====================================================================== T A L O N 7 ______ __ ______ __ ____ ____ __ _ ___ ____ | || | | \ | | | || | | \ | | | || | |__ ||__| |___ | | | | _||_ | | \ |_| |___|| | | | ___ | | | | | | | | | \__ / / | | / / | |_ | |___ | |_ _| | | | / / | | | | | | | | | || | | |\ | | | |___| \__| |____| |______| |____||____| |__| \__| |___| ====================================================================== talon7.org + KAZAA SPYWARE REMOVAL + talon7.org ===============| 01/22/03 |================== | paranoidxe | +=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=+ Install the software from Kazaa, make sure you do not allow it to install it's promotional software, install Kazaa normally. This guide applies to Kazaa 1.7 or higher. ----------------- Cydoor Dummy File ----------------- Cydoor is Kazaa's method of ad delivery, and if you kill the files it will lead to Kazaa not functioning properly. First thing you need to do is delete the existing cydoor files, here's how: - Open Regedit (start - run.. - regedit - ok) - go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\ - Delete "Cydoor" - go to HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\ - Delete "Cydoor" - Now browse your computer, go to C:\%WINDIR%\System (System32 on NT) - Delete files cd_clint.dll, cd_htm.dll Now go online and download the dummy cd_clint.zip file: http://www.cexx.org/cd_clint.zip http://www.geocities.com/poiuyt_1940/cd_clint.zip http://www.geocities.com/subdimember/cd_clint.zip Once downloaded, unzip the cd_clint.dll into Kazaa's installation directory, OR unzip it to C:\%WINDIR%\System\ or C:\%WINDIR%\System32\ (NT4/2K/XP). ------------------ STOP KAZAA POP-UPS ------------------ Even though the dummy file is in place, this does not stop pop-ups that occur in Kazaa..this requires modifying HOSTS file in Windows. To do this: - In Win9x/ME/XP go to C:\Windows\Hosts - Open HOSTS with a text editor - add the following line: desktop.kazaa.com, under localhost - In WINNT/2K go to C:\WINNT\System32\Drivers\etc\HOSTS - add the following line: desktop.kazaa.com, under localhost - Save the file Congratulations, your Kazaa is now Spyware and Ad-Free. +-------------------------------------------+ |THIS DOCUMENT IS PROPERTY OF TALON 7 E-ZINE| +-------------------------------------------+ .