B JACKSONVILLE, FLORIDA IBM COMPATIBLE BBS LIST Sponsored by Öз ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿ Öз ÖÖºUºÒÒÄÄÄ´J P S AÃÄÄÄÒÒºSº·· MAY ÖÖºººSººº·· ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ ÖÖºººYººº·· MAY 1993 ÖºººººººEººººººº»»·ÒÒÉɺººººººSººººººº· 1993 ßßßßßßߺRºßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßߺOºßßßßßßß Jax ºSº ºPº Assoc. ÷÷÷÷÷ ÐÄÐ PC Sysops ÐÄÐ ÷÷÷÷÷ "Quality in Telecommunications" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~ MODEM US Robotics HST US Robotics Dual General V.32 CompuCom 2400 CODES HST DS V.32 CSP G *change in last listing ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~ JPSA PHONE MODEM SOFT- MEMBER BOARD NAME NO. CODES WARE SYSOP ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~ (JPSA)BatCave............... 573-2610 DS PCB Sidney Moore (JPSA)Cat House..........[L] 778-4236 DS PCB Tangee Brusherd (JPSA)Crusader Castle....... 743-7052 V.32 UBBS Steve Rucci (JPSA)Dark Side............. 645-6293 DS Tele Steve Shapiro (JPSA)Dr. Sned's RBBS...... 1-325-6558 V.32 RBBS Robert Snedeker (JPSA)Fountain BBS.......... 448-5574 G ProL Calvin Dumas (JPSA)Freedom/\Lounge....... 778-1644 V.32 PCB Terry Hanson (JPSA)Frogpond By The Sea[L] 249-8368 HST UBBS Donald Erkfitz (JPSA)Greybeard's Castle.... 783-4549 V.32 PCB* Kim Smith (JPSA)Guiding Light......[L] 744-9991 V.32 SLBBS Rich Cowan (JPSA)Jax Online............ 737-2258 HST Max Bill Dempsey (JPSA)Jim's Place........[L] 757-0281 V.32 RBBS Jim Loos (JPSA)Maranatha...Node.1.[L] 353-3807 DS PCB Dan Nance Node 2.... 353-3558 DS (JPSA)Marauder's Hideaway... 731-5373 V.32 TAG Mike Lowe (JPSA)Mike's BBS........... 246-6476 DS PCB Mike Taylor (JPSA)Night Owl............ 1-325-6575 V.32 Max Gene Shields (JPSA)OS/2 Exchange......... 739-2445 V.32 Max Don Bauer (JPSA)Partex................ 766-6801 V.32 PCB Chuck Graham (JPSA)Player Realm.......... 387-4682 G VBBS Chris Sturgeon (JPSA)Shire................. 783-3236 V.32 VBBS Jim Conner (JPSA)Shuttle Pad..Node 1... 396-6644 G PCB Fred Sharp Node 2... 396-4410 G Node 3... 396-4431 G (JPSA)Tsunami............... 273-9738 DS PCB Chet Wilkinson (JPSA)U.S.S. Rising Star.... 778-0949 V.32 SBBS Chris Duemmel (JPSA)Whispers.............. 744-5624 V.32 TAG Wade Fallin ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~ NEW LISTINGS Black Falcon................ 744-5111 G TAG Charles Jackson Jacksonville by Night....... 247-8456 G RENE Joseph Palmer Muzzle Blast................ 764-5405 V.32 WWIV Joseph Speiser NE Florida CFS.............. 292-3904 G RA Gail Hitson Sanctuary................... 573-1582 V.32 TELE Steve Isaac ShadowNet................... 272-7350 G MAX Scott Davis StarFleet Command........... 448-1655 G WWIV Keri James USS Enterprise.............. 721-9445 G PCB Larry Miller Windraker~~II............... 388-5287 V.32 Aunt Robert Thompson ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~ A1A South................... 221-9880 DS RBBS Stuart Caldwell A1A West.................... 781-6744 G RBBS Betty Duckworth Absent Minded............... 646-0809 G UBBS Kent Jones Achilles BBS................ 724-7193 G WWIV John Hudson After Hours................. 246-3993 V.32 WWIV Jim Russell Amy Crystal Palace..Muli-chat ACP...... 247-2767 V.32 AMY Charles Mchan TSX...... 247-3632 G SOB...... 247-3904 G Animal Farm................. 387-0709 HST Spit Rick Dearbeck Anything Goes............... 262-7296 V.32 RA James Bowen Asgard...................... 771-6466 DS PCB Jerry Sturdevant Banshee's Realm............. 757-7037 G TAG Ed Dail Beaver Squeezer............. 777-6844 V.32 TAG Randy Jones Bible Lighthouse............ 764-9592 G RBBS Mike Hollner Big City.................... 779-5753 V.32* REN* James Henderson Brain on Board.............. 249-7005 DS Robo Rod Kinnison Briar Patch................. 278-5165 G PCB Jim Breedon Bridge BBS.................. 272-5075 V.32 Wild Daniel Romero Commodore Club BBS.......... 282-3895 G Spit Rick Metcalf Community Info Exchange..... 292-2436 G TBBS Roberta Birch Charlie's BBS............... 396-4931 G SBBS Charles Deskin Chuck E Cheese.............. 772-1821 G Spit Howard Huckleberry City Lights................. 786-9914 G WWIV Maurice Fields Crossroads BBS.............. 278-4870 V.32 RA Glen Turner C.S.I....................... - Node 1 276-5417 HST PCB Kim Namanny - Node 2 276-3554 DS - Node 3 276-2817 G Cyber Dream................. 924-1425 G WWIV Al Yonn Danno's Tech Board.......... 646-4258 V.32 TAG Dan Keller DarkStar2................... 765-6781 G WWIV William Whitecage Davey Jones Locker.......... 241-3693 V.32 TAG Paul Nebeling DBA Software Solutions...... - Node 1... 272-5915 DS Wild Mike Gould - Node 2... 272-5051 V.32 Demo(plus) - Sandata........ 396-3064 G PCB Ed Krayer Domain...................... 291-1883 V.32 Rene Patrick Moloney Dragon's Domain............. 268-9203 G PCB Bill Himmelstoss Electric Ave................ 367-8498 V.32 SBBS Chuck Davis Eureka's Castle............. 260-9839 G Opus Lori Lamb First Coast Chat............ 783-9650 G Major Jeffery Doane Foreclosure and Investment.. 262-6696 G PCB Roy Mahler Forgotten Realms............ 396-2885 G Tele Jeff Fournier Fortress of Solitude........ 757-5958 V.32 Tele Jerry Sutton Grand Illusion.............. 777-0084 V.32 WWIV Lon Harbour Grapevine................... 693-9414 G Tele Chris Andrews Ham Haven................... 269-6249 V.32 WWIV Jake Jacobs Hell BBS.................... 291-0565 G WWIV Michael Gress Imperium.................... 772-6018 V.32 Tele Steve Hufner Inn of The Last Home........ 645-0014 V.32 Tele Robert Busch Inter-Phase................. 636-0144 DS QBBS Dana Sandefur Jax POW/MIA BBS............. 777-4953 G Spit Eric Wisdom Kennel...................... 247-0182 G TAG Joel Godwin King's Castle............... 292-9014 HST RBBS Clarence Moore Legion II................... 779-0785 G Tele Lee Graves Lost City Atlantis.......... 727-9334 DS Tele Bubba McKay Madness..................... 757-5312 HST PCB Keith Thompson Manpower.................... 733-4750 HST Spit Don McWhirter Master Jet Base............. 778-5116 G PCB Allen Black Medical Information Health Network Node 1 246-1481 DS PCB Peter Booras Node 2 246-1485 V.32 Metro BBS................... 367-8599 V.32 Wild Roger Atwell Nightime.................... 744-8596 G PCB Kathy Scott OBI BBS..................... 278-0771 G TAG J'aime Gibson Odyssey..................... 264-8772 G WWIV Steve Austin Orddy Board................. 269-9644 V.32 TAG Lee Minske Permanent Vacation.......... 264-4640 G WWIV Todd Davis Portside BBS................ 223-3185 G SBBS Gene Jones Ranchouse................... 387-4269 V.32 Tag Dave Carse Raven Image................. 223-9064 V.32 PCB Tracy Jacobs Real Estate Listing Services 221-7645 G Wild Ben Kostecki Rivendell................... Closed SBG Online.................. 757-8636 G PCB Al Sequral Shadow Tech................. 389-6858 G Max Jeff Suan Sky<>Net.................... 731-8706 G Tele Stephen Meeks Sleaze Alley................ 384-0455 V.32 Tele David Gano Soft Board.................. 730-8549 V.32 Max Jim French Software City............... 389-8212 DS Max Michael Downing Somewhere Over the Rainbow.. 765-7999 G WWIV Bly Halbrook Southern Accent............. 642-1951 G TAG Ellen Bell Stan's Shack................ 768-3854 HST SBBS Stan McLeod Starport ALFA............... 249-5835 V.32 WWIV Laura Casey Stronghold.................. 743-9012 G WWIV Sam Auxier SuperNet BBS................ 928-9542 G PCB Harold Carney SuperNova................... Node 1 282-8187 V.32 REN Cary England Node 2 282-3187 G Swap Shop................... Closed Tech's Warehouse............ - Node 1 260-9283 V.32 PCB George Frena - Node 2 260-2516 V.32 - Node 3 260-2545 DS Timewarp.................... 223-5374 V.32 WWIV Todd Hower Tower of High Sorcery....... 645-0755 V.32 Tele David Largen Treehouse................... 783-4777 V.32 Spit Ervin Miller Twilight Zone Express....... 771-4906 V.32 Tele Tim Glazier Unconventional Thoughts..... 221-1657 HST Gal Mike Kovach Upper Deck.................. 262-3789 G Tele Eddie Brown Village..................... 272-7738 G Telix Sandy Oliver Visionary Endeavors......... 249-9515 DS PCB Chris Long Wayne's World BBS........... 757-3051 G SBBS Wayne Green Whistler's Hollow........... 727-9289 V.32 WWIV Andrew Cunniff Windows of Opportunity...... 262-7421 V.32 WWIV Blain Lefort Writer's Block.............. 399-8854 G Tele James True ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~ PART TIME BOARDS ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~ Neutral Zone BBS............ 725-0731 G WWIV Paul Broman (4 PM - 11 PM Daily) Twilight Illusions.......... 354-2815 G Wild Mark Sullivan (4:30 PM - 7:00 AM Weekdays / 24 Hours Weekends) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~ The Jax PC Sysop Association BBS List is compiled monthly by Tangee Brusherd, JPSA Public Relations Officer. To SUBMIT your BBS for the JPSA BBS List or REPORT CHANGES to your BBS call any JPSA board that has this symbol [L] after the name. We're sorry but all new additions to the list must be FULL TIME boards and not sexually oriented. [Any Key to Continue] .