The Virus Creation 2000 System by Havoc The Chaos ÄÄ Freelance Copywrite (c) 1993, 1993 by John Burnette All Rights Reserved ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ BORING (BUT NECESSARY) LEGAL STUFF ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Warranty: ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ This program is provided as-is, without warranty of any kind, either expressed or implied, and is only guaranteed to occupy disk space. In no event will the author be liable to you or anyone else for any damages, including (but not limited to) _ANY_ lost profits, lost savings or other incidental or consequential damages arising out of the use of, or inability to use, this program. In short: You are on your own. If it works for you, great; if not, or if it breaks something, c'est la vie. As the saying goes, "Use it at your own risk, but if it breaks, *YOU* have the pieces." Copyright: ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ This program is provided at no cost to you. However, it is NOT public domain; it is copyrighted by the author. You may distribute this program freely, so long as all files in the distribution archive remain intact, without any changes or modifications. The distribution archive is in ZIP format; however, you may convert the archive to any format you choose, so long as the above requirements are met. No fee's may be charged for this program of any kind, except for the cost of the diskette. Disassembly, or otherwise modifications are not prohibited. The use of this code is ONLY for experimental and learning purposes only. The author still reserves the right to demand the source code if he so chooses, as he still owns the copyright on any and all source code generated from this package. Removing credits from any source code generated from this package is strictly forbidden. Uploading of the source or executable file from this program is strictly forbidden, except in the cases that you tell the person receiving the file that it is a virus. Anotherwords, uploading the source or binary file to a VX board is allowed. What VC2000 Is: ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ The Virus Creation 2000 System (VC2000), is a virus creator designed for complex code generation, great configurability, and ease of use. There is only one file that you need, VC2000.EXE (which is presently under 22k). After asking you a series of questions, it will then create a MASM/TASM compatible assembly source code of your virus, along with a "MAKEVIR.BAT" which helps speed things along a bit. Another great option, is the virus detector, which you can custom configure. This will trap an interrupt, and when the virus calls the interrupt with DX equaling what you set it for, it will warn you and give you an option to halt the program. What VC2000 Isn't: ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ For lamers! Since the epic release of version 0.96, too many people have been creating viruses with VC2000, that have no intention of learning how to program. So, I changed the password to something just a little bit harder. If this keeps up, I will just abandon the whole project. I do this as a deed to you, so if all that you do with this kit is generate viruses, and don't plan on learning anything from it, then you better hope that I do not find out, as I'll just quit! I don't mind you making viruses, and totally modifying them, hell, I encourage it! Craft the virus to suit your own needs, and add something to it. If you do plan on doing the above mentioned, then just email me, as I would love to hear some of the things that you do with this kit. I'll also send you the latest version of VC2000 in case I stop publically releasing it. I didn't include an activation stub at all, as if you can't write a simple activation routine and bomb yourself, then you should stop using the Virus Creation 2000 System, and go play with Windows!! I did, however, add the ability to run an include file, which you have to code yourself. If you called the procedure "checkme", then the include file should look something like this: checkme: (your code here) ret ; Returns Control To The Virus Also, you will notice, it is not an IDE, as it would be a waste of my coding time, and your hard drive space. As Dark Angel once said "A virus creator with an IDE is akin to a able man intentionally crippling his own legs, or a person with sight poking his eyes out intentionally." Configurable Features: ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Miscellanious code about the virus: þ Changeing Directories (Set Directory, Traverse Loop, Path, or None) þ Saves The Current Directory þ Interrupt 24h Error Handler þ Leave The Handler In Memory, or Restore Original Handler þ Non-Overwritting and Overwritting Viruses þ Runtime and TSR Viruses þ Uses It's Own Disk Transfer Access þ Set Directory To Change To (Commonly ".." Without Quotes) þ Include File Routines As Seperate Files (Custom Create Them) þ Checking For True EXE/OV? and COM/BIN Files þ Checks For COM/BIN Files That Are Too Large þ Checks For Previous Infection What it infects: þ Infects BIN/COM/EXE/BAT/OV?/VXD/DLL Files (Non/Overwritting) þ Infects SYS Files (Overwritting Only) þ EXE/OV?/VXD/DLL Infection Identification þ Stays Away From COMMAND.COM, or Infects It þ Allows You To Choose How Many Files To Infect þ Restore The File's Original Date and Time þ Restore The File's Original Attributes Anti-Detection Code: þ Locks The Keyboard When A User Tries Using A Debugger On It þ Bypasses Thunder Byte's TBClean, Thus Infecting The System Instead Of Cleaning It (Credit belongs to Rock Steady for the code) þ Anti-Turbo Debug Code þ Anti-TBSCANX Code þ Anti F-Prot Code Other code generated: þ Different "MAKEVIR.BAT" Files For Use With MASM and TASM þ Runtime or Terminate and Stay Resident Viruses (TSR) þ Custom Configurable Virus Detector (Only detects YOUR virus) Other Miscellanious Information: ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ An example of the VC2000 System is the virus "Gunther", dedicated to the one I love, Kiersten B., and virus writters everywhere! For those who are curious, the VC2000 System was created with Turbo Pascal v7.0, using over 2400 lines of code in one unit, and one main file. Virus Creation 2000 and VC2000 are Copyrighted (c) by John Burnette (HTC) Turbo Pascal is a Registered Trademark (tm) of Borland, Inc. The VC2000 System is password protected to prevent an upsurge of new viruses created by kit's, albeit the password is very easy, and 99.999% of all programmers will know it. (It gives you a hint.) I did not include an ID marker in the VC2000 System, such as 'db [VCL20], 0' as to save space, but please, give credit where credit is due. This program represents about a full days worth of programming :), but it was something I have wanted to do for a while. Anyways, enough rambling, it is time for you to take a look at the Virus Creator 2000 System! Happy coding! - Havoc The Chaos (16 at last!) "VC2000 - Infects anything that moves ... and more! (Windows)" .