tadded create function, waiting for upstream issue to resolve - gtomb - tomb gtk frontend in zenity
  HTML git clone git://parazyd.org/gtomb.git
   DIR Log
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   DIR commit f1ec21c3c94d00da7f1d0ed022ea46e0ea30c405
   DIR parent b76a899c80859d8f37149081843944c5fdce3fbd
  HTML Author: parazyd <parazyd@archlinux.info>
       Date:   Wed, 18 Nov 2015 00:05:17 +0100
       added create function, waiting for upstream issue to resolve
         M README.md                           |      14 ++++++++++++++
         A gtomb                               |     100 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
         A screenshot.png                      |       0 
         A tmp.sh                              |       7 +++++++
       4 files changed, 121 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)
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       t@@ -1,2 +1,16 @@
        # gtomb
        A GUI for Tomb (https://www.dyne.org/software/tomb/)
       +## Under development. Still not ready to use.
       +`gtomb` is a wrapper for another wrapper called [Tomb](https://github.com/dyne/Tomb)
       +It is imagined to make usage of Tomb even easier for end-users.
       +## Usage
       +![gtomb UI](https://github.com/parazyd/gtomb/raw/master/screenshot.png "gtomb UI")
       +The UI consists of all commands included in Tomb. You can choose a command you wish to run via the
       +list and the script will run it for you. Easy-peasy.
       +## Dependencies
       +* All existing tomb dependencies
       +* zenity
   DIR diff --git a/gtomb b/gtomb
       t@@ -0,0 +1,100 @@
       +#!/usr/bin/env bash
       +function main {
       +command=`zenity --title="gtomb - A GUI wrapper for Tomb" \
       +    --width=640 --height=380 --list \
       +    --separator=" & " \
       +    --column=Function \
       +    --column=Description \
       +    "create" "Create a new tomb, forge its key and lock the tomb" \
       +    "open" "Open an existing tomb" \
       +    "list" "List all open tombs and information on them" \
       +    "close" "Close a specific tomb (or all)" \
       +    "slam" "Slam a tomb (or all) killing all programs using it" \
       +    "resize" "Resize a tomb to a new size (can only grow)" \
       +    "passwd" "Change the password of a key" \
       +    "setkey" "Change the key locking a tomb" \
       +    "engrave" "Generates a QR code of a key to be saved on paper" \
       +    "bury" "Hide a key inside a JPEG image" \
       +    "exhume" "Extract a key from a JPEG image"`
       +function create {
       +    filename=`zenity --file-selection --title="Choose where to dig your tomb" \
       +        --filename="secret.tomb" \
       +        --save`
       +    case $? in
       +        0)
       +            tombsize=`zenity --entry --title="Tomb Creation" \
       +                --text="Tomb must be min. 10MB" \
       +                --entry-text=10`
       +            case $? in
       +                0)
       +                    tomb dig -s $tombsize $filename | \
       +                        zenity --progress --title="Digging tomb" \
       +                        --text="Please wait while your tomb is dug." \
       +                        --auto-close \
       +                        --pulsate
       +                    zenity --info --title="Done digging" \
       +                        --text="Your tomb is dug. Now we will forge a key"
       +                    keyname=`zenity --file-selection --title="Choose where to forge your key" \
       +                        --filename="secret.tomb.key" \
       +                        --save`
       +                    tomb forge $keyname | \
       +                        zenity --progress --title="Forging key" \
       +                        --text="Please wait while your key is being forged." \
       +                        --auto-close \
       +                        --pulsate
       +                    zenity --info --title="Done forging" \
       +                        --text="Your key is now forged. Time to lock the tomb."
       +                    ;;
       +                    # Wait for upstream issue resolve --sudo-pwd
       +                1)
       +                   main;; 
       +            esac;;
       +        1)
       +            main;;
       +    esac
       +function open {
       +    echo '1'
       +function list {
       +    echo '1'
       +function close {
       +    echo '1'
       +function slam {
       +    echo '1'
       +function resize {
       +    echo '1'
       +function passwd {
       +    echo '1'
       +function setkey {
       +    echo '1'
       +function engrave {
       +    echo '1'
       +function bury {
       +    echo '1'
       +function exhume {
       +    echo '1'
       +eval "$command"
   DIR diff --git a/screenshot.png b/screenshot.png
       Binary files differ.
   DIR diff --git a/tmp.sh b/tmp.sh
       t@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
       +function passwd {
       +    echo 'works'