============================================================================ WoN Log Archive -by Draxamus ============================================================================ Intro ------ Before I begin, I need to explain a few things. Back around the time I first got the internet (mid-98), I found The Unofficial World of Nintendo Chat Room (WoN). The first incarnations of WoN were Beseen chats (Commonly referred to as the Old WoN chats). I went to these chats infrequently, and I wasn't a big part of them. Sometime in late '98 Jesse Smith (the owner of the chats) instituted a new chat script, which became known as New WoN. Over the years New WoN has changed a bit, but it has still remained fundamentally the same. Since 1998 New WoN has become an integral part of my internet experience. In 1999 Jesse Smith abandoned Old WoN in favor of his new chats. However, Old WoN was not forgotten by its population. Gau, an Old WoNer, created a site devoted to Old WoN. The site had the old chats, profiles of Old WoNers, memoirs, and most importantly, chat logs. So years later my pal Cecil and I make New Times, a site devoted to the New WoN chats. Logs were a big part of the site, and I made most of them myself. The logs were just copies of the HTML source of the chat window. Over time, New Times became home to dozens of these logs. As I said in the previous paragraph, I made most of the chat logs myself. However, some of the chat logs were submitted by various New WoNers. I also have to thank archive.org for a lot of logs that I didn't have. The logs that I made were usually of something "humorous," as were the logs submitted by other people. The logs I obtained from archive.org are random. The reason I'm putting all of the WoN logs into a text file is one of preservation. Web sites come and go, but text files are immortal. Logs ----- The logs will be separated into groups by the year that they were made. The exact date the logs were made will precede each individual log. Now without further ado, here are the logs. 1999 ------ 10/20/99: ROM: Die. Damian Hunter Leonhart: Dauphin of Hell & Slayer of God: I went to Kender at like noon..and everyone was Drunk and couldn't speak... Crimson Princess: *laughs* Crimson Princess's Poopoo: (Doesn't act like this in KC... Only here) Damian Hunter Leonhart: Dauphin of Hell & Slayer of God: ooooooaaaaaaaaaooiyooooooo whoooaaaaooooo~ooo Vance, Omni-Knight First Class: ??? Princess Samantha (Fiancess of Prince Darion/EMW): *growls at the dumb assed IMP wanna be wh0re* Crimson Princess's Poopoo: *Is glad Sammi can spell whore* Vance, Omni-Knight First Class: BRB Damian Hunter Leonhart: Dauphin of Hell & Slayer of God: LOL@Ace Trian Knight of Gold: *smacks a wall, turning it into mercury* Draxamus: *gone* ROM: Die. Crimson Princess's Poopoo: (Wannabe whore..?...Wouldn't that make Crimson THE whore..?) Princess Samantha (Fiancess of Prince Darion/EMW): I SPELLED IT THAT WAY ON PURPOSE! YOU LOSER WHORE! YOU IMP! Damian Hunter Leonhart: Dauphin of Hell & Slayer of God: Justin...she is the Mega whore... Crimson Princess: Not quite Damian Hunter Leonhart: Dauphin of Hell & Slayer of God: *looks at Trian in a confused manner* Princess Samantha (Fiancess of Prince Darion/EMW): -silent- 2000 ------ 07/11/00: IP Juvenile™: Hello? IP Juvenile™: guess im talkin to meself IP Phuck™: Heh IP Juvenile™: Heh IP : .......... IP Alex Williams ~Assassin For The V.I.P~ ~Kassie's Fiance~: back' IP Alex Williams ~Assassin For The V.I.P~ ~Kassie's Fiance~: iz P.M.S. still here?? IP P.M.S. ( Evil Group Of Spy's) ( Keina, Meisha, and Fai): we wre waiting for you!!!!!! IP Alex Williams ~Assassin For The V.I.P~ ~Kassie's Fiance~: BAHHHHHHHHHH !!!!!!!!!!!!1 IP Alex Williams ~Assassin For The V.I.P~ ~Kassie's Fiance~: *runs away* IP Alex Williams ~Assassin For The V.I.P~ ~Kassie's Fiance~: *gone* IP P.M.S. ( Evil Group Of Spy's) ( Keina, Meisha, and Fai): *strut out of the mall* IP P.M.S. ( Evil Group Of Spy's) ( Keina, Meisha, and Fai): *gone* IP game winner: (cool) 08/16/00: IP Ray: I have to leave in about 10 mins IP Ray: Okay I am leaving bye IP SJ Egon(Teen Sayien): *walks in with a sigh on his face and his long black hair drags on the floor* IP SJ Egon(Teen Sayien): .......... IP SJ Egon(Teen Sayien): *sits down and waits for someone Nice to come in* IP SSJ4_Trunks (Teen Sajin): walkes in sup Teen? IP SJ Egon(Teen Sayien): hey IP SSJ4_Trunks (Teen Sajin): man WF is gone I think IP SJ Egon(Teen Sayien): huh.....Why? IP SSJ4_Trunks (Teen Sajin): she teleported to old house IP SJ Egon(Teen Sayien): o...that one IP SJ Egon(Teen Sayien): .......... IP SJ Egon(Teen Sayien): hello? IP SJ Egon(Teen Sayien): er........ooook*dissapears* IP SS Gohan: hi IP SS Gohan: any1 IP SS Gohan: gtiggiuyfhgtuirfyhgy7uojfoshdyvsbxhjsbnfcvdjshydbcbfuyvhdb cgyhvubgdyu76cfbvgsyfdhcgvbftdbkuyvhbgdyusbyvcfgbvbfduygsbvdfusgbfcjhkgy fgfctdgkgfbdftyvfbdyvgdukygbvftygbtydgbsygdbfvubskbfvdygtbtftydgskgdvsgk svbdkvfbkytgbbfcvtdvbstcvbukfdbfdutgvftgvbhccbfghvdiy IP gohan and fox(indigo chocobo): *phases in* IP gohan and fox(indigo chocobo): greetings if any one is here 08/17/00: IP Wisemew: oh hi juvy IP Andrew: *gone* IP Wisemew: is hb here? IP Juvenile: I dunno IP Wisemew: D*ammit IP Wisemew: Gone* IP Juvenile: **Iz OuTtIe** IP : *i S HERE* IP : Is Hb..*Dämns her Comp* IP : Bye Juve,Bye Mew,*G().\.3* IP Toz: is you that really loves! IP Toz: that chat stinks a lot! what a little scrolling text window! IP : What the ƒuck do you want? IP Got a Sec: Anyone know anything about to erase a save on an memory card for a n64?teract 10/17/00: IP Draxamus: ......... IP Draxamus: ......... IP Draxamus: ......... IP : hello? La-Voltaire: Wierd. EviL DeNTisT!!!: ... EviL DeNTisT!!!: brb IP Dark Shrine Knight: *Arrives, but sees now one here* Hello? Anyone here? IP Dark Shrine Knight: *no one* IP Dark Shrine Knight: Wow. I've never seen all these chats so empty... Did everyone die, and I was left?!? This su(ks!!!!!! IP Dark Shrine Knight: *looks at the void of emptyness* CAN ANYONE HEAR ME!?!?!?!?! *echoes* IP Dark Shrine Knight: So, where are all the zombies, and $hit? I'm REALLY all alone here?!?! IP Dark Shrine Knight: ..................................................... .................... IP Dark Shrine Knight: *is GONE* 10/17/00(2): IP slim: hre=here IP : *is looking to give someone a foot massage* IP : *Fades away*] IP : *gone* Jack: Miss me? Q (dragon): Here! Q (dragon): Here! : ne 1c here? EviL DeNTisT!!!: ... EviL DeNTisT!!!: brb IP : hello? IP Dark Shrine Knight: Is anyone here? IP Dark Shrine Knight: hello? IP Dark Shrine Knight: *lowers his head, and leaves* 12/16/00: IP Nina-sad: *speeds up to 100mph as the bridge starts to rise, letting a boat threw* IP Nightmare: **Kilz the 0** pian=pain IP Gatomon: baby biyo ruka hang on tight IP Puke Cumstalker: *Kicks Dark into the water, where no cum can survive* IP Wild Wolf, Lord of Darkness: **rides after them, going about 85 mph** IP Nina-sad: HANG ON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! IP Baby Biyomon: *hangs on* IP Dark Neurator: *His CUm Saber begins to shrivel up* No..Son...Ugnh... IP Gatomon: *hangs on* IP Puke Cumstalker: Unbiological son... IP Wild Wolf, Lord of Darkness: **flips a little button, excellerating to 120mph** IP Nightmare: **Follows behind wolf** IP Dark Neurator: (Cum demnit...) IP Nina-sad: *the car flies threw the air the water below them now* 12/16/00(2): IP Nikki: Back. IP Nikki: Woo-hoo, empty. GoNe!? *leaves.* IP pikachu2000: hello IP Master Lance: *walks in* IP Shadow M2k: *A light apears from the ground and he apear's*.......... IP Shadow M2k: Hey Wuts up? IP Shadow M2k: Is any one here?????? IP Shadow M2k: .......................................................... .......................................................................... ..... IP Shadow M2k: GO/\/E!!!!!!!!!!1 IP †**~Omicron**Tyrant~**†(Mice*r*nice~But*weasels*r*better) : ! IP †**~Omicron**Tyrant~**†(Mice*r*nice~But*weasels*r*better) : uh...gone tp pokeyman battle...:P IP Bumatta~dragon of power: *flys on with a depressed look* IP Bumatta~dragon of power: hhhmmmmm no one here good i will wait here for some one IP Bumatta~dragon of power: *waits for someone to come* 12/16/03(3): Sotsuma Yimushiro: Atleast you have an enemy.. Zelphyr Crypt TrueBlood: Im sorry Zelphyr Crypt TrueBlood: not one but millions Sotsuma Yimushiro: My enemies..all gone..*sighs* In outrage at my fathers claim I destroyed my villiage...And then that's when Traikis noticed me..Lord Traikis Kyreu Nethermoon..He took me in..trained me..and together we defeated the entire empire of Kraigg.. Zelphyr Crypt TrueBlood: I must find estebar and kill his "Chaos warriors" then I will kill him and have vengance for what he has done Sotsuma Yimushiro: After that..I was Traikis's deciple.. But at my defeat to a powerfull witch known only as Ornack..I was cast down in shame..in her death and my defeat of Zelne I was his deciple once more..But I grew restless and faught against him for a time.. Sotsuma Yimushiro: I couldn't bare to kill off more of my family..For by then he was considered a brother..I gave in and left the empire to search for my own way..a new path to take.. Sotsuma Yimushiro: *stands up, walking past Zelphyr a strange feeling comes across the man causing him to shudder at Sotsuma walks on unfased. whisps of wind blow through his hair and then in one somewhat massive gust his body dissapates into the wind* Zelphyr Crypt TrueBlood: I found a old man who taught me the ways Of controling gravity and lighting he taught mje everything then he sent me off to find the answer of a question when I came back he was dead Zelphyr Crypt TrueBlood: **looks into the wind** bye my friend I hope our paths come across again **6(0)\//\3?** Mistress of Death: ... ben_3k: *will never fully understand role-players..........* ben_3k: *wonders out loud if any1 has seen Rajah or Ryo.... ............* ben_3k: *LEAVES AT 2:03 CHAT ROOM TIME* 2001 ------ 01/14/01: SVC Strife: good morning : hi SIR CRAPOLOT: .........*is bored* Angel: **flips through the window shattering the glass everywhere** Angel: Hello Angel: Anyone here?????????? Angel: **Starts to sing** Angel: I felt rain drops down and down on my head Angel: **Sits down** Angel: Rain dropd droppin down and down I Feel em coomin down------ hhhee Nothing to see And I know that your heaart and my heart can go on and o Angel: **flies out** Wankers With attitude: hi fuckers joey clary is a freak: joey clary is a FREAK!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! : ................ 02/04/01: IP ~Jesslyn Starchild~: Ok. See ya 536.47.81.2 SSY17 †HaRdCoRe† †‡***RYYAAN***‡†™,*the myth*: ... 536.47.81.2 SSY17 †HaRdCoRe† †‡***RYYAAN***‡†™,*the myth*: Jason? 536.47.81.2 SSY17 †HaRdCoRe† †‡***RYYAAN***‡†™,*the myth*: Outta here… **6(0)\//\3?** IP †Wildƒire†Desertbandit†: *Walks in* IP †Wildƒire†Desertbandit†: *Gone* The Scream: Heh....Wildfire actually came?Even if it was for a minute,it is a miracle! The Scream: *gone with a woosh of some white substance* IP ZeldaGirl: anyone here?? IP ZeldaGirl: WHERE IS LINK?! IP ZeldaGirl: errr IP ZeldaGirl: *gone* Duo Maxwell: hello Duo Maxwell: anyone here 03/31/01: IP ~*‡Feena‡*~™: Hum, IP Great Drak ~ Guardian of Fire ~: lee))** SNIFF ** you hurt my feelings. .....BOO HOO HOO! IP : †‡Lee‡†~Mage~(holds the power to break wind): Ooh, look at me! I love green! I eat 90 lbs of grean beans every day so I can shoot beems of energy out my a s s! IP : †‡Lee‡†~Mage~(holds the power to break wind): *relizes this form is also pathetic and reverts to doppleganger* IP ~*‡Feena‡*~™: *ponders as to why she is still here* IP Great Drak ~ Guardian of Fire ~: ** flies to pokemon ** i wonder if there are any good pokemon to annoy...? IP : follows IP ~*‡Feena‡*~™: Hum, Ya Newbie leave....guess I'll find somewhere more populated. IP Glorfindel: *Walks in* Greetings IP Glorfindel: GONE IP ~‡†*Ryoko*†‡~: *walks in* IP ~‡†*Ryoko*†‡~: er me 2*gone* IP love: love IP love: love 04/06/01: IP Karo~†Predator†~: Karen...... IP Ashîtaka (Zack): ... IP Karo~†Predator†~: Well Karen see you later *cloaks and gone* IP Ashîtaka (Zack): K then *gone* IP SSJ11Gohan(soldier of Omega X): Hello IP Fox: Anybody home? IP SSJ12Goku(soldier of Omega X): hello Kobe IP Crono: *flys in with white energy surrounding him* IP Crono: *flys out* IP shadow hunter neon eagle: IP shadow hunter neon eagle: HA HA MY EVIL CREATION!!!!!!!!!!! IP shadow hunter neon eagle: IP shadow hunter neon eagle: IP shadow hunter neon eagle: 04/12/01: IP SS Sage Cross-Knight: *opens up restaurant* IP Pyren Ariakan†Demi-God†Sage of Fire†Soldier of Omega X†: *looks at vladimere choking william* IP †William Wallace†part of 'celts' civilization~: she be killin my bloody body Dracula IP Ace: Okay Nikki, now, would you ever consider touching Ace Firestorm? IP Karen -vampire-: *is unable to block the kick* yah! IP Ace Firestorm™†SSJ Deamon†‡Soldier of Omega X‡: *shoots the kitty* dåmn it bïtch! IP †William Wallace†part of 'celts' civilization~: oooooow *iz hit* IP Vladimere Dracula: You should not worry about her. IP Romus Nymeth: I am logging this. IP Nikkilyn ~Ace's Kitty~: Depends. Is your last name Firestorm? IP Karo †Predator† *Cloaked*: she mabye a nusiance but a beautiful one she is IP Nikkilyn ~Ace's Kitty~: *denies the shooting.* IP Hydro ~Paladin Leader~ ~Pearl Bearer, Trident Master~: * lands and volts over william's shoulder, aiming a double-footed stomp/kick at vladimere's face* IP Ace: Karen, would you ever touch Ace Firestorm? IP Ace: Nope.. IP †William Wallace†part of 'celts' civilization~: the thing is, i thee never do nothing about Karen IP Nikkilyn ~Ace's Kitty~: Ack, looks like I've made an enemy without an attempt... o.O IP Magnaangemon *samus' digimon*: *iz hurt from the tackle at the speed he had gaind and the force* IP Vladimere Dracula: *ducks the stomp* IP †Silver Wolf†: Firestorm) what are you shooting with? IP Nikkilyn ~Ace's Kitty~: Oh, THAT dude over dere.. No, probly not. 05/31/01: IP Scorpion: Poof!! IP King Bob On The Cob: IP Scorpion: Hello Billy Bob.... IP King Bob On The Cob: Testerz? IP Scorpion: IP Scorpion: All gone.... IP love heel: that ban's not working the way it's supposed to. IP Scorpion: IP Scorpion: IP King Bob On The Cob: Poke crash! IP Scorpion: test IP Scorpion: AHHH!! IP Scorpion: IP Scorpion: Dube, dube doo 06/07/01: IP : . IP : . IP : . IP : . IP : *fixespoke again**gone* IP †‡±RZ±‡†™: IP Mage: Hello IP Mage: Goodbye IP GREY-WOLF: hi IP GREY-WOLF: hello IP Bunny: *Walks in* Hello? IP Bunny: GREY-WOLF? IP Bunny: Mage? RZ? :? IP Bunny: *Walks out and is GONE* 06/07/01(2): IP Spirit of Cowboy: IP SJ Ryashi (Sayajin Teen Prince): BYE! IP SJ Ryashi (Sayajin Teen Prince): **GoNe** IP SJ Ryashi (Sayajin Teen Prince): **GoFa** IP SJ Ryashi (Sayajin Teen Prince): **EoP** IP SJ Ryashi (Sayajin Teen Prince): **dEoP** IP Spirit of Cowboy: nig.ger IP †‡±RZ±‡†™: **6(0)\//\3?**~™ IP SJ Ryashi (Sayajin Teen Prince): ((Don't forget to visit my page at: www.geocities.com/inuki_ookami/Introduction.htm )) IP SJ Ryashi (Sayajin Teen Prince): ((And contact me through da contactz page! )) IP SJ Ryashi (Sayajin Teen Prince): **tEoP** IP †‡±RZ±‡†™: http://www.geocities.com/inuki_ookami/Introduction.htm IP †‡±RZ±‡†™: **6(0)\//\3?**~™ 08/01/01: IP ZELL/SeeD Master/BG/Omega X: *smiles at Renee* IP Dragon: Shadow Angel: *looks at Zentire* IP Zentire: OK thank you that is all i wanted to know IP Mirclya *human/cat mix*: ....... -_-' IP ZELL/SeeD Master/BG/Omega X: Smoke what do u want to know IP Xion Bernard~Nightscape Master: Smoke) I just told you what happened! IP ~Aiji Yuywell~Mistress of the Scythe~: ..... IP ZELL/SeeD Master/BG/Omega X: Omni? IP Xion Bernard~Nightscape Master: Smoke) Clash was killed so he could work on his RPG and not worry about what's going on in the chat. He'll be back after his RPG is done IP Sara-Crystal Princess: **Raises brave and Faith and Cuts the Elemental Blade apart* IP ±Valcrist±†‡Death Knight‡†: *jumps into the rafters and runs across them until he is above Mirclya* IP ‡†Smoke‡The Half-Masked Outlaw†‡: blade return*the element bas t ard leaf blade flies back to smoke and he grasps it by the handle* IP Xion Bernard~Nightscape Master: Smoke) Clash was killed so he could work on his RPG and not worry about what's going on in the chat. He'll be back after his RPG is done IP Omni†pesky little sprite†: Zell) you know, like a were wolf or a were rat or a were tiger or a were fox or my faveorite, a were raven. 08/02/01: IP Sakura Avalon: mared=maried IP Crono: i guess if you say you 2 are IP Crono: so whats it about you 2 IP Sakura Avalon: yeah, I got a z-mail (Zap mail) From him saying that he whants to have a devorce because I just reappared on the chats IP Sakura Avalon: after 6-7 mounths of not being around IP Crono: ............what do you want me to do IP Sakura Avalon: U said u could try to help IP Crono: i know......but im wondering what you want me to do.......stop the devorce IP Sakura Avalon: I just need u to help me to make him see the truth IP Sakura Avalon: just go back to poke mon ok? IP Sakura Avalon: *gone* IP Crono: ...............no im gonna help IP Sakura Avalon: *to poke mon* IP Crono: *gone* 08/04/01: IP ‡Ðart‡~KING of all Ðragoon~: g2g be back tomorrow IP †Edward Dinero†~scared of Digimon (getting eaten)~: heh, u should not fight me, i love to hunt tigers, but if u wish to compramice, i will get u IP Butz(fron final fantasy5): ? IP Naru Menchi: (... no Angie? O_o) IP Angie~Tiger Girl~: *walks to the resturant* IP Alicea(cheetah cub)*cheetah form*: *meows a little then stands up* IP Naru Menchi: (Bleh, only Alex or someone I know can join.. !?) IP Klya -tiger girl-: edward) GO TO HE||, BA$TARD!!!! IP Angie~Tiger Girl~: Hey!!!! IP Klya -tiger girl-: *stands slowly* IP Legion(Kid Space Dragon): *walks in* IP Angie~Tiger Girl~: ACK!!!!!!*Runs out* IP Drakon Ashura: ((yeah only Ol'Phoenix and other person can be in the RPG??)) IP butz: whats going on? 08/26/01: IP Trianos: It doesn't work that way for me. IP Draxamus: Trianos) I haven't cried for you yet. IP Trianos: Nothing does. I've been here the whole time. IP Trianos: And the whole time that I've actually been alive, it's been horrible. IP Draxamus: Uhh, no. IP Trianos: Shut up Drax. You don't know what I've dealt with my whole life. IP Draxamus: Boo hoo IP Trianos: .... I ought to kill you. IP Draxamus: What have you dealt with? IP Trianos: ... shìt.. IP Draxamus: Specifics IP Trianos: And more shìt. I get treated like shìt by almost everyone in my fúcking school. IP Draxamus: So? IP Trianos: They're all fúckers. And bästards. IP Kathran: You think you've dealt with shít..? Try my life..I get called anorexic and bulimic, they all tell me to go throw up..And then when I finally relax and have fun, I get raped and get pregnant..Do you think I'm ready for a child? IP Trianos: Kathran) You've never been raped. IP Kathran: Do you honestly think I can handle a baby at fifteen..? I don't think so... IP Draxamus: Trianos) What do they make fun of you for, loser? IP Kathran: Yes I have..I'm not talking about ICL.. IP Trianos: Kathran) I don't believe it. IP Draxamus: Tell me. IP Kathran: Well..Believe it.. IP †Ðante Sparda†**Ðemon**: *slowly walks in* IP Trianos: Drax) .... Stupid stuff.. but it happens all the time... it annoys me. IP Trianos: Kathran.. did they bring this person to justice? IP Draxamus: Trianos) You must be a loser, right? IP Trianos: Drax) yeah, I'm a loser. IP Draxamus: Loser. IP Kathran: No, because I was drunk and I don't remember what he looks like..The cops said that they're probably never going to find him.. IP Trianos: .. IP †Ðante Sparda†**Ðemon**: ... IP Draxamus: Liar. IP Kathran: And now when I want a cig, I can't have one, because I don't want my to turn out as fúcked up as I did... IP Kathran: My child rather.. IP Draxamus: Trianos) You don't deserve to live. IP †Ðante Sparda†**Ðemon**: *leans against the wall quietly listening to the converse* IP Kathran: ... IP Vivi: ... IP Draxamus: Trianos, I hope you get the crud beat out of you at school. IP Kathran: **Sighs** IP †Ðante Sparda†**Ðemon**: . 08/27/01: IP Pan Selwynn: *still looking into his eyes* IP Crono Selwynn: ...You're unbeleivably cute, you know that? *kisses her softly* IP Pan Selwynn: *talks like a 5 yr. old* weally? IP Pan Selwynn: Cwono you'we sweet IP Crono Selwynn: *smiles warmly* IP Pan Selwynn: i gtg now cwono IP Pan Selwynn: *kisses crono* IP Crono Selwynn: Bye... *gives her one last kiss (for the second time)* IP Pan Selwynn: bye i love you IP Pan Selwynn: *kisses him a gain* IP Pan Selwynn: *gone* IP Crono Selwynn: *gone as well* IP : EEEEEWWWWWWWWWW *pukes* IP : internet lust..........*shudders* *pukes* *shudders and pukes* 08/28/01: IP Blink: ill be waitng IP 00Babe: wating for what IP 00Babe: ??? IP 00Babe: hello??? IP 00Babe: Is any one here going to talk to me??????????????? IP 00Babe: Good Bye IP Quicksilver: *Walks in and looks around* IP Quicksilver: *Shakes her red hair and strats tossing pennies at unsuspecting people* IP Quicksilver: *Sighs and leaves, obviously none of you are penny people* IP Link: Hyrulean Hero: hello? IP Link: Hyrulean Hero: r u still here IP Link: Hyrulean Hero: * leaves* IP hello: hi IP [L]iN[k]: hey what up around IP [L]iN[k]: someone here has PAPER MARIO ? IP bigfatcockinyoface: sup you lovees IP bigfatcockinyoface: i have paper YO MAMA IP bigfatcockinyoface: biiiiatch! IP bigfatcockinyoface: n64 loves extremely large peni's 08/29/01: IP Draxamus: I SEND LEGIONZZ OF CLOWNZZ HURT YOU AHHH SPORK IP Draxamus: I KILL U WIT SPORK IP Draxamus: And that's how it is. IP -Allen-: ((Your the type of person that makes me want to sleep in Drax....makes me want to stay home and not go anywhere....your the type that glares at me in public for the way i dress and says things tou your friends like 'Yeah i bet i could beat the cr@p outta- IP Draxamus: YOu've either got that, or people stuck in character all the time. IP -Allen-: that pu$$y'' )) IP Draxamus: Allen) Loser. IP Miyako: ok IP -Allen-: ((Yes i am a loser....you have a problem what that?)) IP Nekia Tokei: Drax) or the people with about 50 different chars IP Draxamus: Allen) Yes. IP Revno Onius: (Well, it just turned out that way after awhile I guess..) IP -Allen-: ((What problem could you posibbly have with how i choose to live my life...it's none of your godd@mn business.)) IP Miyako: drax) don't you see you are the only nut in here? why don't you go somewhere else with that cr@p 09/09/01: Draxamus: Come on Kristea, KEEP GOING Kristea Yellow~AAA stripper/AAA slut: *continues to suck draxs cock, goes faster* Mephesto *Dark Age Savage*: **yawns, waves to Aclya** Chris: She followed my advice. Good. Zargathos: Kristea) How much is that going to cost drax? Aclya *tiger girl*: whoo wrong room Draxamus: OHH GODD *Dick falls off in her mouth* Aclya *tiger girl*: ... Zargathos: Kristea) How much is that going to cost drax? Aclya *tiger girl*: **gone** Zargathos: ROTFLMFAOARF@ Drax Draxamus: YOU BIT MY DICK OFF AHHHH Draxamus: AHHHHH *Starts bleeding to death* Kristea Yellow~AAA stripper/AAA slut: LOL Kristea Yellow~AAA stripper/AAA slut: well i didnt like his cock anyway, limp as hell 09/09/01(2): Zargathos: SEX MACHINE: *I RAM MY PENIZ IN TO YOU* Zargathos: SEX MACHINE: *I RAM MY PENIZ IN TO YOU* Zargathos: SEX MACHINE: *I RAM MY PENIZ IN TO YOU* Zargathos: SEX MACHINE: *I RAM MY PENIZ IN TO YOU* Zargathos: HAWWW Kristea Yellow~AAA stripper/AAA slut: ohhhh.....ohhhhhhhhh. ...yes...YES....AHHHH...AHHHHHH..OHHHHH...YES...OHHH...YESSS....OH GOD YES. ....AHHH...AHHH...AHHH John: wut SEX MACHINE: *I START TO GO FAST AN HARD* John: wut Kristea Yellow~AAA stripper/AAA slut: AHHHAHHHOHHHYESSYESS AHHHAHHHAAHHHAAHHHHHOHHHHHYESOHHHYESS SEX MACHINE: *I SUK UR BOOBIEZ AS I FUCK U HARDDD* Kristea Yellow~AAA stripper/AAA slut: *IS HAVING THE TIME OF HER LIFE* Kristea Yellow~AAA stripper/AAA slut: ok thats enough im feeling a spasm in my leg Kristea Yellow~AAA stripper/AAA slut: *leaves**gone* 10/04/01: Aliad Nabesco : (then it was Digi's, then DBZ....etc etc etc......) Kathran: (Sounds like fun..I don't really do much Simming anymore. I use medium chars, like this one.) lysell*amazon*: ooh... *gets up from the bed* i wish there where some kinda place where someone can enter into chat rooms, but write with minds.......*actually thinks it would be less tiresome* lysell*amazon*: i wish i knew a chat room that wasnt so boring.... lysell*amazon*: *GETS UP..... * wait a minute, somethin' not right *rewinds* *pushes herself from the bed but is too tired so she falls back in* Aliad Nabesco : (well...perhaps i will return later when there is more conversation to be had...) Kathran: (Take care..) lysell*amazon*: *GETS UP WITHA SMALL PUSH, and agrees with aliad *for the first time .... bye. Aliad Nabesco : *stands from his lean against the wall, striding toward the door as he pushes off* Aliad Nabesco : *pauses in mid stride, tiping his head to Kat, then exiting* Kathran: **G()\\//\\é** lysell*amazon*: *ready to open the door, but collapses...* lysell*amazon*: ooh, bye.... *wait up, aliad* SexyGirl: bartz? 10/15/01: IP Jace Sigeki(BioWolf)™: *glances around*... IP Tarunia: There's someone in the N64 chat who wants to C-Y-B-E-R! IP Carrie~Tiger Girl~: *backflips* IP ‡Ðart‡~KING of all Ðragoon~: Sandra) I am leaving this chat forever, there are too many Bounty hunters that kill dragoons*looks at Dramac* I am fed up and besides no 1 likes me, i just want all of you to be witnesses so that no1 will look for me when i die! IP Carrie~Tiger Girl~: ((Umm NO)) IP Slash (experimental creation/warrior-ssj3): *runs in* IP ‡Ðart‡~KING of all Ðragoon~: *Yanks the trigger back all the way* (B-A-N-G) IP ~Sandra~*Jewel Hunter*: (((Dart, you don't seem to realize something .....))) IP Draxamus: Tarunia) Forgive me if I'm not sprinting for the chance. IP Openly Homosexual: hi IP Slash (experimental creation/warrior-ssj3): god..so many wolfs.... *swishes his tail around* IP Axel Iaito: *Blinks* Why do you want to marry me, you don't even know my name... IP ‡Ðart‡~KING of all Ðragoon~: *Falls back and is dead* IP Slash (experimental creation/warrior-ssj3): *jumps into the rafters* IP ‡Ðart‡~KING of all Ðragoon~: *puddle of blood is overflowing his body and finnaly his body fades away* ******Gone Forever!******** 10/16/01: IP Draxamus: *Pulls his pants and underwear down to his ankles, and has a seat on The_Toilet* IP Jim Rome: *Runs after Drax* IP Draxamus: *Lets IT ALL out* IP Draxamus: *Makes groaning noises* IP Drax's Butt: *Convulses* IP Draxamus: *It smells pretty bad* IP Drax's Butt: *Is no longer a target of Jim Rome's* IP Draxamus: *Can't find the Toilet_Paper* IP Jim Rome: *Passes out* IP Drax's Butt: *Needs to be wiped* IP Draxamus: Where is the Toilet_Paper? ARGH! IP Toilet_Paper: *is on fire* IP Drax's Butt: *Is slowly crusting over* IP Draxamus: *Grabs the Toilet_Paper, and smacks it against a wall, trying to put out the flames* IP Toilet_Paper: *unrolls, still on fire* IP Drax's Butt: *Still crusting away* IP Toilet_Paper: *laughs at your crusty ass and burns* IP Draxamus: No! IP Draxamus: *Weeps* IP Drax's Butt: *Needs to be wiped* IP Drax's Butt: *Desperately needs to be wiped* IP Draxamus: No Toilet_Paper left... IP Draxamus: *Looks at his hand* IP Draxamus: Nah IP Draxamus: *Takes off His_Shirt* IP Drax's Butt: *Eroding* IP Draxamus: *Wipes Drax's_Butt, with HIs_Shirt* IP Draxamus: *Desperatly tries to wipe off the crusty sh.it* IP Drax's Butt: *Clean once again!!* IP Drax's Butt: *Is once again beautiful* IP Draxamus: *Sheds a tear of joy, and hugs Drax's Butt* IP Drax's Butt: *Hugs back* 11/03/01: K/\BLE™: *while kissing her he rubs up and down her slowly* Lilymon (The mon of all mons): *smiles for a minute then continues kissing him* K/\BLE™: *breathes deeply as he goes deeper inside her* Lilymon (The mon of all mons): *Licks his chest* K/\BLE™: *starts fucking her hard moving in and out and while licking her nipples* Lilymon (The mon of all mons): *kisses him fondly* K/\BLE™: *feels her start to cum on him* Lilymon (The mon of all mons): *wonders what is going to happen next* K/\BLE™: *fucks her harder till he cums into her* Lilymon (The mon of all mons): *sighs contently* K/\BLE™: *takes his cock out of her and pulls his pants up* ROM: Hi! ^_^ K/\BLE™: *kisses her softly again* : she wants more 11/13/01: IP POKE-HAtttER: OH, SHUT UP!!! You know, I think your'e a Biitc- hyy A- SS FU-- CK-HEAD IP POKE-HAtttER: P E E ON A HORN-LOG!!!!!!!! IP BLASTOISE1234: SHUT-UP pokemonhatter[[bast_tard pus_sy as-s Charizard77: F- UCK A LOVE TREE IP POKE-HAtttER: UP YO A--SS IP POKE-HAtttER: SHUT UP SI SSY A S S!!! YOU LIKE POKEMON!!! HA-HA!!!!!!! IP BLASTOISE1234: i got a girl and you don't pus_sy a s s IP Baby Biyomon: *appears**dissapears* IP POKE-HAtttER: You know---- Youre a pretty decent SPER M L OG IP Charizard77: HI, BABY!! IP BLASTOISE1234: SO , i jest collect the cards for the big bucks IP POKE-HAtttER: BLASTOISE- HOW COME YOU f UCK YO MAMMA?? IP BLASTOISE1234: shut-up bye IP Black Pather: *trots in* 11/22/01: IP †\/@LKÝ®/\P!M()ц ~owner::Rei~: ((shut up... you speak of things you know nothing about, child.)) IP Draxamus: I know everything, SWEETY. IP Wreak ~A Father~: ((Drax 1 i must say, get a life...... 2 i must say it's a friendly kiss *smacks him*)) IP †\/@LKÝ®/\P!M()ц ~owner::Rei~: ((*is no sweety* I know he loves Samus. I don't love him. There is nothing here. Stop meddling in others' affairs and mind your own god damm business.)) IP Draxamus: Don't you people leave when you say you've left? IP †\/@LKÝ®/\P!M()ц ~owner::Rei~: ((no, we stick around just for y00!!!! *hugz*)) IP Draxamus: Rapimon) Everything is my business. IP Wreak ~A Father~: ((sometimes yes)) *gone4reel* IP Draxamus: Which person are you hugging? ^_^ IP †\/@LKÝ®/\P!M()ц ~owner::Rei~: *gone* IP †\/@LKÝ®/\P!M()ц ~owner::Rei~: ((YOU, pompous jack ass *gone4realz*)) IP Draxamus: That makes me sad. IP Draxamus: Awww IP Draxamus: THAT MAKES ME HAPPY 11/22/01(2): IP ~*Kari Web*~: *Smiles and him but frowns* I have to go now. IP ~*Kari Web*~: =( IP -Allen-: Awww....**Sits up and hugs her**...i'll miss you Kari.... goodnight.. IP ~*Kari Web*~: *Hugs him back* I'll miss you to. *Stands up* All see you Friday, Saturday, or Sunday If your on. I know I will be IP -Allen-: **Smirks**I'll try to be around...it was nice meeting you. IP ~*Kari Web*~: Yes, you too. IP ~*Kari Web*~: Have a Nice Thanksgiving. IP -Allen-: you too. IP ~*Kari Web*~: *Waves goodbye to him and walks out* IP ~*Kari Web*~: *Is gone* IP -Allen-: **smiles and lies back on the couch**... IP -Allen-: *gone* IP ~*Lylas Rahn*~: brb IP wanna talk meet in WoN: meet there 11/24/01: IP Phatcat906: your calls su ck so much choad, and i bet you dont even know what choad means IP Phosorus *Fiery Warrior*: But you've probably had a good three years there already... IP Phatcat906: Well I am in 2nd grade so you got dissed off your ass by a little kid! IP Phosorus *Fiery Warrior*: Your only in second grade 'cause your parents paid for better grades! IP Phatcat906: im only 7, so your calls must really su ck! IP Phatcat906: how old are you, 14? IP Phosorus *Fiery Warrior*: If your only seven, then how come you act like a two year old? IP Phosorus *Fiery Warrior*: Dropped on your head when you were little? IP Phosorus *Fiery Warrior*: Or did your parents not care about you enough? IP Phatcat906: 1.thats a WICKED bad call.2. Im not actin like a two year old, cause i told you off abuot 10 times!!! IP Phosorus *Fiery Warrior*: Sure you can count that high? IP Phatcat906: My parents care abuot me more than your drunck lazy exuses for parents IP Phosorus *Fiery Warrior*: At least my parents can look at me without gettin' sick! IP Phosorus *Fiery Warrior*: Having trouble spelling m o r o n? What's takin' you so long? IP Phosorus *Fiery Warrior*: I'm OUTTA here! Lemme know when you're ready to play with the bigs! IP Phosorus *Fiery Warrior*: *Gone* 11/27/01: IP Brian: And do you think I believe you? You put "WoN Champion" in your ƒuckin' handle two weeks ago until I told you that it was idi0tic. IP ~Candice's Body Gaurd~ Scorpion ''Bluefire'' Arunsun: **Jumps up, bringinjg the back of his leg down on her head, or attempting to** IP Joseph Lingrill: Kurow....(I am the one training you so you wont be this lame, remember?) I will kill you if you bother me too much. IP Luna ‡Goddess of the Blue Star‡: *looks at rafa confused* IP : No more name. IP Kurow Kirishima: must be david, he was trying to hack my comp. last night, IP Brian: Actually, I think it was Joseph who told me that Kurow said that he beat Drusain. IP Draxamus: OOHOHOHO IP Rafa (6 Winged Angel Knight): I see...........kain didn't want me to die IP Destiny's Girl: bye bye name! IP Brian: .... IP Chinsha *wolf/human halfling*: *is driven to her knees by this...still bent over* IP Brian: KUROW U GHEY FAHG IP Kurow Kirishima: hey how am i bothering you, and id like to see you try, i asked for help on ATTACKS and you haven't given told me a d@mn thing IP Kurow Kirishima: hey how am i bothering you, and id like to see you try, i asked for help on ATTACKS and you haven't given told me a d@mn thing IP Destiny's Girl: I don't wanna go to jail in Mexico!!!! IP Brian: WHY WOULD IT MATTER IF SOMEONE HACKED YOUR COMP? IP EternalWickedLady: *walks over to Kurow*Hey. IP ~*Aila Canusian*~-Snow Angel-: *looks around bored* IP Joseph Lingrill: (David did none of the sort, he wasnt on all last night) IP Luna ‡Goddess of the Blue Star‡: who's kain and what's going on? IP Joseph Lingrill: (Because you leave and dontlisten) IP \/oltage: HEY...KUROW R KEWL IP ~Candice's Body Gaurd~ Scorpion ''Bluefire'' Arunsun: **Backs up a few steps, then charges toward Chinsha, diving feet first at her** IP Brian: Joseph, I think it was you who told me that he beat Drusain, didn't you? IP Kurow Kirishima: I NEVER SAID THAT I BEAT DRUSIAN OR WHATEVER I DONT EVEN KNOW THE GUY AND DAVID SAID HE WOULD DO STUFF TO ME AND THIS WAS PROBABLY SOMETHING IP Destiny's Girl: Kurow you're a bad liar...try to think of better excuses.. IP Rafa (6 Winged Angel Knight): Maybe I should tell you Luna IP : D.G, you going out with Dsk yet? IP ~*Aila Canusian*~-Snow Angel-: eh lordy... IP Chinsha *wolf/human halfling*: *slowly "unbends" and gets kicked onto her back* KAH! |STOP!| IP EternalWickedLady: Kurow? IP Luna ‡Goddess of the Blue Star‡: yeah ya should IP Joseph Lingrill: No. IP Brian: Kurow, fine then. I believe you. In that case, I still have the one-up that you put "WoN Champion" in your title last week. IP Kurow Kirishima: hey destinys girl, how long you been here a few days, me and david have been at it for about 4 months now or somthing, IP Joseph Lingrill: Before you even start on me. I never said anything of the sort. 11/27/01(2): IP The KIng of Evil~was poo~: *sits down and crys* i want a friend IP The KIng of Evil~was poo~: i have nun IP The KIng of Evil~was poo~: it's sad IP The KIng of Evil~was poo~: the scream just got blurry! IP The KIng of Evil~was poo~: I'm going crazy! IP The KIng of Evil~was poo~: *crys* IP The KIng of Evil~was poo~: *why did I become the king of evil* IP : BECUZ U R GHEY IP The KIng of Evil~was poo~: SHUT UP F@G IP : HEY U R F@G IP The KIng of Evil~was poo~: you loving lover who is loving IP : U LOVVEEEERR IP The KIng of Evil~was poo~: man dumb censers IP The KIng of Evil~was poo~: u CR@P head IP : U DSIFSO .. F@G! IP ~*Kari Web*~: =( IP The KIng of Evil~was poo~: why are you talking about yourself? IP : I don't have netsex with guys. IP The KIng of Evil~was poo~: at least i am a guy IP : Keep telling yourself that. IP The KIng of Evil~was poo~: why? IP The KIng of Evil~was poo~: it's only true to you/font> IP : Because you're just PRETENDING, like stuff. IP The KIng of Evil~was poo~: wait i am a guy IP : I am a guy. IP The KIng of Evil~was poo~: you are a guy/gal IP : Guy. IP The KIng of Evil~was poo~: i know i'm a guy IP : Now die, because I'm leaving. *Leave* IP The KIng of Evil~was poo~: what about you] IP The KIng of Evil~was poo~: *leaves in a rage* 12/01/01: IP Rafiekyle-: (Der...too much parnthisis) IP Rafiekyle-: (*Eats all typos*) IP Blue-greenish name Guy: *Feeds some more data to Voltage* IP Blue-greenish name Guy: *Lands on the ground* IP Rafiekyle-: (boing) IP Blue-greenish name Guy: Okay, Volt... Catch up to me... *Blasts off quickly to the distance* IP Ryyaan *OuT-oF-OrDeR*: ...... IP Blue-greenish name Guy: *Can no longer be seen* IP \/oltage™: *absentmindidly thinking of the sky when suddenly, he is fed data and is floating in the sky*Wow...it's never been that easy... IP : .. IP Blue-greenish name Guy: (It's not that easy, Volt) IP Rafiekyle: *Trash's stuff* IP \/oltage™: What happened?*thinks of standing on the ground and is there* IP \/oltage™: My god...this is Force of Will ten times over... IP Blue-greenish name Guy: (Volt... you seem to be unable to grasp this... So...) *Pushes the button again, and he and Volt are back in the room* IP \/oltage™: Blue)The Shems don't have this power...I know...What did you give me? IP Blue-greenish name Guy: I gave you the research recorded by (special method) that allowed you to think exactly as a Shem would. IP : *Just sits there breaking stuff absent mindedly.Destroys the chats bar and steals a bunch of whiskey.Makes a few bombs with the Whiskey. Ties them together and puts a torn cloth that leads to three bottles. Lights the cloth on fire and hurls it into a wal- IP Blue-greenish name Guy: And the knowledge of doing a few select things. IP : -l.Waits for the "big boom"* IP Blue-greenish name Guy: boom. 12/04/01: IP Legion(Kid Space Dragon): (you did it to ed) IP †Trib†*Aggressive Mode*: *keeps weakly running away IP Legion(Kid Space Dragon): (just a thought ^ ^) IP Draggy~Age 2: Wow. Cool. So what are Trib and the other one evil for? IP Emma Frost: ok. N00t or legion virus? ((And no i didnt make up ythe name its been around for years)) IP Renamon: ............................................. IP Emma Frost: or my own person IVY virus, which frezzes u otta the chat IP Legion(Kid Space Dragon): (the one that works best) IP Magnadramon~Holy DigiDragon god: Go Trib, you scoundrel! I will follow you for eternity like I said! IP Gatomon: *tackles trib*hewwo IP Emma Frost: ok Ivy it is IP Draxamus: OOHOHOHO IP †Trib†*Aggressive Mode*: *gets tackled and falls in pain* IP Emma Frost: but i need draxs IP IP †Trib†*Aggressive Mode*: Gatomon!!! IP Magnadramon~Holy DigiDragon god: unless Trib and Dark change their behavior they will go tho Hel! IP Renamon: *jumps off the tree and lands behind Trib* IP Draxamus: Yeah, "virus" me. IP Legion(Kid Space Dragon): IP †Trib†*Aggressive Mode*: *weakly gets up* IP Draggy~Age 2: Oh. Where will I end up going? IP Magnadramon~Holy DigiDragon god: *whips Trib with his spiked tail* IP †Trib†*Aggressive Mode*: *weakly runs to pokemon* IP Magnadramon~Holy DigiDragon god: Draggy))You may go to heaven so far IP Draggy~Age 2: Yay! *Flies to poke* IP Emma Frost: ok it take a few IP Legion(Kid Space Dragon): (ergh drax knows virus stuff so you know try your best or whatever ) IP Draxamus: Actually, that isn't even my actual IP. IP Magnadramon~Holy DigiDragon god: *builds up the cyclone as it sourrounds him and dissappears* IP Gatomon: hey renamon IP Legion(Kid Space Dragon): (then "noot" him ) IP Draxamus: The AOL browser does not show your actual IP. IP Rick: *Walks in, leans agains the wall* IP Emma Frost: drax) so i dont care! IP Emma Frost: i can still get it anyway IP Renamon: Hi Gat IP Legion(Kid Space Dragon): ( noot...........sounds like a breakfest cerial (sp?) IP Legion(Kid Space Dragon): hi rick IP Draxamus: Uhh, no you can't. IP Renamon: you know Hawkeye is going after Celest right? Draxamus: And, you can't "virus" me, either. IP Rick: Legion)) How are ya? IP Legion(Kid Space Dragon): ok i guess IP Gatomon: gonna try to get aim again soon? IP Legion(Kid Space Dragon): ( drax remember no comp is hacker proof) IP Emma Frost: Ip found Ivy virus 81727832ndyuew 828347432 - Pally uploading IP Gatomon: i heard IP Renamon: Later tonight probably IP Legion(Kid Space Dragon): ( erm big stuff wording thingy?) IP Renamon: hes also after Teteo and I IP Emma Frost: ok im going, i dont wanna be around when it hits him! IP Emma Frost: ((will be here just in another char)) IP Legion(Kid Space Dragon): why? IP Draxamus: Morons. IP Gatomon: oh ok IP Renamon: Gat go to Poke IP Baby Tailmon: *walks in sniffling* IP Rick: Legion)) Just OK? Well, I got that thing you wanted for the pendant. IP Legion(Kid Space Dragon): thanks IP : 10 IP : 9 IP : 8 IP : 7 IP : 6 IP : 5 IP : 4 IP : 3 IP Rick: *Takes it out of his trench coat pocket and hands it to Legion* IP : 2 IP : 1 IP : 0 BYE BYE DRAX! IP Rick: *It's a nice, shiny, aqua colored pearl, just the right size for a pendant* IP Draxamus: Uhh, see ya' later, nameless. IP Legion(Kid Space Dragon): *takes it* IP : oops i sent it to the wrong IP! SORRY BDD! IP Legion(Kid Space Dragon): (if it dun work noot him) IP : Give me another moin IP Rick: Legion)) I hope it's the right one. IP Legion(Kid Space Dragon): ( er drax so what's up?) IP Legion(Kid Space Dragon): it is IP : GAT IM IN POKE IP Rick: Legion)) That's good. IP Draxamus: Err, do you think by pretending that doing nothing to me works, will make something actually happen? 12/06/01: IP Laura Fairy: 4get the salutations sit down! IP Cedric: I got in a fight IP Cedric: *sits* IP Laura Fairy: *fliez 2 him* IP Kathran: Is that what they call it now..They call it slang..Ha..You don't know slang "honey". That is just being too fúcking lazy to type things out. Oh no! You might have to hit an extra two keys! IP Laura Fairy: *takes out a bottle IP Kathran: Pfft.. IP Cedric: that guy Drax was making fun of me and I knock him half to the moon IP Laura Fairy: man! IP Renamon: Oh, Drax IP Laura Fairy: *takes out a rag* IP Kathran: Heh..You knocked Drax..Drax doesn't usually fight..You should be honored.. IP Cedric: what a lamer with his takes out a gun and blows his head off cr@p IP Laura Fairy: pours the solution on the wound* 12/24/01: IP Draxamus: Hey look, it's Emerald Rose. Why don't you give a dog a bone? IP Erik Sharlock: (emerald gor Aol messenger?) IP Erik Sharlock: (emerald gor Aol messenger?) IP Joey: heh.. IP Draxamus: Haha, give a dog a bone. IP ~Emerald Rose~: ((Shut the hel l up!)) IP Erik Sharlock: (*gives drax a bone*) IP Joey: *Slaughters himself in an attempt to killhimself*....*Fails* IP Joey: B!tch!?! shut the hell, Up!?!?! *Bones emerald?* IP Draxamus: You must have not understood what I meant by "bone." IP Joey: yes..they are ten year olds drax.. IP Chris: Haha, Erik gave Drax a bone. IP ~Emerald Rose~: ((Proud!!!)) IP Joey: She has not even had her camel toe yet IP Erik Sharlock: (Emerald, whats you AIM SN?) 2002 ------ 01/05/02: IP ROM: "basturd" IP ROM: Who are you? IP Francis gabrianny: ass whipe fukass IP Francis gabrianny: know butz? IP ROM: Nope. IP Francis gabrianny: whoops wrong char*poofs out in marrey wanna* IP Ranma: *ok im cool IP ‡David Canusian‡: boringismnationaltiondisestablishmentaionarionism* IP ROM: ... IP Ranma: shadapust00pidmothafukassbit(h IP Ranma: any hot bit(hes here? IP ROM: Ranma, go die. IP Ranma: su(k my jolly little nutz f@GG ass loveassnbit(h IP ROM: You are so awsome. IP Ranma: reatrted f@GGG whipe IP ROM: What is your problem? IP Ranma: UUUUU U love IP ROM: What did I do? IP Ranma: *SPITS IN HIS FACE ANDNLEAVES DOING THE FU(KU FINGER* 01/30/02: IP Exile: Teehee, You turn me on. IP DarkNinjaMaster: really......................so? IP Exile: Wanna Cyber? IP DarkNinjaMaster: no IP Exile: Why not? Don't you find me attractive? IP DarkNinjaMaster: For I'll I know you could be any gender....... IP Exile: Good call, I'm male. I was just testing to see If you're smart. IP Exile: Hold on, Letting my friend on. IP DarkNinjaMaster: *is a male also* IP Hooty™: i'm half male hale fe IP DarkNinjaMaster: hello IP DarkNinjaMaster: really...........why? IP Hooty™: hello IP Hooty™: thats how i am IP DarkNinjaMaster: must be hard to get a date....not many bisexuals IP DarkNinjaMaster: *gone* IP DarkNinjaMaster: g2g IP DarkNinjaMaster: *disappears into shadows and is gone* IP : LOOL 02/18/02: IP kmack: sits her down and starts to pull her shirt over her head IP kmack: puls her thong down as he unbuckle his pants IP kmack: pulls his boxers down IP stacey: *smiles* IP kmack: cotinues to kiss her IP kmack: cotinues to kiss her IP kmack: sticks his love in her love IP stacey: *frenches him* IP kmack: what is your favorite position IP stacey: anyway IP stacey: but ontop IP kmack: start to slowly move in and out of her puss IP stacey: *Moans alittle yes more yes* IP kmack: comes out and starts to dive face first in her puss IP kmack: sticks his dlck in her puss IP kmack: likes it better this way IP stacey: yes IP kmack: ah ahah oh love, thats what Im talking about IP Chris: Great log. 04/16/02: IP Reinere: i came because i saw drax here... IP Reinere: shaddap IP Draxamus: IT IS AMAZING HOW I CAN FIT THIS FAT FINGER IN MY MOUTH MMM IP Reinere: hahaha IP Kahr Ramsus: hahaha IP Chris: hahaha IP Draxamus: rarara IP Reinere: you cant blame me for my hornyness IP Chris: Well McNeil, use that horniness toward something under six hundred pounds. IP Draxamus: OR BETTER YET SOMETHING THAT ISN'T IN WoN IP Kahr Ramsus: hahaha IP Kahr Ramsus: Crawling just came on ... Funny .. the chick in the video carves herself like Erin does, but at least she's skinny IP Reinere: if i would have known that she was as big as a Winnebago i would have never done that IP Kahr Ramsus: hahaha 04/23/02: IP Serena †Princess, Lonely and Ignored†: ok IP Zeph Chrinoka: (I'm not a gal! I'm sorry My name sounds like one!) IP Draxamus: Oh, sorry, ma'am. IP Draxamus: Wanna orgy? IP Draxamus: I like orgies with guys. IP Zeph Chrinoka: *changing name* IP Draxamus: Well, I like gals too. You up for some lovin, Serena? IP Serena †Princess, Lonely and Ignored†: Orgy? IP Myke O'Hara: (test) IP Draxamus: Hi, Mike-chan! IP Myke O'Hara: Drax are you always this way? IP Draxamus: Yeah. Why? IP Myke O'Hara: whatever IP Draxamus: Well, if you dun wanna orgy, I'll go some place else. :P 04/30/02: IP (chibi lisa): mu=me IP Ace: Hi! ^_^ IP Aaron: ACE I R BELONG IN ZOOZN IP Baby Biyomon: oooo*watches Lisa* IP †Drayn Minittis†: ::Glows, then dissappears:: I've done my part. For now, farewell! ::a black rose appears, floating in front of BB, and he is...:: IP †Drayn Minittis†: ::Gone!:: IP Ace: ZOOZN IP Ace: WFT THT MEEN\ IP Baby Biyomon: bye*catches the rose and smells it* IP ~Jade~Willow-Telluris~: **looks at her spikey hot pink hair ** IP Aaron: ITZ MEANZ I R BLACKZ IP Baby Biyomon: Buko i hope i will see ya soon*puts the rose in a vase of water* IP Aaron: Drax is a dumb ass. IP Ace: Haha. IP ~Jade~Willow-Telluris~: ...................**sighs** IP ~*†‡Feena‡†*~™: Hn. IP Aaron: BLACKZ PEOPLZ SHOZL BEZ TURNZ INTOZ WHITZ PEOPLZ 4 I HAV NO LIFZ 05/24/02: IP Ok it was ..well i didnt takes the SAT ,i dropped out ,der: (forgot, alot of time is wasted) *gone* IP : u b IP Draxamus: You are a vassal for their torment, Frederick. IP Des: ...Cause i can asure you a person who's had sex will do it again and in different ways...not just "Dergh ,we ƒucked." IP Andrain John *Pilot of the Utimate X Avian* : *Flies in* IP : He likes using "u b". IP Li Myojin~sorcerer~: i said where are you from IP Draxamus: y u b love IP Des: I hate you ,adrian IP Des: brb.... IP Draxamus: Why you be G@.y IP : Adrian, I hate you. IP Siethas *17 year old Draconian*: ((Des, I havn't had sex! And if I did I would NOT do it again! At least I hope I wouldn't!)) IP Draxamus: What's an Ultimate X Avian? 05/30/02: IP Ryan: A IP Ryan: With an A.. IP Ryan: Brb. IP Summer: ................. IP Ryan: Blagh IP Summer: i should go in about five minutes IP Ryan: Go where? IP Summer: go.......read? my brother wants the computadora IP Ryan: I see. And my back hurts, but I'll play Unreal Tournament somehow. IP Summer: aw i'll give u a back rub later. my back rubs are orgasmicish. IP Ryan: Yay IP Summer: alright ttyl. *kiss* IP Ryan: Aw, bye. *Kiss, puff.* IP Christian~Fallen One~17Years Old~: walks in** 07/08/02: IP åKå **t0asterly placid**: you could actually prove the bible wrong if you try to kill all the peepholes in the world IP : I see, ROM. Please, be my guest. IP : No, you would have to suceed, aKa. IP åKå **t0asterly placid**: gynocide of the human race IP Joe: Genocide. IP åKå **t0asterly placid**: i would succeed... IP The Prophet Romus: Gynocide? IP åKå **t0asterly placid**: but then once done i would comit suicide IP Joe: Gynocide would be killing a large amount of female sex organs. IP The Prophet Romus: Sounds like a mass killing of female sexual organs. IP åKå **t0asterly placid**: wrong joe... IP The Prophet Romus: Haha IP Joe: Haha. All of these posers. IP : ..... 07/28/02: IP : That's Norton ANTI-Virus, dolt. IP : shaddup IP : im not a lamer! IP Ðamion: Well, there's no gettin rid of them I suppose.... IP : Yes, you are. IP : i can rp IP Ðamion: Laer denial.....how sad.... IP : Tee-hee. I could take you out using a Sailor Scout char. IP Ðamion: lamer* IP : my and eric had sex IP : erics sister i mean IP Ðamion: We could all rp if we really wanted to...... IP : IP : my and eric had sex IP Ðamion: lol, you and eric...... 07/28/02(2): IP : And, I don't act like a guy, that's my brother. IP : I'm sure it is, Kassie. IP : The man, Kassie. IP : It's spelt Cassie. IP : what ever happend to Kaylee? IP Ðamion: *doesn't know who anyone in here is* IP : I'm sure it is, Kassie. IP : no, it is Kassie. IP : Tee-hee....Shame, shame, shame. IP : Yeah, I got a hold of one of your forms, and I decied to pay youa ll back for being so rotten to me and my brother. It's Cassie, I know my own name. IP : who's your brother? IP : So Cassie, man, how are you going to pay us back? IP : Clear. IP : GO ahead, Kassie....PAY US BACK, MANZ. 11/01/02: IP The Prophet Romus: Nearly as wise as me. IP Draxamus: HUH WELL I HAD SOME PEPSI IP -~*Randa*~-: i do need a nap. *yawns and sprawls out on the couch* IP Anias: You can't blame a person on Heroin. IP Rainbow Warrior: no Anias, that's how he always acts IP Anias: Or pepsi, the most dangerous drug out there. IP Wiseman Draxamus: Hah hah hah IP The Prophet Romus: I had Pepsi as well. IP Wiseman Draxamus: Sleep away your life, Randa. IP Anias: RW I was being sarcastic stupid, I know drax is always like that. IP Sara: drax, your a love!! making fun of ppl who don't get a say init! your just as bad as any racest pig on the earth!! you sicken me!! IP The Prophet Romus: *Walks over to Rainbow Warrior, and knees him in the gut* IP Anias: I had a coke. IP Adam: Babe, you have AIM? 11/22/02: IP Draxamus: I don't like your personality. IP Jessica: How can I change Draxy? IP Jessica: ... IP Jessica: ... IP Draxamus: Why would you want to change your personality? IP Jessica: because I want you to like me... IP Jessica: as a freind of course IP Draxamus: Uhh, why? IP Mike: *Squirm* IP Jessica: because... all of my freinds just use me... and I want a real freind.. and I figure you would make the perfect freind...\ IP Jessica: Hi Mike IP Mike: Mike is the perfect friend. He is perfect in every way. IP Jessica: I know you are Mike *Pats Mike on head* IP Mike: Of course you know. IP Jessica: But I am sure Drax is too... he just doesn't want to show it.. IP Draxamus: Uhh, why would I amde the perfect friend? IP Draxamus: amde=make IP Chris: I'm the perfect friend, too! IP Mike: Chris, I am more perfect than you. IP Jessica: because... I don't know... I just like to be around you... none of my other freinds hold those things.... and you make me laugh.. and even when I don't laugh I am inside.... I don't know... Drax... you just make me feel happy... IP Jessica: Hush Mike, Chris.... you are both perfect IP Chris: Aww, Jessica, that is very sweet of you. IP Mike: *Vomits on Chris* IP Gold: I'm fuzzy, loveable, AND perfect... IP Jessica: I am sounding so phoney right now but I mean it. IP Mike: Gold, you are none of those things. IP Draxamus: Errr IP Gold: Yes, I am....... IP Jessica: *walks away in embarassment that she admitted that to his face.* 11/23/02: IP Osiris Aton: (.gif>'o').gif> ((this high and mightylovegreatly annoys kirby!)) IP Master Vile: Feel free to insult me at your desire. IP Master Vile: Feel free to insult me at your desire. IP LosT AnD LefT BehinD: im not eveing going to say anything about that IP Osiris Aton: da/\/\n these stupid tags that pop up! IP LosT AnD LefT BehinD: this just getting g ay now IP Master Vile: I remember once as my Keo Davens, the Bloody Malth Reborn, I enter a war off of ill-founded reasons. IP Joe: Quit trying to be tougher than you are, LosT. You are probably some 120lb weakling with a inferiority complex who feels that if he says he is tough in a chatroom, he'll feel better about himself. IP LosT AnD LefT BehinD: it went from fun sh it to g ay love got IP LosT AnD LefT BehinD: no im not just saying im tough IP Master Vile: That was a mistake, I still here backlash from that every so often around here. IP Master Vile: Anyway, this war was between Leviticus and the Southrawns about 4 months ago. IP Joe: Vile, what are you talking about? IP Osiris Aton: da/\/\n it vile! we each have no more experience than the other, so how about you go Ic and we fight? da/\/\n it im bored... IP LosT AnD LefT BehinD: then leave u f ag IP Master Vile: Being an äss, love or whatever like you said. How I'm a fool who's bitter. You don't have to listen, but I might as well perfect my typing skills. IP LosT AnD LefT BehinD: what he said except for the typing part IP Joe: I just thought it was kind of odd that we were aruging about something and you went off into something totally off-topic out of nowhere. IP : That is funny 11/24/02: IP Aaron: UR MIKE PROV ITZZZZZZZZZZZ IP : WOW ISN'T THAT SPECIAL MIKE IP Mike: HEY HEY LOOK I R SHOWZ U MEH PENIZ IP Aaron: CUTZ OFF UR PENIZ HAHAHAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHAAAAAAAAAAA IP Mike: OMG LIEK GROWS ANOTHER 1 PLZ IP Aaron: OMG U R SO CULZZZZZZZZZ IP : ... IP Mike: YA I KNOW MANZ IP : Idiots IP Draxamus: Thought that said "Jili." IP Jill: I have tits and a love so I'm pretty sure I'm not a guy. OTHERWISE I wouldn't be on my preiod right now would I? IP Draxamus: Why would anyone want you right now, then? IP Mike: Oh, I believe you, Jill! IP : LOG 11/27/02: IP moneyman: and we're going strong IP Aeon: When I ruturned home,my father who has taking up "teaching" me then decided I should never use a katana because I could not protect my master. IP Axel Iaito: (Nathottie, no. You have the SAME IP) IP nathottie: Aaron?im not lying i sware IP nathottie: he si my bf and i love him very much IP : sfsdf IP Ness Advance ‡PSI Master‡: Has anybody seen Kalina, Patamon, or Sharon recently? IP nathottie: the other day we had sex 4 the first time didnt we jeff? IP Neko *Ctarl Ctarl*: ...... IP Ness Advance ‡PSI Master‡: Where'd Mr. Red Guy go? IP Neko *Ctarl Ctarl*: ((i haven't seen them Ness)) IP moneyman: yes we did infact i thought that u were a very good sex partner IP Axel Iaito: (Nathottie, sure you did.) 11/27/02(2): IP warning: hello IP Draxamus: *Bashes Neko's head in* IP warning: Ok, right to the roo IP cloud-strife: slowly revives uses potion* IP warning: RIGHT TO THE ROOT IP Deciviel: can someone help me IP warning: FOR WHAT DECIVIEL IP Zac: *Smacks cloud-strife's face* IP Neko *Ctarl Ctarl*: ((*ignores Drax cause he's OoC and i'm IC*)) IP Draxamus: I don't follow the rules of OoC and IC, so how can I be OoC? IP cloud-strife: tahats it drax (cue fave FF battle music) IP warning: DECIVIEL IP Deciviel: im getting a game boy advance tonite, and i dunno whether to buy THPS4 or golden sun IP Neko *Ctarl Ctarl*: ((cloud, reviving is lame)) IP cloud-strife: Zac) quit causing me pain and help me out IP warning: MMMMMMMMMMMMM IP Neko *Ctarl Ctarl*: ((so? you aren't following the "rules" and i am)) IP Zac: Why should I help you out? IP warning: I KNOW, IP warning: CHOOSE GOLDEN SUN IP cloud-strife: neko)im sorry. revives=comes to 11/30/02: IP : Howdy IP : *Fetches the ribbons but ends up on the floor, playing with them* IP Jessica: you better not be! IP Otaru(sadly has to live with saber marrionettes): erk i mean mike IP Jessica: OOH! RIBBONS! i WANNA PLAY! IP Mike: Jessica, I would never say any thing like that..! IP Draxamus: How tall are you, Jessica? IP Jessica: 12... going onto 13 IP : *Hisses at Jessica* IP Chris: He said tall. IP Jessica: *hisses back* IP : 12 feet?! IP Mike: Haha, IP : You're a beast! 11/30/02(2): IP MEWTWO ANTI MERC: HEY DUS ANYONE IN HEAR HAVE WIN95 IP Jessica: Uh... IP Jenny: ouch! *kicks jessica's leg and hides behind Zac* you... you... you... yeah! IP MEWTWO ANTI MERC: THAT'S IT *SENDS A VIRUSS TO ZAC MEFC LEADER* IP ZAC MERC LEADER: NOOO IP Jessica: YOU STOLE MY WORD YOU love!!!! * pulls Jenny's hair* DIE B!TCH DIE!!! IP ZAC MERC LEADER: WHAT WHERES MY HD IP Jessica: SLU T rather IP Mike: Family tension. IP MEWTWO ANTI MERC: HAHA I FRIED UR H DRIVE IP ZAC MERC LEADER: HAHA IM A FAG IP ZAC MERC LEADER: HEY U R TYPING FOR ME IP MEWTWO ANTI MERC: YEH HAHA I HAKED UR COMPUTER NOW IP MEWTWO ANTI MERC: CUZ NOW I HAV UR H DRIVE 12/01/02: Jenny: just seeing if you are ok Chris: Drax is never okay. Draxamus: I AM MORE THAN OKAY Jenny: j/k Jenny: Draxamus: ? Jenny: nm Draxamus: ? Jenny: nevermind Draxamus: ? Jenny: g2b talk to you l8r *leaves* Draxamus: Screw you Chris: Haha. 12/03/02: IP : drax suks IP : drax suks IP : drax suks IP Galen Hunt *Bounty Hunter*: A man walks in wearing a sword on his back and a .50 Desert Eagle in a holdster at his hip.He has silvery blue eyes and black hair* IP Draxamus: ? IP : hehe..f\/ckin with you drax... IP Draxamus: Huh IP Galen Hunt *Bounty Hunter*: *Galen walks to a table with a chair beside it and sits down* IP Draxamus: *Kicks the chair out from under Galen* IP : i dunno, Drax... IP Galen Hunt *Bounty Hunter*: *Galen falls to the ground and gets up,his eyes narrowed* IP : *watches Galen fall* IP Galen Hunt *Bounty Hunter*: *Gives Drax an irritated,but uninteres ted look* IP : .oO drax wend and dun it now... IP Chris: You must flow like the water, Galen. What kind of bounty hunter is caught surprised by getting a kick to the chair. IP : *smacks Chris* every bounty hunter does! IP Chris: BOBA FETT WOULD NOT GET HIS CHAIR KICKED IP Galen Hunt *Bounty Hunter*: *Glances at Chris*I just got back from a long job.Had to fight 4 demons,a whole load of baddies,oh!And I found out i'm in some evil fighting clan. 12/03/02(2): IP Draxamus: *Throws a knife in Jessica's back* IP Aaron: X-Box has the best Hardware, followed by Gamecube, then PS2. IP RyanOmasaki: hi everyone IP Chris: X-Box's DVD player is vastly superior to PS2's, also. IP Olivia~ Liv: here we go again* IP Jessica: Drax please don't I'm really not in the mood IP Depp: Trace, Why is that? IP Draxamus: NOT IN THE MOOD TO DIE! I DIDN'T THINK SO IP Deimos: Chey, then leave. IP Aaron: DVD PLAYERS DON'T MATTER. IP Aaron: NEITHER DO CD PLAYERS OR PEN!SES OR ANYTHINGGGGGGGGGg IP Olivia~ Liv: uh.. ok IP RyanOmasaki: Hi drax IP Jessica: I am seriouse darx please don't this is the last thing that I need to end my night IP Jessica: brb 12/04/02: IP Leif: GO TO SIM IP pokeslayer: pokemon loves IP pokeslayer: do u evre talk IP pokeslayer: well IP pokeslayer: u guys are loves i am leqaveing IP pokeslayer: pokemon loves IP pokeslayer: u all love i hate i IP LA_CHICK_2002: HOLLA YOUNG'N IP : you sound hot IP : hey IP : hi IP : hey IP : any fine ladies in this room IP : Haha 12/05/02: IP Fairymon: *sits with him* IP †Frederick†: *smiles at her* IP Fairymon: *sits with him* IP †Frederick†: i missed you IP †Frederick†: *picks up his camera* mind if i take a picture of you? IP Fairymon: sure IP †Frederick†: ok *focuses through his camera and aims at Fairymon* IP Fairymon: cloths off or on? IP Fairymon: cloths off or on? IP †Frederick†: whooooooooa, clothes off? o.O *sweat drops from his face* IP Fairymon: cloths off or on? IP Fairymon: your choice IP Fairymon: your choice IP †Frederick†: hmmmmmm, prefer on IP †Frederick†: next time, off IP Fairymon: ok IP †Frederick†: *then snapshot on her as he took a picture of her* IP Fairymon: *poses* IP Fairymon: *poses* IP †Frederick†: ahh, you look so beautiful IP Fairymon: *poses* IP Fairymon: i know IP Fairymon: what? IP Draxamus: Logged IP †Frederick†: wanna be with me? *offers her a lilac flower* IP Fairymon: what? IP Fairymon: ok, *takes the flower* IP Fairymon: ok, *takes the flower* IP †Frederick†: ok, sit close with me IP Fairymon: *sits by him* IP †Frederick†: *lays his head on her shoulder* IP Fairymon: *sits by him* IP †Frederick†: *yawns* IP †Frederick†: *looks at the photo and smiles* there's you poses and looked lovely IP Draxamus: LOOOOOOOSSSSERS IP Fairymon: *takes off her cloths* IP †Frederick†: *looks at her clothes tooken out* oh my O.O IP †Frederick†: you are naked! you are doing this for me? 12/06/02: IP Mary Anne Mayflower: I hate you all) you are not very nice IP : me0w. IP Lily: I Hate You All, Wow. IP I hate you all, so I'll kill you in your sleep.: screw this kiddy web site it dosent let you couse IP Crystal: fine, people.... There now are you happy? IP : *Sleeps, and dreams of hussling and flumping and many marshmallows.* IP I hate you all, so I'll kill you in your sleep.: screw this kiddy web site it dosent let you sware IP Aaron: No, I'm not. IP : *Vaguely wonders in her sleep what "couse" and "sware" are.* IP Aaron: Sophie, why don't you talk anymore? IP Draxamus: Doesn't let you "couse?" IP Lily: Obviously grown-up words, Sophius! IP I hate you all, so I'll kill you in your sleep.: F U C k you all mother f u c k e r s IP : Hmm? *Blink* D'no, I'm just not in the most talkative mood today. *Yawn* IP Aaron: Are you picked on at school alot, I hate you all? IP Mary Anne Mayflower: no thanks Mr. Hate IP : Hate, you're hurting me. *Whimper* IP Aaron: Do the other kids make fun of you? IP : Obviously, Diana. Big words our small brains cannot comprehend. IP zatiki: hello thor IP Lily: You vulgar man, I hate you all. Don't cuss in front of us children! IP I hate you all, so I'll kill you in your sleep.: i am popular and currently i am a babe magnet 12/07/02: IP Lazuli Aldaris: (Hello Keo, how are you today, and a close note, LAZULI IS A GOOD DEMON.) IP Genner Kenni, The Young Blade: *senses Laz.* A weird life force is near. IP Jao Conch: I was also borned with magic, I just need more magic to get some items I've been wanting to add to my wide selection* IP beautiful_blade_angel: hi i am the princess of the solar universe my mother is super_saiyan_princess and my father is gohan one day my mother will be queen and i will be the princess IP Genner Kenni, The Young Blade: (Lol! Good. How can a demon be good?) IP Draxamus: angel) Uhhhh, no. IP Lazuli Aldaris: (And he bears little to no resemblance to his brother, so you will not be able to recognize him as an Aldaris Demon.) IP : You just said you already were Princess, though. IP Lazuli Aldaris: (He is kind of evil, just with good in his heart.) IP Jao Conch: ((Lazuil) Get your facts straight! Besides, I don't fight)) IP Genner Kenni, The Young Blade: (Demons are spirits of pure evil or so I thought. Oh well no matter.) IP Menda Kal Kalikami~Soviet Gunman: hello IP Jao Conch: Lazuli* IP beautiful_blade_angel: my mother is also the goddess of mars and my father is the god of mars my aunt is the goddess of venus and my uncle is the god of venus i am the goddess of the solar universe one day i shall grow up to be queen and that will be the honor of my family IP Genner Kenni, The Young Blade: (Hello.) IP Genner Kenni, The Young Blade: Anyway everytime I come to earth there's always something new jumping off. IP Draxamus: beautiful_blade_angel) Prepare to die. IP : Oh, dear feline.. *Cough* IP beautiful_blade_angel: **runs out crying** 12/08/02: IP Draxamus: I've already passed that log up. IP Draxamus: I've got the better log with those two in it. IP Draxamus: Neko) I'm just being friendly. IP Deimos: Is it on the site yet? IP Deimos: Alot of people hate Draxamus, Hotaru. IP Draxamus: Yes, it was from a few days ago. I think you've already seen it. IP Neko *Ctarl Ctarl*: ((no the he|| you aren't! you're being a dumb@$$ and i'm sick of it!!)) IP Deimos: Oh yah. IP Neko *Ctarl Ctarl*: ((ok...i'm calming down now...)) IP Deimos: You just have to put up with him, sometimes he is nice, but mostly he isnt....... IP Draxamus: ur da d u m a s s IP Neko *Ctarl Ctarl*: ((he's never nice, he's a disgusting little boy that needs to grow up)) IP dj panda: Drax owns, you sewer dwelling turdfaces. IP Neko *Ctarl Ctarl*: ((he's a little piece of $hit that doesn't have any real friends)) IP Deimos: Its Drax's little groupie dj panda. IP Draxamus: I have lots of friends, maaaan. IP dj panda: Drax is my groupie ^_^ IP Deimos: Name your friends on WoN? IP Neko *Ctarl Ctarl*: ((and, HE'S A DESPERATE, UGLY PERSON THAT NEEDS TO CRAWL IN A F.UCKING HOLE AND DIE!!)) IP dj panda: No one in WoN matters IP Deimos: Groupies are people that follow around rock stars to have sex with them. 12/23/02: IP Tarquin L. Woodsorell warrior-jester: throws him self into gully shouting warn ing to fordor of 50 foot spike at boteem of gully IP Tagg~Otter warrior~: *makes tarquin very drunk so they can play strip poker* IP Fordor~ Otter warrior of Redwall~: * he stops and begins to fall forward seeming not to care* IP Tagg~Otter warrior~: *has royal flush everytime. takes all his cloths* IP : love IP Tagg~Otter warrior~: love IP Tarquin L. Woodsorell warrior-jester: fortunatly is drunk so all is hallucnation)) IP Tagg~Otter warrior~: lol IP Tarquin L. Woodsorell warrior-jester: Is naked)) IP : lol IP Fordor~ Otter warrior of Redwall~: * he falls hitting the bottom and dies instantly* IP Tagg~Otter warrior~: *sees his hairy hare p3nis.* IP Tarquin L. Woodsorell warrior-jester: Calls tag love infunny way)) IP Tagg~Otter warrior~: gross!!!!!!!!!! 12/28/02: IP Straffus Gigio (Holy Knight): (ok, i will say it, i for one dont listen to anything you say DRAX) IP Draxamus: You've given no hard evidence. IP Chris: Drax actually argues that you are a girl. IP Serena: No he doesn't. He just called me a guy a little while ago. IP Chris: He usually does argue that you're female. IP Serena: Show me proof, Cecil. IP Yuu~Elf~Sei: Why would he call you a guy?? You have pink font and your name is Serena IP Zemm: comedy..... IP Draxamus: Cecil is correct. IP Syphorus: (Mistress, if no one cares what he thinks. Then you shouldn't either. IF you didn't care what he thought, you wouldn;t be bickering... IP Chris: Must I search logs IP Zemm: lol IP Chris: roflmaozzz IP Serena: Drax, still, you've shown me no proof, so.... IP Fea: this is THE most rediculas argument I have ever heard IP Chris: IP Yuu~Elf~Sei: Why would he call you a guy?? You have pink font and your name is Serena IP Serena: Yes, it is ridiculous. IP Draxamus: Serena) No proof for what? IP Serena: You've shown no proof that you've argued that I was. 12/31/02: IP Zeplin: mm im hungry IP Draxamus: Err IP DEATH DEMON: i must let you all know, i'm very EASILY AMUSED. (as you might've already known.) IP Draxamus: I just walked into my hallway, and I heard my mom and dad banging each other in their room. IP Justin: Well. IP Justin: They were loving it strong, Drax? IP DEATH DEMON: eww.... AMUSING! haha, i'd stand by the door and listen. XD IP Justin: Resisting urge to fill the screen with LOOL, right now. IP DEATH DEMON: just to annoy them... IP DEATH DEMON: hm, what would you guys consider banging? IP Justin: SEXUAL INTERCOURSE. IP Draxamus: Intercourse, or anal penetration IP DEATH DEMON: i thought so... IP DEATH DEMON: *cringes in amusement* HAHA! 2003 ------ 01/02/03: IP : http://www.join4free.com IP Francis *(king of lordaeron*: wo whentai thats weak love bro IP Adam: Why is that, Rufus? IP Francis *(king of lordaeron*: ive seen betetr "wink" IP Adam: Whentai? What's that? IP Lalaya Price: *walks in slowly scanning the room inhabitants* IP Outwar Overlord: Is this the sort of thing you are trying to get them to click on? http://www.outwar.com/page.php?x=215350 IP Chris: Stop posting that Outwar bullshit, the Vampire one was the only good one, and it got old. IP Canis dirus: i just don't like hentai IP Francis *(king of lordaeron*: henti makes ur brain relax IP : what the fuck is this outwar bullshit? IP Francis *(king of lordaeron*: and makes u seaty 01/03/03: IP Mnemosyne: *Stares at a wall* IP The Wall: Stop staring at me! IP Herron: *walks over to the couch and sits beside mnem IP Mnemosyne: OH! It can talk? IP Herron: *looks at her and grins* IP Mnemosyne: How interesting... IP Herron: *looks away* IP Mnemosyne: Um... what're you planning to do with me? IP Mnemosyne: *Whipes forehead* Whew... haha. IP Draxamus: ^^ IP Herron: i could f|_|ck u till u bleed IP Mnemosyne: Erm, please no. IP Mnemosyne: I'd rather not. IP Herron: or i could kill u... 01/04/03: IP MEW: helloooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo IP MEW: .............................................. IP OrangeFizz: hi? IP : hi IP OrangeFizz: Anyone here collect pokemon cards? IP Orange Fizz: Anyone here collect pokemon cards? IP Bill Gates: I'm watching you IP Tygra: ummmm IP Tygra: and I'm watching you too?? IP elimenator: wasssssupppppppppp IP elimenator: im watching both of u IP squirtle: hi IP squirtle: can someone talk to me about pokemon or girls IP tdawg14k: ay u there 01/11/03: Deimos: Ace, death comes to everyone. Jessica: I'm sorry Jenny! forgivez me! †Ace†: u think i dont know that Ang: Deimos isn't bad.. Chris: I wonder if you're legally dead if you're cryogenically frozen Jenny: I forgive you..... well... I have to forgive you Deimos: Chris, good question... Chris: And, wouldn't that be suicide Jenny: *smiles mistiviouely* Jenny: jessi? Jessica: of course you do I mean I mean no you don't †Ace†: i died in a fite once but my gf heeled me then the person who beet me killed her i no what death feels like Jenny: jessi? Jessica: what Jen? 01/17/03: Blade: I am a vamp hunter also Lief: Vincint, you are a stupid lamer Nova-Rhenn: *levitates* I guess I can, then. Buffy the vampire slayer: yes well i'm not a hunter i'm a slayer Nova-Rhenn: *runs to DK* Chris: Joe$ cowered when he saw this arm. Blade: Well I can make him desinigrate : ROM HERE NEVER KNOWS WHAT HE'S TALKING ABOUT : AND VINCENT, I'VE GOT A QUESTION FOR YOU Buffy the vampire slayer: Sit's by herself and thinks about Frost Dragon17013: Frost? : HAVE YOU EVER SEEN AN ARM BIGGER THAN THAT ONE Buffy the vampire slayer: I was once playing truth or dare with him and he dared me to give him a lap dance and i did it was funny Buffy the vampire slayer: yes frost is his name Blade: Were is this vamp, obvisly his name is frost, Is it decon frost Draxamus: A netlapdance? Buffy the vampire slayer: ok ur getting on my nerves Buffy the vampire slayer: yep drax 01/17/03(2): Draxamus: giv mie a netlapdance 2 : (:o Buffy the vampire slayer: that getting on my nerves was for blade Buffy the vampire slayer: you sure? Blade: Well I am going to find and destroy whistler Draxamus: yehhh Buffy the vampire slayer: who? : WHAT WHISTLER IS YOUR MENTOR Buffy the vampire slayer: that name sounds familar : WHAT KIND OF PENCIL NECK ARE YOU Blade: yes but he has turned to a vamp Buffy the vampire slayer: * turns on when ever where ever by Shakira and gives drax a sexy lap dance Draxamus: hey buffy give me a netlapdance Draxamus: nm Blade: they turned him two years ago Buffy the vampire slayer: who did? Draxamus: was that it??? Blade: Decon frost and his lakees Scorpion: **Keels over laughing. ** **F00f. ** Buffy the vampire slayer: well you want more Buffy the vampire slayer: no Draxamus: yeh more plz 01/18/03: Shrike: *walks in after a very harsh struggle with girlfriend* Shrike: *sits and sighs* Draxamus: ? Draxamus: WHAT STRUGGLE YOU TRIED TO RAPE HER OH MY GOD Shrike: GOD FUCKING DAMIT!!!! YOU SHUT THE FUCK UP, no I caught her with some goddamn Jock Draxamus: DID THE JOCK RAPE YOU Shrike: And I thought she was the one,........ she always said how much she liked me and my technical abilities.............NO! Shrike: What the fuck why the fuck would a fucking jock want to buttfuck me Draxamus: "Techincal abilities?" Shrike: yes, I am very skilled with electronics Draxamus: Why would the chick care about that? Shrike: I can rig a mike to a computer so that I can actully talk to people, also Draxamus: WOW REALLY THAT IS AMAZING! Shrike: She saw past all the wires and chips, that I do not know why 01/18/03(2): chupa: I want to kill things Draxamus: So Vincent, share with me how you cracked your school's security. : We got some nice logs of you for our site chupa: plz let me kill things : You are not immortalized as an idiot : Congratulations Dragon17013: I can do this alone, chupa/Vincent/Blade/Shrike. Dragon17013: *looks for a needle* Dragon17013: This one's too small. *eats it* Ow. chupa: well Im going and I'm not going to FUCKING RETURN BECAUSE YOU FUCKING PEOPLE DONT FUCKING ACEPT ME FOR WHO THE FUCK I AM WICH FUCKING MEANS YOU ARE FUCKING RACEIST!!!!!!!!! Draxamus: What race are you, again? : Oh my : That's the best laugh of the day 06/11/03: Draxamus: Back Draxamus: I missed whatever you were last saying to me, so repeat yourself. moonangel: lol Straff: *gone* Grift: It was a new situation Drax....a woman is being mugged on the street by a man you know...he has a gun to her head, you know the man and he has a sick wife and child, they will die without the money, the man is going to shoot the woman for it...you have a- Grift: Gun...you can stop this in many ways, or you can walk away...what do you do? Draxamus: Is the woman hot? Straff: Does the gun have 1,2,or3 bullets in it? Straff: Or non at all. moonangel: Grift: The gun is a revolver..six shots, Drax is doesn't matter if she's hot...god you're sick to even ask that. Straff: ROFL Grift: But as you asked..she is average looking. Grift: It* 06/12/03: mahogany: sorry did i enterrupt something Chris: Yeah we were having netsex mahogany: lol mahogany: are you all gay or something Chris: what we were mahogany: kiding Draxamus: OKAY HERE IS A PICTURE OF ME http://members.lycos.co.uk/wonloves/pics/andrew.jpg Canis lupus lycaon: there something wrong with being gay? mahogany: cute Draxamus: Sick. mahogany: how about a picture of you guys Chris: You must be hideous, mahogany. mahogany: how am i sick Outro ------ Well that's about it. Hopefully by making this text file I will have procured a long life for these logs. I'll end with a few links of interest. New WoN: http://www.nintendochat.com/sim_battle/chat.html New Times: http://newtimes.breezeland.com Old New Times: http://newtimes.fateback.com Older New Times: http://www.angelfire.com/dc/newtimes Old Times: http://www.angelfire.com/ct/oldtimes ============================================================================== (C) Draxamus 2003 ============================================================================== .