From Tue Oct 20 13:56:12 1998 Date: Sun, 4 Oct 1998 20:26:49 -0500 (CDT) From: The Editor and Chief Reply-To: To: Subject: ati147.txt Resent-Date: Sun, 4 Oct 98 20:35:32 CDT Resent-From: Resent-To: *********************** *HEY HEY HEY; IT'S ATI* *********************** "After Y2k there will be root beer and sysop cola for all." aaa ttttttt iiiii a a t i aaaaa t i a a t i a a 1 t 4 iiiii 7 Home of the Green Bay Packagers where the Industrial Age is still alive, kickin' and jerkin' knee; it's ATI... Actively Trying to Ingratiate. BROUGHT ON BY "BREASTMILKS OF THE WORLD," A NEW SUBSIDIARY OF BORDERS BOOKS AND TACO BELL. 4:50 pm e.s.t. 4 oct, 1998. FLASH! PRIME ANARCHIST BREAKS A LONG SILENCE. (Green Bay, WI) - For the first time in 35 minutes Prime Anarchist is outspoken pubbliklee on the phollowing subjects: Hi there. Happy New Year. I would like to thank Excite, Magellan, and Webcrawler for all the hits they've gotten us the last 4 years. Boo to all the rest for now. Please be kinder to ATI, ok? -thnx- November 27th is going to be this year's Buy Nothing Day; a 24 hour moratorium on consumer spending. Go ahead, take the plunge. Find out what it pheels like 2 go an entire day without shopping. If that don't open your eyes 2 the way we all live, what will? For more info: you can go to Pardon me, but do you have any blue-gray poupon? "If voting changed anything, they'd make that illegal." [ed note: who said that? Please attribute...] Well that's about all I got for today. Have a good Sunday and a wonderful ATI, marco MARCO CAPELLI (tm) Appears Courtesy of His Own Dag Bloomed Self Records (tm) -------------------------------- and now: the ALL-2-FAMOUS-NOW PAP NUMBERS RUN -------------------------------- This weeks ATI is brought to you by HOOT brand ketchups. | So similar to Heinz - | | Your waitstaff can just | | keep refilling.. | <><><><><> < Howdy folks, > <> Some of you have been asking what I have been up to. <> < I've been working, learning new things such as web design, > <> ham radio, and other interesting stuff, and going on <> < road trips, and doing other fun things. > <> I've been ever vigilant, watching things like the <> < Y2K problem, the New World Order, our government's growing > <>intrusiveness, and the last episode of Seinfeld and every <> < episode of Babylon 5. :) > <> I have a small but growing website up to establish my <> < net.presence. Check it out at: > <> <> < You can email me at also. > <> (NOTE: Do NOT use the address <> < as I lost the password to that one and REFUSE to > <> hand Juno over 10 bucks of my hard-earned money <> < to get it retrieved). > <>Keep in touch! I'll be posting more to ATI soon hopefully.<> < Cheers, > <> Ground Zero <> <<><><><> SOCIETY PAGE - <><><> EMAIL FEED FROM THE FOX RIVER <><><> BLOWFISH AND CROW WED (Oregon) Sherri L. Crow married Hootie A. Blowfish in a closed ceremony by the ocean last nite. Officiating in the wedding was Hugh H. Wavygravy with Mojo N. Vixon assisting. The bride looked funny in leopard-skin tights under a long coffee chamois gown with a 40-foot onion skin train. ON her head she wore a heron's nest. The groom came bedeckled in a ballcap saying "JUST MARRIED," a blue T-shirt and Tommy Hilfiger jeans with holes in the back or cheeks to stick out. Ringbearing and flowergirling was communally done by the Handsons. Singing at the reception was what's left of Milla and Vanilla. Many people got too drunk on coke and lipsinc'ed poorly ino the morning. The couple will be honeymooning at the Presidential Suite of Bob's BigBoy in Cleveland, OH. (PAWN) Fort James Buys Out Poop Van Scoop. DENVER - Less than one year after mergering Fort Howard and James River butt-wipe companies, the largest maker of garbage has now added more droppings to their nest egg. Ignoring all suggestions to never have all their stuff in one basket, Fort James has now purchased Denver fecal waste expert Poop Van Scoop in an attmpt to clean up, owning "the whole shit." "We'll be number one AND number two in the business." 500 years from now we'll be calling the entire U.S. "Pheonix." Suggested by Osmer Wilding. Special to Prime Anarchist World News Tonite. While you and your employee are reclining in your Sealy Postur-pedic, why not enjoy a fresh, speedily delivered slice of Domino sugar-coated pizza. In fact, why not enjoy lots and lots of slices of sugary pizza? And now, thanks to Bain-Of-Life Capital Corporation, if we don't come three times in thirty minutes or less, the scandal, er, uh, the pizza is free. HAPPY PHIZKAL NU Y'EAR 2 U! Today is /\ Day /3 \ of \ / 1999 \/ !!! ------------------- ATI. your fAvoriTe mIstake ----------------------- - - - - the LETTERS & TOMATOES SECTION I doubt there will be another U.S. president. America will be destroyed by fire for her sins. Europe will lose its freedom and suffer war and pillaging for its sins. Even the isolationist, self-centered country of Switzerland will suffer egregiously. This is the consequence of following world "mis"-leaders like Bill Clinton. J.P. to Please send a sample Thank you Vicki (???) howdy folks... i'm in some czber cafe in frankfurt... and i onlz have 7 minutes on here, so this is gonna be quick the z's are y's on teh kezboard and vice versa.. so if zr wondering whz Email looks the waz it does, that's whz.... ummmm i spent forever on a plane getting here, and now when i close mz ezes, i still feel like i'm on one, but i'm here.. w- andreas (dirtz german boz), tonz (stupid in bottles pissing american)... and me zeah.... i onlz have FIVE minutes now... all the cars here are new.. there are these weird plastic blinds on the outside of windows to keep burglers out, we walked through a forestz sorta thing last night and stazed at andreas' house.... thez were all sooOooooOoooper nice and their lemonade is sparklz and bubblz.... andreas' house is in rdermark.. sorrz this is sOOoOOooOoOO lame i gotta go! (revolution#now) To ATI: You made two mistakes in your last newspaper. First, it's International Money Fund, not "military" as you would have it. Third and finally, it was not New Years. You wished somebody a happy new years. That's December! Henri Kisinger. NATO South Command. (011) ***U R Tuned 2 KATI*** *** Radius Radio. *** *** 98 on your dial*** Please post this BM update in your listings, many thanks.... dz (520) ========================================================== Subj: Currents on Dineh Resistance Date: 98-09-28 13:56:56 EDT From: (Bahe Yazzie Katenay) Greetings Supporters, Why does such forms of injustices have to continue against the last traditional tribes in AMERICA? Yes, America --known as the, "Human Rights Capital of the World." Just 30 years ago the Dineh and Hopis were so traditionally intacted to the land and to their ancient intertribalism. Then, 20 years ago they realized that the ancient homelands were in question for complete Federal Government regulation, and even partitioning of their Black Mesa/Big Mountain country. Their movement to defend their sacred country had one of the greatest impact on federal Indian Policies, since perhaps,in the times of Captain Jack, Gernimo and Crazy Horse. Throughout the late 1970s and into the early 80s, these traditional resistors have in some ways woken up the World, again, about how fragile Indigenous cultures are. The traditional Dineh and their allies, the traditional Hopis, have tried to inform the American public about the Corporate Greed that threaten to enforced new, 20th Century laws that can easily terminate these ancient cultures. These Dineh and Hopi elders have worked hard to further inform what it means to Coexist as Humans, and they've tried to present to the World what was left of their ancient bicultural survivals. The obvious truth has always been there before us. Who are the Dineh and Hopi traditionals? They are a society of communities that had wish to live in harmony with the natural world. They are the descent of all those great Chiefs that have resisted the late 1800s and early 1900s against Euro-American colonialism. Just 30 years ago, these people lived a prosperous and healthy life, their ceremonial gatherings wereone of the largest (real) traditionally conducted events, nearly two-thirds of them still traveled on horseback or by wagons, and their intertribal trading were still as active as hundreds of years before. Just in 30 years the intent of Peabody Western Coal and Major Utility Companies of the southwest have exterminated most of the ancient ways of this last, unique and traditionally-intact culture. For the Dineh, once a healthy and a harmonous pastoral culture are being confined to only six acres until the last Grazing Permit holder dies. The rest of the prestine lands of Black Mesa/Big Mountain will go to the beef industry, recreational areas and to coal strip mines. As the U. S. Government has ruled that the lands will go to the Hopis, there is no existing plans by the "progressive" Hopi Government of future construction of settlements that can reduplicate their ancient villages. The last remaining Dineh resistors ask the World Communities to monitor the US's encroachment upon their sacred grounds. [by Bahe Y. Katenay, Dineh interpreter from Big Mountain] - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - The US media is continuing its misinformation about the purpose of relocating traditional Hopis and Dineh. They claim that "relocation and partitioning of lands" is the only solution to "this intertribal conflict." Knowing the US's practice of injustices upon the Indigenous Nations of America, one must ask themselves: Does the federal government intend to protect Indian territories or cultures, or will it consider business interests over an already poverty stricten Indian communities? Would the Fed. Gov't feel that Indian Nations of America is a higher priority over lands laden with aquifers and mineral resources? How can it be stated in the media for 25 years that "the Navajos invaded the defenseless Hopis, and occuppied the ancient Hopi lands," when there has never been any proven evidence of plunder or massacres according to the hundreds of existing archaelogical informations? Interests of mineral explorations is way more evident today, than seeing the Hopis reviving their cultures and creating new village sites on their newly awarded lands. Both of these traditional Nations have suffered the consequences of losing all of the ancient homelands. Peabody Western Coal Co. is the only thriving industrial commuity on Black Mesa/Big Mtn. Citizens of the World need to put a halt to this destruction of the sacred Mother Mountain and her ancient children! [ed note: Thanks dj, a quick prime anarchist note: if there's such a range war going on, then how would a jew/swede like me have gone into town (Hotevilla) for mail with a navajo man visiting a hopi man smoking pot with him while he makes dinner for his wife off at work, and his baby boy in a backpack behind him???] ATI: Below is your entry as it currently stands in the e-zine-list database. You may see it as it appears online by going to the following URL: Please check that all the information is current and accurate. Dear PrimeAnarchist I found a tiny black hair in my cigar the other day. I see by your last week's edition that you're not allowed to print whose - but I lit it up and it really did taste great. Too bad you can't give credit. She deserves the feedback. Bob "Less" Philing (202) [ed note: we'll pass that along (tongue in...)] SOMEONE MAILED US all of these, and they left out some of the quotes. Please alert... * I think men who have a pierced ear are better prepared for marriage. They've experienced pain and bought jewelry. -Rita Rudner * I was married by a judge. I should have asked for a jury. -George Burns * Never go to bed mad. Stay up and fight. -Phyllis Diller * After a quarrel, a wife said to her husband, "You know, I was a fool when I married you." The husband replied, "Yes, dear, but I was in love and didn't notice." * A man said his credit card was stolen but he decided not to report it because the thief was spending less than his wife did! Hi Marco! I checked out your page, very cool! So you're a musician? Have you got plans to put audio clips on your webpage yet? friends call me PAULIE. (612) FOR YOUR SAFETY VIDEO CAMERAS MAY BE INSTALLED ON THIS BUS YOUR PICTURE MAY BE RECORDED UNDERCOVER OFFICERS MAY BE RIDING THIS BUS. WOULD YOU LIKE TO SUPERSIZE THAT? CORRESPONDERS AND TRAINSPOTTING >as per "thank for the research": no problem. >It's the least I could do. >Can you help me find any dirt on a company called >International Paper? >They're pretty huge. And I know they're growing >eucalyptus treas in Chiapas using loads of pesticides. >If you can help me find out anything >about other wrongdoings they're "culpable" in, >we can make them fight on many fronts and perhaps >they'll lose the eucalyptus battle. I did a web search on International Paper, and it all came up roses, even with some eco-friendly stuff about them... obviously biased. I even tried doing a search with words like "conspiracy" and "criminal" with their name and nothing then either. Otherwise, I don't know boo about IP. /\-----/ /ending/ /----\-/ Rather than a poem per se, we end with some words from the man I believe is the best living poet today. Subcommandante marcos. I've shortened it from what I received, but I must say it was better uncut. If I only had a larger zine, eh? And cutting this into 4 parts just couldn't happen. So I hope my editing was in good faith to the word... (prime) October 2, 1998 To the Honorable Generation of 1968 Brothers and sisters: I write to you in the name of the men, women, children and old ones of the Zapatista Army of National Liberation, in order to salute you on this date which remembers the 30 years of the massacre of Tlatelolco, but also the 30 years of a movement which fought for democracy, liberty and justice for all Mexicans. 68 is not just October 2 and the painful Plaza of the Three Cultures. 68 is not just Tlatelolco, the killing of children, men, women and old ones, unarmed and helpless in front of the tanks, the rifles, the machine guns, the stupidity of the government. 68 is not just the Plaza, summing up and exuding the blood of three cultures, under the death decreed by their political system, which continues today and is repeated with similar deaths. 68 is a window, through which to see and learn from, the open confrontation between various ways of making politics, between different ways of being human. 68 marked the history of this country in a definitive manner. Then, two countries confronted each other: the one built on authoritarianism, intolerance, repression and the most brutal exploitation; and that which wanted, and wants, to build on democracy, inclusion, liberty and justice. Above: The Mexico of the PRI and the military. The Mexico of violence and lies. The Mexico of those who pretend to govern for all. The Mexico of those who manage the catastrophe for the benefit of a few. The Mexico of the criminals who order and pull the trigger in Tlatelolco, in Acteal, in Chavajeval, in Union Progreso, in Aguas Blancas, in El Charco. The Mexico in the throes of death. Beneath: The Mexicoof those who live and die the rebellion and the struggle for justice in the only way possible, that is, their entire lives. The Mexico of those who followed and are following, demanding, struggling, organizing, resisting. The Mexico of those who did not make 68 a shameful past, a mere youthful indiscretion, a stairway to the bad government. The Mexico of those who, in unions, in education centers, in non-governmental organizations, in the popular neighborhoods, in the ejidos and communities, in the underground, in the streets and in the countryside and in the mountains, everywhere, are carrying on, are continuing, are resisting. The Mexico of those from below. The Mexico which will live. Mexico of 1968 Mexico of 1998 The Mexico of those who struggled and are struggling to be better in the only way it is possible to be better, that is, with everyone. To them, the men and women. To what follows. To those who resist. To those who continue. To those who, even dead, survived 68 and whom we see today on this side, together with us, although distinct and different. We, the zapatistas, salute those of always. 1968. 1998 Time to demand that the whole truth be known, that the crimes of yesterday and today not remain unpunished. 1968. 1998 Then and now the lie from above comes to conceal reality. The reality of blood staining the plazas. The reality of authoritarianism raised to crime. 1968. 1998 The reality of the dead and the living recollecting and tending the memory. The reality of the struggle which continues. The reality of the promised tomorrow, which will come... Vale. Salud and it cannot be forgotten: 30 years later...the struggle continues. >From the mountains of Southeast Mexico. Subcomandante Insurgente Marcos. Mexico, October 1998 feedback? This has been ATI tell your friends .