tSecurity fix to setkey - tomb - the crypto undertaker
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  HTML Author: Jaromil <jaromil@dyne.org>
       Date:   Sat, 22 Nov 2014 01:40:26 +0100
       Security fix to setkey
       Now there is no more writing of cleartext secrets in any tempfile,
       tthe last case was in setkey and is now eliminated. Tempfile creation
       is cleaner. Related to issue #162
         M tomb                                |      47 ++++++++++++++++---------------
       1 file changed, 24 insertions(+), 23 deletions(-)
   DIR diff --git a/tomb b/tomb
       t@@ -218,25 +218,28 @@ _ensure_safe_memory check_shm() {
            # Mount the tmpfs if the OS doesn't already
            [[ -k $shmprefix ]] || {
       -        mkdir -p $shmprefix/$_UID || {
       -            _failure "Fatal error creating a directory for temporary files" }
       +        mkdir $shmprefix
       +        [[ $? = 0 ]] || _failure "Fatal error creating a directory in shared memory."
       +    }
       -        mount -t tmpfs tmpfs $shmprefix/$_UID \
       -            -o nosuid,noexec,nodev,mode=0700,uid=$_UID,gid=$_GID
       -        [[ $? == 0 ]] || {
       -            _failure "Cannot mount tmpfs in ::1 shm path::" $shmprefix }
       +    [[ -r $shmprefix/$_UID ]] || {
       +            mkdir -m 700 $shmprefix/$_UID
       +        [[ $? = 0 ]] || {
       +                _failure "Fatal error creating a directory for temporary files" }
            # Ensure all temporary files go into a user-specific directory for
       -    # additional safety
       -    mkdir -m 0700 -p $shmprefix/$_UID || {
       -        _failure "Fatal error creating a directory for temporary files" }
       +    # additional safety    
       +    # mount -t tmpfs tmpfs $shmprefix/$_UID \
       +    #     -o nosuid,noexec,nodev,mode=0700,uid=$_UID,gid=$_GID
       +    # [[ $? == 0 ]] || {
       +        #     _failure "Cannot mount tmpfs in ::1 shm path::" $shmprefix }
            # Set a global environment variable to ensure zsh will use that
            # directory in RAM to keep temporary files by setting an.  They
            # will be created on demand and deleted as soon as the function
            # using them ends.
       -    TMPPREFIX="$shmprefix/$_UID/$RANDOM$RANDOM."
       +    TMPPREFIX="$shmprefix/$_UID"
            return 0
       t@@ -272,15 +275,18 @@ _plot() {
        # Provide a random filename in shared memory
        _tmp_create() {
       -    tfile="${TMPPREFIX}${RANDOM}"   # Temporary file
       +    tfile="${TMPPREFIX}/$RANDOM$RANDOM$RANDOM"   # Temporary file
       +    umask 066
       +    [[ $? == 0 ]] || {
       +        _failure "Fatal error setting the permission umask for temporary files" }
            touch $tfile
            [[ $? == 0 ]] || {
       -        _failure "Fatal error creating a temporary file: ::1 temp file::" $tfile }
       +            _failure "Fatal error creating a temporary file: ::1 temp file::" $tfile }
       -    chown $_UID:$_GID $tfile && chmod 0600 $tfile
       +    chown $_UID:$_GID $tfile
            [[ $? == 0 ]] || {
       -        _failure "Fatal error setting permissions on temporary file: ::1 temp file::" $tfile }
       +            _failure "Fatal error setting ownership on temporary file: ::1 temp file::" $tfile }
            _verbose "Created tempfile: ::1 temp file::" $tfile
       t@@ -1608,8 +1614,8 @@ change_tomb_key() {
            # luksOpen the tomb (not really mounting, just on the loopback)
       -    print -n - "$old_secret" | \
       -        cryptsetup --key-file - luksOpen ${nstloop} ${mapper}
       +    cryptsetup --key-file <(print -R -n - "$old_secret") \
       +        luksOpen ${nstloop} ${mapper}
            [[ $? == 0 ]] || _failure "Unexpected error in luksOpen."
            _load_key # Try loading new key from option -k and set TOMBKEYFILE
       t@@ -1627,14 +1633,9 @@ change_tomb_key() {
                _failure "No valid password supplied for the new key." }
       -    # Danger zone: due to cryptsetup limitations, in setkey we need
       -    # to write the bare unencrypted key on the tmpfs.
       -    _tmp_create
       -    local newsecretfile=$TOMBTMP
       +    cryptsetup --key-file <(print -R -n - "$old_secret") \
       +        luksChangeKey "$nstloop" <(print -R -n - "$new_secret")
       -    print -n - "$new_secret" >> $newsecretfile
       -    print -n - "$old_secret" | \
       -        cryptsetup --key-file - luksChangeKey "$nstloop" "$newsecretfile"
            [[ $? == 0 ]] || _failure "Unexpected error in luksChangeKey."
            cryptsetup luksClose "${mapper}" || _failure "Unexpected error in luksClose."