tadded other functions - gtomb - tomb gtk frontend in zenity
  HTML git clone git://parazyd.org/gtomb.git
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  HTML Author: parazyd <parazyd@archlinux.info>
       Date:   Wed, 18 Nov 2015 09:23:04 +0100
       added other functions
         M gtomb                               |     113 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--
       1 file changed, 108 insertions(+), 5 deletions(-)
   DIR diff --git a/gtomb b/gtomb
       t@@ -1,4 +1,8 @@
        #!/usr/bin/env bash
       +# gtomb - a wrapper for Tomb 
       +# https://github.com/parazyd/gtomb
       +# https://github.com/dyne/Tomb
        function main {
        command=`zenity --title="gtomb - A GUI wrapper for Tomb" \
       t@@ -60,23 +64,120 @@ function create {
        function open {
       -    echo '1'
       +    # --sudo-pwd issue
       +    tombfile=`zenity --title="Choose a tomb to open" \
       +        --file-selection`
       +    case $? in
       +        0)
       +            keyfile=`zenity --title="Choose the key for your tomb" \
       +                --file-selection`
       +            case $? in
       +                0)
       +                    tomb open $tombfile -k $keyfile
       +                    zenity --title="Success" --info \
       +                        --text="Your tomb is now open."
       +                    main
       +                    eval $command;;
       +                1)
       +                    main
       +                    eval $command;;
       +            esac;;
       +        1)
       +            main
       +            eval $command;;
       +    esac
        function list {
       -    echo '1'
       +    # Bugged without --get-mountpoint. Find out how to resolve.
       +    tmpfile=/tmp/tombtmp
       +    tomb list --get-mountpoint > $tmpfile
       +    zenity --text-info --title="List of mounted tombs" \
       +        --width=800 \
       +        --height=600 \
       +        --filename=$tmpfile
       +    case $? in
       +        0)
       +            rm -f $tmpfile
       +            main
       +            eval $command;;
       +        1)
       +            rm -f $tmpfile
       +            main
       +            eval $command;;
       +    esac
        function close {
       -    echo '1'
       +    # --sudo-pwd issue
       +    $tombpath=`zenity --title="Choose a tomb to close" \
       +        --file-selection --directory`
       +    case $? in
       +        0)
       +            tomb close $tombpath
       +            main
       +            eval $command;;
       +        1)
       +            main
       +            eval $command;;
       +    esac
        function slam {
       -    echo '1'
       +    # --sudo-pwd issue
       +    zenity --question --title="Slammin'" \
       +        --text="Do you want to slam all tombs?"
       +    case $? in
       +        0)
       +            tomb slam all
       +            main
       +            eval $command;;
       +        1)
       +            $tombpath=`zenity --title="Choose a tomb to slam" \
       +                --file-selection --directory`
       +            case $? in
       +                0)
       +                    tomb slam $tombpath
       +                    main
       +                    eval $command;;
       +                1)
       +                    main
       +                    eval $command;;
       +            esac;;
       +    esac
        function resize {
       -    echo '1'
       +    # --sudo-pwd issue
       +    $tombfile=`zenity --title="Choose a tomb to resize" \
       +        --file-selection`
       +    case $? in
       +        0)
       +            $newsize=`zenity --title="New tomb size" \
       +                --entry \
       +                --text="Enter new size of your tomb. Must be larger than current value."
       +            case $? in
       +                0)
       +                    $keyfile=`zenity --title="Choose according keyfile" \
       +                        --file-selection`
       +                    case $? in
       +                        0)
       +                            tomb resize $tombfile -s $newsize -k $keyfile
       +                            main
       +                            eval $command;;
       +                        1)
       +                            main
       +                            eval $command;;
       +                    esac;;
       +                1)
       +                    main
       +                    eval $command;;
       +            esac;;
       +        1)
       +            main
       +            eval $command;;
       +    esac
        function passwd {
       t@@ -95,10 +196,12 @@ function passwd {
        function setkey {
       +    # --sudo-pwd issue
            echo '1'
        function engrave {
       +    # output path issue
            echo '1'