kazaa, is one of if not the best way to get free anything. you can easily get kazaa at www.kazaa.com there just download the media desktop if you dont have a cable modem then you're screwed unless you get kazaa lite. Kazaa lite is the excect same thing as kazaa except it is about 10 times faster and it doesnt have any spyware. if you have spyware on your computer then the government can easily execc your computer and find out what you have downloaded. I strongly recommend getting kazaa lite for those of you who dont have kazaa you should know that unless people download things from you on kazaa your downloads are going to be slow so do share and dont cancel any uploads they donteffect how fast your computer runs kazaa also has a participation level. which is based on how many kb you downloaded and how many kb were uploaded from you the higher your participation level the faster your downloads work. there is a way to make your participation level higher it isnt very hard to do either the highest the participation level can go to is 1000 all you have to do to get your pl that high is go on this site http://www.k-lite.co.uk/ then click download on the top left corner of the screen and download kazaa 2.1.0 =============read if you already have kazaa========================== if you a already have kazaa the regular version then delete it before you instal kazaa lite you might want to make a copy of your shared folder just in case when you install kazaa lite use the same user name as you had before that might transfer all of your old kazaa files from your shared folder it didnt work for me but it did work for a lot of other people i know when you install your kazaa lite make your speed of uploads unlimited now your level can never change it will always be at the highest 1000 ==================================================================== ===========read if you dont alrready have kazaa===================== after downloading it install it and during the instalation it will ask you to set a speed for uploads put it at unlimited now your level can never change it will always be at the highest 1000 =======================read this=================================== when you get kazaa lite keep on sharing dont screw it up for the rest of us if users of kazaa\ lite dont share then kazaa lite isnt going to be available anymore so please share if you have any questions you can contact me at thegreatone1860@sbcglobal.net This file is owned by the author kingfisher. This file may be distributed freely, as long as it is not modified. __ _ _ | | |\ / _ | | |/ \ _ | | |\ / __ |__| |/ + .