CALL -1370. Re-boots disk system. Want to omit the pause when you issue the CATALOG command and you have more than a screenful of programs? It's easy! Enter the monitor and type... AE34:60 ...(DOS 3.3) PEEK(-18070) If 150 is returned then you are using DOS 3.3. This PEEK works for both Applesoft & Integer. Here's a 16/13 sector hardware mod: (Allows you to switch between DOS 3.2 & 3.3 without Basics Disk by simply flipping a switch). Remove P5A chip from P5 socket. Get the original P5 (DOS 3.2) chip. Bend out pin 20 on both chips and place the P5 chip on top of the P5A chip (piggyback). Solder pins 1-19 of P5 chip to pins 1-19 of P5A chip. Insert one end of a wire into pin 20 of the P5 socket and solder the other end to the common (center) connector of a SPDT switch. Insert the 2 piggyback chips into the P5 socket (pins 20 of both chips should not be inserted into the socket or connected to anything at this time). Solder pin 20 of P5 chip to one of the 2 free connectors on the SPDT switch. Solder pin 20 of P5A to other switch connector. Be sure there are no shorts, that you followed directions before turning on power. Flipping switch in one direction or the other selects be- tween either DOS when booting. NOTE: This will definitely VOID your warranty. If you make this mod you do so at YOUR OWN RISK. Had to say that so I don't get sued (but the mod WORKS). For Language/Memory Card users: If you are tired of DOS 3.3 dumping whatever language is on your card every time you re-boot with a PR#6, here's the fix: Using Dan's Disk Utility or some other similar program, read track 0, sector $09, byte $CC (should be $81) and change it to $10. Now when you do a PR#6 whatever is in the language card will still be there. Here's 4 good POKES I'm sure you'll find a use for. They will turn your disk drive(s) on & off without reading or writing. You can use these to run the dri .