tAdd support for open/close post-hooks - tomb - the crypto undertaker
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  HTML Author: Hellekin O. Wolf =8) <hellekin@cepheide.org>
       Date:   Sat, 12 Feb 2011 12:38:59 +0100
       Add support for open/close post-hooks
       Now, the post-hooks is passed an argument (open or close) that can be
       used to launch commands when the tomb opens or closes, respectively.
       This patch also introduces a safer version of bind-hooks that doesn,t
       eval the contents, but read a map:
       local/to/tomb local/to/HOME
       The local/to/HOME is hardly enforced ATM.
         M src/tomb                            |      51 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--
       1 file changed, 48 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)
   DIR diff --git a/src/tomb b/src/tomb
       t@@ -645,8 +645,9 @@ mount_tomb() {
            chown $(id -u $ME):$(id -g $ME) ${tombmount}
            notice "encrypted storage $tombfile succesfully mounted on $tombmount"
       -    exec_bind_hooks ${tombmount}
       -    exec_post_hooks ${tombmount}
       +#    exec_bind_hooks ${tombmount}
       +    exec_safe_bind_hooks ${tombmount}
       +    exec_post_hooks ${tombmount} open
            return 0
       t@@ -772,6 +773,48 @@ exec_bind_hooks() {
            eval $hook
       +# FIXME: this should sanitize pathes!
       +exec_safe_bind_hooks() {
       +  local MOUNTPOINT="${1}"
       +  local ME=${SUDO_USER:-$(whoami)}
       +  local HOME=$(grep $ME /etc/passwd | sed "s/^${ME}:.*:.*:.*:.*:\([\/a-z]*\):.*$/\1/" 2>/dev/null)
       +  if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
       +      error "how pitiful!  A tomb, and no HOME"
       +      return 1
       +  fi
       +  if [ -z "$MOUNTPOINT" -o ! -d "$MOUNTPOINT" ]; then
       +      error "cannot exec bind hooks without a mounted tomb."
       +      return 1
       +   fi
       +   if [ ! -r "$MOUNTPOINT/bind-hooks" ]; then
       +      func "cannot read bind-hooks."
       +      return
       +   fi
       +   typeset -al created
       +   typeset -al mounted
       +   typeset -Al maps
       +   maps=($(<"$MOUNTPOINT/bind-hooks"))
       +   for dir in ${(k)maps}; do
       +      if [ "${dir[1]}" = "/" -o "${dir[1,2]}" = ".." ]; then
       +          error "bind-hooks map format: local/to/tomb local/to/\$HOME"
       +          continue
       +      fi
       +      if [ "${${maps[$dir]}[1]}" = "/" -o "${${maps[$dir]}[1,2]}" = ".." ]; then
       +          error "bind-hooks map format: local/to/tomb local/to/\$HOME.  Rolling back"
       +          for dir in ${mounted}; do umount $dir; done
       +          for dir in ${created}; do rmdir  $dir; done
       +          return 1
       +      fi
       +      if [ ! -d "$HOME/${maps[$dir]}" ]; then
       +          notice "creating $HOME/${maps[$dir]}"
       +          mkdir -p $HOME/${maps[$dir]}
       +          created+=("$HOME/${maps[$dir]}")
       +      fi
       +      mount --bind $MOUNTPOINT/$dir $HOME/${maps[$dir]}
       +      mounted+=("$HOME/${maps[$dir]}")
       +   done
        exec_post_hooks() {
            mnt=$1 # first argument is where the tomb is mounted
            if ! [ -x ${mnt}/post-hooks ]; then return; fi
       t@@ -783,7 +826,7 @@ exec_post_hooks() {
            cat ${mnt}/post-hooks | head -n1 | grep '^#!/'
            if [ $? = 0 ]; then
                act "post hooks found, executing as user $SUDO_USER"
       -        exec_as_user ${mnt}/post-hooks
       +        exec_as_user ${mnt}/post-hooks $2
       t@@ -845,6 +888,8 @@ umount_tomb() {
                func "$unbind"
       +    # Execute post-hooks for eventual cleanup
       +    exec_post_hooks ${tombmount} close
            act "closing tomb $tombname on dm-crypt $basemap"
            mount | grep $mapper 2>&1 >/dev/null