Deprotecting THE IMMORTAL ------------ --- -------- 1) make a copy of both disk 1 & disk 2. Use a file copy program instead of a disk copy program. Something like prosel-16, Finder, Copy II+, ProTERM, etc, etc. NOT volume-copy, speedysmith, or ZZ Copy. 2) run basic.system (its on your system disk). 3) at the "]" prompt, insert Immortal disk 1 into your first 3.5" and type in: ]PREFIX,S5,D1 ]CALL-151 *2000:60 *BSAVE CODE,A$2000,L$1,B$CDAB 4) boot the immortal disk, and away you go! No need to break out with the manual if you continue with a previous level ------------------- Notes on HD installation - ok, its pretty much impossible. You need to write custom programs that rewrite the entire system-vectors, purge GS/OS, and much more. If you are running off a DMA SCSI card I'm pretty sure its impossible. What The Immortal does is grab memory wherever it wants. Unfortunately the place it grabs it from is where GS/OS is located. This stomps on a bunch of re-routed system vectors and causes the game to crash. If you are interested in doing it, what you need to do is replace all the vectors in the first page of bank $E1 with the vectors located in ROM (FE&FF). I can't think of any way to make this work on all systems, easiest would be to write down all the rom jumps before GS/OS is loaded and write a .SYSTEM file to replace them all. Next thing you need to do is replace all references to "DISK" (ie, /DISK/CODE) in the file "CODE", "CODE2", "LOAD.OBJ", and "DOS8.SYSTEM" [located on disk 1] with just the filename. Ie, instead of /DISK/CODE just plain CODE. Remember that ProDOS strings begin with a length byte, so you need to modify that length byte also. So you've got a loader that makes the system think that its just been booted, and the patches to the load-files themselves. It should work o.k. You can't return to GS/OS of course! I dunno why anyone would want to do this, I find the boot time fairly acceptable. ------------------- Did you pirate this game? Are you going to? If so, I will come in your dreams and drive you insane. Self-immotalation and all that stuff. Remember, I'm a fan of movies like I "COME IN PEACE" (decent deaths-sequences, baaaaaad plot and virtually no acting. Reminds me too much of terminator) and that new Steven Seagall (sic) film. Looks pretty good. Oh well, thats enough Siskelling & Ebertization, DON'T PIRATE THIS GAME!!!! .