tfixes to --tomb-pwd and new test script - tomb - the crypto undertaker
  HTML git clone git://parazyd.org/tomb.git
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  HTML Author: Jaromil <jaromil@dyne.org>
       Date:   Wed, 12 Jun 2013 00:03:36 +0200
       fixes to --tomb-pwd and new test script
         A extras/test/dig_forge_lock_open_cl… |      48 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
         D extras/test/simple.test.sh          |      16 ----------------
         M tomb                                |      39 ++++++++++++++++++++-----------
       3 files changed, 73 insertions(+), 30 deletions(-)
   DIR diff --git a/extras/test/dig_forge_lock_open_close.sh b/extras/test/dig_forge_lock_open_close.sh
       t@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
       +#/usr/bin/env zsh 
       +source utils.sh
       +rm /tmp/test.tomb{,.key} -f || exit 1
       +sudo -k
       +${T} dig -s 10 /tmp/test.tomb
       +sudo losetup -a
       +${T} --ignore-swap --unsecure-dev-mode --tomb-pwd f00za --use-urandom \
       +        forge /tmp/test.tomb.key
       +sudo losetup -a
       +${T} --ignore-swap --unsecure-dev-mode --tomb-pwd f00za \
       +        lock /tmp/test.tomb -k /tmp/test.tomb.key
       +sudo losetup -a
       +# sanity_tomb /tmp/asd.tomb
       +echo trying to open with wrong password
       +${T} --unsecure-dev-mode --tomb-pwd wrongpassword \
       +        open /tmp/test.tomb
       +sudo losetup -a
       +echo trying to open with good password
       +${T} --unsecure-dev-mode --tomb-pwd f00za \
       +        open /tmp/test.tomb
       +sudo losetup -a
       +${T} --unsecure-dev-mode close test 
       +sudo losetup -a
       +rm /tmp/test.tomb{,.key} -f || exit 1
   DIR diff --git a/extras/test/simple.test.sh b/extras/test/simple.test.sh
       t@@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
       -rm /tmp/asd.tomb{,.key} -f || exit 1
       -sudo -k
       -../tomb --no-color --unsecure-dev-mode --sudo-pwd $sudo_pwd --tomb-pwd f00za --use-urandom create /tmp/asd -s 10 >&4 2>&4 || echo error creating: $? >&3
       -sanity_tomb /tmp/asd.tomb || echo error sanity checks: $? >&3
       -../tomb --no-color --unsecure-dev-mode --sudo-pwd $sudo_pwd --tomb-pwd wrongpassword open /tmp/asd.tomb >&4 2>&4 && echo error: open with wrong password is successful >&3
       -../tomb --no-color --unsecure-dev-mode --sudo-pwd $sudo_pwd --tomb-pwd f00za open /tmp/asd.tomb >&4 2>&4 || echo error opening: $? >&3
       -../tomb --no-color list >&4 2>&4 || echo error listing: $? >&3
       -../tomb --no-color list --get-mountpoint asd >&4 || echo error listing specific: $? >&3
       -mountpoint=`../tomb --no-color list --get-mountpoint asd`
       -df $mountpoint >&4 || echo error df: $? >&3
       -../tomb --no-color --unsecure-dev-mode --sudo-pwd $sudo_pwd close asd >&4 2>&4 || echo error closing: $? >&3
       -rm /tmp/asd.tomb{,.key} -f
   DIR diff --git a/tomb b/tomb
       t@@ -40,10 +40,9 @@
        # {{{ Global variables
        typeset -a OLDARGS
        for arg in ${argv}; do OLDARGS+=($arg); done
       t@@ -191,7 +190,7 @@ check_priv() {
            # save original user
            if [ $UID != 0 ]; then
       -        xxx "Using sudo for root execution of 'tomb ${(f)OLDARGS}'"
       +        xxx "Using sudo for root execution of '${TOMBEXEC} ${(f)OLDARGS}'"
                # check if sudo has a timestamp active
       t@@ -215,8 +214,8 @@ EOF
            fi # are we root already
            # make sure necessary kernel modules are loaded
       -    modprobe dm_mod
       -    modprobe dm_crypt
       +    modprobe dm_mod 2>/dev/null 
       +    modprobe dm_crypt 2>/dev/null
            return 0
       t@@ -496,6 +495,13 @@ ask_key_password() {
            local tombpass=""
            if option_is_set --tomb-pwd; then
                    tombpass=`option_value --tomb-pwd`
       +            xxx "ask_key_password takes tombpass from CLI argument: $tombpass"
       +            get_lukskey "$tombpass" ${tombkey} >/dev/null
       +            if [ $? = 0 ]; then
       +                passok=1; _message "Password OK."; fi
                for c in 1 2 3; do
                    if [ $c = 1 ]; then
       t@@ -679,7 +685,8 @@ gen_key() {
                    unset tombpass
       -        tombpass=`option_value --tomb-pwd`
       +        tombpass="`option_value --tomb-pwd`"
       +        xxx "gen_key takes tombpass from CLI argument: $tombpass"
       t@@ -1046,7 +1053,7 @@ lock_tomb_with_key() {
            # load key from options or file
       -    tombkey=`load_key ${tombdir}/${tombfile}`
       +    tombkey=`load_key ${tombdir}/${tombfile}.key`
            { test $? = 0 } || {
                losetup -d $nstloop
                die "Aborting operations: error loading key $tombkey" }
       t@@ -1115,6 +1122,7 @@ lock_tomb_with_key() {
        # backward compatibility
        create_tomb() {
       +    xxx "create_tomb(): ${=@} ${=OLDARGS}"
            if ! [ $1 ]; then
                _warning "no tomb name specified for creation"
                return 1
       t@@ -1125,19 +1133,20 @@ create_tomb() {
                _warning "Creating this tomb would overwrite an existing file. Operation aborted."
                die "`ls -lh $1`"    }
       -    dig_tomb ${=PARAM}
            { test $? = 0 } || { die "Failed to dig tomb, operation aborted." }
            tombfile=`basename $1`
            tombdir=`dirname $1`
            # make sure the file has a .tomb extension
       -    forge_key ${tombfile}.key
       +    ${TOMBEXEC} dig ${=PARAM}
       +    ${TOMBEXEC} forge ${tombdir}/${tombfile}.key
            { test $? = 0 } || { die "Failed to forge key, operation aborted." }
       -    lock_tomb_with_key ${tombfile} -l ${tombfile}.key
       +    ${TOMBEXEC} lock ${tombdir}/${tombfile} -k ${tombdir}/${tombfile}.key
            { test $? = 0 } || { die "Failed to lock tomb with key, operation aborted." }
            yes "Tomb $tombname succesfully created"
       t@@ -1212,6 +1221,7 @@ mount_tomb() {
            if [ $? != 0 ]; then
                # is it a LUKS encrypted nest? see cryptsetup(1)
                _warning "$tombfile is not a valid Luks encrypted storage file"
       +        losetup -d ${nstloop}
                return 1
            say "this tomb is a valid LUKS encrypted device"
       t@@ -1238,6 +1248,7 @@ mount_tomb() {
            tombpass=`ask_key_password $tombkey`
            { test $? = 0 } || {
       +        losetup -d ${nstloop}
                die "No valid password supplied" }
            get_lukskey "${tombpass}" ${tombkey} | \
       t@@ -1884,10 +1895,10 @@ main() {
            subcommands_opts[open]="f n -nohook=n k: -key=k o: -mount-options=o -ignore-swap -sudo-pwd: -tomb-pwd:"
       -    subcommands_opts[create]="f s: -size=s -force k: -key=k -ignore-swap -kdf: -sudo-pwd: -tomb-pwd:  -use-urandom"
       +    subcommands_opts[create]="f -force -ignore-swap s: -size=s k: -key=k -kdf: -sudo-pwd: -tomb-pwd: -use-urandom"
       -    subcommands_opts[forge]="f -ignore-swap k: -key=k -kdf: -use-urandom"
       -    subcommands_opts[dig]="f -ignore-swap s: -size=s"
       +    subcommands_opts[forge]="f -force -ignore-swap k: -key=k -kdf: -tomb-pwd: -use-urandom"
       +    subcommands_opts[dig]="f -forge -ignore-swap s: -size=s"
            subcommands_opts[lock]="f -force -ignore-swap s: -size=s k: -key=k -sudo-pwd: -tomb-pwd:"
            subcommands_opts[passwd]="f -ignore-swap -kdf: -tomb-old-pwd: -tomb-pwd: "