/test/test_parse_mpks.py
       t@@ -16,7 +16,11 @@ from electrumpersonalserver import parse_electrum_master_public_key
            "2 tpubD6NzVbkrYhZ4YVMVzC7wZeRfz3bhqcHvV8M3UiULCfzFtLtp5nwvi6LnBQegrkx" +
            "YGPkSzXUEvcPEHcKdda8W1YShVBkhFBGkLxjSQ1Nx3cJ Vpub5fAqpSRkLmvXwqbuR61M" +
            "aKMSwj5z5xUBwanaz3qnJ5MgaBDpFSLUvKTiNK9zHpdvrg2LHHXkKxSXBHNWNpZz9b1Vq" +
       -    "ADjmcCs3arSoxN3F3r" #inconsistent magic
       +    "ADjmcCs3arSoxN3F3r", #inconsistent magic
       +    "e9d4b7866dd1e91c862aebf62a49548c7dbf7bcc6e4b7b8c9da820c7737968df9c09d" +
       +    "5a3e271dc814a29981f81b3faaf2737b551ef5dcc6189cf0f8252c442", #wrong length
       +    "e9d4b7866dd1e91c862aebf62a49548c7dbf7bcc6e4b7b8c9da820c7737968df9c09d" +
       +    "5a3e271dc814a29981f81b3faaf2737b551ef5dcc6189cf0f8252c442ZZ" #not hex
   DIR diff --git a/test/test_transactionmonitor.py b/test/test_transactionmonitor.py
       t@@ -5,6 +5,11 @@ from electrumpersonalserver import (DeterministicWallet, TransactionMonitor,
                                        JsonRpcError, script_to_scripthash)
        class DummyJsonRpc(object):
       +    """
       +    Electrum Personal Server gets all its information about the bitcoin network
       +    from the json-rpc interface. This dummy interface is used for simulating
       +    events in bitcoin
       +    """
            def __init__(self, txlist, utxoset, block_heights):
                self.txlist = txlist
                self.utxoset = utxoset
       t@@ -15,7 +20,7 @@ class DummyJsonRpc(object):
                if method == "listtransactions":
                    count = int(params[1])
                    skip = int(params[2])
       -            return self.txlist[skip:skip + count]
       +            return self.txlist[skip:skip + count][::-1]
                elif method == "gettransaction":
                    for t in self.txlist:
                        if t["txid"] == params[0]:
       t@@ -25,16 +30,19 @@ class DummyJsonRpc(object):
                    for t in self.txlist:
                        if t["hex"] == params[0]:
                            return t
       +            debugf(params[0])
                    assert 0
                elif method == "gettxout":
                    for u in self.utxoset:
                        if u["txid"] == params[0] and u["vout"] == params[1]:
                            return u
       +            debugf("txid = " + params[0] + " vout = " + str(params[1]))
                    assert 0
                elif method == "getblockheader":
       -            if params[0] not in self.block_heights:
       -                assert 0
       -            return {"height": self.block_heights[params[0]]}
       +            if params[0] in self.block_heights:
       +                return {"height": self.block_heights[params[0]]}
       +            debugf(params[0])
       +            assert 0
                elif method == "decodescript":
                    return {"addresses": [dummy_spk_to_address(params[0])]}
                elif method == "importaddress":
       t@@ -43,7 +51,7 @@ class DummyJsonRpc(object):
                    raise ValueError("unknown method in dummy jsonrpc")
            def add_transaction(self, tx):
       -        self.txlist.append(tx)
       +        self.txlist = [tx] + self.txlist
            def get_imported_addresses(self):
                return self.imported_addresses
       t@@ -62,6 +70,7 @@ class DummyDeterministicWallet(DeterministicWallet):
        def dummy_spk_to_address(spk):
       +    ##spk is short for scriptPubKey
            return spk + "-address"
        debugf = lambda x: print("[DEBUG] " + x)
       t@@ -97,6 +106,7 @@ def create_dummy_funding_tx(confirmations=1, output_spk=None,
                "blockhash": dummy_containing_block,
                "hex": "placeholder-test-txhex" + str(dummy_id)
       +    debugf("created dummy tx: " + str(dummy_tx))
            return dummy_spk, containing_block_height, dummy_tx
        def assert_address_history_tx(address_history, spk, height, txid, subscribed):
       t@@ -139,6 +149,42 @@ def test_two_txes():
                height=containing_block_height2, txid=dummy_tx2["txid"],
       +def test_many_txes():
       +    ##many txes in wallet and many more added,, intended to test the loop
       +    ## in build_addr_history and check_for_new_txes()
       +    input_spk, input_block_height1, input_tx = create_dummy_funding_tx()
       +    dummy_spk, containing_block_height, dummy_tx = create_dummy_funding_tx(
       +        confirmations=0, input_txid=input_tx["vin"][0])
       +    sh = script_to_scripthash(dummy_spk)
       +    #batch size is 1000
       +    INITIAL_TX_COUNT = 1100
       +    txes = [dummy_tx]
       +    #0confirm to avoid having to obtain block hash
       +    txes.extend( (create_dummy_funding_tx(output_spk=dummy_spk,
       +        input_txid=input_tx["vin"][0], confirmations=0)[2]
       +        for i in range(INITIAL_TX_COUNT-1)) )
       +    assert len(txes) == INITIAL_TX_COUNT
       +    rpc = DummyJsonRpc(txes, [dummy_tx["vin"][0]], {})
       +    txmonitor = TransactionMonitor(rpc, deterministic_wallets, debugf, logf)
       +    assert txmonitor.build_address_history([dummy_spk])
       +    assert len(txmonitor.address_history) == 1
       +    assert len(list(txmonitor.check_for_updated_txes())) == 0
       +    assert len(txmonitor.address_history[sh]["history"]) == INITIAL_TX_COUNT
       +    ADDED_TX_COUNT = 130
       +    new_txes = []
       +    new_txes.extend( (create_dummy_funding_tx(output_spk=dummy_spk,
       +        input_txid=input_tx["vin"][0], confirmations=0)[2]
       +        for i in range(ADDED_TX_COUNT)) )
       +    for tx in new_txes:
       +        rpc.add_transaction(tx)
       +    assert len(list(txmonitor.check_for_updated_txes())) == 0
       +    assert len(txmonitor.address_history[sh]["history"]) == (INITIAL_TX_COUNT
       +        + ADDED_TX_COUNT)
        def test_non_subscribed_confirmation():
            ###one unconfirmed tx in wallet belonging to us, with confirmed inputs,
            ### addr history built, then tx confirms, not subscribed to address
       t@@ -199,6 +245,28 @@ def test_unrelated_tx():
            assert len(txmonitor.get_electrum_history(script_to_scripthash(
                our_dummy_spk))) == 0
       +def test_duplicate_txid():
       +    ###two txes with the same txid, built history
       +    dummy_spk, containing_block_height1, dummy_tx1 = create_dummy_funding_tx()
       +    dummy_spk, containing_block_height2, dummy_tx2 = create_dummy_funding_tx(
       +        output_spk=dummy_spk)
       +    dummy_spk, containing_block_height3, dummy_tx3 = create_dummy_funding_tx(
       +        output_spk=dummy_spk)
       +    dummy_tx2["txid"] = dummy_tx1["txid"]
       +    dummy_tx3["txid"] = dummy_tx1["txid"]
       +    sh = script_to_scripthash(dummy_spk)
       +    rpc = DummyJsonRpc([dummy_tx1, dummy_tx2], [], {dummy_tx1["blockhash"]:
       +        containing_block_height1, dummy_tx2["blockhash"]: containing_block_height2, dummy_tx3["blockhash"]: containing_block_height3})
       +    txmonitor = TransactionMonitor(rpc, deterministic_wallets, debugf, logf)
       +    assert txmonitor.build_address_history([dummy_spk])
       +    assert len(txmonitor.get_electrum_history(sh)) == 1
       +    txmonitor.subscribe_address(sh)
       +    assert txmonitor.get_electrum_history(sh)[0]["tx_hash"] == dummy_tx1["txid"]
       +    rpc.add_transaction(dummy_tx3)
       +    assert len(list(txmonitor.check_for_updated_txes())) == 1
       +    assert len(txmonitor.get_electrum_history(sh)) == 1
       +    assert txmonitor.get_electrum_history(sh)[0]["tx_hash"] == dummy_tx1["txid"]
        def test_address_reuse():
            ###transaction which arrives to an address which already has a tx on it
            dummy_spk1, containing_block_height1, dummy_tx1 = create_dummy_funding_tx()
       t@@ -284,63 +352,145 @@ def test_conflicted_tx():
            ###conflicted transaction should get rejected
            dummy_spk, containing_block_height, dummy_tx = create_dummy_funding_tx(
            rpc = DummyJsonRpc([dummy_tx], [], {})
            txmonitor = TransactionMonitor(rpc, deterministic_wallets, debugf, logf)
       +    sh = script_to_scripthash(dummy_spk)
            assert txmonitor.build_address_history([dummy_spk])
            assert len(txmonitor.address_history) == 1
       -    assert len(txmonitor.get_electrum_history(script_to_scripthash(
       -        dummy_spk))) == 0 #shouldnt show up after build history b/c conflicted
       +    #shouldnt show up after build history because conflicted
       +    assert len(txmonitor.get_electrum_history(sh)) == 0
       +    dummy_spk, containing_block_height, dummy_tx = create_dummy_funding_tx(
       +        confirmations=-1, output_spk=dummy_spk)
            assert len(list(txmonitor.check_for_updated_txes())) == 0
       -    assert len(txmonitor.get_electrum_history(script_to_scripthash(
       -        dummy_spk))) == 0 #incoming tx is not added too
       +    #incoming tx is not added either
       +    assert len(txmonitor.get_electrum_history(sh)) == 0
       -def test_double_spend():
       +def test_reorg_finney_attack():
            ###an unconfirmed tx being broadcast, another conflicting tx being
            ### confirmed, the first tx gets conflicted status
       -    dummy_spk, containing_block_height1, dummy_tx1 = create_dummy_funding_tx(
       +    dummy_spk1, containing_block_height1, dummy_tx1 = create_dummy_funding_tx(
       -    dummy_spk_, containing_block_height2, dummy_tx2 = create_dummy_funding_tx(
       -        confirmations=0, input_txid=dummy_tx1["vin"][0], output_spk=dummy_spk)
       +    dummy_spk2, containing_block_height2, dummy_tx2 = create_dummy_funding_tx(
       +        confirmations=0, input_txid=dummy_tx1["vin"][0])
            #two unconfirmed txes spending the same input, so they are in conflict
            rpc = DummyJsonRpc([dummy_tx1], [dummy_tx1["vin"][0]],
                {dummy_tx1["blockhash"]: containing_block_height1,
                dummy_tx2["blockhash"]: containing_block_height2})
            txmonitor = TransactionMonitor(rpc, deterministic_wallets, debugf, logf)
       -    assert txmonitor.build_address_history([dummy_spk])
       -    assert len(txmonitor.address_history) == 1
       -    sh = script_to_scripthash(dummy_spk)
       -    assert len(txmonitor.get_electrum_history(sh)) == 1
       -    assert_address_history_tx(txmonitor.address_history, spk=dummy_spk,
       +    assert txmonitor.build_address_history([dummy_spk1, dummy_spk2])
       +    assert len(txmonitor.address_history) == 2
       +    sh1 = script_to_scripthash(dummy_spk1)
       +    sh2 = script_to_scripthash(dummy_spk2)
       +    assert len(txmonitor.get_electrum_history(sh1)) == 1
       +    assert len(txmonitor.get_electrum_history(sh2)) == 0
       +    assert_address_history_tx(txmonitor.address_history, spk=dummy_spk1,
                height=0, txid=dummy_tx1["txid"], subscribed=False)
            # a conflicting transaction confirms
            dummy_tx1["confirmations"] = -1
            dummy_tx2["confirmations"] = 1
            assert len(list(txmonitor.check_for_updated_txes())) == 0
       -    assert len(txmonitor.get_electrum_history(sh)) == 1
       -    assert_address_history_tx(txmonitor.address_history, spk=dummy_spk,
       +    assert len(txmonitor.get_electrum_history(sh1)) == 0
       +    assert len(txmonitor.get_electrum_history(sh2)) == 1
       +    assert_address_history_tx(txmonitor.address_history, spk=dummy_spk2,
       +        height=containing_block_height2, txid=dummy_tx2["txid"],
       +        subscribed=False)
       +def test_reorg_race_attack():
       +    #a tx is confirmed, a chain reorganization happens and that tx is replaced
       +    # by another tx spending the same input, the original tx is now conflicted
       +    dummy_spk1, containing_block_height1, dummy_tx1 = create_dummy_funding_tx()
       +    dummy_spk2, containing_block_height2, dummy_tx2 = create_dummy_funding_tx(
       +        input_txid=dummy_tx1["vin"][0])
       +    rpc = DummyJsonRpc([dummy_tx1], [],
       +        {dummy_tx1["blockhash"]: containing_block_height1,
       +        dummy_tx2["blockhash"]: containing_block_height2})
       +    txmonitor = TransactionMonitor(rpc, deterministic_wallets, debugf, logf)
       +    assert txmonitor.build_address_history([dummy_spk1, dummy_spk2])
       +    assert len(txmonitor.address_history) == 2
       +    sh1 = script_to_scripthash(dummy_spk1)
       +    sh2 = script_to_scripthash(dummy_spk2)
       +    assert len(txmonitor.get_electrum_history(sh1)) == 1
       +    assert len(txmonitor.get_electrum_history(sh2)) == 0
       +    assert_address_history_tx(txmonitor.address_history, spk=dummy_spk1,
       +        height=containing_block_height1, txid=dummy_tx1["txid"], subscribed=False)
       +    #race attack happens
       +    #dummy_tx1 goes to -1 confirmations, dummy_tx2 gets confirmed
       +    rpc.add_transaction(dummy_tx2)
       +    dummy_tx1["confirmations"] = -1
       +    dummy_tx2["confirmations"] = 1
       +    assert len(list(txmonitor.check_for_updated_txes())) == 0
       +    assert len(txmonitor.get_electrum_history(sh1)) == 0
       +    assert len(txmonitor.get_electrum_history(sh2)) == 1
       +    assert_address_history_tx(txmonitor.address_history, spk=dummy_spk2,
                height=containing_block_height2, txid=dummy_tx2["txid"],
       +def test_reorg_censor_tx():
       +    #confirmed tx gets reorgd out and becomes unconfirmed
       +    dummy_spk1, containing_block_height1, dummy_tx1 = create_dummy_funding_tx()
       +    rpc = DummyJsonRpc([dummy_tx1], [dummy_tx1["vin"][0]],
       +        {dummy_tx1["blockhash"]: containing_block_height1})
       +    txmonitor = TransactionMonitor(rpc, deterministic_wallets, debugf, logf)
       +    assert txmonitor.build_address_history([dummy_spk1])
       +    assert len(txmonitor.address_history) == 1
       +    sh = script_to_scripthash(dummy_spk1)
       +    assert len(txmonitor.get_electrum_history(sh)) == 1
       +    assert_address_history_tx(txmonitor.address_history, spk=dummy_spk1,
       +        height=containing_block_height1, txid=dummy_tx1["txid"], subscribed=False)
       +    #blocks appear which reorg out the tx, making it unconfirmed
       +    dummy_tx1["confirmations"] = 0
       +    assert len(list(txmonitor.check_for_updated_txes())) == 0
       +    assert len(txmonitor.get_electrum_history(sh)) == 1
       +    assert_address_history_tx(txmonitor.address_history, spk=dummy_spk1,
       +        height=0, txid=dummy_tx1["txid"], subscribed=False)
       +def test_reorg_different_block():
       +    #confirmed tx gets reorged into another block with a different height
       +    dummy_spk1, containing_block_height1, dummy_tx1 = create_dummy_funding_tx()
       +    dummy_spk2, containing_block_height2, dummy_tx2 = create_dummy_funding_tx()
       +    rpc = DummyJsonRpc([dummy_tx1], [],
       +        {dummy_tx1["blockhash"]: containing_block_height1,
       +        dummy_tx2["blockhash"]: containing_block_height2})
       +    txmonitor = TransactionMonitor(rpc, deterministic_wallets, debugf, logf)
       +    assert txmonitor.build_address_history([dummy_spk1])
       +    assert len(txmonitor.address_history) == 1
       +    sh = script_to_scripthash(dummy_spk1)
       +    assert len(txmonitor.get_electrum_history(sh)) == 1
       +    assert_address_history_tx(txmonitor.address_history, spk=dummy_spk1,
       +        height=containing_block_height1, txid=dummy_tx1["txid"], subscribed=False)
       +    #tx gets reorged into another block (so still confirmed)
       +    dummy_tx1["blockhash"] = dummy_tx2["blockhash"]
       +    assert len(list(txmonitor.check_for_updated_txes())) == 0
       +    assert len(txmonitor.get_electrum_history(sh)) == 1
       +    assert_address_history_tx(txmonitor.address_history, spk=dummy_spk1,
       +        height=containing_block_height2, txid=dummy_tx1["txid"],
       +        subscribed=False)
       +def test_tx_safe_from_reorg():
       +    ##tx confirmed with 1 confirmation, then confirmations goes to 100
       +    ## test that the reorganizable_txes list length goes down
       +    dummy_spk1, containing_block_height1, dummy_tx1 = create_dummy_funding_tx()
       +    rpc = DummyJsonRpc([dummy_tx1], [],
       +        {dummy_tx1["blockhash"]: containing_block_height1})
       +    txmonitor = TransactionMonitor(rpc, deterministic_wallets, debugf, logf)
       +    assert txmonitor.build_address_history([dummy_spk1])
       +    assert len(list(txmonitor.check_for_updated_txes())) == 0
       +    assert len(txmonitor.reorganizable_txes) == 1
       +    dummy_tx1["confirmations"] = 2000
       +    assert len(list(txmonitor.check_for_updated_txes())) == 0
       +    assert len(txmonitor.reorganizable_txes) == 0
        #other possible stuff to test:
        #finding confirmed and unconfirmed tx, in that order, then both confirm
        #finding unconfirmed and confirmed tx, in that order, then both confirm
       -#tests about conflicts:
       -#build address history where reorgable txes are found
       -#an unconfirmed tx arrives, gets confirmed, reaches the safe threshold
       -#   and gets removed from list
       -#a confirmed tx arrives, reaches safe threshold and gets removed
       -#an unconfirmed tx arrives, confirms, gets reorgd out, returns to
       -#   unconfirmed
       -#an unconfirmed tx arrives, confirms, gets reorgd out and conflicted
       -#an unconfirmed tx arrives, confirms, gets reorgd out and confirmed at
       -#   a different height
       -#an unconfirmed tx arrives, confirms, gets reorgd out and confirmed in
       -#   the same height