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       Date:   Thu, 23 Jun 2016 15:18:01 +0200
       remove testssl, no go with libressl
         D testssl.sh                          |    4892 -------------------------------
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       t@@ -1,4892 +0,0 @@
       -#!/usr/bin/env bash
       -# vim:ts=5:sw=5
       -# use vim and you will see everything beautifully indented with a 5 char tab
       -[ -z "$BASH_VERSINFO" ] && printf "\n\033[1;35m Please make sure you're using \"bash\"! Bye...\033[m\n\n" >&2 && exit 245 
       -[ $(kill -l | grep -c SIG) -eq 0 ] && printf "\n\033[1;35m Please make sure you're calling me without leading \"sh\"! Bye...\033[m\n\n"  >&2 && exit 245
       -# testssl.sh is a program for spotting weak SSL encryption, ciphers, version and some
       -# vulnerabilities or features
       -# Devel version is available from    https://github.com/drwetter/testssl.sh
       -# Stable version from                https://testssl.sh
       -# Please file bugs at github!        https://github.com/drwetter/testssl.sh/issues
       -# Main author: Dirk Wetter, copyleft: 2007-today, contributions so far see CREDIT.md
       -# License: GPLv2, see http://www.fsf.org/licensing/licenses/info/GPLv2.html
       -# and accompanying license "LICENSE.txt". Redistribution + modification under this
       -# license permitted.
       -# If you enclose this script or parts of it in your software, it has to
       -# be accompanied by the same license (see link) and the place where to get
       -# the recent version of this program. Do not violate the license!
       -# your OWN RISK!
       -# HISTORY: 
       -# Back in 2006 it all started with a few openssl commands...
       -# That's because openssl is a such a good swiss army knife (see e.g.  
       -# wiki.openssl.org/index.php/Command_Line_Utilities) that it was difficult to resist 
       -# wrapping some shell commands around it, which I used for my pen tests. This is how 
       -# everything started.
       -# Now it has grown up, it has bash socket support for some features which basically replacing
       -# more and more functions of OpenSSL and will serve as some kind of library in the future.
       -# The socket checks in bash may sound cool and unique -- they are -- but probably you
       -# can achieve e.g. the same result with my favorite interactive shell: zsh (zmodload zsh/net/socket
       -# -- checkout zsh/net/tcp) too! 
       -# /bin/bash though is way more often used within Linux and it's perfect
       -# for cross platform support, see MacOS X and also under Windows the MSYS2 extension or Cygwin.
       -# Cross-platform is one of the three main goals of this script. Second: Ease of installation.
       -# No compiling, install gems, go to CPAN, use pip etc. Third: Easy to use and to interpret
       -# the results.
       -# Did I mention it's open source?
       -# Q: So what's the difference to www.ssllabs.com/ssltest/ or sslcheck.globalsign.com/ ?
       -# A: As of now ssllabs only check 1) webservers 2) on standard ports, 3) reachable from the
       -#    internet. And those examples above 4) are 3rd parties. If these restrictions are all fine
       -#    with you and you need a management compatible rating -- go ahead and use those.
       -# But also if your fine with those restrictions: testssl.sh is meant as a tool in your hand 
       -# and it's way more flexible.        
       -# Oh, and did I mention testssl.sh is open source?
       -# Note that up to today there were a lot changes for "standard" openssl
       -# binaries: a lot of features (ciphers, protocols, vulnerabilities)
       -# are disabled as they'll impact security otherwise. For security
       -# testing though we need  all broken features. testssl.sh will
       -# over time replace those checks with bash sockets -- however it's
       -# still recommended to use the supplied binaries or cook your own, see 
       -# https://github.com/drwetter/testssl.sh/blob/master/bin/Readme.md .
       -# Don't worry if feature X is not available you'll get a warning about
       -# this missing feature!  The idea is if this script can't tell something
       -# for sure it speaks up so that you have clear picture.
       -# debugging help:
       -readonly PS4='${LINENO}> ${FUNCNAME[0]:+${FUNCNAME[0]}(): }'
       -# make sure that temporary files are cleaned up after use in ANY case
       -trap "cleanup" QUIT EXIT
       -readonly VERSION="2.6"
       -readonly SWCONTACT="dirk aet testssl dot sh"
       -egrep -q "dev|rc" <<< "$VERSION" && \
       -        SWURL="https://testssl.sh/dev/" ||
       -        SWURL="https://testssl.sh/    "
       -readonly PROG_NAME=$(basename "$0")
       -readonly RUN_DIR=$(dirname "$0")
       -which git &>/dev/null && readonly GIT_REL=$(git log --format='%h %ci' -1 2>/dev/null | awk '{ print $1" "$2" "$3 }')
       -readonly CVS_REL=$(tail -5 "$0" | awk '/dirkw Exp/ { print $4" "$5" "$6}')
       -readonly CVS_REL_SHORT=$(tail -5 "$0" | awk '/dirkw Exp/ { print $4 }')
       -readonly SYSTEM=$(uname -s)                        
       -date --help >/dev/null 2>&1 && \
       -        readonly HAS_GNUDATE=true || \
       -        readonly HAS_GNUDATE=false
       -echo A | sed -E 's/A//' >/dev/null 2>&1 && \
       -        readonly HAS_SED_E=true || \
       -        readonly HAS_SED_E=false 
       -TERM_DWITH=${COLUMNS:-$(tput cols)}         # for future custom line wrapping
       -TERM_CURRPOS=0                                                # ^^^ we also need to find out the length or current pos in the line
       -# following variables make use of $ENV, e.g. OPENSSL=<myprivate_path_to_openssl> ./testssl.sh <host>
       -# 0 means (normally) true here. Some of the variables are also accessible with a command line switch
       -declare -x OPENSSL
       -COLOR=${COLOR:-2}                                        # 2: Full color, 1: b/w+positioning, 0: no ESC at all
       -SHOW_EACH_C=${SHOW_EACH_C:-0}                        # where individual ciphers are tested show just the positively ones tested #FIXME: upside down value
       -SNEAKY=${SNEAKY:-false}                                # is the referer and useragent we leave behind just usual? 
       -QUIET=${QUIET:-false}                                # don't output the banner. By doing this yiu acknowledge usage term appearing in the banner
       -SSL_NATIVE=${SSL_NATIVE:-false}                # we do per default bash sockets where possible "true": switch back to "openssl native"
       -ASSUMING_HTTP=${ASSUMING_HTTP:-false}        # in seldom cases (WAF, old servers, grumpy SSL) service detection fails. "True" enforces HTTP checks
       -DEBUG=${DEBUG:-0}                                        # 1.: the temp files won't be erased. 
       -                                                                # 2: list more what's going on (formerly: eq VERBOSE=1, VERBERR=true), lists some errors of connections
       -                                                                # 3: slight hexdumps + other info, 
       -                                                                # 4: display bytes sent via sockets, 5: display bytes received via sockets, 6: whole 9 yards
       -WIDE=${WIDE:-false}                                        # whether to display for some options the cipher or the table with hexcode/KX,Enc,strength etc.
       -HEADER_MAXSLEEP=${HEADER_MAXSLEEP:-5}        # we wait this long before killing the process to retrieve a service banner / http header
       -readonly MAX_WAITSOCK=10                                # waiting at max 10 seconds for socket reply
       -readonly CCS_MAX_WAITSOCK=5                        # for the two CCS payload (each)
       -readonly HEARTBLEED_MAX_WAITSOCK=8                # for the heartbleed payload
       -STARTTLS_SLEEP=${STARTTLS_SLEEP:-1}        # max time to wait on a socket replay for STARTTLS
       -FAST_STARTTLS=${FAST_STARTTLS:-true}        #at the cost of reliabilty decrease the handshakes for STARTTLS
       -USLEEP_SND=${USLEEP_SND:-0.1}                        # sleep time for general socket send
       -USLEEP_REC=${USLEEP_REC:-0.2}                 # sleep time for general socket receive
       -CAPATH="${CAPATH:-/etc/ssl/certs/}"        # Does nothing yet (FC has only a CA bundle per default, ==> openssl version -d)
       -FNAME=${FNAME:-""}                                        # file name to read commands from
       -HSTS_MIN=${HSTS_MIN:-179}               # >179 days is ok for HSTS
       -HPKP_MIN=${HPKP_MIN:-30}                # >=30 days should be ok for HPKP_MIN, practical hints?
       -readonly CLIENT_MIN_PFS=5                        # number of ciphers needed to run a test for PFS
       -DAYS2WARN1=${DAYS2WARN1:-60}            # days to warn before cert expires, threshold 1
       -DAYS2WARN2=${DAYS2WARN2:-30}            # days to warn before cert expires, threshold 2
       -# further vars needed to follow
       -readonly NPN_PROTOs="spdy/4a2,spdy/3,spdy/3.1,spdy/2,spdy/1,http/1.1"
       -OSSL_VER=""                                                # openssl version, will be auto-determined
       -HAS_SSL2=true                                                #TODO: in the future we'll do the fastest possible test (openssl s_client -ssl2 is currently faster than sockets)
       -PORT=443                                                        # unless otherwise auto-determined, see below
       -LOCAL_A=false                                                # does the $NODEIP ceom from /etc/hosts?
       -LOCAL_AAAA=false                                        # does the IPv6 IP come from /etc/hosts?
       -readonly VULN_THRESHLD=1                                # if bigger than this no we show a separate header in blue
       -SERVICE=""                                                # is the server running an HTTP server, SMTP, POP or IMAP?
       -OPTIMAL_PROTO=""                                        # we need this for IIS6 (sigh) and OpenSSL 1.02, otherwise some handshakes
       -                                                                # will fail, see https://github.com/PeterMosmans/openssl/issues/19#issuecomment-100897892
       -STARTTLS_OPTIMAL_PROTO=""                        # same for STARTTLS, see https://github.com/drwetter/testssl.sh/issues/188
       -readonly UA_SNEAKY="Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.0)"
       -readonly UA_STD="Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:42.0) Gecko/19700101 Firefox/42.0"
       -# Devel stuff, see -q below
       -                                                                        # The various hexdump commands we need to replace xxd (BSD compatibility))
       -HEXDUMPVIEW=(hexdump -C)                                 # This is used in verbose mode to see what's going on
       -HEXDUMP=(hexdump -ve '16/1 "%02x " " \n"')         # This is used to analyze the reply
       -HEXDUMPPLAIN=(hexdump -ve '1/1 "%.2x"')         # Replaces both xxd -p and tr -cd '[:print:]'
       -###### some hexbytes for bash network sockets follow ######
       -# 133 standard cipher + 4x GOST for TLS 1.2 and SPDY/NPN
       -readonly TLS12_CIPHER="
       -cc,14, cc,13, cc,15, c0,30, c0,2c, c0,28, c0,24, c0,14,
       -c0,0a, c0,22, c0,21, c0,20, 00,a5, 00,a3, 00,a1, 00,9f,
       -00,6b, 00,6a, 00,69, 00,68, 00,39, 00,38, 00,37, 00,36, 00,80, 00,81, 00,82, 00,83,
       -c0,77, c0,73, 00,c4, 00,c3, 00,c2, 00,c1, 00,88, 00,87,
       -00,86, 00,85, c0,32, c0,2e, c0,2a, c0,26, c0,0f, c0,05,
       -c0,79, c0,75, 00,9d, 00,3d, 00,35, 00,c0, 00,84, c0,2f,
       -c0,2b, c0,27, c0,23, c0,13, c0,09, c0,1f, c0,1e, c0,1d,
       -00,a4, 00,a2, 00,a0, 00,9e, 00,67, 00,40, 00,3f, 00,3e,
       -00,33, 00,32, 00,31, 00,30, c0,76, c0,72, 00,be, 00,bd,
       -00,bc, 00,bb, 00,9a, 00,99, 00,98, 00,97, 00,45, 00,44,
       -00,43, 00,42, c0,31, c0,2d, c0,29, c0,25, c0,0e, c0,04,
       -c0,78, c0,74, 00,9c, 00,3c, 00,2f, 00,ba, 00,96, 00,41,
       -00,07, c0,11, c0,07, 00,66, c0,0c, c0,02, 00,05, 00,04,
       -c0,12, c0,08, c0,1c, c0,1b, c0,1a, 00,16, 00,13, 00,10,
       -00,0d, c0,0d, c0,03, 00,0a, 00,63, 00,15, 00,12, 00,0f,
       -00,0c, 00,62, 00,09, 00,65, 00,64, 00,14, 00,11, 00,0e,
       -00,0b, 00,08, 00,06, 00,03, 00,ff"
       -# 76 standard cipher +4x GOST for SSLv3, TLS 1, TLS 1.1
       -readonly TLS_CIPHER="
       -c0,14, c0,0a, c0,22, c0,21, c0,20, 00,39, 00,38, 00,37,
       -00,36, 00,88, 00,87, 00,86, 00,85, c0,0f, c0,05, 00,35,
       -00,84, c0,13, c0,09, c0,1f, c0,1e, c0,1d, 00,33, 00,32, 00,80, 00,81, 00,82, 00,83,
       -00,31, 00,30, 00,9a, 00,99, 00,98, 00,97, 00,45, 00,44,
       -00,43, 00,42, c0,0e, c0,04, 00,2f, 00,96, 00,41, 00,07,
       -c0,11, c0,07, 00,66, c0,0c, c0,02, 00,05, 00,04, c0,12,
       -c0,08, c0,1c, c0,1b, c0,1a, 00,16, 00,13, 00,10, 00,0d,
       -c0,0d, c0,03, 00,0a, 00,63, 00,15, 00,12, 00,0f, 00,0c,
       -00,62, 00,09, 00,65, 00,64, 00,14, 00,11, 00,0e, 00,0b,
       -00,08, 00,06, 00,03, 00,ff"
       -readonly SSLv2_CLIENT_HELLO="
       -,80,34    # length (here: 52)
       -,01       # Client Hello
       -,00,02    # SSLv2
       -,00,1b    # cipher spec length (here: 27 )
       -,00,00    # session ID length
       -,00,10    # challenge length
       -,05,00,80 # 1st cipher        9 cipher specs, only classical V2 ciphers are used here, see  FIXME below
       -,03,00,80 # 2nd          there are v3 in v2!!! : https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6101#appendix-E
       -,01,00,80 # 3rd          Cipher specifications introduced in version 3.0 can be included in version 2.0 client hello messages using
       -,07,00,c0 # 4th          the syntax below. [..] # V2CipherSpec (see Version 3.0 name) = { 0x00, CipherSuite }; !!!!
       -,08,00,80 # 5th
       -,06,00,40 # 6th
       -,04,00,80 # 7th
       -,02,00,80 # 8th
       -,00,00,00 # 9th
       -,29,22,be,b3,5a,01,8b,04,fe,5f,80,03,a0,13,eb,c4" # Challenge
       -# https://idea.popcount.org/2012-06-16-dissecting-ssl-handshake/ (client)
       -# FIXME: http://max.euston.net/d/tip_sslciphers.html
       -###### output functions ######
       -# a little bit of sanitzing with bash internal search&replace -- otherwise printf will hiccup at '%' and '--' does the rest. 
       -out()   { /usr/bin/printf -- "${1//%/%%}"; }
       -outln() { out "$1\n"; }
       -#TODO: Still no shell injection safe but if just run it from the cmd line: that's fine
       -# color print functions, see also http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/Bash-Prompt-HOWTO/x329.html
       -pr_liteblue()   { [[ "$COLOR" -eq 2 ]] && out "\033[0;34m$1" || out "$1"; pr_off; }                                # not yet used
       -pr_liteblueln() { pr_liteblue "$1"; outln; }
       -pr_blue()       { [[ "$COLOR" -eq 2 ]] && out "\033[1;34m$1" || out "$1"; pr_off; }                                # used for head lines of single tests
       -pr_blueln()     { pr_blue "$1"; outln; }
       -pr_litered()   { [[ "$COLOR" -eq 2 ]] && out "\033[0;31m$1" || pr_bold "$1"; pr_off; }                        # this is bad
       -pr_literedln() { pr_litered "$1"; outln; }
       -pr_red()       { [[ "$COLOR" -eq 2 ]] && out "\033[1;31m$1" || pr_bold "$1"; pr_off; }                        # oh, this is really bad
       -pr_redln()     { pr_red "$1"; outln; }
       -pr_litemagenta()   { [[ "$COLOR" -eq 2 ]] && out "\033[0;35m$1" || pr_underline "$1"; pr_off; }        # local problem: one test cannot be done
       -pr_litemagentaln() { pr_litemagenta "$1"; outln; }
       -pr_magenta()       { [[ "$COLOR" -eq 2 ]] && out "\033[1;35m$1" || pr_underline "$1"; pr_off; }        # Fatal error: quitting because of this!
       -pr_magentaln()     { pr_magenta "$1"; outln; }
       -pr_litecyan()   { [[ "$COLOR" -eq 2 ]] && out "\033[0;36m$1" || out "$1"; pr_off; }                                # not yet used
       -pr_litecyanln() { pr_litecyan "$1"; outln; }
       -pr_cyan()       { [[ "$COLOR" -eq 2 ]] && out "\033[1;36m$1" || out "$1"; pr_off; }                                # additional hint
       -pr_cyanln()     { pr_cyan "$1"; outln; }
       -pr_litegreyln() { pr_litegrey "$1"; outln; }
       -pr_litegrey()   { [[ "$COLOR" -eq 2 ]] && out "\033[0;37m$1" || out "$1"; pr_off; }
       -pr_grey()       { [[ "$COLOR" -eq 2 ]] && out "\033[1;30m$1" || out "$1"; pr_off; }
       -pr_greyln()     { pr_grey "$1"; outln; }
       -pr_litegreen()   { [[ "$COLOR" -eq 2 ]] && out "\033[0;32m$1" || out "$1"; pr_off; }                                # This is good
       -pr_litegreenln() { pr_litegreen "$1"; outln; }
       -pr_green()       { [[ "$COLOR" -eq 2 ]] && out "\033[1;32m$1" || out "$1"; pr_off; }                                # This is the best 
       -pr_greenln()     { pr_green "$1"; outln; }
       -pr_yellow()   { [[ "$COLOR" -eq 2 ]] && out "\033[1;33m$1" || out "$1"; pr_off; }                                # academic or minor problem 
       -pr_yellowln() { pr_yellow "$1"; outln; }
       -pr_brown()    { [[ "$COLOR" -eq 2 ]] && out "\033[0;33m$1" || out "$1"; pr_off; }                                # it is not a bad problem but you shouldn't do this
       -pr_brownln()  { pr_brown "$1"; outln; }
       -# color=1 functions
       -pr_off()          { [[ "$COLOR" -ne 0 ]] && out "\033[m\c"; }
       -pr_bold()         { [[ "$COLOR" -ne 0 ]] && out "\033[1m$1" || out "$1"; pr_off; }
       -pr_boldln()       { pr_bold "$1" ; outln; }
       -pr_underline()    { [[ "$COLOR" -ne 0 ]] && out "\033[4m$1" || out "$1"; pr_off; }
       -pr_reverse()      { [[ "$COLOR" -ne 0 ]] && out "\033[7m$1" || out "$1"; pr_off; }
       -### colorswitcher (see e.g. https://linuxtidbits.wordpress.com/2008/08/11/output-color-on-bash-scripts/
       -###                         http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/Bash-Prompt-HOWTO/x405.html
       -set_color_functions() {
       -        local linux_tput=true
       -        # empty vars if we have no color:
       -        red=""
       -        green=""
       -        brown=""
       -        blue=""
       -        magenta=""
       -        cyan=""
       -        grey=""
       -        yellow=""
       -        off=""
       -        bold=""
       -        underline=""
       -        tput sgr0 &>/dev/null || linux_tput=false
       -        if [[ "$COLOR" -eq 2 ]]; then
       -                if $linux_tput; then
       -                        red=$(tput setaf 1)
       -                        green=$(tput setaf 2)
       -                        brown=$(tput setaf 3)
       -                        blue=$(tput setaf 4)
       -                        magenta=$(tput setaf 5)
       -                        cyan=$(tput setaf 6)
       -                        grey=$(tput setaf 7)
       -                        yellow=$(tput setaf 3; tput bold)
       -                else         # this is a try for old BSD, see terminfo(5)
       -                        red=$(tput AF 1)
       -                        green=$(tput AF 2)
       -                        brown=$(tput AF 3)
       -                        blue=$(tput AF 4)
       -                        magenta=$(tput AF 5)
       -                        cyan=$(tput AF 6)
       -                        grey=$(tput AF 7)
       -                        yellow=$(tput AF 3; tput md)
       -                fi
       -        fi
       -        if [[ "$COLOR" -ge 1 ]]; then
       -                if $linux_tput; then
       -                        bold=$(tput bold)
       -                        underline=$(tput sgr 0 1)
       -                        off=$(tput sgr0)
       -                else         # this is a try for old BSD, see terminfo(5)
       -                        bold=$(tput md)
       -                        underline=$(tput us)
       -                        reverse=$(tput mr)
       -                        off=$(tput me)
       -                fi
       -        fi
       -###### helper function definitions ######
       -debugme() {
       -        [[ $DEBUG -ge 2 ]] && "$@"
       -hex2dec() {
       -        #/usr/bin/printf -- "%d" 0x"$1"
       -        echo $((16#$1))
       -dec2hex() {
       -        /usr/bin/printf -- "%x" "$1"
       -        #echo $((0x$1))
       -# trim spaces for BSD and old sed
       -count_lines() {
       -        echo "$1" | wc -l | sed 's/ //g'
       -count_words() {
       -        echo "$1" | wc -w | sed 's/ //g'
       -count_ciphers() {
       -        echo -n "$1" | sed 's/:/ /g' | wc -w | sed 's/ //g'
       -actually_supported_ciphers() {
       -        $OPENSSL ciphers "$1" 2>/dev/null || echo ""
       -newline_to_spaces() {
       -        echo "$1" | tr '\n' ' ' | sed 's/ $//'
       -strip_lf() {
       -        echo "$1" | tr -d '\n' | tr -d '\r'
       -toupper() {
       -        echo -n "$1" | tr 'a-z' 'A-Z'
       -# prints out multiple lines in $1, left aligned by spaces in $2
       -out_row_aligned() {
       -        local first=true
       -        echo "$1" | while read line; do
       -                if $first; then
       -                        first=false
       -                else
       -                        out "$2"
       -                fi
       -                outln "$line"
       -        done
       -tmpfile_handle() {
       -        if [[ "$DEBUG" -eq 0 ]]; then
       -                rm $TMPFILE 2>/dev/null
       -                [[ $ERRFILE =~ dev.null ]] || rm $ERRFILE
       -        else
       -                mv $TMPFILE "$TEMPDIR/$NODEIP.$1" 2>/dev/null
       -                mv $ERRFILE "$TEMPDIR/$NODEIP.$(sed 's/\.txt//g' <<<"$1").errorlog" 2>/dev/null
       -        fi
       -# arg1: line with comment sign, tabs and so on
       -filter_input() {
       -        echo "$1" | sed -e 's/#.*$//' -e '/^$/d' | tr -d '\n' | tr -d '\t'
       -        local pid=$1                        # pid we wait for or kill
       -        local maxsleep=$2                # how long we wait before killing
       -        while true; do
       -                [[ "$DEBUG" -ge 6 ]] && ps $pid
       -                if ! ps $pid >/dev/null ; then
       -                        return 0                 # process terminated before didn't reach $maxsleep
       -                fi
       -                sleep 1
       -                maxsleep=$((maxsleep - 1))
       -                test $maxsleep -le 0 && break
       -        done                                 # needs to be killed:
       -        kill $pid >&2 2>/dev/null
       -        wait $pid 2>/dev/null        # make sure pid terminated, see wait(1p)
       -        return 3                           # means killed
       -###### check code starts here ######
       -# determines whether the port has an HTTP service running or not (plain TLS, no STARTTLS)
       -# arg1 could be the protocol determined as "working". IIS6 needs that
       -runs_HTTP() {
       -        # SNI is nonsense for !HTTPS but fortunately other protocols don't seem to care
       -        printf "$GET_REQ11" | $OPENSSL s_client $1 -quiet -connect $NODEIP:$PORT $PROXY $SNI >$TMPFILE 2>$ERRFILE &
       -        wait_kill $! $HEADER_MAXSLEEP
       -        head $TMPFILE | grep -aq ^HTTP && SERVICE=HTTP
       -        head $TMPFILE | grep -aq SMTP && SERVICE=SMTP
       -        head $TMPFILE | grep -aq POP && SERVICE=POP
       -        head $TMPFILE | grep -aq IMAP && SERVICE=IMAP
       -        head $TMPFILE | egrep -aqw "Jive News|InterNetNews|NNRP|INN" && SERVICE=NNTP
       -        debugme head -50 $TMPFILE
       -# $TMPFILE contains also a banner which we could use if there's a need for it
       -        out " Service detected:      "
       -        case $SERVICE in
       -                HTTP)
       -                        out " $SERVICE"
       -                        ret=0 ;;
       -                IMAP|POP|SMTP|NNTP)
       -                        out " $SERVICE, thus skipping HTTP specific checks"
       -                        ret=0 ;;
       -                *)   out " Couldn't determine what's running on port $PORT"
       -                        if $ASSUMING_HTTP; then
       -                                SERVICE=HTTP
       -                                out " -- ASSUMING_HTTP set though"
       -                                ret=0
       -                        else
       -                                out ", assuming no HTTP service => skipping HTTP checks"
       -                                ret=1
       -                        fi
       -                        ;;
       -        esac
       -        outln
       -        tmpfile_handle $FUNCNAME.txt
       -        return $ret
       -#problems not handled: chunked
       -run_http_header() {
       -        local header
       -        local -i ret
       -        local referer useragent
       -        local url
       -        outln; pr_blue "--> Testing HTTP header response"; outln " @ \"$URL_PATH\"\n"
       -        [[ -z "$1" ]] && url="/" || url="$1"
       -        if $SNEAKY; then
       -                referer="http://google.com/"
       -                useragent="$UA_SNEAKY"
       -        else
       -                referer="TLS/SSL-Tester from $SWURL"
       -                useragent="$UA_STD"
       -        fi
       -        (
       -        $OPENSSL s_client $OPTIMAL_PROTO -quiet -connect $NODEIP:$PORT $PROXY $SNI << EOF
       -GET $url HTTP/1.1
       -Host: $NODE
       -Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8
       -Accept-Language: en-us,en;q=0.7,de-de;q=0.3
       -User-Agent: $useragent
       -Referer: $referer
       -Connection: close
       -) >$HEADERFILE 2>$ERRFILE &
       -        if wait_kill $! $HEADER_MAXSLEEP; then
       -                if ! egrep -iaq "XML|HTML|DOCTYPE|HTTP|Connection" $HEADERFILE; then
       -                        pr_litemagenta " likely HTTP header requests failed (#lines: $(wc -l < $HEADERFILE | sed 's/ //g'))."
       -                        outln "Rerun with DEBUG=1 and inspect \"run_http_header.txt\"\n"
       -                        debugme cat $HEADERFILE
       -                        ret=7
       -                fi
       -                sed  -e '/^<HTML/,$d' -e '/^<html/,$d' -e '/^<XML /,$d' -e '/<?XML /,$d' \
       -                        -e '/^<xml /,$d' -e '/<?xml /,$d'  -e '/^<\!DOCTYPE/,$d' -e '/^<\!doctype/,$d' $HEADERFILE >$HEADERFILE.2
       -#### ^^^ Attention: the filtering for the html body only as of now, doesn't work for other content yet
       -                mv $HEADERFILE.2  $HEADERFILE         # sed'ing in place doesn't work with BSD and Linux simultaneously
       -                ret=0
       -        else
       -                #TODO: attention: if this runs into a timeout, we're dead. Try again differently:
       -                printf "$GET_REQ11" | $OPENSSL s_client $OPTIMAL_PROTO -quiet -ign_eof -connect $NODEIP:$PORT $PROXY $SNI 1>$HEADERFILE 2>$ERRFILE
       -                if [[ $? -ne 0 ]]; then
       -                        pr_litemagentaln " failed (1st request stalled, 2nd erroneous)"
       -                        return 3
       -                        #ret=3
       -                fi
       -        fi
       -        status_code=$(awk '/^HTTP\// { print $2 }' $HEADERFILE 2>>$ERRFILE)
       -        msg_thereafter=$(awk -F"$status_code" '/^HTTP\// { print $2 }' $HEADERFILE 2>>$ERRFILE)         # dirty trick to use the status code as a
       -        msg_thereafter=$(strip_lf "$msg_thereafter")                                                                # field separator, otherwise we need a loop with awk
       -        debugme echo "Status/MSG: $status_code $msg_thereafter"
       -        pr_bold " HTTP Status Code           "
       -        [[ -z "$status_code" ]] && pr_litemagentaln "No status code" && return 3
       -        out "  $status_code$msg_thereafter" 
       -        case $status_code in
       -                301|302|307|308)        out ", redirecting to \"$(grep -a '^Location' $HEADERFILE | sed 's/Location: //' | tr -d '\r\n')\"" ;;
       -                200) ;;
       -                206) out " -- WTF?" ;;
       -                400) pr_litemagenta " (Hint: better try another URL)" ;;
       -                401) grep -aq "^WWW-Authenticate" $HEADERFILE && out "  "; strip_lf "$(grep -a "^WWW-Authenticate" $HEADERFILE)"
       -                        ;;
       -                403)  ;;
       -                404) out " (Hint: supply a path which doesn't give a \"$status_code$msg_thereafter\")" ;; 
       -                405) ;;
       -                *) pr_litemagenta ". Oh, didn't expect a $status_code$msg_thereafter";;
       -        esac
       -        outln
       -        # we don't call "tmpfile_handle $FUNCNAME.txt" as we need the header file in other functions!
       -        return $ret
       -# Borrowed from Glenn Jackman, see https://unix.stackexchange.com/users/4667/glenn-jackman
       -detect_ipv4() {
       -        local octet="(25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|1[0-9][0-9]|[1-9]?[0-9])"
       -        local ipv4address="$octet\\.$octet\\.$octet\\.$octet"
       -        local your_ip_msg="(check if it's your IP address or e.g. a cluster IP)"
       -        local result
       -        local first=true
       -        local spaces="                              "
       -        if [[ ! -s $HEADERFILE ]]; then
       -                run_http_header "$1" || return 3
       -        fi
       -        # remove pagespeed header as it is mistakenly identified as ipv4 address https://github.com/drwetter/testssl.sh/issues/158
       -        # also facebook has a CSP rule for
       -        if egrep -vi "pagespeed|page-speed|Content-Security-Policy" $HEADERFILE | grep -iqE "$ipv4address"; then
       -                pr_bold " IPv4 address in header       " 
       -                while read line; do
       -                        result="$(grep -E "$ipv4address" <<< "$line")"
       -                        result=$(strip_lf "$result")
       -                        if [[ -n "$result" ]]; then
       -                                if ! $first; then
       -                                        out "$spaces"
       -                                        your_ip_msg=""
       -                                else
       -                                        first=false
       -                                fi
       -                                pr_litered "$result"
       -                                outln "\n$spaces$your_ip_msg"
       -                        fi
       -                done < $HEADERFILE
       -        fi
       -run_http_date() {
       -        local now difftime
       -        if [[ ! -s $HEADERFILE ]]; then
       -                run_http_header "$1" || return 3                # this is just for the line "Testing HTTP header response"
       -        fi
       -        pr_bold " HTTP clock skew              "
       -        if [[ $SERVICE != "HTTP" ]]; then
       -                out "not tested as we're not targeting HTTP"
       -        else
       -                printf "$GET_REQ11" | $OPENSSL s_client $OPTIMAL_PROTO -ign_eof -connect $NODEIP:$PORT $PROXY $SNI &>$TMPFILE
       -                now=$(date "+%s")                                # we need an ACCURATE date here and cannot rely on the headerfile!
       -                HTTP_TIME=$(awk -F': ' '/^date:/ { print $2 }  /^Date:/ { print $2 }' $TMPFILE)
       -                if [[ -n "$HTTP_TIME" ]]; then
       -                        if $HAS_GNUDATE ; then
       -                                HTTP_TIME=$(date --date="$HTTP_TIME" "+%s")
       -                        else
       -                                HTTP_TIME=$(date -j -f "%a, %d %b %Y %T %Z" "$HTTP_TIME" "+%s" 2>>$ERRFILE) # the trailing \r confuses BSD flavors otherwise
       -                        fi
       -                        difftime=$((HTTP_TIME - $now))
       -                        [[ $difftime != "-"* ]] && [[ $difftime != "0" ]] && difftime="+$difftime"
       -                        out "$difftime sec from localtime";
       -                else
       -                        out "Got no HTTP time, maybe try different URL?";
       -                fi
       -                debugme out " epoch: $HTTP_TIME"
       -        fi
       -        outln
       -        detect_ipv4
       -includeSubDomains() {
       -        if grep -aiqw includeSubDomains "$1"; then
       -                pr_litegreen ", includeSubDomains"
       -        else
       -                pr_litecyan ", just this domain"
       -        fi
       -preload() {
       -        grep -aiqw preload "$1" && pr_litegreen ", preload"
       -run_hsts() {
       -        local hsts_age_sec
       -        local hsts_age_days
       -        if [[ ! -s $HEADERFILE ]]; then
       -                run_http_header "$1" || return 3
       -        fi
       -        #pr_bold " HSTS                         "
       -        pr_bold " Strict Transport Security    "
       -        grep -iaw '^Strict-Transport-Security' $HEADERFILE >$TMPFILE
       -        if [[ $? -eq 0 ]]; then
       -                grep -aciw '^Strict-Transport-Security' $HEADERFILE | egrep -waq "1" || out "(two HSTS header, using 1st one) "
       -                hsts_age_sec=$(sed -e 's/[^0-9]*//g' $TMPFILE | head -1)
       -#FIXME: test for number!
       -                hsts_age_days=$(( hsts_age_sec / 86400))
       -                if [[ $hsts_age_days -gt $HSTS_MIN ]]; then
       -                        pr_litegreen "$hsts_age_days days" ; out "=$hsts_age_sec s"
       -                else
       -                        out "$hsts_age_sec s = "
       -                        pr_brown "$hsts_age_days days, <$HSTS_MIN days is too short"
       -                fi
       -                includeSubDomains "$TMPFILE"
       -                preload "$TMPFILE"
       -                #FIXME: To be checked against e.g. https://dxr.mozilla.org/mozilla-central/source/security/manager/boot/src/nsSTSPreloadList.inc
       -                #                                                  and https://chromium.googlesource.com/chromium/src/+/master/net/http/transport_security_state_static.json
       -        else
       -                out "--"
       -        fi
       -        outln
       -        tmpfile_handle $FUNCNAME.txt
       -        return $?
       -run_hpkp() {
       -        local -i hpkp_age_sec
       -        local -i hpkp_age_days
       -        local -i hpkp_nr_keys
       -        local hpkp_key hpkp_key_hostcert
       -        local spaces="                             "
       -        local key_found=false
       -        local i
       -        if [[ ! -s $HEADERFILE ]]; then
       -                run_http_header "$1" || return 3
       -        fi
       -        #pr_bold " HPKP                         "
       -        pr_bold " Public Key Pinning           "
       -        egrep -aiw '^Public-Key-Pins|Public-Key-Pins-Report-Only' $HEADERFILE >$TMPFILE
       -        if [[ $? -eq 0 ]]; then
       -                if egrep -aciw '^Public-Key-Pins|Public-Key-Pins-Report-Only' $HEADERFILE | egrep -waq "1" ; then
       -                        :
       -                else
       -                        pr_brown "two HPKP headers: "
       -                        for i in $(newline_to_spaces "$(egrep -ai '^Public-Key-Pins' $HEADERFILE | awk -F':' '/Public-Key-Pins/ { print $1 }')"); do
       -                                pr_underline $i
       -                                out " "
       -                        done
       -                        out "\n$spaces using first "
       -                        pr_underline "$(awk -F':' '/Public-Key-Pins/ { print $1 }' $HEADERFILE | head -1), "
       -                fi
       -                # remove leading Public-Key-Pins*, any colons, double quotes and trailing spaces and taking the first -- whatever that is
       -                sed -e 's/Public-Key-Pins://g' -e s'/Public-Key-Pins-Report-Only://' $TMPFILE | \
       -                        sed -e 's/;//g' -e 's/\"//g' -e 's/^ //' | head -1 > $TMPFILE.2
       -                # BSD lacks -i, otherwise we would have done it inline
       -                # now separate key value and other stuff per line:
       -                tr ' ' '\n' < $TMPFILE.2 >$TMPFILE
       -                hpkp_nr_keys=$(grep -ac pin-sha $TMPFILE)
       -                out "# of keys: "
       -                if [[ $hpkp_nr_keys -eq 1 ]]; then
       -                        pr_litered "1 (NOT ok), "
       -                else
       -                        out "$hpkp_nr_keys, "
       -                fi
       -                # print key=value pair with awk, then strip non-numbers, to be improved with proper parsing of key-value with awk
       -                hpkp_age_sec=$(awk -F= '/max-age/{max_age=$2; print max_age}' $TMPFILE | sed -E 's/[^[:digit:]]//g')
       -                hpkp_age_days=$((hpkp_age_sec / 86400))
       -                if [[ $hpkp_age_days -ge $HPKP_MIN ]]; then
       -                        pr_litegreen "$hpkp_age_days days" ; out "=$hpkp_age_sec s"
       -                else
       -                        out "$hpkp_age_sec s = "
       -                        pr_brown "$hpkp_age_days days (<$HPKP_MIN days is not good enough)"
       -                fi
       -                includeSubDomains "$TMPFILE"
       -                preload "$TMPFILE"
       -                [[ -s "$HOSTCERT" ]] || get_host_cert
       -                # get the key fingerprints
       -                hpkp_key_hostcert="$($OPENSSL x509 -in $HOSTCERT -pubkey -noout | grep -v PUBLIC | \
       -                        $OPENSSL base64 -d | $OPENSSL dgst -sha256 -binary | $OPENSSL base64)"
       -                while read hpkp_key; do
       -                        if [[ "$hpkp_key_hostcert" == "$hpkp_key" ]] || [[ "$hpkp_key_hostcert" == "$hpkp_key=" ]]; then
       -                                out "\n$spaces matching host key: "
       -                                pr_litegreen "$hpkp_key"
       -                                key_found=true
       -                        fi
       -                        debugme out "\n  $hpkp_key | $hpkp_key_hostcert"
       -                done < <(tr ';' '\n' < $TMPFILE | tr -d ' ' | tr -d '\"' | awk -F'=' '/pin.*=/ { print $2 }')
       -                if ! $key_found ; then
       -                        out "\n$spaces"
       -                        pr_litered " No matching key for pins found "
       -                        out "(CAs pinned? -- not yet checked)"
       -                fi
       -        else
       -                out "--"
       -        fi
       -        outln
       -        tmpfile_handle $FUNCNAME.txt
       -        return $?
       -# see http://www.grymoire.com/Unix/Sed.html#uh-3
       -#        outln "$1" | sed "s/[0-9]*/$brown&$off/g"
       -        outln "$1" | sed -e "s/\([0-9]\)/$brown\1$off/g" \
       -                -e "s/Debian/"$yellow"\Debian$off/g" \
       -                -e "s/Win32/"$yellow"\Win32$off/g" \
       -                -e "s/Win64/"$yellow"\Win64$off/g" \
       -                -e "s/Ubuntu/"$yellow"Ubuntu$off/g" \
       -                -e "s/ubuntu/"$yellow"ubuntu$off/g" \
       -                -e "s/jessie/"$yellow"jessie$off/g" \
       -                -e "s/squeeze/"$yellow"squeeze$off/g" \
       -                -e "s/wheezy/"$yellow"wheezy$off/g" \
       -                -e "s/lenny/"$yellow"lenny$off/g" \
       -                -e "s/SUSE/"$yellow"SUSE$off/g" \
       -                -e "s/Red Hat Enterprise Linux/"$yellow"Red Hat Enterprise Linux$off/g" \
       -                -e "s/Red Hat/"$yellow"Red Hat$off/g" \
       -                -e "s/CentOS/"$yellow"CentOS$off/g" \
       -                -e "s/Via/"$yellow"Via$off/g" \
       -                -e "s/X-Forwarded/"$yellow"X-Forwarded$off/g" \
       -                -e "s/Liferay-Portal/"$yellow"Liferay-Portal$off/g" \
       -                -e "s/X-Cache-Lookup/"$yellow"X-Cache-Lookup$off/g" \
       -                -e "s/X-Cache/"$yellow"X-Cache$off/g" \
       -                -e "s/X-Squid/"$yellow"X-Squid$off/g" \
       -                -e "s/X-Server/"$yellow"X-Server$off/g" \
       -                -e "s/X-Varnish/"$yellow"X-Varnish$off/g" \
       -                -e "s/X-OWA-Version/"$yellow"X-OWA-Version$off/g" \
       -                -e "s/X-Version/"$yellow"X-Version$off/g" \
       -                -e "s/X-Powered-By/"$yellow"X-Powered-By$off/g" \
       -                -e "s/X-UA-Compatible/"$yellow"X-UA-Compatible$off/g" \
       -                -e "s/X-AspNet-Version/"$yellow"X-AspNet-Version$off/g"
       -run_server_banner() {
       -        local serverbanner
       -        if [[ ! -s $HEADERFILE ]]; then
       -                run_http_header "$1" || return 3
       -        fi
       -        pr_bold " Server banner                "
       -        grep -ai '^Server' $HEADERFILE >$TMPFILE
       -        if [[ $? -eq 0 ]]; then
       -                serverbanner=$(sed -e 's/^Server: //' -e 's/^server: //' $TMPFILE)
       -                if [[ x"$serverbanner" == "x\n" ]] || [[ x"$serverbanner" == "x\n\r" ]] || [[ x"$serverbanner" == "x" ]]; then
       -                        outln "banner exists but empty string"
       -                else
       -                        emphasize_stuff_in_headers "$serverbanner"
       -                        [[ "$serverbanner" = *Microsoft-IIS/6.* ]] && [[ $OSSL_VER == 1.0.2* ]] && \
       -                                pr_litemagentaln "                              It's recommended to run another test w/ OpenSSL 1.01 !"
       -                                # see https://github.com/PeterMosmans/openssl/issues/19#issuecomment-100897892
       -                fi
       -                # mozilla.github.io/server-side-tls/ssl-config-generator/
       -          # https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/kb/245030
       -        else
       -                outln "(no \"Server\" line in header, interesting!)"
       -        fi
       -        tmpfile_handle $FUNCNAME.txt
       -        return 0
       -run_rp_banner() {
       -        local line
       -        local first=true
       -        local spaces="                              "
       -        if [[ ! -s $HEADERFILE ]]; then
       -                run_http_header "$1" || return 3
       -        fi
       -        pr_bold " Reverse Proxy banner         "
       -        egrep -ai '^Via:|^X-Cache|^X-Squid|^X-Varnish:|^X-Server-Name:|^X-Server-Port:|^x-forwarded' $HEADERFILE >$TMPFILE 
       -        if [[ $? -ne 0 ]]; then
       -                outln "--"
       -        else
       -                while read line; do
       -                        line=$(strip_lf "$line")
       -                        if ! $first; then
       -                                out "$spaces"
       -                        else
       -                                first=false
       -                        fi
       -               emphasize_stuff_in_headers "$line"
       -          done < $TMPFILE
       -        fi
       -        outln
       -        tmpfile_handle $FUNCNAME.txt
       -        return 0
       -#                emphasize_stuff_in_headers "$(sed 's/^/ /g' $TMPFILE | tr '\n\r' '  ')" || \
       -run_application_banner() {
       -        local line
       -        local first=true
       -        local spaces="                              "
       -        if [[ ! -s $HEADERFILE ]]; then
       -                run_http_header "$1" || return 3
       -        fi
       -        pr_bold " Application banner           "
       -        egrep -ai '^X-Powered-By|^X-AspNet-Version|^X-Version|^Liferay-Portal|^X-OWA-Version' $HEADERFILE >$TMPFILE
       -        if [[ $? -ne 0 ]]; then
       -                outln "--"
       -        else
       -                cat $TMPFILE | while read line; do
       -                        line=$(strip_lf "$line")
       -                        if ! $first; then
       -                                out "$spaces"
       -                        else
       -                                first=false
       -                        fi
       -               emphasize_stuff_in_headers "$line"
       -          done
       -        fi
       -        tmpfile_handle $FUNCNAME.txt
       -        return 0
       -run_cookie_flags() {        # ARG1: Path, ARG2: path
       -        local -i nr_cookies
       -        local nr_httponly nr_secure
       -        local negative_word 
       -        if [[ ! -s $HEADERFILE ]]; then
       -                run_http_header "$1" || return 3
       -        fi
       -        pr_bold " Cookie(s)                    "
       -        grep -ai '^Set-Cookie' $HEADERFILE >$TMPFILE
       -        if [[ $? -eq 0 ]]; then
       -                nr_cookies=$(wc -l < $TMPFILE | sed 's/ //g')
       -                out "$nr_cookies issued: "
       -                if [[ $nr_cookies -gt 1 ]]; then
       -                        negative_word="NONE"
       -                else
       -                        negative_word="NOT"
       -                fi
       -                nr_secure=$(grep -iac secure $TMPFILE)
       -                case $nr_secure in
       -                        0) pr_brown "$negative_word" ;;
       -                        [123456789]) pr_litegreen "$nr_secure/$nr_cookies";;
       -                esac
       -                 out " secure, "
       -                nr_httponly=$(grep -cai httponly $TMPFILE)
       -                case $nr_httponly in
       -                        0) pr_brown "$negative_word" ;;
       -                        [123456789]) pr_litegreen "$nr_httponly/$nr_cookies";;
       -                esac
       -                out " HttpOnly"
       -        else
       -                out "(none issued at \"$1\")"
       -        fi
       -        outln
       -        tmpfile_handle $FUNCNAME.txt
       -        return 0
       -run_more_flags() {
       -        local good_flags2test="X-Frame-Options X-XSS-Protection X-Content-Type-Options Content-Security-Policy X-Content-Security-Policy X-WebKit-CSP Content-Security-Policy-Report-Only"
       -        local other_flags2test="Access-Control-Allow-Origin Upgrade X-Served-By X-UA-Compatible"
       -        local egrep_pattern=""
       -        local f2t result_str
       -        local first=true
       -        local spaces="                              "
       -        if [[ ! -s $HEADERFILE ]]; then
       -                run_http_header "$1" || return 3
       -        fi
       -        pr_bold " Security headers             "
       -        # convert spaces to | (for egrep)
       -        egrep_pattern=$(echo "$good_flags2test $other_flags2test"| sed -e 's/ /|\^/g' -e 's/^/\^/g') 
       -        egrep -ai "$egrep_pattern" $HEADERFILE >$TMPFILE
       -        if [[ $? -ne 0 ]]; then
       -                outln "--"
       -                ret=1
       -        else
       -                #set -x
       -                ret=0
       -                for f2t in $good_flags2test; do
       -                        debugme echo "---> $f2t"
       -                        result_str=$(grep -wi "^$f2t" $TMPFILE | grep -vi "$f2t"-)
       -                        result_str=$(strip_lf "$result_str")
       -                        [[ -z "$result_str" ]] && continue
       -                        if ! $first; then
       -                                out "$spaces"        # output leading spaces if the first header
       -                        else
       -                                first=false
       -                        fi
       -                        # extract and print key(=flag) in green:
       -                        pr_litegreen "${result_str%%:*}:"
       -                        #pr_litegreen "$(sed 's/:.*$/:/' <<< "$result_str")"
       -                        # print value in plain text:
       -                        outln "${result_str#*:}"
       -                done
       -                # now the same with other flags
       -                for f2t in $other_flags2test; do
       -                        result_str=$(grep -i "^$f2t" $TMPFILE)
       -                        [[ -z "$result_str" ]] && continue
       -                        if ! $first; then
       -                                out "$spaces"  # output leading spaces if the first header
       -                        else
       -                                first=false
       -                        fi
       -                        # extract and print key(=flag) underlined
       -                        pr_underline "${result_str%%:*}:"
       -                        # print value in plain text:
       -                        outln "${result_str#*:}"
       -                done
       -        fi
       -#TODO: I am not testing for the correctness or anything stupid yet, e.g. "X-Frame-Options: allowall"
       -        tmpfile_handle $FUNCNAME.txt
       -        return $ret
       -# #1: string with 2 opensssl codes, HEXC= same in NSS/ssllabs terminology
       -normalize_ciphercode() {
       -        part1=$(echo "$1" | awk -F',' '{ print $1 }')
       -        part2=$(echo "$1" | awk -F',' '{ print $2 }')
       -        part3=$(echo "$1" | awk -F',' '{ print $3 }')
       -        if [[ "$part1" == "0x00" ]]; then                # leading 0x00
       -                HEXC=$part2
       -        else
       -                #part2=$(echo $part2 | sed 's/0x//g')
       -                part2=${part2//0x/}
       -                if [[ -n "$part3" ]]; then    # a SSLv2 cipher has three parts
       -                        #part3=$(echo $part3 | sed 's/0x//g')
       -                        part3=${part3//0x/}
       -                fi
       -                HEXC="$part1$part2$part3"
       -        fi
       -#TODO: we should just echo this and avoid the global var HEXC
       -        HEXC=$(echo $HEXC | tr 'A-Z' 'a-z' | sed 's/0x/x/') #tolower + strip leading 0
       -        return 0
       -prettyprint_local() {
       -        local arg
       -        local hexcode dash ciph sslvers kx auth enc mac export
       -        local re='^[0-9A-Fa-f]+$'
       -        pr_blue "--> Displaying all local ciphers ";
       -        if [[ -n "$1" ]]; then
       -                [[ $1 =~ $re ]] && \
       -                        pr_blue "matching number pattern \"$1\" " || \
       -                        pr_blue "matching word pattern "\"$1\"" (ignore case)"
       -        fi
       -        outln "\n"
       -        neat_header
       -        if [[ -z "$1" ]]; then
       -                $OPENSSL ciphers -V 'ALL:COMPLEMENTOFALL:@STRENGTH' 2>$ERRFILE | while read hexcode dash ciph sslvers kx auth enc mac export ; do       # -V doesn't work with openssl < 1.0
       -                        normalize_ciphercode $hexcode
       -                        neat_list $HEXC $ciph $kx $enc
       -                        outln
       -                done
       -        else
       -                #for arg in $(echo $@ | sed 's/,/ /g'); do
       -                for arg in ${*//,/ /}; do
       -                        $OPENSSL ciphers -V 'ALL:COMPLEMENTOFALL:@STRENGTH' 2>$ERRFILE | while read hexcode dash ciph sslvers kx auth enc mac export ; do        # -V doesn't work with openssl < 1.0
       -                                normalize_ciphercode $hexcode
       -                                # for numbers we don't do word matching:
       -                                [[ $arg =~ $re ]] && \
       -                                        neat_list $HEXC $ciph $kx $enc | grep -ai "$arg" || \
       -                                        neat_list $HEXC $ciph $kx $enc | grep -wai "$arg"
       -                        done
       -             done
       -        fi
       -        outln
       -        return 0
       -# list ciphers (and makes sure you have them locally configured)
       -# arg[1]: cipher list (or anything else)
       -listciphers() {
       -        local -i ret
       -        local debugname="$(sed -e s'/\!/not/g' -e 's/\:/_/g' <<< "$1")"
       -        $OPENSSL ciphers "$1" &>$TMPFILE
       -        ret=$?
       -        debugme cat $TMPFILE
       -     tmpfile_handle $FUNCNAME.$debugname.txt
       -        return $ret
       -# argv[1]: cipher list to test
       -# argv[2]: string on console
       -# argv[3]: ok to offer? 0: yes, 1: no
       -std_cipherlists() {
       -        local -i ret
       -        local singlespaces
       -        local debugname="$(sed -e s'/\!/not/g' -e 's/\:/_/g' <<< "$1")"
       -        pr_bold "$2    "         # indent in order to be in the same row as server preferences
       -        if listciphers "$1"; then  # is that locally available??
       -                $OPENSSL s_client -cipher "$1" $STARTTLS -connect $NODEIP:$PORT $PROXY $SNI 2>$ERRFILE >$TMPFILE </dev/null
       -                ret=$?
       -                debugme cat $ERRFILE
       -                case $3 in
       -                        0)        # ok to offer
       -                                [[ $ret -eq 0 ]] && \
       -                                        pr_greenln "offered (OK)" || \
       -                                        pr_brownln "not offered (NOT ok)" ;;
       -                        1) # the ugly ones
       -                                [[ $ret -eq 0 ]] && \
       -                                        pr_redln "offered (NOT ok)" || \
       -                                        pr_greenln "not offered (OK)" ;;
       -                        2)         # bad but not worst
       -                                [[ $ret -eq 0 ]] && \
       -                                        pr_literedln "offered (NOT ok)" || \
       -                                        pr_litegreenln "not offered (OK)" ;;
       -                        3) # not totally bad 
       -                                [[ $ret -eq 0 ]] && \
       -                                        pr_brownln "offered (NOT ok)" || \
       -                                        outln "not offered (OK)" ;;
       -                        *) # we shouldn't reach this
       -                                pr_litemagenta "? (please report this)" ;;
       -                esac
       -                tmpfile_handle $FUNCNAME.$debugname.txt
       -        else
       -                singlespaces=$(echo "$2" | sed -e 's/ \+/ /g' -e 's/^ //' -e 's/ $//g' -e 's/  //g')
       -                local_problem "No $singlespaces configured in $OPENSSL"
       -        fi
       -        # we need lf in those cases:
       -        [[ $DEBUG -ge 2 ]] && echo
       -# sockets inspired by http://blog.chris007.de/?p=238
       -# ARG1: hexbyte with a leading comma (!!), separated by commas
       -# ARG2: sleep
       -socksend() {
       -        # the following works under BSD and Linux, which is quite tricky. So don't mess with it unless you're really sure what you do
       -        if $HAS_SED_E; then
       -                data=$(echo "$1" | sed -e 's/# .*$//g' -e 's/ //g' | sed -E 's/^[[:space:]]+//; s/[[:space:]]+$//; /^$/d' | sed 's/,/\\/g' | tr -d '\n')
       -        else
       -                data=$(echo "$1" | sed -e 's/# .*$//g' -e 's/ //g' | sed -r 's/^[[:space:]]+//; s/[[:space:]]+$//; /^$/d' | sed 's/,/\\/g' | tr -d '\n')
       -        fi
       -        [[ $DEBUG -ge 4 ]] && echo "\"$data\""
       -        printf -- "$data" >&5 2>/dev/null &
       -        sleep $2
       -#FIXME: This is only for HB and CCS, others use still sockread_serverhello()
       -sockread() {
       -        local -i ret=0
       -        local ddreply
       -        [[ "x$2" == "x" ]] && maxsleep=$MAX_WAITSOCK || maxsleep=$2
       -        ddreply=$(mktemp $TEMPDIR/ddreply.XXXXXX) || return 7
       -        dd bs=$1 of=$ddreply count=1 <&5 2>/dev/null &
       -        wait_kill $! $maxsleep
       -        ret=$?
       -        SOCKREPLY=$(cat $ddreply)
       -        rm $ddreply
       -        return $ret
       -        local rfcname
       -        [[ -z "$MAPPING_FILE_RFC" ]] && return 1
       -        rfcname=$(grep -iw "$1" "$MAPPING_FILE_RFC" | sed -e 's/^.*TLS/TLS/' -e 's/^.*SSL/SSL/')
       -        [[ -n "$rfcname" ]] && out "$rfcname"
       -        return 0
       -        printf -- "Hexcode  Cipher Suite Name (OpenSSL)    KeyExch.   Encryption Bits${MAPPING_FILE_RFC:+        Cipher Suite Name (RFC)}\n"
       -        printf -- "%s-------------------------------------------------------------------------${MAPPING_FILE_RFC:+----------------------------------------------}\n"
       -# arg1: hexcode
       -# arg2: cipher in openssl notation
       -# arg3: keyexchange
       -# arg4: encryption (maybe included "export")
       -        local hexcode="$1"
       -        local ossl_cipher="$2"
       -        local kx enc strength
       -        kx=$(sed 's/Kx=//g' <<< "$3")
       -        enc=$(sed 's/Enc=//g' <<< "$4")
       -        strength=$(sed -e 's/.*(//' -e 's/)//' <<< "$enc")                                                # strength = encryption bits
       -        strength=$(sed -e 's/ChaCha20-Poly1305/ly1305/g' <<< "$strength")                         # workaround for empty bits ChaCha20-Poly1305
       -        enc=$(sed -e 's/(.*)//g' -e 's/ChaCha20-Poly1305/ChaCha20-Po/g' <<< "$enc")        # workaround for empty bits ChaCha20-Poly1305
       -        echo "$export" | grep -iq export && strength="$strength,export"
       -        # workaround for color escape codes:
       -        if printf -- "$kx" | "${HEXDUMPVIEW[@]}" | grep -q 33 ; then         # here's a color code
       -                kx="$kx "                                                    # one for color code if ECDH and three digits
       -                [[ "${#kx}" -eq 18 ]] && kx="$kx  "        # 18 means DH, colored < 1000. Add another space
       -                [[ "${#kx}" -eq 19 ]] && kx="$kx "                # 19 means DH, colored >=1000. Add another space
       -                #echo ${#kx}                                                # should be always 20
       -        fi
       -        #if [[ -r "$MAPPING_FILE_RFC" ]]; then
       -                printf -- " %-7s %-30s %-10s %-11s%-11s${MAPPING_FILE_RFC:+ %-48s}${SHOW_EACH_C:+  }" "$hexcode" "$ossl_cipher" "$kx" "$enc" "$strength" "$(show_rfc_style $HEXC)"
       -        #else
       -        #        printf -- " %-7s %-30s %-10s %-11s%-11s${SHOW_EACH_C:+  }" "$1" "$2" "$kx" "$enc" "$strength"
       -        #fi
       -        local hexcode n ciph sslvers kx auth enc mac export
       -        local dhlen
       -        local ret
       -        local re='^[0-9A-Fa-f]+$'
       -        pr_blue "--> Testing single cipher with "
       -        [[ $1 =~ $re ]] && \
       -                pr_blue "matching number pattern \"$1\" " || \
       -                pr_blue "word pattern "\"$1\"" (ignore case)"
       -        outln
       -        ! $HAS_DH_BITS && pr_litemagentaln "    (Your $OPENSSL cannot show DH/ECDH bits)"
       -        outln
       -        neat_header
       -        #for arg in $(echo $@ | sed 's/,/ /g'); do
       -        for arg in ${*//, /}; do
       -                # 1st check whether openssl has cipher or not
       -                $OPENSSL ciphers -V 'ALL:COMPLEMENTOFALL:@STRENGTH' 2>$ERRFILE | while read hexcode dash ciph sslvers kx auth enc mac export ; do
       -                # FIXME: e.g. OpenSSL < 1.0 doesn't understand "-V" --> we can't do anything about it!
       -                        normalize_ciphercode $hexcode
       -                        # is argument a number?
       -                        if [[ $arg =~ $re ]]; then
       -                                neat_list $HEXC $ciph $kx $enc | grep -qai "$arg" 
       -                        else
       -                                neat_list $HEXC $ciph $kx $enc | grep -qwai "$arg"
       -                        fi
       -                        if [[ $? -eq 0 ]]; then    # string matches, so we can ssl to it:
       -                                $OPENSSL s_client -cipher $ciph $STARTTLS -connect $NODEIP:$PORT $PROXY $SNI &>$TMPFILE </dev/null
       -                                ret=$?
       -                                if [[ $kx == "Kx=ECDH" ]] || [[ $kx == "Kx=DH" ]] || [[ $kx == "Kx=EDH" ]]; then
       -                                        if [[ $ret -eq 0 ]]; then
       -                                                dhlen=$(read_dhbits_from_file $TMPFILE quiet)
       -                                                kx="$kx $dhlen"
       -                                        else
       -                                                kx="$kx$grey TBD  $off "
       -                                        fi
       -                                fi
       -                                neat_list $HEXC $ciph "$kx" $enc
       -                                if [[ $ret -eq 0 ]]; then
       -                                        pr_cyan "  available"
       -                                else
       -                                        out "  not a/v"
       -                                fi
       -                                outln
       -                        fi
       -                done
       -        done
       -        outln
       -        tmpfile_handle $FUNCNAME.txt
       -        return 0                # this is a single test for a cipher
       -# test for all ciphers locally configured (w/o distinguishing whether they are good or bad
       -        local tmpfile
       -        local nr_ciphers
       -        local -i ret=0
       -        local hexcode n ciph sslvers kx auth enc mac export
       -        local dhlen
       -        nr_ciphers=$(count_ciphers "$($OPENSSL ciphers 'ALL:COMPLEMENTOFALL:@STRENGTH' 2>$ERRFILE)")
       -        outln
       -        pr_blue "--> Testing all locally available $nr_ciphers ciphers against the server"; outln ", ordered by encryption strength"
       -        ! $HAS_DH_BITS && pr_litemagentaln "    (Your $OPENSSL cannot show DH/ECDH bits)"
       -        outln
       -        neat_header
       -        $OPENSSL ciphers -V 'ALL:COMPLEMENTOFALL:@STRENGTH' 2>>$ERRFILE | while read hexcode n ciph sslvers kx auth enc mac export; do
       -        # FIXME: e.g. OpenSSL < 1.0 doesn't understand "-V" --> we can't do anything about it!
       -                $OPENSSL s_client -cipher $ciph $STARTTLS -connect $NODEIP:$PORT $PROXY $SNI &>$TMPFILE  </dev/null
       -                ret=$?
       -                if [[ $ret -ne 0 ]] && [[ "$SHOW_EACH_C" -eq 0 ]]; then
       -                        continue                # no successful connect AND not verbose displaying each cipher
       -                fi
       -                normalize_ciphercode $hexcode
       -                if [[ $kx == "Kx=ECDH" ]] || [[ $kx == "Kx=DH" ]] || [[ $kx == "Kx=EDH" ]]; then
       -                        dhlen=$(read_dhbits_from_file $TMPFILE quiet)
       -                        kx="$kx $dhlen"
       -                fi
       -                neat_list $HEXC $ciph "$kx" $enc
       -                if [[ "$SHOW_EACH_C" -ne 0 ]]; then
       -                        if [[ $ret -eq 0 ]]; then
       -                                pr_cyan "  available"
       -                        else
       -                                out "  not a/v"
       -                        fi
       -                fi
       -                outln
       -                tmpfile_handle $FUNCNAME.txt
       -        done
       -        outln
       -        return 0
       -# test for all ciphers per protocol locally configured (w/o distinguishing whether they are good or bad
       -        local proto proto_text
       -        local hexcode n ciph sslvers kx auth enc mac export
       -        local -i ret=0
       -        local dhlen
       -        pr_blue "--> Testing all locally available ciphers per protocol against the server"; outln ", ordered by encryption strength"
       -        ! $HAS_DH_BITS && pr_litemagentaln "    (Your $OPENSSL cannot show DH/ECDH bits)"
       -        outln
       -        neat_header
       -        outln " -ssl2 SSLv2\n -ssl3 SSLv3\n -tls1 TLS 1\n -tls1_1 TLS 1.1\n -tls1_2 TLS 1.2"| while read proto proto_text; do
       -                locally_supported "$proto" "$proto_text" || continue
       -                outln
       -                $OPENSSL ciphers $proto -V 'ALL:COMPLEMENTOFALL:@STRENGTH' 2>$ERRFILE | while read hexcode n ciph sslvers kx auth enc mac export; do        # -V doesn't work with openssl < 1.0
       -                        $OPENSSL s_client -cipher $ciph $proto $STARTTLS -connect $NODEIP:$PORT $PROXY $SNI &>$TMPFILE  </dev/null
       -                        ret=$?
       -                        if [[ $ret -ne 0 ]] && [[ "$SHOW_EACH_C" -eq 0 ]]; then
       -                                continue       # no successful connect AND not verbose displaying each cipher
       -                        fi
       -                        normalize_ciphercode $hexcode
       -                        if [[ $kx == "Kx=ECDH" ]] || [[ $kx == "Kx=DH" ]] || [[ $kx == "Kx=EDH" ]]; then
       -                                dhlen=$(read_dhbits_from_file $TMPFILE quiet)
       -                                kx="$kx $dhlen"
       -                        fi
       -                        neat_list $HEXC $ciph "$kx" $enc
       -                        if [[ "$SHOW_EACH_C" -ne 0 ]]; then
       -                                if [[ $ret -eq 0 ]]; then
       -                                        pr_cyan "  available"
       -                                else
       -                                        out "  not a/v"
       -                                fi
       -                        fi
       -                        outln
       -                        tmpfile_handle $FUNCNAME.txt
       -                done
       -        done
       -        return 0
       -locally_supported() {
       -        local -i ret=0
       -        [[ -n "$2" ]] && out "$2 "
       -        $OPENSSL s_client "$1" 2>&1 | grep -aq "unknown option"
       -        if [[ $? -eq 0 ]]; then
       -                local_problem "$OPENSSL doesn't support \"s_client $1\""
       -                ret=7
       -        fi
       -        return $ret
       -run_prototest_openssl() {
       -        local sni="$SNI"
       -        local -i ret=0
       -        $OPENSSL s_client -state $1 $STARTTLS -connect $NODEIP:$PORT $PROXY $sni &>$TMPFILE </dev/null
       -        ret=$?
       -# FIXME: here FreeBSD9/openssl 0.9.8 returns always 0 --> need to read the error but for now we DO NOT SUPPORT this platform.
       -# that's where the binaries are for!
       -        [[ $DEBUG -eq 2 ]] && egrep "error|failure" $TMPFILE | egrep -av "unable to get local|verify error"
       -        if ! locally_supported "$1" "$2" ; then
       -                ret=7
       -        else                                                                # we remove SNI for SSLv2 and v3:
       -                [[ "$1" =~ ssl ]] && sni=""                # newer openssl throw an error if SNI is supplied with SSLv2,
       -                                                                        # SSLv3 doesn't have SNI (openssl doesn't complain though -- yet)
       -                $OPENSSL s_client -state $1 $STARTTLS -connect $NODEIP:$PORT $sni &>$TMPFILE </dev/null
       -                ret=$?                                                  #TODO (maybe): here FreeBSD9 returns always 0 --> need to read the error
       -                [[ $DEBUG -eq 2 ]] && egrep "error|failure" $TMPFILE | egrep -av "unable to get local|verify error"
       -                grep -aq "no cipher list" $TMPFILE && ret=5
       -        fi
       -        tmpfile_handle $FUNCNAME$1.txt
       -        return $ret
       -        # 0: offered
       -        # 1: not offered
       -        # 5: protocol ok, but no cipher
       -        # 7: no local support
       -run_protocols() {
       -        local using_sockets=true
       -        local supported_no_ciph1="supported but couldn't detect a cipher (may need debugging)" 
       -        local supported_no_ciph2="supported but couldn't detect a cipher" 
       -        outln; pr_blue "--> Testing protocols ";
       -        #FIXME: use PROTOS_OFFERED here
       -        if $SSL_NATIVE; then
       -                using_sockets=false
       -                outln "(via native openssl)\n"
       -        else
       -                if [[ -n "$STARTTLS" ]]; then
       -                        outln "(via openssl, SSLv2 via sockets)\n"
       -                        using_sockets=false
       -                else
       -                        using_sockets=true
       -                        outln "(via sockets except TLS 1.2 and SPDY/NPN)\n"
       -                fi
       -        fi
       -        pr_bold " SSLv2      ";
       -        if ! $SSL_NATIVE; then
       -                sslv2_sockets                                                                                         #FIXME: messages need to be moved to this higher level
       -        else
       -                run_prototest_openssl "-ssl2"
       -                case $? in
       -                        0) pr_redln   "offered (NOT ok)" ;;
       -                        1) pr_greenln "not offered (OK)" ;;
       -                        5) pr_litered "$supported_no_ciph2"; 
       -                                outln " (may need further attention)"  ;;                        # protocol ok, but no cipher
       -                        7) ;;                                                                                        # no local support
       -                esac
       -        fi
       -        pr_bold " SSLv3      ";
       -        if $using_sockets; then
       -                tls_sockets "00" "$TLS_CIPHER"
       -        else
       -                run_prototest_openssl "-ssl3"
       -        fi
       -        case $? in
       -                0) pr_literedln "offered (NOT ok)" ;;
       -                1) pr_greenln "not offered (OK)"   ;;
       -                2) pr_litemagentaln "#FIXME: downgraded. still missing a test case here" ;;
       -                5) pr_litered "$supported_no_ciph2"; 
       -                                outln "(may need debugging)"  ;;                                        # protocol ok, but no cipher
       -                7) ;;                                                                                                # no local support
       -        esac
       -        pr_bold " TLS 1      ";
       -        if $using_sockets; then
       -                tls_sockets "01" "$TLS_CIPHER"
       -        else
       -                run_prototest_openssl "-tls1"
       -        fi
       -        case $? in
       -                0) outln "offered" ;;                                                                      # nothing wrong with it -- per se
       -                1) outln "not offered" ;;                                                                  # neither good or bad
       -                2) pr_brown "not offered (NOT ok)"
       -                        [[ $DEBUG -eq 1 ]] && out " -- downgraded"
       -                        outln ;;
       -                5) outln "$supported_no_ciph1"  ;;                                                        # protocol ok, but no cipher
       -                7) ;;                                                                                                # no local support
       -        esac
       -        pr_bold " TLS 1.1    ";
       -        if $using_sockets; then
       -                tls_sockets "02" "$TLS_CIPHER"
       -        else
       -                run_prototest_openssl "-tls1_1"
       -        fi        
       -        case $? in
       -                0) outln "offered" ;;                                                                           # nothing wrong with it
       -                1) outln "not offered" ;;                                                                  # neither good or bad
       -                2) out "not offered" 
       -                        [[ $DEBUG -eq 1 ]] && out " -- downgraded" 
       -                        outln ;;
       -                5) outln "$supported_no_ciph1" ;;                                                        # protocol ok, but no cipher
       -                7) ;;                                                                                                # no local support
       -        esac
       -        pr_bold " TLS 1.2    ";
       -        if $using_sockets && [[ $EXPERIMENTAL == "yes" ]]; then                        #TODO: IIS servers do have a problem here with our handshake
       -                tls_sockets "03" "$TLS12_CIPHER"
       -        else
       -                run_prototest_openssl "-tls1_2"
       -        fi        
       -        case $? in
       -                0) pr_greenln "offered (OK)" ;;                                                         # GCM cipher in TLS 1.2: very good!
       -                1) pr_brownln "not offered (NOT ok)" ;;                                                # no GCM, penalty
       -                2) pr_brown "not offered (NOT ok)"
       -                        [[ $DEBUG -eq 1 ]] && out " -- downgraded"
       -                        outln ;;
       -                5) outln "$supported_no_ciph1" ;;                                                        # protocol ok, but no cipher
       -                7) ;;                                                                                                # no local support
       -        esac
       -        return 0
       -#TODO: work with a fixed list here
       -run_std_cipherlists() {
       -        outln
       -        pr_blue "--> Testing ~standard cipher lists"; outln "\n"
       -# see ciphers(1ssl)
       -        std_cipherlists 'NULL:eNULL'                       " Null Ciphers             " 1
       -        std_cipherlists 'aNULL'                            " Anonymous NULL Ciphers   " 1
       -        std_cipherlists 'ADH'                              " Anonymous DH Ciphers     " 1
       -        std_cipherlists 'EXPORT40'                         " 40 Bit encryption        " 1
       -        std_cipherlists 'EXPORT56'                         " 56 Bit encryption        " 1
       -        std_cipherlists 'EXPORT'                           " Export Ciphers (general) " 1
       -        std_cipherlists 'LOW:!ADH'                         " Low (<=64 Bit)           " 1
       -        std_cipherlists 'DES:!ADH:!EXPORT:!aNULL'          " DES Ciphers              " 1
       -        std_cipherlists 'MEDIUM:!NULL:!aNULL:!SSLv2'       " Medium grade encryption  " 2
       -        std_cipherlists '3DES:!ADH:!aNULL'                 " Triple DES Ciphers       " 3
       -        std_cipherlists 'HIGH:!NULL:!aNULL:!DES:!3DES'     " High grade encryption    " 0
       -        return 0
       -# arg1: file with input for grepping the bit length for ECDH/DHE
       -# arg2: whether to print sparse or not (empty: no)
       -read_dhbits_from_file() {
       -        local bits what_dh
       -        local add=""
       -        local old_fart=" (openssl cannot show DH bits)"
       -        bits=$(awk -F': ' '/^Server Temp Key/ { print $2 }' "$1")                                        # extract line
       -        bits=$(echo "$bits" | sed -e 's/, P-...//' -e 's/,//g' -e 's/bits//' -e 's/ //g') # now: ??DH [number]    K??
       -        what_dh=$(echo "$bits" | tr -d '0-9')
       -        bits=$(echo $bits | tr -d 'DHEC')
       -        debugme echo ">$what_dh|$bits<"
       -        if ! $HAS_DH_BITS && [[ -z "what_dh" ]]; then
       -                if [[ -z "$2" ]]; then
       -                        pr_litemagenta "$old_fart"
       -                fi
       -                return 0
       -        fi
       -        [[ -n "$bits" ]] && [[ -z "$2" ]] && out ", "
       -        if [[ $what_dh == "DH" ]] || [[ $what_dh == "EDH" ]]; then
       -                [[ -z "$2" ]] && add="bit DH"
       -                if [[ "$bits" -le 600 ]]; then
       -                        pr_red "$bits $add"
       -                elif [[ "$bits" -le 800 ]]; then
       -                        pr_litered "$bits $add"
       -                elif [[ "$bits" -le 1280 ]]; then
       -                        pr_brown "$bits $add"
       -                elif [[ "$bits" -ge 2048 ]]; then
       -                        pr_litegreen "$bits $add"
       -                else
       -                        out "$bits $add"
       -                fi
       -        # https://wiki.openssl.org/index.php/Elliptic_Curve_Cryptography, http://www.keylength.com/en/compare/
       -        elif [[ $what_dh == "ECDH" ]]; then
       -                [[ -z "$2" ]] && add="bit ECDH"
       -                if [[ "$bits" -le 128 ]]; then         # has that ever existed?
       -                        pr_red "$bits $add"
       -                elif [[ "$bits" -le 163 ]]; then
       -                        pr_litered "$bits $add"
       -                elif [[ "$bits" -ge 224 ]]; then
       -                        pr_litegreen "$bits $add"
       -                else
       -                        out "$bits $add"
       -                fi
       -        fi
       -        return 0
       -run_server_preference() {
       -        local cipher1 cipher2
       -        local default_cipher default_proto
       -        local remark4default_cipher 
       -        local -a cipher proto
       -        local p i
       -        local -i ret=0
       -        # now reversed offline via tac, see https://github.com/thomassa/testssl.sh/commit/7a4106e839b8c3033259d66697893765fc468393 :
       -        local has_cipher_order=true
       -        outln;
       -        pr_blue "--> Testing server preferences"; outln "\n"
       -        pr_bold " Has server cipher order?     "
       -        $OPENSSL s_client $STARTTLS -cipher $list_fwd -connect $NODEIP:$PORT $PROXY $SNI </dev/null 2>$ERRFILE >$TMPFILE
       -        if [[ $? -ne 0 ]] && [[ -z "$STARTTLS_PROTOCOL" ]]; then
       -                pr_litemagenta "no matching cipher in this list found (pls report this): "
       -                outln "$list_fwd  . "
       -          has_cipher_order=false
       -          ret=6
       -        elif [[ -n "$STARTTLS_PROTOCOL" ]]; then
       -                # now it still could be that we hit this bug: https://github.com/drwetter/testssl.sh/issues/188
       -                # workaround is to connect with a protocol
       -                debugme out "(workaround #188) "
       -                determine_optimal_proto $STARTTLS_PROTOCOL                        
       -                $OPENSSL s_client $STARTTLS $STARTTLS_OPTIMAL_PROTO -cipher $list_fwd -connect $NODEIP:$PORT $PROXY $SNI </dev/null 2>$ERRFILE >$TMPFILE
       -                if [[ $? -ne 0 ]]; then
       -                        pr_litemagenta "no matching cipher in this list found (pls report this): "
       -                        outln "$list_fwd  . "
       -                        has_cipher_order=false
       -                  ret=6
       -                fi
       -        fi
       -        if $has_cipher_order; then
       -                cipher1=$(grep -wa Cipher $TMPFILE | egrep -avw "New|is" | sed -e 's/^ \+Cipher \+://' -e 's/ //g')
       -                $OPENSSL s_client $STARTTLS $STARTTLS_OPTIMAL_PROTO -cipher $list_reverse -connect $NODEIP:$PORT $PROXY $SNI </dev/null 2>>$ERRFILE >$TMPFILE
       -                # that worked above so no error handling here
       -                cipher2=$(grep -wa Cipher $TMPFILE | egrep -avw "New|is" | sed -e 's/^ \+Cipher \+://' -e 's/ //g')
       -                if [[ "$cipher1" != "$cipher2" ]]; then
       -                        pr_litered "nope (NOT ok)"
       -                        remark4default_cipher=" (limited sense as client will pick)"
       -                else
       -                        pr_green "yes (OK)"
       -                        remark4default_cipher=""
       -                fi
       -                [[ $DEBUG -ge 2 ]] && out "  $cipher1 | $cipher2"
       -                outln
       -                pr_bold " Negotiated protocol          "
       -                $OPENSSL s_client $STARTTLS -connect $NODEIP:$PORT $PROXY $SNI </dev/null 2>>$ERRFILE >$TMPFILE
       -                if [[ $? -ne 0 ]]; then
       -                        # 2 second try with $OPTIMAL_PROTO especially for intolerant IIS6 servers:
       -                        $OPENSSL s_client $STARTTLS $OPTIMAL_PROTO -connect $NODEIP:$PORT $PROXY $SNI </dev/null 2>>$ERRFILE >$TMPFILE
       -                        [[ $? -ne 0 ]] && pr_litemagenta "Handshake error!"
       -                fi
       -                default_proto=$(grep -aw "Protocol" $TMPFILE | sed -e 's/^.*Protocol.*://' -e 's/ //g')
       -                case "$default_proto" in
       -                        *TLSv1.2)                pr_greenln $default_proto ;;
       -                        *TLSv1.1)                pr_litegreenln $default_proto ;;
       -                        *TLSv1)                outln $default_proto ;;
       -                        *SSLv2)                pr_redln $default_proto ;;
       -                        *SSLv3)                pr_redln $default_proto ;;
       -                        "")                        pr_litemagenta "default proto empty";  [[ $OSSL_VER == 1.0.2* ]] && outln " (Hint: if IIS6 give OpenSSL 1.01 a try)" ;; 
       -                        *)                        pr_litemagenta "FIXME line $LINENO: $default_proto" ;;
       -                esac
       -                pr_bold " Negotiated cipher            "
       -                default_cipher=$(grep -aw "Cipher" $TMPFILE | egrep -avw "New|is" | sed -e 's/^.*Cipher.*://' -e 's/ //g')
       -                case "$default_cipher" in
       -                        *NULL*|*EXP*)        pr_red "$default_cipher" ;;
       -                        *RC4*)                pr_litered "$default_cipher" ;;
       -                        *CBC*)                pr_brown "$default_cipher" ;;   # FIXME BEAST: We miss some CBC ciphers here, need to work w/ a list
       -                        *GCM*)                pr_green "$default_cipher" ;;   # best ones
       -                        *CHACHA20*)        pr_green "$default_cipher" ;;   # best ones
       -                        ECDHE*AES*)    pr_yellow "$default_cipher" ;;  # it's CBC. --> lucky13
       -                        "")                        pr_litemagenta "default cipher empty" ;  [[ $OSSL_VER == 1.0.2* ]] && out " (Hint: if IIS6 give OpenSSL 1.01 a try)" ;;
       -                        *)                        out "$default_cipher" ;;
       -                esac
       -                read_dhbits_from_file "$TMPFILE"
       -                outln "$remark4default_cipher"
       -                if [[ ! -z "$remark4default_cipher" ]]; then
       -                        pr_bold " Negotiated cipher per proto"; outln " $remark4default_cipher"
       -                        i=1
       -                        for p in ssl2 ssl3 tls1 tls1_1 tls1_2; do
       -                        #locally_supported -"$p" "    " || continue
       -                        locally_supported -"$p" || continue
       -                                $OPENSSL s_client  $STARTTLS -"$p" -connect $NODEIP:$PORT $PROXY $SNI </dev/null 2>>$ERRFILE >$TMPFILE
       -                                if [[ $? -eq 0 ]]; then
       -                                        proto[i]=$(grep -aw "Protocol" $TMPFILE | sed -e 's/^.*Protocol.*://' -e 's/ //g')
       -                                        cipher[i]=$(grep -aw "Cipher" $TMPFILE | egrep -avw "New|is" | sed -e 's/^.*Cipher.*://' -e 's/ //g')
       -                                        [[ ${cipher[i]} == "0000" ]] && cipher[i]=""                                  # Hack!
       -                                        [[ $DEBUG -ge 2 ]] && outln "Default cipher for ${proto[i]}: ${cipher[i]}"
       -                                else
       -                                         proto[i]=""
       -                                         cipher[i]=""
       -                                fi
       -                                i=$(($i + 1))
       -                        done
       -                        [[ -n "$PROXY" ]] && arg="   SPDY/NPN is"
       -                        [[ -n "$STARTTLS" ]] && arg="    "
       -                        if spdy_pre " $arg"; then                                                                                # is NPN/SPDY supported and is this no STARTTLS? / no PROXY
       -                                $OPENSSL s_client -host $NODE -port $PORT -nextprotoneg "$NPN_PROTOs" </dev/null 2>>$ERRFILE >$TMPFILE
       -                                if [[ $? -eq 0 ]]; then
       -                                        proto[i]=$(grep -aw "Next protocol" $TMPFILE | sed -e 's/^Next protocol://' -e 's/(.)//' -e 's/ //g')
       -                                        if [[ -z "${proto[i]}" ]]; then
       -                                                cipher[i]=""
       -                                        else
       -                                                cipher[i]=$(grep -aw "Cipher" $TMPFILE | egrep -avw "New|is" | sed -e 's/^.*Cipher.*://' -e 's/ //g')
       -                                                [[ $DEBUG -ge 2 ]] && outln "Default cipher for ${proto[i]}: ${cipher[i]}"
       -                                        fi
       -                                fi
       -                        else
       -                                outln        # we miss for STARTTLS 1x LF otherwise
       -                        fi
       -                        for i in 1 2 3 4 5 6; do
       -                                if [[ -n "${cipher[i]}" ]]; then                                              # cipher not empty
       -                                         if [[ -z "${cipher[i-1]}" ]]; then                                      # previous one empty
       -                                                #outln
       -                                                printf -- "     %-30s %s" "${cipher[i]}:" "${proto[i]}"        # print out both
       -                                         else                                                                    # previous NOT empty
       -                                                if [[ "${cipher[i-1]}" == "${cipher[i]}" ]]; then                   # and previous protocol same cipher
       -                                                        out ", ${proto[i]}"                                                   # same cipher --> only print out protocol behind it
       -                                                else
       -                                                        outln
       -                                                        printf -- "     %-30s %s" "${cipher[i]}:" "${proto[i]}"        # print out both
       -                                            fi
       -                                         fi
       -                                fi
       -                        done
       -                fi
       -        fi
       -        tmpfile_handle $FUNCNAME.txt
       -        if [[ -z "$remark4default_cipher" ]]; then
       -                cipher_pref_check
       -        else
       -                outln "\n No further cipher order check has been done as order is determined by the client"
       -        fi
       -        return 0
       -cipher_pref_check() {
       -        local p proto protos
       -        local tested_cipher cipher
       -        pr_bold " Cipher order"
       -        for p in ssl2 ssl3 tls1 tls1_1 tls1_2; do
       -                $OPENSSL s_client $STARTTLS -"$p" -connect $NODEIP:$PORT $PROXY $SNI </dev/null 2>$ERRFILE >$TMPFILE
       -                if [[ $? -eq 0 ]]; then
       -                        tested_cipher=""
       -                        proto=$(grep -aw "Protocol" $TMPFILE | sed -e 's/^.*Protocol.*://' -e 's/ //g')
       -                        cipher=$(grep -aw "Cipher" $TMPFILE | egrep -avw "New|is" | sed -e 's/^.*Cipher.*://' -e 's/ //g')
       -                        [[ -z "$proto" ]] && continue        # for early openssl versions sometimes needed
       -                        outln
       -                        printf "     %-10s %s " "$proto:" "$cipher"
       -                        tested_cipher="-"$cipher
       -                        while true; do
       -                                $OPENSSL s_client $STARTTLS -"$p" -cipher "ALL:$tested_cipher" -connect $NODEIP:$PORT $PROXY $SNI </dev/null 2>>$ERRFILE >$TMPFILE
       -                                [[ $? -ne 0 ]] && break
       -                                cipher=$(grep -aw "Cipher" $TMPFILE | egrep -avw "New|is" | sed -e 's/^.*Cipher.*://' -e 's/ //g')
       -                                out "$cipher "
       -                                tested_cipher="$tested_cipher:-$cipher"
       -                        done
       -                fi
       -        done
       -        outln
       -        if ! spdy_pre "     SPDY/NPN: " ; then                # is NPN/SPDY supported and is this no STARTTLS?
       -                outln
       -        else
       -                protos=$($OPENSSL s_client -host $NODE -port $PORT -nextprotoneg  \"\" </dev/null 2>>$ERRFILE | grep -a "^Protocols " | sed -e 's/^Protocols.*server: //' -e 's/,//g')
       -                for p in $protos; do
       -                        $OPENSSL s_client -host $NODE -port $PORT -nextprotoneg "$p" $PROXY </dev/null 2>>$ERRFILE >$TMPFILE
       -                        cipher=$(grep -aw "Cipher" $TMPFILE | egrep -avw "New|is" | sed -e 's/^.*Cipher.*://' -e 's/ //g')
       -                        printf "     %-10s %s " "$p:" "$cipher"
       -                        tested_cipher="-"$cipher
       -                        while true; do
       -                                $OPENSSL s_client -cipher "ALL:$tested_cipher" -host $NODE -port $PORT -nextprotoneg "$p" $PROXY </dev/null 2>>$ERRFILE >$TMPFILE
       -                                [[ $? -ne 0 ]] && break
       -                                cipher=$(grep -aw "Cipher" $TMPFILE | egrep -avw "New|is" | sed -e 's/^.*Cipher.*://' -e 's/ //g')
       -                                out "$cipher "
       -                                tested_cipher="$tested_cipher:-$cipher"
       -                        done
       -                outln
       -                done
       -        fi
       -        tmpfile_handle $FUNCNAME.txt
       -        return 0
       -get_host_cert() {
       -                # arg1 is proto or empty
       -                $OPENSSL s_client $STARTTLS -connect $NODEIP:$PORT $PROXY $SNI $1 2>/dev/null </dev/null | \
       -                        awk '/-----BEGIN/,/-----END/ { print $0 }'  >$HOSTCERT
       -                return $((${PIPESTATUS[0]} + ${PIPESTATUS[1]}))
       -get_all_certs() {
       -        local savedir
       -        local nrsaved
       -        local -i ret
       -        $OPENSSL s_client -showcerts $STARTTLS -connect $NODEIP:$PORT $PROXY $SNI 2>$ERRFILE </dev/null >$TEMPDIR/allcerts.txt
       -        ret=$?
       -        savedir=$(pwd); cd $TEMPDIR
       -        # http://backreference.org/2010/05/09/ocsp-verification-with-openssl/
       -        awk -v n=-1 '/-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----/{ inc=1; n++ } 
       -             inc { print > ("level" n ".crt") }
       -             /---END CERTIFICATE-----/{ inc=0 }' $TEMPDIR/allcerts.txt
       -        nrsaved=$(count_words "$(echo level?.crt 2>/dev/null)")
       -        cd "$savedir"
       -        echo $nrsaved
       -        return $ret
       -tls_time() {
       -        local now difftime
       -        tls_sockets "01" "$TLS_CIPHER"                                                # try first TLS 1.0 (mostfrequently used protocol)
       -        [[ -z "$TLS_TIME" ]] && tls_sockets "03" "$TLS12_CIPHER"        #           TLS 1.2
       -        [[ -z "$TLS_TIME" ]] && tls_sockets "02" "$TLS_CIPHER"                #           TLS 1.1
       -        [[ -z "$TLS_TIME" ]] && tls_sockets "00" "$TLS_CIPHER"                #           SSL 3
       -        if [[ -n "$TLS_TIME" ]]; then                                                        # nothing returned a time!
       -                difftime=$(($TLS_TIME - $TLS_NOW))                                        # TLS_NOW is being set in tls_sockets()
       -                if [[ "${#difftime}" -gt 5 ]]; then
       -                        # openssl >= 1.0.1f fills this field with random values! --> good for possible fingerprint
       -                        pr_bold " TLS timestamp" ; outln "                random values, no fingerprinting possible "
       -                else
       -                        [[ $difftime != "-"* ]] && [[ $difftime != "0" ]] && difftime="+$difftime"
       -                        pr_bold " TLS clock skew" ; outln "               $difftime sec from localtime";
       -                fi
       -                debugme out "$TLS_TIME"
       -                outln
       -        else
       -                pr_bold " TLS timestamp" ; outln "                "; pr_litemagentaln "SSLv3 through TLS 1.2 didn't return a timestamp"
       -        fi
       -run_server_defaults() {
       -        local proto
       -        local gost_status_problem=false
       -        local extensions
       -        local sessticket_str lifetime unit keysize sig_algo key_algo
       -        local expire secs2warn ocsp_uri crl startdate enddate issuer_c issuer_o issuer sans san cn cn_nosni
       -        local policy_oid
       -        local spaces="                              "
       -        local wildcard=false
       -        outln
       -        pr_blue "--> Testing server defaults (Server Hello)"; outln "\n"
       -        #TLS extensions follow now
       -        # throwing 1st every cipher/protocol at the server to know what works
       -        for proto in tls1_2 tls1_1 tls1 ssl3; do
       -                $OPENSSL s_client $STARTTLS -connect $NODEIP:$PORT $PROXY $SNI -$proto -tlsextdebug -status </dev/null 2>$ERRFILE >$TMPFILE
       -                ret=$?
       -                get_host_cert "-$proto"
       -                [[ $? -eq 0 ]] && [[ $ret -eq 0 ]] && break
       -                ret=7
       -        done                                # this loop is needed for IIS/6
       -        if [[ $ret -eq 7 ]]; then
       -                # "-status" above doesn't work for GOST only servers, so we do another test without it and see whether that works then:
       -                if ! $OPENSSL s_client $STARTTLS -connect $NODEIP:$PORT $PROXY $SNI -$proto -tlsextdebug </dev/null 2>>$ERRFILE >$TMPFILE; then
       -                        pr_litemagentaln "Strange, no SSL/TLS protocol seems to be supported (error around line $((LINENO - 6)))"
       -                        tmpfile_handle tlsextdebug+status.txt
       -                        return 7        # this is ugly, I know
       -                else
       -                        gost_status_problem=true
       -                fi
       -        fi
       -        $OPENSSL s_client $STARTTLS -connect $NODEIP:$PORT $PROXY -$proto 2>>$ERRFILE </dev/null | awk '/-----BEGIN/,/-----END/ { print $0 }'  >$HOSTCERT.nosni
       -        pr_bold " TLS server extensions        "
       -        extensions=$(grep -aw "^TLS server extension" $TMPFILE | sed -e 's/^TLS server extension \"//' -e 's/\".*$/,/g')
       -        if [[ -z "$extensions" ]]; then
       -                outln "(none)"
       -        else
       -                echo $extensions | sed 's/,$//'        # remove last comma
       -        fi
       -        pr_bold " Session Tickets RFC 5077     "
       -        sessticket_str=$(grep -aw "session ticket" $TMPFILE | grep -a lifetime)
       -        if [[ -z "$sessticket_str" ]]; then
       -                outln "(none)"
       -        else
       -                lifetime=$(echo $sessticket_str | grep -a lifetime | sed 's/[A-Za-z:() ]//g')
       -                unit=$(echo $sessticket_str | grep -a lifetime | sed -e 's/^.*'"$lifetime"'//' -e 's/[ ()]//g')
       -                outln "$lifetime $unit"
       -        fi
       -        pr_bold " Server key size              "
       -        keysize=$(grep -aw "^Server public key is" $TMPFILE | sed -e 's/^Server public key is //' -e 's/bit//' -e 's/ //')
       -        sig_algo=$($OPENSSL x509 -in $HOSTCERT -noout -text 2>>$ERRFILE | grep "Signature Algorithm" | sed 's/^.*Signature Algorithm: //' | sort -u )
       -        key_algo=$($OPENSSL x509 -in $HOSTCERT -noout -text 2>>$ERRFILE | awk -F':' '/Public Key Algorithm:/ { print $2 }' | sort -u )
       -        if [[ -z "$keysize" ]]; then
       -                outln "(couldn't determine)"
       -        else
       -                if [[ "$keysize" -le 768 ]]; then
       -                        if [[ $sig_algo =~ ecdsa ]] || [[ $key_algo =~ ecPublicKey  ]]; then
       -                                pr_litegreen "EC $keysize"
       -                        else
       -                                pr_red "$keysize"
       -                        fi
       -                elif [[ "$keysize" -le 1024 ]]; then
       -                        pr_brown "$keysize"
       -                elif [[ "$keysize" -le 2048 ]]; then
       -                        out "$keysize"
       -                elif [[ "$keysize" -le 4096 ]]; then
       -                        pr_litegreen "$keysize"
       -                else
       -                        out "weird keysize: $keysize"
       -                fi
       -        fi
       -        outln " bit"
       -        pr_bold " Signature Algorithm          "
       -        case $sig_algo in
       -                    sha1WithRSAEncryption)         pr_brownln "SHA1 with RSA" ;;
       -             sha256WithRSAEncryption) pr_litegreenln "SHA256 with RSA" ;;
       -             sha512WithRSAEncryption) pr_litegreenln "SHA512 with RSA" ;;
       -             ecdsa-with-SHA256)                 pr_litegreenln "ECDSA with SHA256" ;;
       -             md5*)                                 pr_redln "MD5" ;;
       -                *)                                         outln "$algo" ;;
       -        esac
       -        # old, but interesting: https://blog.hboeck.de/archives/754-Playing-with-the-EFF-SSL-Observatory.html
       -        pr_bold " Fingerprint / Serial         "
       -        outln "$($OPENSSL x509 -noout -in $HOSTCERT -fingerprint -sha1 2>>$ERRFILE | sed 's/Fingerprint=//' | sed 's/://g' ) / $($OPENSSL x509 -noout -in $HOSTCERT -serial 2>>$ERRFILE | sed 's/serial=//')"
       -        outln "$spaces$($OPENSSL x509 -noout -in $HOSTCERT -fingerprint -sha256 2>>$ERRFILE | sed 's/Fingerprint=//' | sed 's/://g' )"
       -        pr_bold " Common Name (CN)             "
       -        if $OPENSSL x509 -in $HOSTCERT -noout -subject 2>>$ERRFILE | grep -wq CN; then
       -                cn=$($OPENSSL x509 -in $HOSTCERT -noout -subject 2>>$ERRFILE | sed 's/subject= //' | sed -e 's/^.*CN=//' -e 's/\/emailAdd.*//')
       -                pr_underline "$cn"
       -                if echo -n "$cn" | grep -q '^*.' ; then
       -                        out " (wildcard certificate"
       -                        if [[ "$cn" == "*.$(echo -n "$cn" | sed 's/^\*.//')" ]]; then
       -                                out " match)"
       -                                wildcard=true
       -                        else
       -                                :
       -                                #FIXME: we need to test also the SANs as they can contain a wild card (google.de .e.g) ==> 2.7dev
       -                        fi
       -                fi
       -        else
       -                cn="(no CN field in subject)"
       -                out "$cn"
       -        fi
       -        cn_nosni=""
       -        if [[ -s $HOSTCERT.nosni ]]; then
       -                if $OPENSSL x509 -in $HOSTCERT.nosni -noout -subject 2>>$ERRFILE | grep -wq CN; then
       -                        cn_nosni=$($OPENSSL x509 -in $HOSTCERT.nosni -noout -subject 2>>$ERRFILE | sed 's/subject= //' | sed -e 's/^.*CN=//' -e 's/\/emailAdd.*//')
       -                else
       -                        cn_nosni="no CN field in subject"
       -                fi
       -        fi
       -        debugme out "\"$NODE\" | \"$cn\" | \"$cn_nosni\""
       -        if [[ $NODE == "$cn_nosni" ]]; then
       -                if [[ $SERVICE == "HTTP" ]]; then
       -                        outln " (works w/o SNI)"
       -                else
       -                        outln " (matches certificate directly)"
       -                        # for services != HTTP it depends on the protocol, server and client but it is not named "SNI"
       -                fi
       -        else
       -                if [[ $SERVICE != "HTTP" ]]; then
       -                        outln
       -                        #pr_brownln " (non-SNI clients don't match CN but for non-HTTP services it might be ok)"
       -                        #FIXME: this is irritating and needs to be redone. Then also the wildcard match needs to be tested against  "$cn_nosni"
       -                elif [[ -z "$cn_nosni" ]]; then
       -                        out " (request w/o SNI didn't succeed";
       -                        [[ $algo =~ ecdsa ]] && out ", usual for EC certificates"
       -                        outln ")"
       -                elif [[ "$cn_nosni" == "*no CN field*" ]]; then
       -                        outln ", (request w/o SNI: $cn_nosni)"
       -                else
       -                        out " (CN in response to request w/o SNI: "; pr_underline "$cn_nosni"; outln ")"
       -                fi
       -        fi
       -        sans=$($OPENSSL x509 -in $HOSTCERT -noout -text 2>>$ERRFILE | grep -A3 "Subject Alternative Name" | grep "DNS:" | \
       -                sed -e 's/DNS://g' -e 's/ //g' -e 's/,/ /g' -e 's/othername:<unsupported>//g')
       -#                                                       ^^^ CACert
       -        pr_bold " subjectAltName (SAN)         "
       -        if [[ -n "$sans" ]]; then
       -                for san in $sans; do
       -                        out "$underline$san$off "
       -                done
       -        else
       -                out "-- "
       -        fi
       -        outln
       -        pr_bold " Issuer                       "
       -        issuer=$($OPENSSL x509 -in $HOSTCERT -noout -issuer 2>>$ERRFILE| sed -e 's/^.*CN=//g' -e 's/\/.*$//g')
       -        issuer_o=$($OPENSSL x509 -in $HOSTCERT -noout -issuer 2>>$ERRFILE | sed 's/^.*O=//g' | sed 's/\/.*$//g')
       -        if $OPENSSL x509 -in $HOSTCERT -noout -issuer 2>>$ERRFILE | grep -q 'C=' ; then
       -                issuer_c=$($OPENSSL x509 -in $HOSTCERT -noout -issuer 2>>$ERRFILE | sed 's/^.*C=//g' | sed 's/\/.*$//g')
       -        else
       -                issuer_c=""                 # CACert would have 'issuer= ' here otherwise
       -        fi
       -        if [[ "$issuer_o" == "issuer=" ]] || [[ "$issuer_o" == "issuer= " ]] || [[ "$issuer" == "$CN" ]]; then
       -                pr_redln "selfsigned (not OK)"
       -        else
       -                [[ "$issuer_c" == "" ]] && \
       -                        outln "$underline$issuer$off ($underline$issuer_o$off)" || \
       -                        outln "$underline$issuer$off ($underline$issuer_o$off from $underline$issuer_c$off)"
       -        fi
       -        # http://events.ccc.de/congress/2010/Fahrplan/attachments/1777_is-the-SSLiverse-a-safe-place.pdf, see page 40pp
       -        pr_bold " EV cert"; out " (experimental)       "
       -        policy_oid=$($OPENSSL x509 -in $HOSTCERT -text 2>>$ERRFILE | awk '/ .Policy: / { print $2 }')
       -        if echo "$issuer" | egrep -q 'Extended Validation|Extended Validated|EV SSL|EV CA' || \
       -                [[ "2.16.840.1.114028.10.1.2" == "$policy_oid" ]] || \
       -                [[ 2.16.840.1.114412. == "$policy_oid" ]] || \
       -                [[ 2.16.840.1.114412.2.1 == "$policy_oid" ]] || \
       -                [[ 2.16.578. == "$policy_oid" ]] || \
       -                [[ == "$policy_oid" ]] || \
       -                [[ == "$policy_oid" ]] || \
       -                [[ == "$policy_oid" ]] ; then
       -                out "yes "
       -        else
       -                out "no "
       -        fi
       -        debugme echo "($(newline_to_spaces "$policy_oid"))"
       -        outln
       -#TODO: use browser OIDs: 
       -#                https://mxr.mozilla.org/mozilla-central/source/security/certverifier/ExtendedValidation.cpp
       -#                http://src.chromium.org/chrome/trunk/src/net/cert/ev_root_ca_metadata.cc
       -#                https://certs.opera.com/03/ev-oids.xml
       -        pr_bold " Certificate Expiration       "
       -        expire=$($OPENSSL x509 -in $HOSTCERT -checkend 0 2>>$ERRFILE)
       -        if ! echo $expire | grep -qw not; then
       -        pr_red "expired!"
       -        else
       -                secs2warn=$((24 * 60 * 60 * DAYS2WARN2))  # low threshold first
       -             expire=$($OPENSSL x509 -in $HOSTCERT -checkend $secs2warn 2>>$ERRFILE)
       -                if echo "$expire" | grep -qw not; then
       -                        secs2warn=$((24 * 60 * 60 * DAYS2WARN1))
       -                        expire=$($OPENSSL x509 -in $HOSTCERT -checkend $secs2warn 2>>$ERRFILE)
       -                        if echo "$expire" | grep -qw not; then
       -                                pr_litegreen ">= $DAYS2WARN1 days"
       -                        else
       -                        pr_brown "expires < $DAYS2WARN1 days"
       -                        fi
       -                else
       -                        pr_litered "expires < $DAYS2WARN2 days!"
       -                fi
       -        fi
       -        if $HAS_GNUDATE ; then
       -                enddate=$(date --date="$($OPENSSL x509 -in $HOSTCERT -noout -enddate 2>>$ERRFILE | cut -d= -f 2)" +"%F %H:%M %z")
       -                startdate=$(date --date="$($OPENSSL x509 -in $HOSTCERT -noout -startdate 2>>$ERRFILE | cut -d= -f 2)" +"%F %H:%M")
       -        else
       -                enddate=$(date -j -f "%b %d %T %Y %Z" "$($OPENSSL x509 -in $HOSTCERT -noout -enddate 2>>$ERRFILE | cut -d= -f 2)" +"%F %H:%M %z")
       -                startdate=$(date -j -f "%b %d %T %Y %Z" "$($OPENSSL x509 -in $HOSTCERT -noout -startdate 2>>$ERRFILE | cut -d= -f 2)" +"%F %H:%M")
       -        fi
       -        outln " ($startdate --> $enddate)"
       -        pr_bold " # of certificates provided"; outln "   $(get_all_certs)"
       -        pr_bold " Certificate Revocation List  "
       -        crl="$($OPENSSL x509 -in $HOSTCERT -noout -text 2>>$ERRFILE | grep -A 4 "CRL Distribution" | grep URI | sed 's/^.*URI://')"
       -        case $(count_lines "$crl") in
       -                0)        pr_literedln "--" ;;
       -                1)        outln "$crl" ;;
       -                *)   out_row_aligned "$crl" "$spaces" ;;
       -        esac
       -        pr_bold " OCSP URI                     "
       -        ocsp_uri=$($OPENSSL x509 -in $HOSTCERT -noout -ocsp_uri 2>>$ERRFILE)
       -        [[ x"$ocsp_uri" == "x" ]] && pr_literedln "--" || echo "$ocsp_uri"
       -        pr_bold " OCSP stapling               "
       -        if grep "OCSP response" $TMPFILE | grep -q "no response sent" ; then
       -                out " not offered"
       -        else
       -                if grep "OCSP Response Status" $TMPFILE | grep -q successful; then
       -                        pr_litegreen " offered"
       -                else
       -                        if $gost_status_problem; then
       -                                outln " (GOST servers make problems here, sorry)"
       -                                ret=0
       -                        else
       -                                outln " not sure what's going on here, debug:"
       -                                grep -A 20 "OCSP response"  $TMPFILE
       -                                ret=2
       -                        fi
       -                fi
       -        fi
       -        outln
       -        # if we call tls_time before tmpfile_handle it throws an error because the function tls_sockets removed $TMPFILE 
       -        # already -- and that was a different one -- means that would get overwritten anyway
       -        tmpfile_handle tlsextdebug+status.txt
       -        tls_time
       -        return $ret
       -# FIXME: revoked, see checkcert.sh
       -# FIXME: Trust (only CN)
       -# http://www.heise.de/security/artikel/Forward-Secrecy-testen-und-einrichten-1932806.html
       -run_pfs() {
       -        local ret ret2
       -        local -i pfs_offered=1
       -        local tmpfile
       -        local dhlen
       -        local hexcode dash pfs_cipher sslvers kx auth enc mac
       -        # https://community.qualys.com/blogs/securitylabs/2013/08/05/configuring-apache-nginx-and-openssl-for-forward-secrecy -- but with RC4:
       -        #w/o RC4:
       -# hardcoded: (the exclusion via ! doesn't work with libressl and openssl 0.9.8) and it's reproducible
       -        local -i no_supported_ciphers=0
       -        outln
       -        pr_blue "--> Testing (perfect) forward secrecy, (P)FS"; outln " -- omitting 3DES, RC4 and Null Encryption here"
       -        ! $HAS_DH_BITS && $WIDE && pr_litemagentaln "    (Your $OPENSSL cannot show DH/ECDH bits)"
       -        no_supported_ciphers=$(count_ciphers $(actually_supported_ciphers $pfs_cipher_list))
       -        if [[ "$no_supported_ciphers" -le "$CLIENT_MIN_PFS" ]]; then
       -                outln
       -                local_problem "You only have $number_pfs PFS ciphers on the client side "
       -                return 1
       -        fi
       -        $OPENSSL s_client -cipher 'ECDH:DH' $STARTTLS -connect $NODEIP:$PORT $PROXY $SNI &>$TMPFILE </dev/null
       -        ret=$?
       -        outln
       -        if [[ $ret -ne 0 ]] || [[ $(grep -ac "BEGIN CERTIFICATE" $TMPFILE) -eq 0 ]]; then
       -                pr_brownln "Not OK: No ciphers supporting Forward Secrecy offered"
       -        else
       -                pfs_offered=0
       -                pr_litegreen " PFS is offered (OK)"
       -                if $WIDE; then
       -                        outln ", ciphers follow (client/browser support is here specially important) \n"
       -                        neat_header
       -                else
       -                        out "  "
       -                fi
       -                while read hexcode dash pfs_cipher sslvers kx auth enc mac; do
       -                        tmpfile=$TMPFILE.$hexcode
       -                        $OPENSSL s_client -cipher $pfs_cipher $STARTTLS -connect $NODEIP:$PORT $PROXY $SNI &>$tmpfile </dev/null
       -                        ret2=$?
       -                        if [[ $ret2 -ne 0 ]] && [[ "$SHOW_EACH_C" -eq 0 ]]; then
       -                                continue # no successful connect AND not verbose displaying each cipher
       -                        fi
       -                        if $WIDE; then
       -                                normalize_ciphercode $hexcode
       -                                if [[ $kx == "Kx=ECDH" ]] || [[ $kx == "Kx=DH" ]] || [[ $kx == "Kx=EDH" ]]; then
       -                                        dhlen=$(read_dhbits_from_file "$tmpfile" quiet)
       -                                        kx="$kx $dhlen"
       -                                fi
       -                                neat_list $HEXC $pfs_cipher "$kx" $enc $strength
       -                                let "pfs_offered++"
       -                                if [[ "$SHOW_EACH_C" -ne 0 ]]; then
       -                                        if [[ $ret2 -eq 0 ]]; then
       -                                                pr_green "works"
       -                                        else
       -                                                out "not a/v"
       -                                        fi
       -                                fi
       -                                outln
       -                        else
       -                                out "$pfs_cipher "
       -                        fi
       -                done < <($OPENSSL ciphers -V "$pfs_cipher_list" 2>$ERRFILE)                # -V doesn't work with openssl < 1.0
       -                #    ^^^^^ posix redirect as shopt will either segfault or doesn't work with old bash versions
       -                debugme echo $pfs_offered
       -                if [[ "$pfs_offered" -eq 1 ]]; then
       -                         pr_brown "no PFS ciphers found"
       -                fi
       -        fi
       -        outln
       -        $WIDE && outln
       -        debugme echo $(actually_supported_ciphers $pfs_cipher_list)
       -        debugme echo $no_supported_ciphers
       -        tmpfile_handle $FUNCNAME.txt
       -        return $pfs_offered
       -# good source for configuration and bugs: https://wiki.mozilla.org/Security/Server_Side_TLS
       -# good start to read: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Transport_Layer_Security#Attacks_against_TLS.2FSSL
       -        if [[ ! -z "$STARTTLS" ]]; then
       -                [[ -n "$1" ]] && out "$1"
       -                out "(SPDY is a HTTP protocol and thus not tested here)"
       -                return 1
       -        fi
       -        if [[ ! -z "$PROXY" ]]; then
       -                [[ -n "$1" ]] && pr_litemagenta "$1 "
       -                pr_litemagenta "not tested as proxies do not support proxying it"
       -                return 1
       -        fi
       -        # first, does the current openssl support it?
       -        $OPENSSL s_client help 2>&1 | grep -qw nextprotoneg
       -        if [[ $? -ne 0 ]]; then
       -                local_problem "$OPENSSL doesn't support SPDY/NPN";
       -                return 7
       -        fi
       -        return 0
       -run_spdy() {
       -        local tmpstr
       -        local -i ret=0
       -        pr_bold " SPDY/NPN   "
       -        if ! spdy_pre ; then
       -                echo
       -                return 0
       -        fi
       -        $OPENSSL s_client -host $NODE -port $PORT -nextprotoneg $NPN_PROTOs </dev/null 2>$ERRFILE >$TMPFILE
       -        tmpstr=$(grep -a '^Protocols' $TMPFILE | sed 's/Protocols.*: //')
       -        if [[ -z "$tmpstr" ]] || [[ "$tmpstr" == " " ]]; then
       -                out "not offered"
       -                ret=1
       -        else
       -                # now comes a strange thing: "Protocols advertised by server:" is empty but connection succeeded
       -                if echo $tmpstr | egrep -aq "spdy|http" ; then
       -                        out "$tmpstr" ; out " (advertised)"
       -                        ret=0
       -                else
       -                        pr_litemagenta "please check manually, server response was ambigious ..."
       -                        ret=10
       -                fi
       -        fi
       -        outln
       -        # btw: nmap can do that too http://nmap.org/nsedoc/scripts/tls-nextprotoneg.html
       -        # nmap --script=tls-nextprotoneg #NODE -p $PORT is your friend if your openssl doesn't want to test this
       -        tmpfile_handle $FUNCNAME.txt
       -        return $ret
       -# arg1: string to send
       -# arg2: possible success strings a egrep pattern, needed!
       -starttls_line() {
       -     debugme echo -e "\n=== sending \"$1\" ..."
       -     echo -e "$1" >&5
       -        # we don't know how much to read and it's blocking! So we just put a cat into the 
       -        # background and read until $STARTTLS_SLEEP and: cross our fingers
       -        cat <&5 >$TMPFILE &
       -     wait_kill $! $STARTTLS_SLEEP
       -     debugme echo "... received result: "
       -     debugme cat $TMPFILE
       -     if [[ -n "$2" ]]; then
       -          if egrep -q "$2" $TMPFILE; then
       -               debugme echo "---> reply matched \"$2\""
       -          else
       -               debugme echo "---> reply didn't match \"$2\", see $TMPFILE"
       -               pr_magenta "STARTTLS handshake problem. "
       -                        outln "Either switch to native openssl (--ssl-native), "
       -                        outln "   give the server more time to reply (STARTTLS_SLEEP=<seconds> ./testssh.sh ..) -- "
       -                        outln "   or debug what happened (add --debug=2)"
       -               exit -3
       -          fi
       -     fi
       -        return 0
       -        debugme echo -e "\n=== sending \"$1\" ..."
       -        echo -e "$1" >&5
       -     debugme echo "=== just read banner ==="
       -        if [[ "$DEBUG" -ge 2 ]]; then
       -                cat <&5 &
       -             wait_kill $! $STARTTLS_SLEEP
       -        else
       -                dd of=/dev/null count=8 <&5 2>/dev/null &
       -                wait_kill $! $STARTTLS_SLEEP
       -        fi
       -        return 0
       -# arg for a fd doesn't work here
       -fd_socket() {
       -        local jabber=""
       -        local proyxline=""
       -        if [[ -n "$PROXY" ]]; then
       -                if ! exec 5<> /dev/tcp/${PROXYIP}/${PROXYPORT}; then
       -                        outln
       -                        pr_magenta "$PROG_NAME: unable to open a socket to proxy $PROXYIP:$PROXYPORT"
       -                        return 6
       -                fi
       -                echo "CONNECT $NODEIP:$PORT" >&5
       -                while true ; do
       -                        read proyxline <&5
       -                        if [[ "${proyxline%/*}" == "HTTP" ]]; then
       -                                proyxline=${proyxline#* }
       -                                if [[ "${proyxline%% *}" != "200" ]]; then
       -                                        [[ "$PORT" != 443 ]] && outln "Check whether your proxy supports port $PORT and the underlying protocol."
       -                                        pr_magenta "Unable to CONNECT via proxy. "
       -                                        return 6
       -                                fi
       -                        fi
       -                        if [[ "$proyxline" == $'\r' ]]; then
       -                                break
       -                        fi
       -                done
       -        elif ! exec 5<>/dev/tcp/$NODEIP/$PORT; then        #  2>/dev/null would remove an error message, but disables debugging
       -                outln
       -                pr_magenta "Unable to open a socket to $NODEIP:$PORT. "
       -                # It can last ~2 minutes but for for those rare occasions we don't do a timeout handler here, KISS
       -                return 6
       -        fi
       -        if [[ -n "$STARTTLS" ]]; then
       -                case "$STARTTLS_PROTOCOL" in # port
       -                        ftp|ftps)  # https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc4217
       -                                $FAST_STARTTLS || starttls_just_read
       -                                $FAST_STARTTLS || starttls_line "FEAT" "211" && starttls_just_send "FEAT"
       -                                starttls_line "AUTH TLS" "successful|234"
       -                                ;;
       -                        smtp|smtps)  # SMTP, see https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc4217
       -                                $FAST_STARTTLS || starttls_just_read
       -                                $FAST_STARTTLS || starttls_line "EHLO testssl.sh" "220|250" && starttls_just_send "EHLO testssl.sh" 
       -                                starttls_line "STARTTLS" "220"
       -                                ;;
       -                        pop3|pop3s) # POP, see https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc2595
       -                                $FAST_STARTTLS || starttls_just_read
       -                                starttls_line "STLS" "OK"
       -                                ;;
       -                        nntp|nntps) # NNTP, see https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc4642
       -                                $FAST_STARTTLS || starttls_just_read
       -                                $FAST_STARTTLS || starttls_line "CAPABILITIES" "101|200" && starttls_just_send "CAPABILITIES"
       -                                starttls_line "STARTTLS" "382"
       -                                ;;
       -                        imap|imaps) # IMAP, https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc2595
       -                                $FAST_STARTTLS || starttls_just_read
       -                                $FAST_STARTTLS || starttls_line "a001 CAPABILITY" "OK" && starttls_just_send "a001 CAPABILITY"
       -                                starttls_line "a002 STARTTLS" "OK"
       -                                ;;
       -                        ldap|ldaps) # LDAP, https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc2830, https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc4511
       -                                fatal "FIXME: LDAP+STARTTLS over sockets not yet supported (try \"--ssl-native\")" -4
       -                                ;;
       -                        acap|acaps) # ACAP = Application Configuration Access Protocol, see https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc2595
       -                                fatal "ACAP Easteregg: not implemented -- probably never will" -4
       -                                ;;
       -                        xmpp|xmpps) # XMPP, see https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6120
       -                                starttls_just_read
       -                                [[ -z $XMPP_HOST ]] && XMPP_HOST="$NODE"
       -                                jabber=$(cat <<EOF
       -<?xml version='1.0' ?>
       -                                starttls_line "$jabber"
       -                                starttls_line "<starttls xmlns='urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-tls'/>" "proceed"
       -                                # BTW: https://xmpp.net !
       -                                ;;
       -                        *) # we need to throw an error here -- otherwise testssl.sh treats the STARTTLS protocol as plain SSL/TLS which leads to FP
       -                                fatal "FIXME: STARTTLS protocol $STARTTLS_PROTOCOL is not yet supported" -4
       -                esac
       -        fi
       -     return 0
       -        exec 5<&-
       -        exec 5>&-
       -        return 0
       -# first: helper function for protocol checks
       -code2network() {
       -        # arg1: formatted string here in the code
       -        NW_STR=$(echo "$1" | sed -e 's/,/\\\x/g' | sed -e 's/# .*$//g' -e 's/ //g' -e '/^$/d' | tr -d '\n' | tr -d '\t')
       -        #TODO: just echo, no additional global var
       -len2twobytes() {
       -     local len_arg1=${#1}
       -     [[ $len_arg1 -le 2 ]] && LEN_STR=$(printf "00, %02s \n" "$1")
       -     [[ $len_arg1 -eq 3 ]] && LEN_STR=$(printf "%02s, %02s \n" "${1:0:1}" "${1:1:2}")
       -     [[ $len_arg1 -eq 4 ]] && LEN_STR=$(printf "%02s, %02s \n" "${1:0:2}" "${1:2:2}")
       -socksend_sslv2_clienthello() {
       -        local data=""
       -        code2network "$1"
       -        data="$NW_STR"
       -        [[ "$DEBUG" -ge 4 ]] && echo "\"$data\""
       -        printf -- "$data" >&5 2>/dev/null &
       -        sleep $USLEEP_SND
       -# for SSLv2 to TLS 1.2:
       -sockread_serverhello() {
       -     [[ -z "$2" ]] && maxsleep=$MAX_WAITSOCK || maxsleep=$2
       -     SOCK_REPLY_FILE=$(mktemp $TEMPDIR/ddreply.XXXXXX) || return 7
       -     dd bs=$1 of=$SOCK_REPLY_FILE count=1 <&5 2>/dev/null &
       -        wait_kill $! $maxsleep
       -        return $?
       -# arg1: name of file with socket reply
       -parse_sslv2_serverhello() {
       -        # server hello:                                                                        in hex representation, see below
       -        # byte 1+2: length of server hello                                                0123
       -        # 3:        04=Handshake message, server hello                        45
       -        # 4:        session id hit or not (boolean: 00=false, this  67
       -        #           is the normal case)
       -        # 5:        certificate type, 01 = x509                                        89
       -        # 6+7       version (00 02 = SSLv2)                                        10-13
       -        # 8+9       certificate length                                                14-17
       -        # 10+11     cipher spec length                                                17-20
       -        # 12+13     connection id length
       -        # [certificate length] ==> certificate
       -        # [cipher spec length] ==> ciphers GOOD: HERE ARE ALL CIPHERS ALREADY!
       -        local ret=3
       -        v2_hello_ascii=$(hexdump -v -e '16/1 "%02X"' $1)
       -        [[ "$DEBUG" -ge 5 ]] && echo "$v2_hello_ascii"
       -        if [[ -z "$v2_hello_ascii" ]]; then
       -                ret=0                                                                # 1 line without any blanks: no server hello received
       -                debugme echo "server hello empty"
       -        else
       -                # now scrape two bytes out of the reply per byte
       -                v2_hello_initbyte="${v2_hello_ascii:0:1}"  # normally this belongs to the next, should be 8!
       -                v2_hello_length="${v2_hello_ascii:1:3}"    # + 0x8000 see above
       -                v2_hello_handshake="${v2_hello_ascii:4:2}"
       -                v2_hello_cert_length="${v2_hello_ascii:14:4}"
       -                v2_hello_cipherspec_length="${v2_hello_ascii:18:4}"
       -                V2_HELLO_CIPHERSPEC_LENGTH=$(printf "%d\n" "0x$v2_hello_cipherspec_length" 2>/dev/null)
       -                [[ $? -ne 0 ]] && ret=7
       -                if [[ $v2_hello_initbyte != "8" ]] || [[ $v2_hello_handshake != "04" ]]; then
       -                        ret=1
       -                        if [[ $DEBUG -ge 2 ]]; then
       -                                echo "no correct server hello"
       -                                echo "SSLv2 server init byte:    0x0$v2_hello_initbyte"
       -                                echo "SSLv2 hello handshake :    0x$v2_hello_handshake"
       -                        fi
       -                fi
       -                if [[ $DEBUG -ge 3 ]]; then
       -                        echo "SSLv2 server hello length: 0x0$v2_hello_length"
       -                        echo "SSLv2 certificate length:  0x$v2_hello_cert_length"
       -                        echo "SSLv2 cipher spec length:  0x$v2_hello_cipherspec_length"
       -                fi
       -        fi
       -        return $ret
       -# arg1: name of file with socket reply
       -parse_tls_serverhello() {
       -        local tls_hello_ascii=$(hexdump -v -e '16/1 "%02X"' "$1")
       -        local tls_content_type tls_protocol tls_len_all
       -#TODO: all vars here
       -        TLS_TIME=""
       -        DETECTED_TLS_VERSION=""
       -        # server hello, handshake details see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Transport_Layer_Security-SSL#TLS_record
       -        # byte 0:      content type:                        0x14=CCS,    0x15=TLS alert  x16=Handshake,  0x17 Aplication, 0x18=HB
       -        # byte 1+2:    TLS version word, major is 03, minor 00=SSL3, 01=TLS1 02=TLS1.1 03=TLS 1.2
       -        # byte 3+4:    length all
       -        # byte 5:      handshake type (2=hello)                TLS alert: level (2=fatal), descr (0x28=handshake failure)
       -        # byte 6+7+8:  length server hello
       -        # byte 9+10:   03, TLS version word                see byte 1+2
       -        # byte 11-14:  TLS timestamp                                for OpenSSL <1.01f
       -        # byte 15-42:  random, 28 bytes
       -        # byte 43:     session id length
       -        # byte 44+45+sid-len:  cipher suite!
       -        # byte 46+sid-len:     compression method:  00: none, 01: deflate
       -        # byte 47+48+sid-len:  extension length
       -        [[ "$DEBUG" -eq 5 ]] && echo $tls_hello_ascii      # one line without any blanks
       -        if [[ -z "$tls_hello_ascii" ]]; then
       -                debugme echo "server hello empty, TCP connection closed" 
       -                return 1              # no server hello received
       -        fi
       -        # now scrape two bytes out of the reply per byte
       -        tls_content_type="${tls_hello_ascii:0:2}"                  # normally this is x16 (Handshake) here
       -        tls_protocol="${tls_hello_ascii:2:4}"
       -        DETECTED_TLS_VERSION=$tls_protocol
       -        tls_len_all=${tls_hello_ascii:6:4}
       -        sid_len_offset=86
       -        tls_hello="${tls_hello_ascii:10:2}"                        # normally this is x02
       -        tls_protocol2="${tls_hello_ascii:18:4}"
       -        tls_hello_time="${tls_hello_ascii:22:8}"
       -        if [[ $tls_content_type == "15" ]]; then                # TLS ALERT
       -                tls_err_level=${tls_hello_ascii:10:2}                 # 1: warning, 2: fatal
       -                tls_err_descr=${tls_hello_ascii:12:2}                # 112/0x70: Unrecognized name, 111/0x6F: certificate_unobtainable, 
       -                                                                                        # 113/0x71: bad_certificate_status_response, #114/0x72: bad_certificate_hash_value
       -                if [[ $DEBUG -ge 2 ]]; then
       -                        echo "tls_content_type:       0x$tls_content_type"
       -                        echo "tls_protocol:           0x$tls_protocol"
       -                        echo "tls_len_all:            $tls_len_all"
       -                        echo "tls_err_descr:          0x${tls_err_descr} / = $(hex2dec ${tls_err_descr})"
       -                        echo "tls_err_level:          ${tls_err_level} (warning:1, fatal:2)"        
       -                fi
       -                # now, here comes a strange thing... -- on the first glance
       -                # IF an apache 2.2/2.4 server e.g. has a default servername configured but we send SNI <myhostname>
       -                # we get a TLS ALERT saying "unrecognized_name" (0x70) and a warning (0x1), see RFC https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6066#page-17
       -                # note that RFC recommended to fail instead: https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6066#section-3
       -                # we need to handle this properly -- otherwise we always return that the protocol or cipher is not available!
       -                if [[ "$tls_err_descr" == 70 ]] && [[ "${tls_err_level}" == "01" ]]; then
       -                        sid_len_offset=100                      # we are 2x7 bytes off (formerly: 86 instead of 100)
       -                        tls_hello="${tls_hello_ascii:24:2}"        # here, too       (normally this is (02)
       -                        tls_protocol2="${tls_hello_ascii:32:4}" # here, too
       -                        tls_hello_time="${tls_hello_ascii:36:8}"        # and here, too
       -                else
       -                        return 1
       -                fi
       -        fi
       -        TLS_TIME=$(hex2dec "$tls_hello_time")
       -        tls_sid_len=$(hex2dec "${tls_hello_ascii:$sid_len_offset:2}")
       -        let sid_offset=$sid_len_offset+2+$tls_sid_len*2
       -        tls_cipher_suite="${tls_hello_ascii:$sid_offset:4}"
       -        let sid_offset=$sid_len_offset+6++$tls_sid_len*2
       -        tls_compression_method="${tls_hello_ascii:$sid_offset:2}"
       -        if [[ $DEBUG -ge 2 ]]; then
       -                echo "tls_hello:              0x$tls_hello"
       -                if [[ $DEBUG -ge 4 ]]; then
       -                        echo "tls_protocol2:          0x$tls_protocol2"
       -                        echo "tls_sid_len:            0x$(dec2hex $tls_sid_len) / = $tls_sid_len"
       -                fi
       -                echo -n "tls_hello_time:         0x$tls_hello_time "
       -                if $HAS_GNUDATE ; then
       -                        date --date="@$TLS_TIME" "+%Y-%m-%d %r"
       -                else
       -                        date -j -f %s "$TLS_TIME" "+%Y-%m-%d %r"
       -                fi
       -                echo "tls_cipher_suite:       0x$tls_cipher_suite"
       -                echo "tls_compression_method: 0x$tls_compression_method"
       -                outln
       -        fi
       -        return 0
       -sslv2_sockets() {
       -        local ciphers_detected
       -        fd_socket 5 || return 6
       -        [[ "$DEBUG" -ge 2 ]] && outln "sending client hello... "
       -        socksend_sslv2_clienthello "$SSLv2_CLIENT_HELLO"
       -        sockread_serverhello 32768
       -        [[ "$DEBUG" -ge 2 ]] && outln "reading server hello... "
       -        if [[ "$DEBUG" -ge 4 ]]; then
       -                hexdump -C "$SOCK_REPLY_FILE" | head -6
       -                outln
       -        fi
       -        parse_sslv2_serverhello "$SOCK_REPLY_FILE"
       -        case $? in
       -                7) # strange reply, couldn't convert the cipher spec length to a hex number
       -                        pr_litemagenta "strange v2 reply "
       -                        outln " (rerun with DEBUG >=2)"
       -                        [[ $DEBUG -ge 3 ]] && hexdump -C "$SOCK_REPLY_FILE" | head -1
       -                        ret=7 ;;
       -                1) # no sslv2 server hello returned, like in openlitespeed which returns HTTP!
       -                        pr_greenln "not offered (OK)"
       -                        ret=0 ;;
       -                0) # reset
       -                        pr_greenln "not offered (OK)"
       -                        ret=0 ;;
       -                3) # everything else
       -                        lines=$(hexdump -C "$SOCK_REPLY_FILE" 2>/dev/null | wc -l | sed 's/ //g')
       -                        [[ "$DEBUG" -ge 2 ]] && out "  ($lines lines)  "
       -                        if [[ "$lines" -gt 1 ]]; then
       -                                ciphers_detected=$((V2_HELLO_CIPHERSPEC_LENGTH / 3))
       -                                if [[ 0 -eq "$ciphers_detected" ]]; then
       -                                        pr_litered "supported but couldn't detect a cipher"; outln " (may need further attention)"
       -                                else
       -                                        pr_red "offered (NOT ok)"; outln " -- $ciphers_detected ciphers"
       -                                fi
       -                                ret=1
       -                        fi ;;
       -        esac
       -        pr_off
       -        debugme outln
       -        close_socket
       -        TMPFILE=$SOCK_REPLY_FILE
       -        tmpfile_handle $FUNCNAME.dd
       -        return $ret
       -# ARG1: TLS version low byte (00: SSLv3,  01: TLS 1.0,  02: TLS 1.1,  03: TLS 1.2)
       -# ARG2: CIPHER_SUITES string
       -socksend_tls_clienthello() {
       -#FIXME: redo this with all extensions!
       -        local tls_low_byte="$1"
       -        local tls_low_byte1="01"                # the first TLS version number is always 0301 -- except: SSLv3
       -        local servername_hexstr len_servername len_servername_hex
       -        local hexdump_format_str
       -        local all_extensions
       -        local len_sni_listlen len_sni_ext len_extension_hex
       -        local cipher_suites len_ciph_suites len_ciph_suites_word
       -        local len_client_hello_word len_all_word
       -        #len_servername=$(echo ${#NODE})
       -        len_servername=${#NODE}
       -        hexdump_format_str="$len_servername/1 \"%02x,\""
       -        servername_hexstr=$(printf $NODE | hexdump -v -e "${hexdump_format_str}" | sed 's/,$//')
       -        code2network "$2"                # convert CIPHER_SUITES
       -        cipher_suites="$NW_STR"                # we don't have the leading \x here so string length is two byte less, see next
       -#formatted example for SNI
       -#00 00         # extension server_name
       -#00 1a    # length                               = the following +2 = server_name length + 5
       -#00 18    # server_name list_length        = server_name length +3
       -#00                 # server_name type (hostname)
       -#00 15         # server_name length
       -#66 66 66 66 66 66 2e 66 66 66 66 66 66 66 66 66 66 2e 66 66 66  target.mydomain1.tld # server_name target
       -        # convert lengths we need to fill in from dec to hex:
       -        len_servername_hex=$(printf "%02x\n" $len_servername)
       -        len_sni_listlen=$(printf "%02x\n" $((len_servername+3)))
       -        len_sni_ext=$(printf "%02x\n" $((len_servername+5)))
       -        len_extension_hex=$(printf "%02x\n" $((len_servername+9)))        #FIXME: for TLS 1.2 and IIS servers we need extension_signature_algorithms!!
       -        len_ciph_suites_byte=$(echo ${#cipher_suites})
       -        let "len_ciph_suites_byte += 2"
       -        # we have additional 2 chars \x in each 2 byte string and 2 byte ciphers, so we need to divide by 4:
       -        len_ciph_suites=$(printf "%02x\n" $(($len_ciph_suites_byte / 4 )))
       -        len2twobytes "$len_ciph_suites"
       -        len_ciph_suites_word="$LEN_STR"
       -        #[[ $DEBUG -ge 3 ]] && echo $len_ciph_suites_word
       -        # RFC 3546 doesn't specify SSLv3 to have SNI, openssl just ignores the switch if supplied
       -        if [[ "$tls_low_byte" == "00" ]]; then
       -                len2twobytes $(printf "%02x\n" $((0x$len_ciph_suites + 0x27)))
       -        else
       -                len2twobytes $(printf "%02x\n" $((0x$len_ciph_suites + 0x27 + 0x$len_extension_hex + 0x2)))
       -        fi
       -        len_client_hello_word="$LEN_STR"
       -        #[[ $DEBUG -ge 3 ]] && echo $len_client_hello_word
       -        if [[ "$tls_low_byte" == "00" ]]; then
       -                len2twobytes $(printf "%02x\n" $((0x$len_ciph_suites + 0x2b)))
       -        else
       -                len2twobytes $(printf "%02x\n" $((0x$len_ciph_suites + 0x2b + 0x$len_extension_hex + 0x2)))
       -        fi
       -        len_all_word="$LEN_STR"
       -        #[[ $DEBUG -ge 3 ]] && echo $len_all_word
       -        # if we have SSLv3, the first occurence of TLS protocol is SSLv3, otherwise TLS 1.0
       -        [[ $tls_low_byte == "00" ]] && tls_low_byte1="00"
       -        TLS_CLIENT_HELLO="
       -        # TLS header ( 5 bytes)
       -        ,16, 03, $tls_low_byte1  # TLS Version: in wireshark this is always 00 for TLS 1.0-1.2
       -        ,$len_all_word           # Length  <---
       -        # Handshake header:
       -        ,01                      # Type (x01 for ClientHello)
       -        ,00, $len_client_hello_word   # Length ClientHello
       -        ,03, $tls_low_byte       # TLS Version (again)
       -        ,54, 51, 1e, 7a          # Unix time since  see www.moserware.com/2009/06/first-few-milliseconds-of-https.html
       -        ,de, ad, be, ef          # Random 28 bytes
       -        ,31, 33, 07, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00
       -        ,cf, bd, 39, 04, cc, 16, 0a, 85
       -        ,03, 90, 9f, 77, 04, 33, d4, de
       -        ,00                      # Session ID length
       -        ,$len_ciph_suites_word   # Cipher suites length
       -        ,$cipher_suites
       -        ,01                      # Compression methods length
       -        ,00"                     # Compression method (x00 for NULL)
       -#TODO,add (see heartbleed)
       -# extension lenghth (word)
       -# extension ec_point_formats (4 words) 1st: 00 0b
       -#len                              00 04
       -# ec prot formats len:            03
       -# uncompressed                    00
       -# EC point format: ansiX962_compressed_prime  01
       -# EC point format: ansiX962_compressed_char2  02
       -# ec, 1st:                 00 0a
       -#         2nd length: (word)         e.g. 0x34
       -#         3rd: ec curve len    ln-2  e.g. 0x32
       -#         4.-n.  curves              e.g. 25 words
       -# Extension: Session Ticket        00 23
       -        extension_signature_algorithms="
       -     00, 0d,                    # Type: signature_algorithms , see RFC 5246
       -     00, 20,                    # len
       -     00,1e, 06,01, 06,02, 06,03, 05,01, 05,02, 05,03, 
       -     04,01, 04,02, 04,03, 03,01, 03,02, 03,03, 02,01, 02,02, 02,03"
       -# Extension: Haertbeat             00 0f 
       -# len                              00 01
       -# peer allowed to send requests       01
       -        if [[ "$tls_low_byte" == "00" ]]; then
       -                all_extensions=""
       -        else                                                #FIXME: we (probably) need extension_signature_algorithms here. TLS 1.2 fails on IIS otherwise
       -                all_extensions="
       -                ,00, $len_extension_hex  # first the len of all (here: 1) extentions. We assume len(hostname) < FF - 9
       -                ,00, 00                  # extension server_name
       -                ,00, $len_sni_ext        # length SNI EXT
       -                ,00, $len_sni_listlen    # server_name list_length
       -                ,00                      # server_name type (hostname)
       -                ,00, $len_servername_hex # server_name length
       -                ,$servername_hexstr"     # server_name target
       -        fi
       -        fd_socket 5 || return 6
       -        code2network "$TLS_CLIENT_HELLO$all_extensions"
       -        data=$(echo $NW_STR)
       -        [[ "$DEBUG" -ge 4 ]] && echo "\"$data\""
       -        printf -- "$data" >&5 2>/dev/null &
       -        sleep $USLEEP_SND
       -        return 0
       -# arg1: TLS version low byte 
       -#       (00: SSLv3,  01: TLS 1.0,  02: TLS 1.1,  03: TLS 1.2)
       -tls_sockets() {
       -        local -i ret=0
       -        local -i save=0
       -        local lines
       -        local tls_low_byte
       -        local cipher_list_2send
       -        tls_low_byte="$1"
       -        if [[ -n "$2" ]]; then                        # use supplied string in arg2 if there is one
       -                cipher_list_2send="$2"
       -        else                                                 # otherwise use std ciphers then
       -                if [[ "$tls_low_byte" == "03" ]]; then
       -                        cipher_list_2send="$TLS12_CIPHER"
       -                else
       -                        cipher_list_2send="$TLS_CIPHER"
       -                fi
       -        fi
       -        [[ "$DEBUG" -ge 2 ]] && echo "sending client hello..."
       -        socksend_tls_clienthello "$tls_low_byte" "$cipher_list_2send"
       -        ret=$?                                                # 6 means opening socket didn't succeed, e.g. timeout
       -        # if sending didn't succeed we don't bother
       -        if [[ $ret -eq 0 ]]; then
       -                sockread_serverhello 32768
       -                TLS_NOW=$(date "+%s")
       -                [[ "$DEBUG" -ge 2 ]] && outln "reading server hello..."
       -                if [[ "$DEBUG" -ge 3 ]]; then
       -                        hexdump -C $SOCK_REPLY_FILE | head -6
       -                        echo
       -                fi
       -                parse_tls_serverhello "$SOCK_REPLY_FILE"
       -                save=$?
       -                # see https://secure.wand.net.nz/trac/libprotoident/wiki/SSL
       -                lines=$(count_lines "$(hexdump -C "$SOCK_REPLY_FILE" 2>$ERRFILE)")
       -                [[ "$DEBUG" -ge 2 ]] && out "  (returned $lines lines)  "
       -                # determine the return value for higher level, so that they can tell what the result is
       -                if [[ $save -eq 1 ]] || [[ $lines -eq 1 ]]; then
       -                        ret=1                # NOT available
       -                else
       -                        if [[ 03$tls_low_byte -eq $DETECTED_TLS_VERSION ]]; then
       -                                ret=0        # protocol available, TLS version returned equal to the one send
       -                        else
       -                                [[ $DEBUG -ge 2 ]] && echo -n "protocol send: 0x03$tls_low_byte, returned: 0x$DETECTED_TLS_VERSION"
       -                                ret=2        # protocol NOT available, server downgraded to $DETECTED_TLS_VERSION
       -                        fi
       -                fi
       -                debugme outln
       -        else
       -                debugme "stuck on sending: $ret"
       -        fi
       -        close_socket
       -        TMPFILE=$SOCK_REPLY_FILE
       -        tmpfile_handle $FUNCNAME.dd
       -        return $ret
       -####### vulnerabilities follow #######
       -# general overview which browser "supports" which vulnerability:
       -# http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Transport_Layer_Security-SSL#Web_browsers
       -# mainly adapted from https://gist.github.com/takeshixx/10107280
       -        [ $VULN_COUNT -le $VULN_THRESHLD ]  && outln && pr_blue "--> Testing for heartbleed vulnerability" && outln "\n"
       -        pr_bold " Heartbleed\c"; out " (CVE-2014-0160)                "
       -     #if [[ -n "$STARTTLS" ]] && [[ $EXPERIMENTAL != "yes" ]]; then
       -        #        outln "(not yet implemented for STARTTLS)"
       -        #        return 0
       -        #fi
       -        # determine TLS versions available:
       -        $OPENSSL s_client $STARTTLS -connect $NODEIP:$PORT $PROXY -tlsextdebug &>$TMPFILE </dev/null
       -        if $HAS_SED_E; then
       -                tls_proto_offered=$(grep -aw Protocol $TMPFILE | sed -E 's/[^[:digit:]]//g')
       -        else
       -                tls_proto_offered=$(grep -aw Protocol $TMPFILE | sed -r 's/[^[:digit:]]//g')
       -        fi
       -        case $tls_proto_offered in
       -                12)        tls_hexcode="x03, x03" ;;
       -                11)        tls_hexcode="x03, x02" ;;
       -                *) tls_hexcode="x03, x01" ;;
       -        esac
       -        heartbleed_payload=", x18, $tls_hexcode, x00, x03, x01, x40, x00"
       -        client_hello="
       -        # TLS header ( 5 bytes)
       -        ,x16,                      # content type (x16 for handshake)
       -        $tls_hexcode,              # TLS version
       -        x00, xdc,                  # length
       -        # Handshake header
       -        x01,                       # type (x01 for ClientHello)
       -        x00, x00, xd8,             # length
       -        $tls_hexcode,              # TLS version
       -        # Random (32 byte)
       -        x53, x43, x5b, x90, x9d, x9b, x72, x0b,
       -        xbc, x0c, xbc, x2b, x92, xa8, x48, x97,
       -        xcf, xbd, x39, x04, xcc, x16, x0a, x85,
       -        x03, x90, x9f, x77, x04, x33, xd4, xde,
       -        x00,                       # session ID length
       -        x00, x66,                  # cipher suites length
       -                                                  # cipher suites (51 suites)
       -        xc0, x14, xc0, x0a, xc0, x22, xc0, x21,
       -        x00, x39, x00, x38, x00, x88, x00, x87,
       -        xc0, x0f, xc0, x05, x00, x35, x00, x84,
       -        xc0, x12, xc0, x08, xc0, x1c, xc0, x1b,
       -        x00, x16, x00, x13, xc0, x0d, xc0, x03,
       -        x00, x0a, xc0, x13, xc0, x09, xc0, x1f,
       -        xc0, x1e, x00, x33, x00, x32, x00, x9a,
       -        x00, x99, x00, x45, x00, x44, xc0, x0e,
       -        xc0, x04, x00, x2f, x00, x96, x00, x41,
       -        xc0, x11, xc0, x07, xc0, x0c, xc0, x02,
       -        x00, x05, x00, x04, x00, x15, x00, x12,
       -        x00, x09, x00, x14, x00, x11, x00, x08,
       -        x00, x06, x00, x03, x00, xff,
       -        x01,                       # compression methods length
       -        x00,                       # compression method (x00 for NULL)
       -        x00, x49,                  # extensions length
       -        # extension: ec_point_formats
       -        x00, x0b, x00, x04, x03, x00, x01, x02,
       -        # extension: elliptic_curves
       -        x00, x0a, x00, x34, x00, x32, x00, x0e,
       -        x00, x0d, x00, x19, x00, x0b, x00, x0c,
       -        x00, x18, x00, x09, x00, x0a, x00, x16,
       -        x00, x17, x00, x08, x00, x06, x00, x07,
       -        x00, x14, x00, x15, x00, x04, x00, x05,
       -        x00, x12, x00, x13, x00, x01, x00, x02,
       -        x00, x03, x00, x0f, x00, x10, x00, x11,
       -        # extension: session ticket TLS
       -        x00, x23, x00, x00,
       -        # extension: heartbeat
       -        x00, x0f, x00, x01, x01"
       -        fd_socket 5 || return 6
       -        [[ $DEBUG -ge 2 ]] && outln "\nsending client hello (TLS version $tls_hexcode)"
       -        socksend "$client_hello" 1
       -        sockread 16384
       -        [[ $DEBUG -ge 2 ]] && outln "\nreading server hello"
       -        if [[ $DEBUG -ge 3 ]]; then
       -                echo "$SOCKREPLY" | "${HEXDUMPVIEW[@]}" | head -20
       -                outln "[...]"
       -                outln "\nsending payload with TLS version $tls_hexcode:"
       -        fi
       -        socksend "$heartbleed_payload" 1
       -        sockread 16384 $HEARTBLEED_MAX_WAITSOCK
       -        retval=$?
       -        if [[ $DEBUG -ge 3 ]]; then
       -                outln "\nheartbleed reply: "
       -                echo "$SOCKREPLY" | "${HEXDUMPVIEW[@]}"
       -                outln
       -        fi
       -        lines_returned=$(echo "$SOCKREPLY" | "${HEXDUMP[@]}" | wc -l | sed 's/ //g')
       -        if [[ $lines_returned -gt 1 ]]; then
       -                pr_red "VULNERABLE (NOT ok)"
       -                ret=1
       -        else
       -                pr_green "not vulnerable (OK)"
       -                ret=0
       -        fi
       -        [[ $retval -eq 3 ]] && out " (timed out)"
       -        outln
       -        close_socket
       -        tmpfile_handle $FUNCNAME.txt
       -        return $ret
       -# helper function
       -        pr_greenln "\n ok -- something resetted our ccs packets"
       -        return 0
       -#FIXME: At a certain point heartbleed and ccs needs to be changed and make use of code2network using a file, then tls_sockets
       -        # see https://www.openssl.org/news/secadv_20140605.txt
       -        # mainly adapted from Ramon de C Valle's C code from https://gist.github.com/rcvalle/71f4b027d61a78c42607
       -        [[ $VULN_COUNT -le $VULN_THRESHLD ]] && outln && pr_blue "--> Testing for CCS injection vulnerability" && outln "\n"
       -        pr_bold " CCS"; out " (CVE-2014-0224)                       "
       -     #if [[ -n "$STARTTLS" ]] && [[ $EXPERIMENTAL != "yes" ]]; then
       -        #        outln "(not yet implemented for STARTTLS)"
       -        #        return 0
       -        #fi
       -        $OPENSSL s_client $STARTTLS -connect $NODEIP:$PORT $PROXY &>$TMPFILE </dev/null
       -        if $HAS_SED_E; then
       -                tls_proto_offered=$(grep -aw Protocol $TMPFILE | sed -E 's/[^[:digit:]]//g')
       -        else
       -                tls_proto_offered=$(grep -aw Protocol $TMPFILE | sed -r 's/[^[:digit:]]//g')
       -        fi
       -        case $tls_proto_offered in
       -                12)        tls_hexcode="x03, x03" ;;
       -                11)        tls_hexcode="x03, x02" ;;
       -                *) tls_hexcode="x03, x01" ;;
       -        esac
       -        ccs_message=", x14, $tls_hexcode ,x00, x01, x01"
       -        client_hello="
       -        # TLS header (5 bytes)
       -        ,x16,               # content type (x16 for handshake)
       -        $tls_hexcode,       # TLS version
       -        x00, x93,           # length
       -        # Handshake header
       -        x01,                # type (x01 for ClientHello)
       -        x00, x00, x8f,      # length
       -        $tls_hexcode,       # TLS version
       -        # Random (32 byte)
       -        x53, x43, x5b, x90, x9d, x9b, x72, x0b,
       -        xbc, x0c, xbc, x2b, x92, xa8, x48, x97,
       -        xcf, xbd, x39, x04, xcc, x16, x0a, x85,
       -        x03, x90, x9f, x77, x04, x33, xd4, xde,
       -        x00,                # session ID length
       -        x00, x68,           # cipher suites length
       -        # Cipher suites (51 suites)
       -        xc0, x13, xc0, x12, xc0, x11, xc0, x10,
       -        xc0, x0f, xc0, x0e, xc0, x0d, xc0, x0c,
       -        xc0, x0b, xc0, x0a, xc0, x09, xc0, x08,
       -        xc0, x07, xc0, x06, xc0, x05, xc0, x04,
       -        xc0, x03, xc0, x02, xc0, x01, x00, x39,
       -        x00, x38, x00, x37, x00, x36, x00, x35, x00, x34,
       -        x00, x33, x00, x32, x00, x31, x00, x30,
       -        x00, x2f, x00, x16, x00, x15, x00, x14,
       -        x00, x13, x00, x12, x00, x11, x00, x10,
       -        x00, x0f, x00, x0e, x00, x0d, x00, x0c,
       -        x00, x0b, x00, x0a, x00, x09, x00, x08,
       -        x00, x07, x00, x06, x00, x05, x00, x04,
       -        x00, x03, x00, x02, x00, x01, x01, x00"
       -        fd_socket 5 || return 6
       -# we now make a standard handshake ...
       -        debugme out "\nsending client hello, "
       -        socksend "$client_hello" 1
       -        sockread 16384
       -        debugme outln "\nreading server hello"
       -        if [[ $DEBUG -ge 3 ]]; then
       -                echo "$SOCKREPLY" | "${HEXDUMPVIEW[@]}" | head -20
       -                outln "[...]"
       -                outln "\npayload #1 with TLS version $tls_hexcode:"
       -        fi
       -# ... and then send the a change cipher spec message
       -        socksend "$ccs_message" 1 || ok_ids
       -        sockread 2048 $CCS_MAX_WAITSOCK
       -        if [[ $DEBUG -ge 3 ]]; then
       -                outln "\n1st reply: "
       -                out "$SOCKREPLY" | "${HEXDUMPVIEW[@]}" | head -20
       -# ok:      15 | 0301    |  02 | 02 | 0a 
       -#       ALERT | TLS 1.0 | Length=2 | Unexpected Message (0a)
       -#    or just timed out
       -                outln
       -                outln "payload #2 with TLS version $tls_hexcode:"
       -        fi
       -        socksend "$ccs_message" 2 || ok_ids
       -        sockread 2048 $CCS_MAX_WAITSOCK
       -        retval=$?
       -        if [[ $DEBUG -ge 3 ]]; then
       -                outln "\n2nd reply: "
       -                printf -- "$SOCKREPLY" | "${HEXDUMPVIEW[@]}"
       -# not ok:  15 | 0301    | 02 | 02  | 15 
       -#       ALERT | TLS 1.0 | Length=2 | Decryption failed (21)
       -# ok:  0a or nothing: ==> RST
       -                outln
       -        fi
       -        byte6=$(echo "$SOCKREPLY" | "${HEXDUMPPLAIN[@]}" | sed 's/^..........//')
       -        lines=$(echo "$SOCKREPLY" | "${HEXDUMP[@]}" | count_lines )
       -        debugme echo "lines: $lines, byte6: $byte6"
       -        if [[ "$byte6" == "0a" ]] || [[ "$lines" -gt 1 ]]; then
       -                pr_green "not vulnerable (OK)"
       -                ret=0
       -        else
       -                pr_red "VULNERABLE (NOT ok)"
       -                ret=1
       -        fi
       -        [[ $retval -eq 3 ]] && out " (timed out)"
       -        outln
       -        close_socket
       -        tmpfile_handle $FUNCNAME.txt
       -        return $ret
       -local_problem() {
       -        pr_litemagentaln "Local problem: $1"
       -run_renego() {
       -# no SNI here. Not needed as there won't be two different SSL stacks for one IP
       -        local legacycmd=""
       -        local insecure_renogo_str="Secure Renegotiation IS NOT"
       -        local sec_renego sec_client_renego
       -        [ $VULN_COUNT -le $VULN_THRESHLD ]  && outln && pr_blue "--> Testing for Renegotiation vulnerability" && outln "\n"
       -        pr_bold " Secure Renegotiation "; out "(CVE-2009-3555)      "         # and RFC5746, OSVDB 59968-59974
       -                                                                                                                # community.qualys.com/blogs/securitylabs/2009/11/05/ssl-and-tls-authentication-gap-vulnerability-discovered
       -        if $OPENSSL s_client $OPTIMAL_PROTO $STARTTLS -connect $NODEIP:$PORT $SNI $PROXY 2>&1 </dev/null &>$TMPFILE; then
       -                grep -iaq "$insecure_renogo_str" $TMPFILE
       -                sec_renego=$?                                                                                        # 0= Secure Renegotiation IS NOT supported
       -#FIXME: didn't occur to me yet but why not also to check on "Secure Renegotiation IS supported"
       -                case $sec_renego in
       -                        0) pr_redln "VULNERABLE (NOT ok)" ;;
       -                        1) pr_greenln "not vulnerable (OK)" ;;
       -                        *) pr_litemagentaln "FIXME (bug): $sec_renego" ;;
       -                esac
       -        else
       -                pr_litemagentaln "handshake didn't succeed" 
       -        fi
       -        pr_bold " Secure Client-Initiated Renegotiation     "        # RFC 5746
       -        # see: https://community.qualys.com/blogs/securitylabs/2011/10/31/tls-renegotiation-and-denial-of-service-attacks
       -        #      http://blog.ivanristic.com/2009/12/testing-for-ssl-renegotiation.html -- head/get doesn't seem to be needed though
       -        case "$OSSL_VER" in
       -                0.9.8*)                          # we need this for Mac OSX unfortunately
       -                        case "$OSSL_VER_APPENDIX" in
       -                                [a-l]) local_problem "$OPENSSL cannot test this secure renegotiation vulnerability"
       -                                          return 3 ;;
       -                                [m-z]) ;; # all ok
       -                        esac ;;
       -                1.0.1*|1.0.2*) legacycmd="-legacy_renegotiation" ;;
       -                0.9.9*|1.0*) ;;   # all ok
       -        esac
       -        # We need up to two tries here, as some LiteSpeed servers don't answer on "R" and block. Thus first try in the background
       -        echo R | $OPENSSL s_client $OPTIMAL_PROTO $legacycmd $STARTTLS -msg -connect $NODEIP:$PORT $SNI $PROXY &>$TMPFILE &         # msg enables us to look deeper into it while debugging
       -        wait_kill $! $HEADER_MAXSLEEP
       -        if [[ $? -eq 3 ]]; then
       -                pr_litegreen "likely not vulnerable (OK)"; outln " (timed out)"                 # it hung
       -                sec_client_renego=1
       -        else
       -                # second try in the foreground as we are sure now it won't hang
       -                echo R | $OPENSSL s_client $legacycmd $STARTTLS -msg -connect $NODEIP:$PORT $SNI $PROXY &>$TMPFILE
       -                sec_client_renego=$?                                                                                                        # 0=client is renegotiating & doesn't return an error --> vuln!
       -                case $sec_client_renego in
       -                        0) pr_litered "VULNERABLE (NOT ok)"; outln ", DoS threat" ;;
       -                        1) pr_litegreenln "not vulnerable (OK)" ;;
       -                        *) "FIXME (bug): $sec_client_renego" ;;
       -                esac
       -        fi
       -        #FIXME Insecure Client-Initiated Renegotiation is missing
       -        tmpfile_handle $FUNCNAME.txt
       -        return $(($sec_renego + $sec_client_renego))
       -#FIXME: the return value is wrong, should be 0 if all ok. But as the caller doesn't care we don't care either ... yet ;-)
       -run_crime() {
       -        local -i ret=0
       -        local addcmd=""
       -        # in a nutshell: don't offer TLS/SPDY compression on the server side
       -        # This tests for CRIME Vulnerability (www.ekoparty.org/2012/juliano-rizzo.php) on HTTPS, not SPDY (yet)
       -     # Please note that it is an attack where you need client side control, so in regular situations this
       -        # means anyway "game over", w/wo CRIME
       -        # www.h-online.com/security/news/item/Vulnerability-in-SSL-encryption-is-barely-exploitable-1708604.html
       -        [ $VULN_COUNT -le $VULN_THRESHLD ]  && outln && pr_blue "--> Testing for CRIME vulnerability" && outln "\n"
       -        pr_bold " CRIME, TLS " ; out "(CVE-2012-4929)                "
       -        # first we need to test whether OpenSSL binary has zlib support
       -        $OPENSSL zlib -e -a -in /dev/stdin &>/dev/stdout </dev/null | grep -q zlib
       -        if [[ $? -eq 0 ]]; then
       -                local_problem "$OPENSSL lacks zlib support"
       -                return 7
       -        fi
       -        [[ "$OSSL_VER" == "*0.9.8*" ]] && addcmd="-no_ssl2" 
       -        $OPENSSL s_client $OPTIMAL_PROTO $addcmd $STARTTLS -connect $NODEIP:$PORT $PROXY $SNI </dev/null &>$TMPFILE
       -        if grep -a Compression $TMPFILE | grep -aq NONE >/dev/null; then
       -                pr_litegreen "not vulnerable (OK)"
       -                [[ $SERVICE == "HTTP" ]] || out " (not using HTTP anyway)"
       -                ret=0
       -        else
       -                if [[ $SERVICE == "HTTP" ]]; then
       -                        pr_litered "VULNERABLE (NOT ok)"
       -                else
       -                        pr_brown "VULNERABLE (NOT ok), but not using HTTP: probably no exploit known"
       -                fi
       -                ret=1
       -        fi
       -        # not clear whether this is a protocol != HTTP as one needs to have the ability to modify the
       -        # compression input which is done via javascript in the context of HTTP
       -        outln
       -# this needs to be re-done i order to remove the redundant check for spdy
       -        # weed out starttls, spdy-crime is a web thingy
       -#        if [[ "x$STARTTLS" != "x" ]]; then
       -#                echo
       -#                return $ret
       -#        fi
       -        # weed out non-webports, spdy-crime is a web thingy. there's a catch thoug, you see it?
       -#        case $PORT in
       -#                25|465|587|80|110|143|993|995|21)
       -#                echo
       -#                return $ret
       -#        esac
       -#        $OPENSSL s_client help 2>&1 | grep -qw nextprotoneg
       -#        if [[ $? -eq 0 ]]; then
       -#                $OPENSSL s_client -host $NODE -port $PORT -nextprotoneg $NPN_PROTOs  $SNI </dev/null 2>/dev/null >$TMPFILE
       -#                if [[ $? -eq 0 ]]; then
       -#                        echo
       -#                        pr_bold "CRIME Vulnerability, SPDY \c" ; outln "(CVE-2012-4929): \c"
       -#                        STR=$(grep Compression $TMPFILE )
       -#                        if echo $STR | grep -q NONE >/dev/null; then
       -#                                pr_green "not vulnerable (OK)"
       -#                                ret=$((ret + 0))
       -#                        else
       -#                                pr_red "VULNERABLE (NOT ok)"
       -#                                ret=$((ret + 1))
       -#                        fi
       -#                fi
       -#        fi
       -#        [[ $DEBUG -eq 2 ]] outln "$STR"
       -        tmpfile_handle $FUNCNAME.txt
       -        return $ret
       -# BREACH is a HTTP-level compression & an attack which works against any cipher suite and is agnostic
       -# to the version of TLS/SSL, more: http://www.breachattack.com/ . Foreign referrers are the important thing here!
       -run_breach() {
       -        local header
       -        local -i ret=0
       -        local referer useragent
       -        local url
       -        [[ $SERVICE != "HTTP" ]] && return 7
       -        [[ $VULN_COUNT -le $VULN_THRESHLD ]] && outln && pr_blue "--> Testing for BREACH (HTTP compression) vulnerability" && outln "\n"
       -        pr_bold " BREACH"; out " (CVE-2013-3587)                    "
       -        url="$1"
       -        [[ -z "$url" ]] && url="/"
       -        if $SNEAKY; then
       -                # see https://community.qualys.com/message/20360
       -                if [[ "$NODE" =~ google ]]; then
       -                        referer="http://yandex.ru/" # otherwise we have a false positive for google.com
       -                else
       -                        referer="http://google.com/"
       -                fi
       -                useragent="$UA_SNEAKY"
       -        else
       -                referer="TLS/SSL-Tester from $SWURL"
       -                useragent="$UA_STD"
       -        fi
       -        (
       -        $OPENSSL s_client $OPTIMAL_PROTO -quiet -connect $NODEIP:$PORT $PROXY $SNI << EOF
       -GET $url HTTP/1.1
       -Host: $NODE
       -User-Agent: $useragent
       -Accept: text/*
       -Accept-Language: en-US,en
       -Accept-encoding: gzip,deflate,compress
       -Referer: $referer
       -Connection: close
       -        if wait_kill $! $HEADER_MAXSLEEP; then
       -                result=$(grep -a '^Content-Encoding' $HEADERFILE_BREACH | sed -e 's/^Content-Encoding//' -e 's/://' -e 's/ //g')
       -                result=$(echo $result | tr -cd '\40-\176')
       -                if [[ -z $result ]]; then
       -                        pr_green "no HTTP compression (OK) "
       -                        ret=0
       -                else
       -                        pr_litered "NOT ok: uses $result HTTP compression "
       -                        ret=1
       -                fi
       -                # Catch: any URL can be vulnerable. I am testing now only the root. URL!
       -                outln "(only \"$url\" tested)"
       -        else
       -                pr_litemagentaln "failed (HTTP header request stalled)"
       -                ret=3
       -        fi
       -        return $ret
       -# Padding Oracle On Downgraded Legacy Encryption, in a nutshell: don't use CBC Ciphers in SSLv3
       -run_ssl_poodle() {
       -        local -i ret=0
       -        local cbc_ciphers
       -        [ $VULN_COUNT -le $VULN_THRESHLD ]  && outln && pr_blue "--> Testing for SSLv3 POODLE (Padding Oracle On Downgraded Legacy Encryption)" && outln "\n"
       -        pr_bold " POODLE, SSL"; out " (CVE-2014-3566)               "
       -        cbc_ciphers=$($OPENSSL ciphers -v 'ALL:eNULL' 2>$ERRFILE | awk '/CBC/ { print $1 }' | tr '\n' ':')
       -#FIXME: even with worst openssl client (FreeBSD9) we have 17 reasonable ciphers but is that enough to check??
       -        debugme echo $cbc_ciphers
       -        $OPENSSL s_client -ssl3 $STARTTLS -cipher $cbc_ciphers -connect $NODEIP:$PORT $PROXY $SNI &>$TMPFILE </dev/null
       -        ret=$?
       -        [[ $DEBUG -eq 2 ]] && egrep -q "error|failure" $TMPFILE | egrep -av "unable to get local|verify error"
       -        if [[ $ret -eq 0 ]]; then
       -                pr_litered "VULNERABLE (NOT ok)"; out ", uses SSLv3+CBC (check TLS_FALLBACK_SCSV mitigation below)"
       -        else
       -                pr_green "not vulnerable (OK)"
       -        fi
       -        outln
       -        tmpfile_handle $FUNCNAME.txt
       -        return $ret
       -# for appliance which use padding, no fallback needed
       -run_tls_poodle() {
       -        pr_bold " POODLE, SSL"; out " CVE-2014-8730), experimental "
       -        #FIXME
       -        echo "#FIXME"
       -        return 7
       -run_tls_fallback_scsv() {
       -        local -i ret=0
       -        [ $VULN_COUNT -le $VULN_THRESHLD ]  && outln && pr_blue "--> Testing for TLS_FALLBACK_SCSV Protection" && outln "\n"
       -        pr_bold " TLS_FALLBACK_SCSV"; out " (RFC 7507), experim.    "
       -        # This isn't a vulnerability check per se, but checks for the existence of
       -        # the countermeasure to protect against protocol downgrade attacks.
       -        # First check we have support for TLS_FALLBACK_SCSV in our local OpenSSL
       -        $OPENSSL s_client -h 2>&1 | grep -q "\-fallback_scsv"
       -        if [[ $? -gt 0 ]]; then
       -                local_problem "$OPENSSL lacks TLS_FALLBACK_SCSV support"
       -                return 4
       -        fi
       -        #TODO: this need some tuning: a) if one protocol is supported only it has practcally no value (theoretical it's interesting though)
       -        # b) for IIS6 + openssl 1.0.2 this won't work
       -        # c) best to make sure that we hit a specific protocol, see https://alpacapowered.wordpress.com/2014/10/20/ssl-poodle-attack-what-is-this-scsv-thingy/
       -        # d) minor: we should do "-state" here
       -        # first: make sure we have tls1_2:
       -        if ! $OPENSSL s_client $STARTTLS -connect $NODEIP:$PORT $PROXY $SNI -no_tls1_2  &>/dev/null </dev/null; then
       -                pr_litemagenta "Check failed: seems like TLS 1.2 is the only protocol "
       -                ret=7
       -        else
       -                # ...and do the test
       -                $OPENSSL s_client $STARTTLS -connect $NODEIP:$PORT $PROXY $SNI -no_tls1_2 -fallback_scsv &>$TMPFILE </dev/null
       -                if grep -q "CONNECTED(00" "$TMPFILE"; then
       -                        if grep -qa "BEGIN CERTIFICATE" "$TMPFILE"; then
       -                                pr_brown "Downgrade attack prevention NOT supported"
       -                                ret=1
       -                        elif grep -qa "alert inappropriate fallback" "$TMPFILE"; then
       -                                pr_litegreen "Downgrade attack prevention supported (OK)"
       -                                ret=0
       -                        elif grep -qa "alert handshake failure" "$TMPFILE"; then
       -                                # see RFC 7507, https://github.com/drwetter/testssl.sh/issues/121
       -                                pr_brown "\"handshake failure\" instead of \"inappropriate fallback\" (likely NOT ok)"
       -                                ret=2
       -                        elif grep -qa "ssl handshake failure" "$TMPFILE"; then
       -                                pr_brown "some unexpected \"handshake failure\" instead of \"inappropriate fallback\" (likely NOT ok)"
       -                                ret=3
       -                        else
       -                                pr_litemagenta "Check failed, unexpected result "
       -                                out ", run $PROG_NAME -Z --debug=1 and look at $TEMPDIR/*tls_fallback_scsv.txt"
       -                        fi
       -                else
       -                        pr_litemagenta "test failed (couldn't connect)"
       -                        ret=7
       -                fi
       -        fi
       -        outln
       -        tmpfile_handle $FUNCNAME.txt
       -        return $ret
       -# Factoring RSA Export Keys: don't use EXPORT RSA ciphers, see https://freakattack.com/
       -run_freak() {
       -        local -i ret=0
       -        local -i no_supported_ciphers=0
       -        # with correct build it should list these 7 ciphers (plus the two latter as SSLv2 ciphers):
       -        local addtl_warning=""
       -        [ $VULN_COUNT -le $VULN_THRESHLD ]  && outln && pr_blue "--> Testing for FREAK attack" && outln "\n"
       -        pr_bold " FREAK"; out " (CVE-2015-0204)                     "
       -        no_supported_ciphers=$(count_ciphers $(actually_supported_ciphers $exportrsa_cipher_list))
       -        #echo "========= ${PIPESTATUS[*]}
       -        case $no_supported_ciphers in
       -                0)         local_problem "$OPENSSL doesn't have any EXPORT RSA ciphers configured"
       -                        return 7 ;;
       -                1|2|3)
       -                        addtl_warning=" ($magenta""tested only with $no_supported_ciphers out of 9 ciphers only!$off)" ;;
       -                8|9|10|11)
       -                        addtl_warning="" ;;
       -                4|5|6|7)
       -                        addtl_warning=" (tested with $no_supported_ciphers/9 ciphers)" ;;
       -        esac
       -        $OPENSSL s_client $STARTTLS -cipher $exportrsa_cipher_list -connect $NODEIP:$PORT $PROXY $SNI &>$TMPFILE </dev/null
       -        ret=$?
       -        [[ $DEBUG -eq 2 ]] && egrep -a "error|failure" $TMPFILE | egrep -av "unable to get local|verify error"
       -        if [[ $ret -eq 0 ]]; then
       -                pr_red "VULNERABLE (NOT ok)"; out ", uses EXPORT RSA ciphers"
       -        else
       -                pr_green "not vulnerable (OK)"; out "$addtl_warning"
       -        fi
       -        outln
       -        debugme echo $(actually_supported_ciphers $exportrsa_cipher_list)
       -        debugme echo $no_supported_ciphers
       -        tmpfile_handle $FUNCNAME.txt
       -        return $ret
       -# see https://weakdh.org/logjam.html
       -run_logjam() {
       -        local -i ret=0
       -        local exportdhe_cipher_list="EXP1024-DHE-DSS-DES-CBC-SHA:EXP1024-DHE-DSS-RC4-SHA:EXP-EDH-RSA-DES-CBC-SHA:EXP-EDH-DSS-DES-CBC-SHA"
       -        local -i no_supported_ciphers=0
       -        local addtl_warning=""
       -        [ $VULN_COUNT -le $VULN_THRESHLD ]  && outln && pr_blue "--> Testing for LOGJAM vulnerability" && outln "\n"
       -        pr_bold " LOGJAM"; out " (CVE-2015-4000), experimental      "
       -        no_supported_ciphers=$(count_ciphers $(actually_supported_ciphers $exportdhe_cipher_list))
       -        case $no_supported_ciphers in
       -                0)         local_problem "$OPENSSL doesn't have any DHE EXPORT ciphers configured"
       -                        return 3 ;;
       -                1|2) addtl_warning=" ($magenta""tested w/ $no_supported_ciphers/4 ciphers only!$off)" ;;
       -                3) addtl_warning=" (tested w/ $no_supported_ciphers/4 ciphers)" ;;
       -                4)        ;;
       -        esac
       -        $OPENSSL s_client $STARTTLS -cipher $exportdhe_cipher_list -connect $NODEIP:$PORT $PROXY $SNI &>$TMPFILE </dev/null
       -        ret=$?
       -        [[ $DEBUG -eq 2 ]] && egrep -a "error|failure" $TMPFILE | egrep -av "unable to get local|verify error"
       -        addtl_warning="$addtl_warning, common primes not checked."
       -        if $HAS_DH_BITS; then
       -                if ! $do_allciphers && ! $do_cipher_per_proto && $HAS_DH_BITS; then
       -                        addtl_warning="$addtl_warning \"$PROG_NAME -E/-e\" spots candidates"
       -                else
       -                        addtl_warning="$addtl_warning See below for any DH ciphers + bit size"
       -                fi
       -        fi
       -        if [[ $ret -eq 0 ]]; then
       -                pr_red "VULNERABLE (NOT ok)"; out ", uses DHE EXPORT ciphers, common primes not checked."
       -        else
       -                pr_green "not vulnerable (OK)"; out "$addtl_warning"
       -        fi
       -        outln
       -        debugme echo $(actually_supported_ciphers $exportdhe_cipher_list)
       -        debugme echo $no_supported_ciphers
       -        tmpfile_handle $FUNCNAME.txt
       -        return $ret
       -# TODO: perfect candidate for replacement by sockets, so is freak
       -# Browser Exploit Against SSL/TLS: don't use CBC Ciphers in SSLv3 TLSv1.0
       -        local hexcode dash cbc_cipher sslvers kx auth enc mac export
       -        local detected_proto
       -        local -i ret=0
       -        local detected_cbc_ciphers=""
       -        local higher_proto_supported=""
       -        local openssl_ret=0
       -        local vuln_beast=false
       -        local spaces="                                           "
       -        local cr=$'\n'
       -        local first=true
       -        local continued=false
parazyd.org:70 /git/scripts/commit/a38ad4e15a33dd173f8e68bc3507e2146a2e5c44.gph:3419: line too long