rak's phlog
  TEXT (20223-12-20) Battery chargestart and stop thresholds on OpenBSD
  TEXT (2022-10-17) Mahler's Resurrection
  TEXT (2022-07-02) Salad
  TEXT (2022-07-01) Eternal Hell for Voting Against Canada in 1867
  TEXT (2022-06-30) Encrypted email and gpg hidden-encrypt-to
  TEXT (2022-06-25) Routable OpenIKED addresses with systemd
  TEXT (2022-06-24) A dark day in the USA
  TEXT (2022-06-18) Le monde est petit
  TEXT (2022-06-03) Treating Bullet Wounds
  TEXT (2022-06-01) /tmp and temporary mount points
  TEXT (2022-06-01) Les âmes et les abeilles
  TEXT (2022-05-28) On Simplicity and Keeping Backups
  TEXT (2022-05-27) Sténographie Duployé
  TEXT (2022-03-20) Pittsburgh Driver's Test
  TEXT (2022-03-13) On logical connectives
  TEXT (2022-01-23) Click-bait titles at the CBC
  TEXT (2021-12-25) Canadian Government Tracking Canadians' Location
  TEXT (2021-11-16) Economics Question
  TEXT (2021-11-13) Questioning greatness, and a strange phenomenon
  TEXT (2021-11-10) John Major Equality
  TEXT (2021-11-09) Three Minutes
  TEXT (2021-11-08) Canada's COVID Security Theatre
  TEXT (2021-11-06) Questions on Justice
  TEXT (2021-11-05) Effects of Geography on Departmental Culture
  TEXT (2021-10-30) Ward, Bobiyev, and Chistova
  TEXT (2021-10-28) Hot Tears
  TEXT (2021-10-27) Je me souviens
  TEXT (2021-09-03) Outlook Web Apps: WTF
  TEXT (2021-07-12) Canada: Parents are non-essential!
  TEXT (2021-07-02) La récursivité
  TEXT (2021-07-01) Aligning \qedhere after TikZ diagram
  TEXT (2021-06-28) Canada's Military Offensive Against Canadians
  TEXT (2021-06-27) The image of a DCPO need not be a DCPO
  TEXT (2021-06-15) Is Freenode Dead Yet?
  TEXT (2021-05-04) Defending censorship with ad hominems
  TEXT (2021-04-21) Pick On Someone Your Own Size
  TEXT (2021-04-10) Project Euler #6 in FOCAL
  TEXT (2021-04-07) Writing BASIC-8 on the TSS-8
  TEXT (2021-03-16) A Defeated Race
  TEXT (2021-03-15) Taxpayer-funded pseudoscience
  TEXT (2021-02-01) Open Letter to Ministers Hajdu and Alghabra
  TEXT (2021-01-23) In Memory of Rosemary, 2019--2021
  TEXT (2020-11-11) They Shall Not Grow Old
  TEXT (2020-10-28) May Their Memory Be a Blessing
  TEXT (2020-10-26) Linguistic Puzzle
  TEXT (2020-09-18) Implementing popen and pclose in SML
  TEXT (2020-09-13) MacGregor Contributions to Piping
  TEXT (2020-09-12) Configuring OpenIKED VPNs for Road Warriors
  TEXT (2020-08-16) Police Kidnappings Come to Pittsburgh
  TEXT (2020-08-05) On Englishmen, Doors, and News From 1884
  TEXT (2020-08-05) Caveat emptor: OVH hosting
  TEXT (2020-07-14) Twitter has a hate problem
  TEXT (2020-07-06) ICE: Foreign Students at Online Schools Must Go
  TEXT (2020-06-28) Arbitrary and Capricious Alcohol Regulations
  TEXT (2020-06-16) Recette: pâte à crêpes
  TEXT (2020-06-02) Policing by Consent
  TEXT (2020-05-28) VF-1 uploaded to Debian unstable
  TEXT (2020-05-20) Fixed-point operators from recursive types I
  TEXT (2020-05-04) Words of Wisdom From alt.folklore.computers
  TEXT (2020-05-01) Numerical Literacy and the News
  TEXT (2020-04-14) God Save the King
  TEXT (2020-01-23) Creating LVM-backed schroots
  TEXT (2020-01-12) Usenet in 2020
  TEXT (2020-01-11) On using multiple Kerberos realms and AFS
  TEXT (2019-12-31) Left high and dry
  TEXT (2019-12-20) ABC's Made in America Campaign
  TEXT (2019-12-12) EUSPBA Graduate Exam and AGM
  TEXT (2019-11-16) On e-mail tracking
  TEXT (2019-11-11) Au champ d'honneur
  TEXT (2019-11-09) Pumpkin pie recipe
  TEXT (2019-08-01) On mathematical folklore
  TEXT (2019-07-18) Why I study (natural) languages
  TEXT (2019-06-11) First phlog entry
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