FUN WITH AN AEROSOL CAN PART ONE OF MAYBE 2 things you will need 1 aerosol can (my friend used engine cleaner) 1 BB gun 1 candle you don't like or someone you don't like does like Directions take your aerosol can and put it right in front of the candle which will be take your bb gun and stand a LONG LONG LONG ways away actually not quite that far i stood about 30 feet away and i wuz too close my neighbor couldve done it anyways back to the good ole stuff when the person shot it it made a flame about 10 feet high and 3 feet around Legal stuff I TAKE NO RESPONSIBILITY FOR ANY INJURIES MISHAPS DEATHS OR ANYTHING WHERE YOU MIGHT GET HURT AS SAID IN ANARCHY DON'T EVEN THINK FOR 1 SECOND ABOUT MAKING THIS, especially if ur gonna sue me .