this phile is probobly not nesesary for pro spies. insted it was created by a well-unknown spi company for dumbass wanna-be's who think they are good but really if you are a wanabe spy,this mite help. #1,stealth and precations its good to go out at night,wear dark clothes that will camo you in. ALWAYS!COVER UP ANY SIGNS THAT YOU MIGHT LEAVE! eg.foot/finger prints. keep some kind of low damage weapon for defense including knuckels,bats,bb guns ect. Dont be seen! There is always some asshole that whill come out with a shotgun or something! Remembe,the brighter it is inside will make it easier to see inside. #2 positoning if you have a freind w/ you,it is good to get a hold of some 2-way radios, so they can keep you updated while you spi. make up some hand signals,cause your spyee might have a radio set to the channel 2 way-radous operate on. if you can,find some other shoes,then cut off the soles then tape them to the bottom of the pair of the shoes you are wearing,it will help change your footprint. #3 extras so if you wanna do damage,read on. if the have a satelite dish for tv,adjust it,so it wont work,if they have cable cut the lines. have some fun,locate the breaker box,turn off all the switches,then run like hell! if you are serious,find your fone box,if there wires r in it disconnect your wires, and strip a little bit off the ends then strip a bit of theres and connect them together,then see if you get ther fone calls! play dorr-bell ditch,when the come to the dor lite off a fire cracker,then point a laser at thee forhead,see what the do when the firecracker goes off. get a good laser,and some binoculars shine the laser in there windows,use the binoculars to see what they do,if you do it at close range,hide!ive done this to this guys wife at an apartment,he actually came out and chased me,but i had a good headstart. when people come to the door,shoot them witha dirtclod or chuck a rotten egg at them! if you find the fonebox cut their lines. if you wanna make money,find a change machine where you can slide the bill in and it grabs it and pulls it in,if you look hard enough,you can find ones that accept 20-100 dollar bills!ok get some scisors and a dollar bll or higher. if you look under the one lenght wise there is a little up side down v you want to cut that out maybe a little more than that,but make sure the whole ^ thing is gone! _______________________________________________________ | | | | | | ___ | { | | (1 | |______________^___________________________________________ ________________________________________________________| | | | | | ___ | { | | (1 | | | |___________ | | __________________________________________ be sure to WRInkle the bill in to a ball then roll it back out.this should work with 20's too.this should get you money though,if you need a pictuer e-mail me at have the subject "dollar bill" an F.O.S. production. .