HOW TO KILL ANNOYING FAMILY MEMBERS by lovelie18 im not responsible for this shit so if the police find out about the dead bodies, dont blame me. if you love your family and all why the hell are you reading this??? you might hate your siblings because they get everything. you might hate your parents because they piss you off. everybody wants to kill their family sometime. 1)STABBING easy. just get some nails and stab the victims in the heart 2)POISONING get some high class poison and poison your family's meals. they should be dead in 5 mins. make sure the fone is unplugged in case your family calls the police or 911 or something. 3)CHOKING grab a string or a rope or something. then tie tie rope tightly around your family member(s) neck(s) while they are asleep. use duct tape for silencing. 4)CUTTING use a kitchen knife, axe or anything with a blade. cut your member(s) to death! 5)STARVING handcuff your parents and tie them to something or lock them into a room. make sure that you dont let visitors come in during the process. it might take a few weeks. leave your family in that position for a few weeks. in fact leave the bitches until they die. DONT give the assholes any food and drink. thats the whole purpose of this one. 6)KILLING IN A ACCIDENT this one only works on one of the bitches and only can be the adults old enough to drive. well probably you can kill 2 people. what you do is distract your parents while driving. this method might NOT kill but injure your family. distract the driver until they have a accident. thats all. unscramble the message below for extra fun. ohpe hits railtec swa eplfhlu nda oogd ulkc email me at Emojilovelie18 .