tMerge pull request #260 from roddhjav/sharness - tomb - the crypto undertaker
  HTML git clone git://parazyd.org/tomb.git
   DIR Log
   DIR Files
   DIR Refs
   DIR commit 9fa55d1165941beee5eeea9b37261a0661b32b3b
   DIR parent c858def9c4265dc39a0097c97c1ed5e864e201d6
  HTML Author: Jaromil <jaromil@dyne.org>
       Date:   Wed, 10 May 2017 14:58:49 +0200
       Merge pull request #260 from roddhjav/sharness
       Replace the test suite by the sharness test suite
         M .travis.yml                         |      26 ++++++++++++++++++--------
         M extras/test/.gitignore              |       1 +
         A extras/test/00_create.sh            |      18 ++++++++++++++++++
         A extras/test/10_operations.sh        |      24 ++++++++++++++++++++++++
         A extras/test/20_recipients.sh        |      44 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
         A extras/test/30_kdf.sh               |      31 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
         A extras/test/40_regression.sh        |      39 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
         A extras/test/50_integrity.sh         |      20 ++++++++++++++++++++
         A extras/test/60_resize.sh            |      19 +++++++++++++++++++
         A extras/test/65_passwd.sh            |      20 ++++++++++++++++++++
         A extras/test/70_qrencode.sh          |      14 ++++++++++++++
         A extras/test/75_hooks.sh             |      25 +++++++++++++++++++++++++
         A extras/test/80_steganography.sh     |      65 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
         A extras/test/90_setkey.sh            |      29 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
         M extras/test/Makefile                |      60 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--
         A extras/test/aggregate-results       |      57 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
         A extras/test/setup                   |     116 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
         A extras/test/sharness                |     851 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
       18 files changed, 1449 insertions(+), 10 deletions(-)
   DIR diff --git a/.travis.yml b/.travis.yml
       t@@ -1,15 +1,25 @@
       -language: c
       -sudo: required
        dist: trusty
       +sudo: required
       +language: c
       -  - DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive
       +  apt:
       +    packages:
       +      - zsh
       +      - gnupg
       +      - cryptsetup
       +      - pinentry-curses
       +      - gawk
       +      - libgcrypt20-dev
       +      - steghide
       +      - qrencode
       +      - e2fsprogs
       +      - shellcheck
       -  - sudo apt-get -qq update
       -  - sudo apt-get -o Dpkg::Options::="--force-confdef" -o Dpkg::Options::="--force-confnew" install --no-install-recommends -y zsh sudo gnupg cryptsetup pinentry-curses gawk  libgcrypt20-dev steghide qrencode e2fsprogs shellcheck
       +  - make --directory=extras/kdf-keys
       +  - sudo make --directory=extras/kdf-keys install
          - make lint
          - make test
   DIR diff --git a/extras/test/.gitignore b/extras/test/.gitignore
       t@@ -1 +1,2 @@
   DIR diff --git a/extras/test/00_create.sh b/extras/test/00_create.sh
       t@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
       +#!/usr/bin/env zsh
       +export test_description="Testing tomb creation"
       +source ./setup
       +test_export "test"
       +test_expect_success 'Testing tomb creation: dig, forge and lock' '
       +    tt_dig -s 20 &&
       +    tt_forge --tomb-pwd $DUMMYPASS &&
       +    print $DUMMYPASS \
       +        | gpg --batch --passphrase-fd 0 --no-tty --no-options -d $tomb_key \
       +        | hexdump -C &&
       +    tt_lock --tomb-pwd $DUMMYPASS
       +    '
   DIR diff --git a/extras/test/10_operations.sh b/extras/test/10_operations.sh
       t@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
       +#!/usr/bin/env zsh
       +export test_description="Testing common operations on tomb"
       +source ./setup
       +test_export "test" # Using already generated tomb
       +test_expect_success 'Testing open with wrong password ' '
       +    test_must_fail tt_open --tomb-pwd wrongpassword
       +    '
       +test_expect_success 'Testing open with good password ' '
       +    tt_open --tomb-pwd $DUMMYPASS &&
       +    tt_close
       +    '
       +test_expect_success 'Testing open in read only mode' '
       +    chmod -w $tomb &&
       +    tt_open --tomb-pwd $DUMMYPASS -o ro,noatime,nodev &&
       +    tt_close &&
       +    chmod +w $tomb
       +    '
   DIR diff --git a/extras/test/20_recipients.sh b/extras/test/20_recipients.sh
       t@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
       +#!/usr/bin/env zsh
       +export test_description="Testing tomb with GnuPG keys"
       +source ./setup
       +test_export "recipient"
       +test_expect_success 'Testing tomb with GnuPG keys: creation' '
       +    tt_dig -s 20 &&
       +    tt_forge -g -r $KEY1 &&
       +    tt_lock -g -r $KEY1
       +    '
       +test_expect_success 'Testing tomb with GnuPG keys: open & close' '
       +    tt_open -g &&
       +    tt_close
       +    '
       +test_export "default"
       +test_expect_success 'Testing tomb with GnuPG keys using the default recipient' '
       +    tt_dig -s 20 &&
       +    tt_forge -g &&
       +    tt_lock -g &&
       +    gpg -d --status-fd 2 $tomb_key 1> /dev/null 2> $TMP/default.tmp &&
       +    [[ ! -z "$(grep "Tomb Test 2" $TMP/default.tmp)" ]]
       +    '
       +test_export "hidden"
       +test_expect_success 'Testing tomb with GnuPG keys using hidden recipient' '
       +    tt_dig -s 20 &&
       +    tt_forge -g -R $KEY1 &&
       +    tt_lock -g -R $KEY1
       +    '
       +test_export "shared"
       +test_expect_success 'Testing tomb with GnuPG keys and shared tomb' '
       +    tt_dig -s 20 &&
       +    tt_forge -g -r $KEY1,$KEY2 &&
       +    tt_lock -g -r $KEY1 &&
       +    tt_open -g &&
       +    tt_close
       +    '
   DIR diff --git a/extras/test/30_kdf.sh b/extras/test/30_kdf.sh
       t@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
       +#!/usr/bin/env zsh
       +export test_description="Testing tomb with KDF key"
       +source ./setup
       +if test_have_prereq KDF; then
       +    test_export "kdf"
       +    test_expect_success 'Testing KDF: tomb creation' '
       +        tt_dig -s 20 &&
       +        tt_forge --tomb-pwd $DUMMYPASS --kdf 1 &&
       +        print $DUMMYPASS \
       +            | gpg --batch --passphrase-fd 0 --no-tty --no-options -d $tomb_key \
       +            | hexdump -C &&
       +        tt_lock --tomb-pwd $DUMMYPASS --kdf 1
       +        '
       +    test_expect_success 'Testing KDF: tomb passwd' '
       +        tt passwd -k $tomb_key --kdf 1 \
       +            --unsafe --tomb-old-pwd $DUMMYPASS --tomb-pwd $DUMMYPASSNEW &&
       +        tt passwd -k $tomb_key --kdf 1 \
       +            --unsafe --tomb-old-pwd $DUMMYPASSNEW --tomb-pwd $DUMMYPASS
       +        '
       +    test_expect_success 'Testing KDF: tomb open & close' '
       +        tt_open --tomb-pwd $DUMMYPASS --kdf 1 &&
       +        tt_close
       +        '
   DIR diff --git a/extras/test/40_regression.sh b/extras/test/40_regression.sh
       t@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
       +#!/usr/bin/env zsh
       +export test_description="Tomb regression tests"
       +source ./setup
       +TOMB_VERSION=("2.3" "2.2" "2.0.1" "2.1")
       +zshversion=$(zsh --version | awk 'NR==1 {print $2}')
       +[[ $zshversion =~ "5.3" ]] && TOMB_VERSION=("2.3")
       +for version in "${TOMB_VERSION[@]}"; do
       +    URL="https://files.dyne.org/tomb/old-releases/Tomb-$version.tar.gz"
       +    curl "$URL" > "$TMP/tomb-regression.tar.gz"
       +    mkdir -p "$TMP/tomb-regression"
       +    tar xfz "$TMP/tomb-regression.tar.gz" \
       +        --strip-components 1 -C "$TMP/tomb-regression"
       +    T="$TMP/tomb-regression/tomb"
       +    [[ "$version" == "$(${T} -v |& awk 'NR==1 {print $3}')" ]] || continue
       +    test_export "regression_$version"
       +    test_expect_success "Regression tests: opening old tomb ($version) with Tomb" "
       +        tt_dig -s 20 &&
       +        tt_forge --tomb-pwd $DUMMYPASS &&
       +        tt_lock --tomb-pwd $DUMMYPASS &&
       +        T='$TOMB_BIN' &&
       +        tt_open --tomb-pwd $DUMMYPASS &&
       +        tt_close
       +        "
       +    test_export "test" # Using already generated tomb
       +    test_expect_success "Regression tests: opening new tomb with Tomb $version" "
       +        export T='$TMP/tomb-regression/tomb' &&
       +        tt_open --tomb-pwd $DUMMYPASS &&
       +        tt_close
       +        "
   DIR diff --git a/extras/test/50_integrity.sh b/extras/test/50_integrity.sh
       t@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
       +#!/usr/bin/env zsh
       +export test_description="Testing file integrity"
       +source ./setup
       +test_export "test" # Using already generated tomb
       +test_expect_success 'Testing contents integrity' '
       +    tt_open --tomb-pwd $DUMMYPASS &&
       +    tt_set_ownership "$MEDIA/$testname" &&
       +    tt dig -s 10 "$MEDIA/$testname/datacheck.raw" &&
       +    CRC1=$(sha256sum "$MEDIA/$testname/datacheck.raw") &&
       +    tt_close --unsafe &&
       +    tt_open --tomb-pwd $DUMMYPASS &&
       +    CRC2=$(sha256sum "$MEDIA/$testname/datacheck.raw") &&
       +    [[ "$CRC1" == "$CRC2" ]] &&
       +    tt_close
       +    '
   DIR diff --git a/extras/test/60_resize.sh b/extras/test/60_resize.sh
       t@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
       +#!/usr/bin/env zsh
       +export test_description="Testing tomb resize feature"
       +source ./setup
       +if test_have_prereq RESIZER; then
       +    test_export "test" # Using already generated tomb
       +    test_expect_success 'Testing resize to 30 MB tomb' '
       +        tt resize -s 30 $tomb -k $tomb_key --unsafe --tomb-pwd $DUMMYPASS
       +        '
       +    test_export "recipient" # Using already generated tomb
       +    test_expect_success 'Testing resize to 30 MB tomb with GnuPG keys' '
       +        tt resize -s 30 $tomb -k $tomb_key -g -r $KEY2
       +        '
   DIR diff --git a/extras/test/65_passwd.sh b/extras/test/65_passwd.sh
       t@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
       +#!/usr/bin/env zsh
       +export test_description="Testing changing tomb password"
       +source ./setup
       +test_export "test" # Using already generated tomb
       +test_expect_success 'Testing tomb with GnuPG keys: passwd' '
       +    tt passwd -k $tomb_key --unsafe \
       +        --tomb-old-pwd $DUMMYPASS --tomb-pwd $DUMMYPASSNEW  &&
       +    tt passwd -k $tomb_key --unsafe \
       +        --tomb-old-pwd $DUMMYPASSNEW --tomb-pwd $DUMMYPASS
       +    '
       +test_export "recipient" # Using already generated tomb
       +test_expect_success 'Testing tomb with GnuPG keys: passwd' '
       +    tt passwd -k $tomb_key -g -r $KEY2
       +    '
   DIR diff --git a/extras/test/70_qrencode.sh b/extras/test/70_qrencode.sh
       t@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
       +#!/usr/bin/env zsh
       +export test_description="Testing rendering QR Code key"
       +source ./setup
       +if test_have_prereq QRENCODE; then
       +    test_export "test"
       +    test_expect_success 'Testing rendering a QR printable key backup' '
       +        tt engrave -k $tomb_key
       +        '
   DIR diff --git a/extras/test/75_hooks.sh b/extras/test/75_hooks.sh
       t@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
       +#!/usr/bin/env zsh
       +export test_description="Testing tomb bind hooks"
       +source ./setup
       +test_export "test" # Using already generated tomb
       +test_expect_success 'Testing bind hooks' '
       +    tt_open --tomb-pwd $DUMMYPASS &&
       +    tt_set_ownership "$MEDIA/$testname" &&
       +    RND="$RANDOM" &&
       +    bindtest="dyne-tomb-bind-test-$RND" &&
       +    echo "$RND" > "$MEDIA/$testname/$bindtest" &&
       +    rm -f "$MEDIA/$testname/bind-hooks" &&
       +    echo "$bindtest $bindtest" > "$MEDIA/$testname/bind-hooks" &&
       +    tt_close &&
       +    touch "/home/$USER/$bindtest" &&
       +    tt_open --tomb-pwd $DUMMYPASS &&
       +    RND2=$(cat "/home/$USER/$bindtest") &&
       +    [[ "$RND" = "$RND2" ]] &&
       +    tt list $testname &&
       +    tt_close
       +    '
   DIR diff --git a/extras/test/80_steganography.sh b/extras/test/80_steganography.sh
       t@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
       +#!/usr/bin/env zsh
       +export test_description="Testing steganography features"
       +source ./setup
       +if test_have_prereq STEGHIDE; then
       +    test_export "test" # Using already generated tomb
       +    cp -f "$TEST_HOME/arditi.jpg" "$tomb_img"
       +    test_expect_success 'Testing tomb and steganographic: bury' '
       +        tt bury -k $tomb_key $tomb_img \
       +            --unsafe --tomb-pwd $DUMMYPASS
       +        '
       +    test_expect_success 'Testing tomb and steganographic: exhume' '
       +        tt exhume -k $tomb_key_steg $tomb_img \
       +            --unsafe --tomb-pwd $DUMMYPASS
       +        '
       +    test_expect_success 'Testing tomb and steganographic: open' '
       +        tt open -k $tomb_key_steg $tomb --unsafe --tomb-pwd $DUMMYPASS &&
       +        tt_close
       +        '
       +    test_expect_success 'Testing tomb and steganographic: piping keys using -k -' '
       +        tkey=`tt exhume $tomb_img --unsafe --tomb-pwd $DUMMYPASS` &&
       +        print "$tkey" | tt open -k - $tomb --unsafe --tomb-pwd $DUMMYPASS &&
       +        tt_close
       +        '
       +    test_expect_success 'Testing tomb and steganographic: open image.jpeg' '
       +        tt open -k $tomb_img $tomb --unsafe --tomb-pwd $DUMMYPASS &&
       +        tt_close
       +        '
       +    test_export "recipient" # Using already generated tomb
       +    cp -f "$TEST_HOME/arditi.jpg" "$tomb_img"
       +    test_expect_success 'Testing tomb with GnuPG keys and steganographic: bury' '
       +        tt bury -k $tomb_key $tomb_img -g -r $KEY1 \
       +            --unsafe --tomb-pwd $DUMMYPASS
       +        '
       +    test_expect_success 'Testing tomb with GnuPG keys and steganographic: exhume' '
       +        tt exhume -k $tomb_key_steg $tomb_img \
       +            --unsafe --tomb-pwd $DUMMYPASS
       +        '
       +    test_expect_success 'Testing tomb with GnuPG keys and steganographic: open' '
       +        tt open -k $tomb_key_steg $tomb -g &&
       +        tt_close
       +        '
       +    test_expect_success 'Testing tomb with GnuPG keys and steganographic: piping keys using -k -' '
       +        tkey=`tt exhume $tomb_img --unsafe --tomb-pwd $DUMMYPASS` &&
       +        print "$tkey" | tt open -k - $tomb -g &&
       +        tt_close
       +        '
       +    test_expect_success 'Testing tomb with GnuPG keys and steganographic: open image.jpeg' '
       +        tt open -k $tomb_img $tomb -g --unsafe --tomb-pwd $DUMMYPASS &&
       +        tt_close
       +        '
   DIR diff --git a/extras/test/90_setkey.sh b/extras/test/90_setkey.sh
       t@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
       +#!/usr/bin/env zsh
       +export test_description="Testing set key"
       +source ./setup
       +test_export "test" # Using already generated tomb
       +test_expect_success 'Testing set key' '
       +    tt forge -k $tomb_key_new --tomb-pwd $DUMMYPASS \
       +        --ignore-swap --unsafe --use-urandom --force &&
       +    tt setkey -k $tomb_key_new $tomb_key $tomb \
       +        --unsafe --tomb-pwd $DUMMYPASS --tomb-old-pwd $DUMMYPASS &&
       +    tt open -k $tomb_key_new $tomb \
       +        --unsafe --tomb-pwd $DUMMYPASS &&
       +    print $DUMMYPASS \
       +        | gpg --batch --passphrase-fd 0 --no-tty --no-options -d $tomb_key_new \
       +        | hexdump -C &&
       +    tt_close
       +    '
       +test_export "recipient" # Using already generated tomb
       +test_expect_success 'Testing tomb with GnuPG keys: setkey' '
       +    tt forge $tomb_key_new -g -r $KEY2 --ignore-swap --unsafe --use-urandom &&
       +    tt setkey -k $tomb_key_new  $tomb_key $tomb -g -r $KEY2 &&
       +    tt open -k $tomb_key_new $tomb -g &&
       +    tt_close
       +    '
   DIR diff --git a/extras/test/Makefile b/extras/test/Makefile
       t@@ -1,2 +1,58 @@
       -        @./runtests
       +# Run tests
       +# Copyright (c) 2011-2012 Mathias Lafeldt
       +# Copyright (c) 2005-2012 Git project
       +# Copyright (c) 2005-2012 Junio C Hamano
       +# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
       +# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
       +# the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
       +# (at your option) any later version.
       +# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
       +# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
       +# GNU General Public License for more details.
       +# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
       +# along with this program.  If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/ .
       +SHELL := /usr/bin/zsh
       +SHELL_PATH ?= $(SHELL)
       +SHELL_PATH_SQ = $(subst ','\'',$(SHELL_PATH))
       +RM ?= rm -f
       +PROVE ?= prove
       +AGGREGATE_SCRIPT ?= aggregate-results
       +DEFAULT_TEST_TARGET ?= test
       +TEST_OPTS ?= --verbose --immediate --chain-lint --root=/tmp/tomb/sharness
       +T = $(sort $(wildcard *.sh))
       +all: $(DEFAULT_TEST_TARGET)
       +test: pre-clean
       +        $(MAKE) aggregate-results-and-cleanup
       +prove: pre-clean
       +        @echo "*** prove ***"; $(PROVE) --exec '$(SHELL_PATH_SQ)' $(PROVE_OPTS) $(T) :: $(TEST_OPTS)
       +        @echo "*** $@ ***"; '$(SHELL_PATH_SQ)' $@ $(TEST_OPTS)
       +        $(RM) -r test-results
       +        $(RM) .prove
       +aggregate-results-and-cleanup: $(T)
       +        $(MAKE) aggregate-results
       +        $(MAKE) clean
       +        for f in test-results/*.counts; do \
       +                echo "$$f"; \
       +        done | '$(SHELL_PATH_SQ)' '$(AGGREGATE_SCRIPT)'
       +.PHONY: all test prove $(T) pre-clean clean
       +.PHONY: aggregate-results-and-cleanup aggregate-results
   DIR diff --git a/extras/test/aggregate-results b/extras/test/aggregate-results
       t@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
       +# Copyright (c) 2008-2012 Git project
       +# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
       +# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
       +# the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
       +# (at your option) any later version.
       +# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
       +# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
       +# GNU General Public License for more details.
       +# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
       +# along with this program.  If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/ .
       +while read file; do
       +        while read type value; do
       +                case $type in
       +                '')
       +                        continue ;;
       +                fixed)
       +                        fixed=$(($fixed + $value)) ;;
       +                success)
       +                        success=$(($success + $value)) ;;
       +                failed)
       +                        failed=$(($failed + $value))
       +                        if test $value != 0; then
       +                                test_name=$(expr "$file" : 'test-results/\(.*\)\.[0-9]*\.counts')
       +                                failed_tests="$failed_tests $test_name"
       +                        fi
       +                        ;;
       +                broken)
       +                        broken=$(($broken + $value)) ;;
       +                total)
       +                        total=$(($total + $value)) ;;
       +                esac
       +        done <"$file"
       +if test -n "$failed_tests"; then
       +        printf "\nfailed test(s):$failed_tests\n\n"
       +printf "%-8s%d\n" fixed $fixed
       +printf "%-8s%d\n" success $success
       +printf "%-8s%d\n" failed $failed
       +printf "%-8s%d\n" broken $broken
       +printf "%-8s%d\n" total $total
   DIR diff --git a/extras/test/setup b/extras/test/setup
       t@@ -0,0 +1,116 @@
       +#!/usr/bin/env zsh
       +# Copyright (C) 2007-2016 Dyne.org Foundation
       +# Tomb test units by Denis Roio <jaromil@dyne.org>
       +# This source code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
       +# modify it under the terms of the GNU Public License as published by
       +# the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
       +# (at your option) any later version.
       +# This source code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
       +# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
       +# to the GNU Public License for more details.
       +# You should have received a copy of the GNU Public License along with
       +# this source code; if not, write to: Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
       +# 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
       +# This file should be sourced by all test-scripts
       +# Project directory
       +EXT_HOME="$(dirname "$TEST_HOME")"
       +PROJECT_HOME="$(dirname "$EXT_HOME")"
       +# Sharness config
       +export SHARNESS_TEST_EXTENSION="sh"
       +source ./sharness
       +# Check Tomb sources
       +T="$PROJECT_HOME/tomb"         # Can link to old tomb version
       +TOMB_BIN="${T}"                        # Always to the dev version
       +if [[ ! -e "${T}" ]]; then
       +        echo "Could not find tomb command"
       +        exit 1
       +[[ -d "/media" ]] || MEDIA="/run/media/$USER"
       +# Check for auxiliary programs
       +command -v steghide > /dev/null && test_set_prereq STEGHIDE
       +command -v e2fsck resize2fs > /dev/null && test_set_prereq RESIZER
       +command -v tomb-kdb-pbkdf2 > /dev/null && test_set_prereq KDF
       +command -v qrencode > /dev/null && test_set_prereq QRENCODE
       +# GnuPG config
       +unset GNUPGHOME
       +unset GPG_AGENT_INFO
       +export GNUPGHOME="$TEST_HOME/gnupg/"
       +export KEY1="A4857CD176B31435F9709D25F0E573B8289439CD"
       +export KEY2="0B2235E660753AB0475FB3E23DC836481F44B31E"
       +chmod 700 "$GNUPGHOME"
       +# Dummy passwords used in the tests suite
       +export DUMMYPASS=test
       +export DUMMYPASSNEW=changetest
       +# Test helpers
       +test_cleanup() {
       +        "${T}" slam all &> /dev/null
       +        rm -f "/home/$USER/dyne-tomb-bind-test-"*
       +        sudo rm -rf "$TMP"
       +        mkdir -p "$TMP"
       +test_export() {
       +        export testname="$1"
       +        export tomb="$TMP/$testname.tomb"
       +        export tomb_key="$TMP/$testname.tomb.key"
       +        export tomb_key_new="$TMP/$testname.new.tomb.key"
       +        export tomb_key_steg="$TMP/$testname.steg.tomb.key"
       +        export tomb_img="$TMP/$testname.jpg"
       +tt() {
       +        start_loops=(`sudo losetup -a |cut -d: -f1`)
       +        start_temps=(`find /dev/shm -name 'tomb*'`)
       +        "${T}" -D ${=@}
       +        res=$?
       +        loops=(`sudo losetup -a |cut -d: -f1`)
       +        temps=(`find /dev/shm -name 'tomb*'`)
       +        { test "${#start_loops}" = "${#loops}" } || {
       +            print "loop device usage change to ${#loops}" }
       +        { test "${#start_temps}" = "${#temps}" } || {
       +            print "temp files usage change to ${#temps}" }
       +        print "     Tomb command returns $res"
       +        return $res
       +tt_dig() { tt dig "$tomb" "${@}"; }
       +tt_forge() { tt forge "$tomb_key" --ignore-swap --unsafe --use-urandom "${@}"; }
       +tt_lock() { tt lock "$tomb" -k "$tomb_key" --ignore-swap --unsafe "${@}"; }
       +tt_open() { tt open "$tomb" -k "$tomb_key" --ignore-swap --unsafe "${@}"; }
       +tt_close() { tt close "$testname" "${@}"; }
       +tt_set_ownership() {
       +        local dir="$1"
       +        local uid=$(id -u $USERNAME)
       +        local gid=$(id -g $USERNAME)
       +        sudo chown -R "$uid:$gid" "$dir"
       +        sudo chmod 0711 "$dir"
   DIR diff --git a/extras/test/sharness b/extras/test/sharness
       t@@ -0,0 +1,851 @@
       +# Copyright (c) 2011-2012 Mathias Lafeldt
       +# Copyright (c) 2005-2012 Git project
       +# Copyright (c) 2005-2012 Junio C Hamano
       +# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
       +# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
       +# the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
       +# (at your option) any later version.
       +# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
       +# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
       +# GNU General Public License for more details.
       +# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
       +# along with this program.  If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/ .
       +# Public: Current version of Sharness.
       +export SHARNESS_VERSION
       +# Public: The file extension for tests.  By default, it is set to "t".
       +#  Reset TERM to original terminal if found, otherwise save orignal TERM
       +[ "x" = "x$SHARNESS_ORIG_TERM" ] &&
       +                SHARNESS_ORIG_TERM="$TERM" ||
       +                TERM="$SHARNESS_ORIG_TERM"
       +# Public: The unsanitized TERM under which sharness is originally run
       +export SHARNESS_ORIG_TERM
       +# Export SHELL_PATH
       +: ${SHELL_PATH:=$SHELL}
       +export SHELL_PATH
       +# For repeatability, reset the environment to a known state.
       +# TERM is sanitized below, after saving color control sequences.
       +# Line feed
       +[ "x$TERM" != "xdumb" ] && (
       +                [ -t 1 ] &&
       +                tput bold >/dev/null 2>&1 &&
       +                tput setaf 1 >/dev/null 2>&1 &&
       +                tput sgr0 >/dev/null 2>&1
       +        ) &&
       +        color=t
       +while test "$#" -ne 0; do
       +        case "$1" in
       +        -d|--d|--de|--deb|--debu|--debug)
       +                debug=t; shift ;;
       +        -i|--i|--im|--imm|--imme|--immed|--immedi|--immedia|--immediat|--immediate)
       +                immediate=t; shift ;;
       +        -l|--l|--lo|--lon|--long|--long-|--long-t|--long-te|--long-tes|--long-test|--long-tests)
       +                TEST_LONG=t; export TEST_LONG; shift ;;
       +        --in|--int|--inte|--inter|--intera|--interac|--interact|--interacti|--interactiv|--interactive|--interactive-|--interactive-t|--interactive-te|--interactive-tes|--interactive-test|--interactive-tests):
       +                TEST_INTERACTIVE=t; export TEST_INTERACTIVE; verbose=t; shift ;;
       +        -h|--h|--he|--hel|--help)
       +                help=t; shift ;;
       +        -v|--v|--ve|--ver|--verb|--verbo|--verbos|--verbose)
       +                verbose=t; shift ;;
       +        -q|--q|--qu|--qui|--quie|--quiet)
       +                # Ignore --quiet under a TAP::Harness. Saying how many tests
       +                # passed without the ok/not ok details is always an error.
       +                test -z "$HARNESS_ACTIVE" && quiet=t; shift ;;
       +        --chain-lint)
       +                chain_lint=t; shift ;;
       +        --no-chain-lint)
       +                chain_lint=; shift ;;
       +        --no-color)
       +                color=; shift ;;
       +        --root=*)
       +                root=$(expr "z$1" : 'z[^=]*=\(.*\)')
       +                shift ;;
       +        *)
       +                echo "error: unknown test option '$1'" >&2; exit 1 ;;
       +        esac
       +if test -n "$color"; then
       +        # Save the color control sequences now rather than run tput
       +        # each time say_color() is called.  This is done for two
       +        # reasons:
       +        #   * TERM will be changed to dumb
       +        #   * HOME will be changed to a temporary directory and tput
       +        #     might need to read ~/.terminfo from the original HOME
       +        #     directory to get the control sequences
       +        # Note:  This approach assumes the control sequences don't end
       +        # in a newline for any terminal of interest (command
       +        # substitutions strip trailing newlines).  Given that most
       +        # (all?) terminals in common use are related to ECMA-48, this
       +        # shouldn't be a problem.
       +        say_color_error=$(tput bold; tput setaf 1) # bold red
       +        say_color_skip=$(tput setaf 4) # blue
       +        say_color_warn=$(tput setaf 3) # brown/yellow
       +        say_color_pass=$(tput setaf 2) # green
       +        say_color_info=$(tput setaf 6) # cyan
       +        say_color_reset=$(tput sgr0)
       +        say_color_="" # no formatting for normal text
       +        say_color() {
       +                test -z "$1" && test -n "$quiet" && return
       +                eval "say_color_color=\$say_color_$1"
       +                shift
       +                printf "%s\\n" "$say_color_color$*$say_color_reset"
       +        }
       +        say_color() {
       +                test -z "$1" && test -n "$quiet" && return
       +                shift
       +                printf "%s\n" "$*"
       +        }
       +export TERM
       +error() {
       +        say_color error "error: $*"
       +        EXIT_OK=t
       +        exit 1
       +say() {
       +        say_color info "$*"
       +test -n "$test_description" || error "Test script did not set test_description."
       +if test "$help" = "t"; then
       +        echo "$test_description"
       +        exit 0
       +exec 5>&1
       +exec 6<&0
       +if test "$verbose" = "t"; then
       +        exec 4>&2 3>&1
       +        exec 4>/dev/null 3>/dev/null
       +die() {
       +        code=$?
       +        if test -n "$EXIT_OK"; then
       +                exit $code
       +        else
       +                echo >&5 "FATAL: Unexpected exit with code $code"
       +                exit 1
       +        fi
       +trap 'die' EXIT
       +# Public: Define that a test prerequisite is available.
       +# The prerequisite can later be checked explicitly using test_have_prereq or
       +# implicitly by specifying the prerequisite name in calls to test_expect_success
       +# or test_expect_failure.
       +# $1 - Name of prerequiste (a simple word, in all capital letters by convention)
       +# Examples
       +#   # Set PYTHON prerequisite if interpreter is available.
       +#   command -v python >/dev/null && test_set_prereq PYTHON
       +#   # Set prerequisite depending on some variable.
       +#   test -z "$NO_GETTEXT" && test_set_prereq GETTEXT
       +# Returns nothing.
       +test_set_prereq() {
       +        satisfied_prereq="$satisfied_prereq$1 "
       +satisfied_prereq=" "
       +# Public: Check if one or more test prerequisites are defined.
       +# The prerequisites must have previously been set with test_set_prereq.
       +# The most common use of this is to skip all the tests if some essential
       +# prerequisite is missing.
       +# $1 - Comma-separated list of test prerequisites.
       +# Examples
       +#   # Skip all remaining tests if prerequisite is not set.
       +#   if ! test_have_prereq PERL; then
       +#       skip_all='skipping perl interface tests, perl not available'
       +#       test_done
       +#   fi
       +# Returns 0 if all prerequisites are defined or 1 otherwise.
       +test_have_prereq() {
       +        # prerequisites can be concatenated with ','
       +        save_IFS=$IFS
       +        IFS=,
       +        set -- $*
       +        IFS=$save_IFS
       +        total_prereq=0
       +        ok_prereq=0
       +        missing_prereq=
       +        for prerequisite; do
       +                case "$prerequisite" in
       +                !*)
       +                        negative_prereq=t
       +                        prerequisite=${prerequisite#!}
       +                        ;;
       +                *)
       +                        negative_prereq=
       +                esac
       +                total_prereq=$(($total_prereq + 1))
       +                case "$satisfied_prereq" in
       +                *" $prerequisite "*)
       +                        satisfied_this_prereq=t
       +                        ;;
       +                *)
       +                        satisfied_this_prereq=
       +                esac
       +                case "$satisfied_this_prereq,$negative_prereq" in
       +                t,|,t)
       +                        ok_prereq=$(($ok_prereq + 1))
       +                        ;;
       +                *)
       +                        # Keep a list of missing prerequisites; restore
       +                        # the negative marker if necessary.
       +                        prerequisite=${negative_prereq:+!}$prerequisite
       +                        if test -z "$missing_prereq"; then
       +                                missing_prereq=$prerequisite
       +                        else
       +                                missing_prereq="$prerequisite,$missing_prereq"
       +                        fi
       +                esac
       +        done
       +        test $total_prereq = $ok_prereq
       +# You are not expected to call test_ok_ and test_failure_ directly, use
       +# the text_expect_* functions instead.
       +test_ok_() {
       +        test_success=$(($test_success + 1))
       +        say_color "" "ok $test_count - $@"
       +test_failure_() {
       +        test_failure=$(($test_failure + 1))
       +        say_color error "not ok $test_count - $1"
       +        shift
       +        echo "$@" | sed -e 's/^/#        /'
       +        test "$immediate" = "" || { EXIT_OK=t; exit 1; }
       +test_known_broken_ok_() {
       +        test_fixed=$(($test_fixed + 1))
       +        say_color error "ok $test_count - $@ # TODO known breakage vanished"
       +test_known_broken_failure_() {
       +        test_broken=$(($test_broken + 1))
       +        say_color warn "not ok $test_count - $@ # TODO known breakage"
       +# Public: Execute commands in debug mode.
       +# Takes a single argument and evaluates it only when the test script is started
       +# with --debug. This is primarily meant for use during the development of test
       +# scripts.
       +# $1 - Commands to be executed.
       +# Examples
       +#   test_debug "cat some_log_file"
       +# Returns the exit code of the last command executed in debug mode or 0
       +#   otherwise.
       +test_debug() {
       +        test "$debug" = "" || eval "$1"
       +# Public: Stop execution and start a shell.
       +# This is useful for debugging tests and only makes sense together with "-v".
       +# Be sure to remove all invocations of this command before submitting.
       +test_pause() {
       +        if test "$verbose" = t; then
       +                "$SHELL_PATH" <&6 >&3 2>&4
       +        else
       +                error >&5 "test_pause requires --verbose"
       +        fi
       +test_eval_() {
       +        # This is a separate function because some tests use
       +        # "return" to end a test_expect_success block early.
       +        case ",$test_prereq," in
       +        *,INTERACTIVE,*)
       +                eval "$*"
       +                ;;
       +        *)
       +                eval </dev/null >&3 2>&4 "$*"
       +                ;;
       +        esac
       +test_run_() {
       +        test_cleanup=:
       +        expecting_failure=$2
       +        test_eval_ "$1"
       +        eval_ret=$?
       +        if test "$chain_lint" = "t"; then
       +                test_eval_ "(exit 117) && $1"
       +                if test "$?" != 117; then
       +                        error "bug in the test script: broken &&-chain: $1"
       +                fi
       +        fi
       +        if test -z "$immediate" || test $eval_ret = 0 || test -n "$expecting_failure"; then
       +                test_eval_ "$test_cleanup"
       +        fi
       +        if test "$verbose" = "t" && test -n "$HARNESS_ACTIVE"; then
       +                echo ""
       +        fi
       +        return "$eval_ret"
       +test_skip_() {
       +        test_count=$(($test_count + 1))
       +        to_skip=
       +        for skp in $SKIP_TESTS; do
       +                case $this_test.$test_count in
       +                $skp)
       +                        to_skip=t
       +                        break
       +                esac
       +        done
       +        if test -z "$to_skip" && test -n "$test_prereq" && ! test_have_prereq "$test_prereq"; then
       +                to_skip=t
       +        fi
       +        case "$to_skip" in
       +        t)
       +                of_prereq=
       +                if test "$missing_prereq" != "$test_prereq"; then
       +                        of_prereq=" of $test_prereq"
       +                fi
       +                say_color skip >&3 "skipping test: $@"
       +                say_color skip "ok $test_count # skip $1 (missing $missing_prereq${of_prereq})"
       +                : true
       +                ;;
       +        *)
       +                false
       +                ;;
       +        esac
       +# Public: Run test commands and expect them to succeed.
       +# When the test passed, an "ok" message is printed and the number of successful
       +# tests is incremented. When it failed, a "not ok" message is printed and the
       +# number of failed tests is incremented.
       +# With --immediate, exit test immediately upon the first failed test.
       +# Usually takes two arguments:
       +# $1 - Test description
       +# $2 - Commands to be executed.
       +# With three arguments, the first will be taken to be a prerequisite:
       +# $1 - Comma-separated list of test prerequisites. The test will be skipped if
       +#      not all of the given prerequisites are set. To negate a prerequisite,
       +#      put a "!" in front of it.
       +# $2 - Test description
       +# $3 - Commands to be executed.
       +# Examples
       +#   test_expect_success \
       +#       'git-write-tree should be able to write an empty tree.' \
       +#       'tree=$(git-write-tree)'
       +#   # Test depending on one prerequisite.
       +#   test_expect_success TTY 'git --paginate rev-list uses a pager' \
       +#       ' ... '
       +#   # Multiple prerequisites are separated by a comma.
       +#   test_expect_success PERL,PYTHON 'yo dawg' \
       +#       ' test $(perl -E 'print eval "1 +" . qx[python -c "print 2"]') == "4" '
       +# Returns nothing.
       +test_expect_success() {
       +        test "$#" = 3 && { test_prereq=$1; shift; } || test_prereq=
       +        test "$#" = 2 || error "bug in the test script: not 2 or 3 parameters to test_expect_success"
       +        export test_prereq
       +        if ! test_skip_ "$@"; then
       +                say >&3 "expecting success: $2"
       +                if test_run_ "$2"; then
       +                        test_ok_ "$1"
       +                else
       +                        test_failure_ "$@"
       +                fi
       +        fi
       +        echo >&3 ""
       +# Public: Run test commands and expect them to fail. Used to demonstrate a known
       +# breakage.
       +# This is NOT the opposite of test_expect_success, but rather used to mark a
       +# test that demonstrates a known breakage.
       +# When the test passed, an "ok" message is printed and the number of fixed tests
       +# is incremented. When it failed, a "not ok" message is printed and the number
       +# of tests still broken is incremented.
       +# Failures from these tests won't cause --immediate to stop.
       +# Usually takes two arguments:
       +# $1 - Test description
       +# $2 - Commands to be executed.
       +# With three arguments, the first will be taken to be a prerequisite:
       +# $1 - Comma-separated list of test prerequisites. The test will be skipped if
       +#      not all of the given prerequisites are set. To negate a prerequisite,
       +#      put a "!" in front of it.
       +# $2 - Test description
       +# $3 - Commands to be executed.
       +# Returns nothing.
       +test_expect_failure() {
       +        test "$#" = 3 && { test_prereq=$1; shift; } || test_prereq=
       +        test "$#" = 2 || error "bug in the test script: not 2 or 3 parameters to test_expect_failure"
       +        export test_prereq
       +        if ! test_skip_ "$@"; then
       +                say >&3 "checking known breakage: $2"
       +                if test_run_ "$2" expecting_failure; then
       +                        test_known_broken_ok_ "$1"
       +                else
       +                        test_known_broken_failure_ "$1"
       +                fi
       +        fi
       +        echo >&3 ""
       +# Public: Run command and ensure that it fails in a controlled way.
       +# Use it instead of "! <command>". For example, when <command> dies due to a
       +# segfault, test_must_fail diagnoses it as an error, while "! <command>" would
       +# mistakenly be treated as just another expected failure.
       +# This is one of the prefix functions to be used inside test_expect_success or
       +# test_expect_failure.
       +# $1.. - Command to be executed.
       +# Examples
       +#   test_expect_success 'complain and die' '
       +#       do something &&
       +#       do something else &&
       +#       test_must_fail git checkout ../outerspace
       +#   '
       +# Returns 1 if the command succeeded (exit code 0).
       +# Returns 1 if the command died by signal (exit codes 130-192)
       +# Returns 1 if the command could not be found (exit code 127).
       +# Returns 0 otherwise.
       +test_must_fail() {
       +        "$@"
       +        exit_code=$?
       +        if test $exit_code = 0; then
       +                echo >&2 "test_must_fail: command succeeded: $*"
       +                return 1
       +        elif test $exit_code -gt 129 -a $exit_code -le 192; then
       +                echo >&2 "test_must_fail: died by signal: $*"
       +                return 1
       +        elif test $exit_code = 127; then
       +                echo >&2 "test_must_fail: command not found: $*"
       +                return 1
       +        fi
       +        return 0
       +# Public: Run command and ensure that it succeeds or fails in a controlled way.
       +# Similar to test_must_fail, but tolerates success too. Use it instead of
       +# "<command> || :" to catch failures caused by a segfault, for instance.
       +# This is one of the prefix functions to be used inside test_expect_success or
       +# test_expect_failure.
       +# $1.. - Command to be executed.
       +# Examples
       +#   test_expect_success 'some command works without configuration' '
       +#       test_might_fail git config --unset all.configuration &&
       +#       do something
       +#   '
       +# Returns 1 if the command died by signal (exit codes 130-192)
       +# Returns 1 if the command could not be found (exit code 127).
       +# Returns 0 otherwise.
       +test_might_fail() {
       +        "$@"
       +        exit_code=$?
       +        if test $exit_code -gt 129 -a $exit_code -le 192; then
       +                echo >&2 "test_might_fail: died by signal: $*"
       +                return 1
       +        elif test $exit_code = 127; then
       +                echo >&2 "test_might_fail: command not found: $*"
       +                return 1
       +        fi
       +        return 0
       +# Public: Run command and ensure it exits with a given exit code.
       +# This is one of the prefix functions to be used inside test_expect_success or
       +# test_expect_failure.
       +# $1   - Expected exit code.
       +# $2.. - Command to be executed.
       +# Examples
       +#   test_expect_success 'Merge with d/f conflicts' '
       +#       test_expect_code 1 git merge "merge msg" B master
       +#   '
       +# Returns 0 if the expected exit code is returned or 1 otherwise.
       +test_expect_code() {
       +        want_code=$1
       +        shift
       +        "$@"
       +        exit_code=$?
       +        if test $exit_code = $want_code; then
       +                return 0
       +        fi
       +        echo >&2 "test_expect_code: command exited with $exit_code, we wanted $want_code $*"
       +        return 1
       +# Public: Compare two files to see if expected output matches actual output.
       +# The TEST_CMP variable defines the command used for the comparision; it
       +# defaults to "diff -u". Only when the test script was started with --verbose,
       +# will the command's output, the diff, be printed to the standard output.
       +# This is one of the prefix functions to be used inside test_expect_success or
       +# test_expect_failure.
       +# $1 - Path to file with expected output.
       +# $2 - Path to file with actual output.
       +# Examples
       +#   test_expect_success 'foo works' '
       +#       echo expected >expected &&
       +#       foo >actual &&
       +#       test_cmp expected actual
       +#   '
       +# Returns the exit code of the command set by TEST_CMP.
       +test_cmp() {
       +        ${TEST_CMP:-diff -u} "$@"
       +# Public: portably print a sequence of numbers.
       +# seq is not in POSIX and GNU seq might not be available everywhere,
       +# so it is nice to have a seq implementation, even a very simple one.
       +# $1 - Starting number.
       +# $2 - Ending number.
       +# Examples
       +#   test_expect_success 'foo works 10 times' '
       +#       for i in $(test_seq 1 10)
       +#       do
       +#           foo || return
       +#       done
       +#   '
       +# Returns 0 if all the specified numbers can be displayed.
       +test_seq() {
       +        i="$1"
       +        j="$2"
       +        while test "$i" -le "$j"
       +        do
       +                echo "$i" || return
       +                i=$(expr "$i" + 1)
       +        done
       +# Public: Check if the file expected to be empty is indeed empty, and barfs
       +# otherwise.
       +# $1 - File to check for emptyness.
       +# Returns 0 if file is empty, 1 otherwise.
       +test_must_be_empty() {
       +        if test -s "$1"
       +        then
       +                echo "'$1' is not empty, it contains:"
       +                cat "$1"
       +                return 1
       +        fi
       +# Public: Schedule cleanup commands to be run unconditionally at the end of a
       +# test.
       +# If some cleanup command fails, the test will not pass. With --immediate, no
       +# cleanup is done to help diagnose what went wrong.
       +# This is one of the prefix functions to be used inside test_expect_success or
       +# test_expect_failure.
       +# $1.. - Commands to prepend to the list of cleanup commands.
       +# Examples
       +#   test_expect_success 'test core.capslock' '
       +#       git config core.capslock true &&
       +#       test_when_finished "git config --unset core.capslock" &&
       +#       do_something
       +#   '
       +# Returns the exit code of the last cleanup command executed.
       +test_when_finished() {
       +        test_cleanup="{ $*
       +                } && (exit \"\$eval_ret\"); eval_ret=\$?; $test_cleanup"
       +# Public: Schedule cleanup commands to be run unconditionally when all tests
       +# have run.
       +# This can be used to clean up things like test databases. It is not needed to
       +# clean up temporary files, as test_done already does that.
       +# Examples:
       +#   cleanup mysql -e "DROP DATABASE mytest"
       +# Returns the exit code of the last cleanup command executed.
       +cleanup() {
       +        final_cleanup="{ $*
       +                } && (exit \"\$eval_ret\"); eval_ret=\$?; $final_cleanup"
       +# Public: Summarize test results and exit with an appropriate error code.
       +# Must be called at the end of each test script.
       +# Can also be used to stop tests early and skip all remaining tests. For this,
       +# set skip_all to a string explaining why the tests were skipped before calling
       +# test_done.
       +# Examples
       +#   # Each test script must call test_done at the end.
       +#   test_done
       +#   # Skip all remaining tests if prerequisite is not set.
       +#   if ! test_have_prereq PERL; then
       +#       skip_all='skipping perl interface tests, perl not available'
       +#       test_done
       +#   fi
       +# Returns 0 if all tests passed or 1 if there was a failure.
       +test_done() {
       +        EXIT_OK=t
       +        if test -z "$HARNESS_ACTIVE"; then
       +                test_results_dir="$SHARNESS_TEST_DIRECTORY/test-results"
       +                mkdir -p "$test_results_dir"
       +                test_results_path="$test_results_dir/$this_test.$$.counts"
       +                cat >>"$test_results_path" <<-EOF
       +                total $test_count
       +                success $test_success
       +                fixed $test_fixed
       +                broken $test_broken
       +                failed $test_failure
       +                EOF
       +        fi
       +        if test "$test_fixed" != 0; then
       +                say_color error "# $test_fixed known breakage(s) vanished; please update test(s)"
       +        fi
       +        if test "$test_broken" != 0; then
       +                say_color warn "# still have $test_broken known breakage(s)"
       +        fi
       +        if test "$test_broken" != 0 || test "$test_fixed" != 0; then
       +                test_remaining=$(( $test_count - $test_broken - $test_fixed ))
       +                msg="remaining $test_remaining test(s)"
       +        else
       +                test_remaining=$test_count
       +                msg="$test_count test(s)"
       +        fi
       +        case "$test_failure" in
       +        0)
       +                # Maybe print SKIP message
       +                if test -n "$skip_all" && test $test_count -gt 0; then
       +                        error "Can't use skip_all after running some tests"
       +                fi
       +                [ -z "$skip_all" ] || skip_all=" # SKIP $skip_all"
       +                if test $test_remaining -gt 0; then
       +                        say_color pass "# passed all $msg"
       +                fi
       +                say "1..$test_count$skip_all"
       +                test_eval_ "$final_cleanup"
       +                test -d "$remove_trash" &&
       +                cd "$(dirname "$remove_trash")" &&
       +                rm -rf "$(basename "$remove_trash")"
       +                exit 0 ;;
       +        *)
       +                say_color error "# failed $test_failure among $msg"
       +                say "1..$test_count"
       +                exit 1 ;;
       +        esac
       +# Public: Root directory containing tests. Tests can override this variable,
       +# e.g. for testing Sharness itself.
       +: ${SHARNESS_TEST_DIRECTORY:=$(pwd)}
       +# Public: Source directory of test code and sharness library.
       +# This directory may be different from the directory in which tests are
       +# being run.
       +: ${SHARNESS_TEST_SRCDIR:=$(cd $(dirname $0) && pwd)}
       +# Public: Build directory that will be added to PATH. By default, it is set to
       +# the parent directory of SHARNESS_TEST_DIRECTORY.
       +# Public: Path to test script currently executed.
       +export SHARNESS_TEST_FILE
       +# Prepare test area.
       +/*) ;; # absolute path is good
       +test "$debug" = "t" || remove_trash="$SHARNESS_TRASH_DIRECTORY"
       +rm -rf "$SHARNESS_TRASH_DIRECTORY" || {
       +        EXIT_OK=t
       +        echo >&5 "FATAL: Cannot prepare test area"
       +        exit 1
       +#  Load any extensions in $srcdir/sharness.d/*.sh
       +if test -d "${SHARNESS_TEST_SRCDIR}/sharness.d"
       +        for file in "${SHARNESS_TEST_SRCDIR}"/sharness.d/*.sh
       +        do
       +                # Ensure glob was not an empty match:
       +                test -e "${file}" || break
       +                if test -n "$debug"
       +                then
       +                        echo >&5 "sharness: loading extensions from ${file}"
       +                fi
       +                . "${file}"
       +                if test $? != 0
       +                then
       +                        echo >&5 "sharness: Error loading ${file}. Aborting."
       +                        exit 1
       +                fi
       +        done
       +# Public: Empty trash directory, the test area, provided for each test. The HOME
       +# variable is set to that directory too.
       +export HOME
       +mkdir -p "$SHARNESS_TRASH_DIRECTORY" || exit 1
       +# Use -P to resolve symlinks in our working directory so that the cwd
       +# in subprocesses like git equals our $PWD (for pathname comparisons).
       +cd -P "$SHARNESS_TRASH_DIRECTORY" || exit 1
       +for skp in $SKIP_TESTS; do
       +        case "$this_test" in
       +        $skp)
       +                say_color info >&3 "skipping test $this_test altogether"
       +                skip_all="skip all tests in $this_test"
       +                test_done
       +        esac
       +test -n "$TEST_LONG" && test_set_prereq EXPENSIVE
       +test -n "$TEST_INTERACTIVE" && test_set_prereq INTERACTIVE
       +# Make sure this script ends with code 0
       +# vi: set ts=4 sw=4 noet :