+++ Card 1: How you feel about yourself +++
       +++ The Sun +++
       You are feeling abundantly happy and joyful - if you don't,
       be assured that you are about to enter a period of success
       and fulfillment.
       This is a time of pleasure, vitality and good health,
       ttravel and holidays to be enjoyed. Good news around
       children or the conception or birth of a longed-for baby.
       The Sun heralds an ending to difficulties and a time to
       celebrate with friends and loved ones.
       +++ Card 2: What you want most right now +++
       +++ The Hermit +++
       The Hermit here suggests that what you most want at this time
       is to know what to do, as well as companionship or a lover
       if you feel somewhat lonely or isolated at the moment.
       Perhaps you are feeling exhausted and in need of a rest -
       if you have been ill this is a time for rest and
       +++ Card 3: Your fears +++
       +++ Wheel of Fortune +++
       You are in fear of everything taking a turn for the worst.
       Perhaps you are experiencing a run of bad luck. You have to
       ttrust that most of what we fear never happens and just as
       The Wheel of Fortune turns downwards against you, it will
       naturally turn upwards again and bring new good fortune
       with it.
       This difficult phase will pass.
       +++ Card 4: What is going for you +++
       +++ The Star +++
       A wish come true, this is a time of good luck and fortune,
       perhaps after a period of struggle and heartache.
       Good health, possibly after a time of illness, and good
       fortune will give you a new zest for life.
       If considering a new love affair, new employment, a career
       change, or you wish to travel, then go for it.
       You may also receive an unexpected gift!
       +++ Card 5: What is going against you +++
       +++ The Empress +++
       There are conflicts around you, frustrations and possibly a
       breakup in a relationship.
       Be careful not to overreact and become too protective or
       dictatorial about your needs, and whatever you do, do not
       resort to emotional blackmail - it won't do you any
       You may be experiencing infertility problems or an
       unplanned pregnancy. If so just know that there are people
       around you who love and care for you and will provide
       +++ Card 6: The likely outcome +++
       +++ The Lovers +++
       Love is coming into your life even if you really can't
       see where from at this time.
       If you are on your own a new lover will soon enter your
       If you are in an unhappy relationship you have a choice to
       make - go with your heart, take the risk. Greater happiness
       is ahead of you.
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