The Basic Cipher ====================================== created by, UndeadPhreak ******************************************** I have allways loved codes and ciphers, so i have put the basics into this file. these ciphers are simple and chances are you've already used then before. But they work. first of all there are two types of code, there is the "Transport Cipher" and and the "Substatute Cipher". (Cipher is a fancy word for code) A Transport cipher is when you mix up the letters from the original text (also called the "plain text") this kind of cipher can be as simple of as complicated as you want, just keep in mind that your goal is not stop your enemy from deciphering the mesage as much as it is to buy time so that by the time they do decipher it the information will be useless. A Substatution Cipher is when you substatute other letters, numbers, or symbols for the plain text. this is the most common form of Ciphers because they are easy to remember. the downside to this kind of cipher is the fact that it is easy to crack, the person trying to figure it out simply has to find a pattern in the code to figure out what the letters are. now i will give simple examples of both forms. first we will use a "Transportation Cipher" to encrypt this sentance: "meet me sunday by the boat house" now that we know what will be in our cipher we can start to encrypt it. we will use a simple form. in this form we will write down our sentance so that it makes a box five letters wide. MEETM ESUND AYBYT HEBOA THOUS EENDM since there is four spaces left i added the letters; ENDM for "end mesage". now that we have made our box, it is time to copy down the cipher text. To do this we simply write down the letters going down instead of across like the plain text. after we do this our mesage looks like this: MEAHTE ESYEHE EUBBON TNYOUD MDTASM To decipher our message all we have to do is make another box, it will look like this: M E E T M E S U N D A Y B Y T H E B O A T H O U S E E N D M Then we write down the letters moving across the box, after we do that it will look like this: MEETM ESUND AYBYT HEBOA THOUS EENDM Now all we have to do is add space in the right places: MEET ME SUNDAY BY THE BOAT HOUSE ENDM you can use any shape you want and any form of transfering your plain text to it. Now we will use a Substatution Cipher. first of all we need to make a key for our cipher, both the sender and the reciver must either have a copy of the key or have it memorised. for our key we will use our keboard, here is our key: Q = A W = B E = C R = D T = E Y = F U = G I = H O = I P = J A = K S = L D = M F = N G = O H = P J = Q K = R L = S Z = T X = U C = V V = W B = X N = Y M = Z Okay, now that we have our key we can start enciphering our message. Group all of the letters into five letter "words" MEET ME SUNDAY BY THE BOAT HOUSE becomes MEETM ESUND AYBYT HEBOA THOUS E Now lets use our key to hide the message. after we use our key we get this: DTTZD TLXFR QNWNZ ITWGQ ZIGXL T Now all the reciver has to do is match the letters with the ones on the key to find the message. These are too very simple and basic examples of ways to encypher a message, but both are the base of most codes and ciphers. you can change and modify you own codes any way you chose, the posabilities are endless! until next time.... UndeadPhreak contact me @ created on 12/19/11 @ 3:12 PM .