tLog - tlstun - simple go program to add tls support to other listeners
  HTML git clone https://git.parazyd.org/tlstun
   DIR Log
   DIR Files
   DIR Refs
       Date              Commit message                            Author
   DIR 2021-04-26 08:38  Implement forwarding over TLS.            parazyd
   DIR 2021-04-25 21:47  Add script for generating selfsigned ce…  parazyd
   DIR 2021-03-09 15:08  Update license header.                    parazyd
   DIR 2021-03-08 09:23  Add go.mod                                parazyd
   DIR 2021-02-07 08:42  Update copyright headers.                 parazyd
   DIR 2020-11-15 10:30  Update copyright headers.                 parazyd
   DIR 2019-09-11 17:29  Use fmt instead of errors to return an …  parazyd
   DIR 2019-09-11 17:28  Documentation fixup.                      parazyd
   DIR 2019-09-11 17:28  Add support for plain TCP without TLS.    parazyd
   DIR 2019-07-10 00:28  Add contrib/README.md.                    parazyd
   DIR 2019-07-10 00:26  Add OpenRC initscript in contrib.         parazyd
   DIR 2019-07-10 00:16  New errors should not be capitalized.     parazyd
   DIR 2019-07-10 00:10  Remove checks for certificate existence.  parazyd
   DIR 2019-07-10 00:07  Die on unsupported TLS version and be m…  parazyd
   DIR 2019-07-10 00:07  Fix syntax error in main().               parazyd
   DIR 2019-07-10 00:02  Add usage explanations to README.         parazyd
   DIR 2019-07-09 23:52  Explode with usage() if argv < 2.         parazyd
   DIR 2019-07-09 23:51  Relicense to Dyne.                        parazyd
   DIR 2019-07-09 17:05  If verbose, also report when connection…  parazyd
   DIR 2019-07-09 13:38  Allow different TLS versions.             parazyd
   DIR 2019-07-09 13:37  Update README.                            parazyd
   DIR 2019-07-09 13:37  Use long flag names.                      parazyd
   DIR 2019-07-09 13:23  Revert to TLSv1.2.                        parazyd
   DIR 2019-07-09 13:23  Add support for TLS client certificate …  parazyd
   DIR 2019-07-03 10:50  Hardcode to TLSv1.3.                      parazyd
   DIR 2019-02-13 20:25  Shorten commandline flags.                parazyd
   DIR 2019-02-13 19:12  Add installation note.                    parazyd
   DIR 2019-02-13 19:10  Initial commit.                           parazyd
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