Joe Armstrong: a minimalist hacker ======================================== A couple of weeks ago we got the sad news of Joe Armstrong [0] passing away. You would find a moving blog post by Francesco Cesarini at [1]. I know many would think "Joe who?", but Joe was indeed one of those figures you would remember forever, if you are lucky to stumble into them. Joe was a true hacker from another era. One of the creators of the Erlang programming language and of the OTP platform [2], many of his ideas and lots of his work on concurrency and robustness have impacted most of the modern programming languages, and are ultimately what most of "The Internet" of today, big or small, relies upon. Yet, he would laugh out loudly every time a student asked to make a picture with him, and any newcomer at the Erlang User Conference would have had a very hard time trying to spot this "star" at all, until Joe would have made it to the stage to give one of his mesmerizing talks. Joe was a true minimalist, who believed that computing must strive to remain simple [3]. He could not understand over-complications and/or early (evil) optimisation. He would pursue the most beautiful solution to a given problem, yet the most effective and least redundant one. He would not suffer breaking things that worked, except for showing how they could be improved by employing a more elegant, less bloated, more consistent and overall simpler solution. It shouldn't come as a surprise that he never hid his disgust for java, C++, javascript, and similar bloat monsters. I am glad I had the opportunity to talk to him several times. I still remember when, after I finished my talk on a hack to introduce hard real-time tasks in Erlang (it was 2007 or 2008), he laughed at me saying "gosh, we never thought of abusing the scheduler that hard!". A typical joke from Joe: witty, simple, and with many ramifications. I now feel quite silly for having thought "Oh, here comes the usual Joe" at several Erlang events. In my mind he would have always been part of Erlang and its community. I guess some people are so special that you really end up thinking that the laws of physics should not apply to them... -+-+-+- [0] gopher:// [1] [2] gopher:// [3]