tadd countdown to allow clean abort; add md includes - mars - superminimal static website framework
  HTML git clone git://parazyd.org/mars.git
   DIR Log
   DIR Files
   DIR Refs
   DIR commit 833a986f31fe7408d6b68bc4a05ac3b551dde87c
   DIR parent 7a02b971da1299d95fe6c6b50b8cc1e14e9f2d7a
  HTML Author: parazyd <parazyd@dyne.org>
       Date:   Fri,  1 Jul 2016 09:22:59 +0200
       add countdown to allow clean abort; add md includes
         M mars.sh                             |      29 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++---
         M webtree                             |       2 +-
       2 files changed, 27 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-)
   DIR diff --git a/mars.sh b/mars.sh
       t@@ -44,7 +44,15 @@ process-page() {
       -                        python -m markdown $page > $name.html \
       +                        # here we try to check for includes (lazy)
       +                        local includes=`awk '/^##+/ {print $2}'`
       +                        [[ -n $includes ]] && {
       +                                for file in $includes; do
       +                                        python -m markdown $file > $name.html
       +                                done
       +                        }
       +                        python -m markdown $page >> $name.html \
                                && print "[ ${fg[green]}OK${reset_color} ] $name.$pageformat                        ->        $name.html" \
                                || print "[${fg[red]}NOPE${reset_color}] $name.$pageformat                        ->        $name.html"
       t@@ -75,14 +83,29 @@ clean() {
        push() {
       -        print "${fg[green]}(*) rsyncing website...${reset_color}"
       +        countdown rsyncing
                rsync -P -e 'ssh' -avul --delete --stats \
                        --size-only \
                        --exclude-from 'rsync-exclude' \
                        . $WEBHOST:$WEBROOT
       +countdown() {
       +        watdo="$*"
       +        printf "${fg[white]}>>>${reset_color} $watdo in: ${fg[red]} 5 4 3 2 1... ${reset_color}(hit ^C to abort)" && sleep 1 && \
       +        printf "${fg[white]}>>>${reset_color} $watdo in: ${fg[red]}   4 3 2 1... ${reset_color}(hit ^C to abort)" && sleep 1 && \
       +        printf "${fg[white]}>>>${reset_color} $watdo in: ${fg[red]}     3 2 1... ${reset_color}(hit ^C to abort)" && sleep 1 && \
       +        printf "${fg[white]}>>>${reset_color} $watdo in: ${fg[red]}       2 1... ${reset_color}(hit ^C to abort)" && sleep 1 && \
       +        printf "${fg[white]}>>>${reset_color} $watdo in: ${fg[red]}         1... ${reset_color}(hit ^C to abort)" && sleep 1 && \
       +        printf "${fg[white]}>>>${reset_color} $watdo in: ${fg[red]}              ${reset_color}(hit ^C to abort)\n"
       +trapctrlc() {
       +        echo "\n\n${fg[yellow]}(*) aborting...${reset_color}"
       +        exit 2
       +trap "trapctrlc" 2
        case "$1" in
                generate) generate;;
                clean) clean;;
   DIR diff --git a/webtree b/webtree
       t@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ WEBROOT="/var/www/public_html/"
        # Set the format of your pages (php or markdown)
       -# pageformat=md
        # Here add the tree of your website, ex: