ati227.txt 0006050050 LIVE, FROM RADIO sHACK IT'S TICKLE ME JEWEL!!! : _____ _ _ :( _ ) ( )_ _ _ ( )_ :| (_) | ___ | ,_)(_) _ _ (_) ___ | ,_) :| _ | /'___)| | | |( ) ( )| |/',__)| | :| | | |( (___ | |_ | || \_/ || |\__, \| |_ :(_) (_)`\____)`\__)(_)`\___/'(_)(____/`\__) : _____ : (_ _)_ : | | (_) ___ ___ __ ___ : | | | |/' _ ` _ `\ /'__`\/',__) : | | | || ( ) ( ) |( ___/\__, \ : (_) (_)(_) (_) (_)`\____)(____/ Freedom, slack and cyberpunks You still in love with Gwen Stefani? I am. "One time Dennis Eckersly let me tag along with him and a couple other players for dinner. At the end of the night, the check came, and I didn't want to let it seem like I was trying to get a free ride. So I asked up, "How much do I owe?" Eckersley looked up at me and said, "Kid, did you just win the lottery??" I said no. Then he said, "Well, then shut the fuck up and never insult me like that again." I learned that, basically, whoever makes the most money or has had the most years of experience always picks up the tab - otherwise it's an insult to him." -- Jason Giambi, interviewed by Lance Gould in the June2000 GEAR magazine. ATI - Whenever we hear a kickass Ted Williams story, you hear it [bang,][bang,][bang,] here first. Hi there, I'm prime anarchist and let me start by saying, Dar Williams, you rokked my world last month. I'm still not over you. Wow, and we didn't even do anything. Go figure. Wow. Here's my column. I wrote it in one sitting a few mornings ago. First thoughts upon first light. Wonder what I was dreaming? Wonder what I ATE the nite before! Ready? SOCIAL SECURITY IS NEITHER a column. by prime anarchist Police state communism handed down as myth of capitalist representative democracy. Brilliant. I haven't seen a better orchestrated scam since the thirty dollar sand shark disguised as a scallop disguised as a maco shark. Or was that a scallop disguised...? Sorry, too many decades since. I guess the Energy Crisis was a doozy too. You know, I called this one when Gorbachev and Reagan were pretending to continue the cold war arguments. But I never allowed myself to think it through to its logical conclusions because I let everyone talk me into thinking it was nothing more than a hallucinatory flaw-riddled, hole infested conspiracy theory. A globalist communist police state imposed using democracy as its veil. I'm impressed! Gore hides behind gun control while Bush teases him about "Soilant Green." Mark my words, when some dark horse says s/he found a great way to save paper, taxes, time, the environ AND lives by having all economic transactions journalized with a toothbrush looking thing waved over a computer chip embedded near one of your wisdom teeth, look out. If Shrub Bush proposes it, run to the hills. And God forbid, if it comes from Tipper's hubby, shoot yourself. Clip me first though, please. K? --addendum/postscript This message is mostly for David Horowitz but really it's for all of us. To what do you owe your grand metamorphosis you keep harping on no matter what the topic is you're tackling as TV's expert witness for ex-liberalism? The one you see as left to right. The one you have so much pride over and ownership for. I'd type the words, but they're already so eloquent in the last 7 (seven) words to George Orwell's "1984." #'s to ATI: help save napster if we send this to 50000 people they cant shut down Ronisue it's absolutely official. webzine 2000 will be held on july 22nd, 2000 from 4am to 2am at 2050 Bryant Street in san francisco s.w.a.k. ryan j. Mi querido amigo Kokopeli! RE: > "Talvez, (perhaps) the most forwarded 'zine on > the continent." --some aussie zine review. > [I wonder which continent they're talking about, > and why Spanish sprinklings all of a sudden? > Hmm...] Australia perhaps? Spanish? Do not forget that great part of the mess we are enduring comes from the silly belief old Spain had that they were supposed to run the world... in the name of God, of course. They got a big chunk of land in that part of the world. They claim to own the Philippines. Today, lots of very good and decent Australians use Spanish as their own. "Hacking furiously"? Hasta la proxima! Pio So, How in the heck have you been? Do you remember holding previous conversations regarding business and money making opportunities. I did not send this to you in error! You said: "If only I could find an easier way to make a higher income" And "If I had more money, I could spend more time with my Family, and less time at work." And [-no...] Please e-mail me and I will send you a quote. I will beat any price you have been given. TRY ME !!!! to Please only send me songs that will make me cry. Terri. to ATI: Added your song HEY MON to our station. Wayne Dear Net Surfer, You have been selected among a reduced group of people to participate in... [ed note: no thanks. but "reduced group," love your lingo!] GET OUT OF DEBT!!! THIS IS NOT A LOAN!!! YOU WILL NOT BE TURNED DOWN!!! * Are you thinking about borrowing money to consolidate your bills? [no: why?] > (Disassociated Press)- BASRAH - Five Generals were > fired when an Abrahams M-1 tank hit an iceberg > killing 10 military and 45 civilians. Four generals > were army, and one coast guard. I just want to let you know I nearly wet my pants when I read this. You have a real talent. daisy [why thanky. flattery'll getcha breakfast in bed!] PARTICIPATORY PUBLIC PARODY From: "Akira Tommy Hilfiger Stay away from me. Tommy Hilfiger Won't you let me be? Don't try to show me your Tommy no more Your ad campain (spelled wrong on purpose) is such bore Now 'figer Says "Don't fuck with me" Tommy Hilfiger Card carrying Illuminati ABC's OF CONGRESS: THESE ARE THE PEOPLE WHO DISSED, DISSED. The phollowing A,B and C human beings voted to continue training death squads with OUR tax dollars. Shame on them, we pay them a TON of money. They should know better! [prime note: no, we don't have their email addys. Ask Matt Drudge!] Aderholt,Archer,Armey,Baca,Bachus,Baker,Ballenger, Barr,Barrett(NE),Bartlett,Barton,Bass,Bateman,Bereuter Berry,Bilbray,Bilirakis,Bishop,Bliley,Blunt,Bonilla, Bono,Boswell,Boyd,Brady(TX),Brown(FL),Bryant,Burr, Burton,Buyer,Callahan,Calvert,Canady,Cannon,Castle, Chambliss,Chenoweth-Hage,Clayton,Clyburn,Coburn, Collins,Combest,Condit,Cook,Cooksey,Cox,Cramer,Crane, Cubin,Cunningham THESE ARE THE PEOPLE WHO PISSED OUR MORALS AWAY. Honoring state run communism. It's not just for breakfast anymore. These are the A's, B's and C's who voted to give china the green light on everything except overtly invading Taiwan. Expect a bloodbath. Expect a good economy for us. Ackerman,Allen,Archer,Armey,Bachus,Baird,Baker,Ballenger,Barrett, Bass,Bateman,Becerra,Bentsen,Bereuter,Berry,Biggert,Bilbray, Bishop,Bliley,Blumenauer,Blunt,Boehlert,Boehner,Bonilla,Bono, Boswell,Boyd,Brady (TX),Bryant,Callahan,Calvert,Camp,Campbell, Canady,Cannon,Capps,Cardin,Carson,Castle,Chabot,Chambliss,Combest Cooksey,Cox,Cramer,Crane,Cubin,Cunningham GOD IS NOT ONLY RED; HE'S A SHE Say what? You've found a way To share Christ's love? His life, his beauty his way?? Without shoving him down peoples' Throats??? What took you so long? ==== Gandhi Waves ==== gentlereader, I wanted to reprint this a year ago or so, but I lost it right before presstime. Last week it suddenly came back to me, so here you go. > "Indian Message To the Moon" > When NASA was preparing for the Apollo project, it > did some astronaut training on a Navajo Indian > reservation. > One day, a Navajo elder and his son were herding > sheep and came across the space crew. The old man, > who spoke only Navajo, asked a question which his > son translated. "What are these guys in the big suits > doing?" > A member of the crew said they were practicing for > their trip to the moon. The old man got all excited > and asked if he could send a message > to the moon with the astronauts. > Recognizing a promotional opportunity for the > spin-doctors, the NASA folks found a tape recorder. > After the old man recorded his message, they asked > his son to translate it. He refused. > So the NASA reps brought the tape to the reservation, > where the rest of the tribe listened and laughed but > refused to translate the elder's message to the moon. > Finally, the NASA crew called in an official > government translator. He reported that the message > said, "Watch out for these guys; they have come to > steal your land." /DREAM/ Faberge gets hired to put on some huge gala this April 14th for Panamerica day. I'm famous for being famous and get asked what I think. "I hope one of his robots goes haywire and wreaks havoc all up and down wallstreet. There's be rejoicing every all around where." They want to know why I feel this way. "Economically this country has become one gigantically horrible bootleg of its old self." Falling A Prime Anarchist Poem My employment Gave me no pleasure A job gives no enjoyment? My career Taken under duress I wonder what's the fear? My life's work? Definitely not my job. Just what you daily do under a jerk. My calling - from above... On the other hand is singing In and out of love. -falling For everything you do, This Christina Aguilera song's for you. What sum R sayin' @ ATI Just watch out at 4am, when you haven't slept in 24 hours, your eyes are 1/2 shut... You look at one of the ATi issues... And freak out because you have no idea what you're reading! You're only aware that something is making your mind spin at mach 5, and everything makes sense, but at the same time it doesn't! Am I even making sense? --zapix dedication: Tito Puente 1923-2000 ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! Whew! That was a long issue. Hope you liked it. Watch for ATI228 s00n! Be k00l! ATI, changing the way people read 4 over 11 years. ATI, a freedom paper. ATI, a way of life. ATI, more than just a newspaper, it's the rag read round the world. No Doubt. .