I recently gave a talk about Data Analysis on the command line at Bitreich Conference 2019 [1]. I know it might seem strange, but the shell (and the mechanisms it provides, and especially pipes) is indeed well-suited for a variety of data analysis tasks. Most of the times, you can just get going with standard Unix tools and produce some elaborated results by just piping one command after the other. One important part of data analysis is the presentation of your results. `gnuplot(1)` is a very nice tool to produce plots. And it can also easily generate nice ASCII plots. In the talk I showed how to generate a simple ASCII histogram out of a data set reporting the number of chess games played by players in each range of Elo rating. Forget the details of how the data set was obtained (or have a look at the slides of the talk for more info), and just focus on the data, which in the end is in the format: 404184 20 548579 21 670332 22 714168 23 717261 24 534279 25 246087 26 75139 27 6114 28 This means that 404184 games were played by players with an Elo rating between 2000 and 2099. Then 548579 games were player by players with an Elo rating between 2100 and 2199, and so on. In `gnuplot` you can plot an ASCII histogram of this data set using: $ gnuplot > set term dumb size 80,20 > set xrange [19:29] > plot "data.txt" u 2:1 w impulses title "player rating" 800000 +------------------------------------------------------------------+ | + + + + + | 700000 |-+ * * player rating *******-| | * * * | 600000 |-+ * * * +-| | * * * * * | 500000 |-+ * * * * * +-| | * * * * * | 400000 |-+ * * * * * * +-| | * * * * * * | 300000 |-+ * * * * * * +-| | * * * * * * * | 200000 |-+ * * * * * * * +-| | * * * * * * * | 100000 |-+ * * * * * * * * +-| | * * * * * * * * + | 0 +------------------------------------------------------------------+ 20 22 24 26 28 As usual, more options and customisations are available, if you RTFM. -+-+-+- gnuplot(1) was initially developed by Thomas Williams and Colin Kelley in 1986 [2]. Despite its name, it has nothing to do with the GNU project, and is distributed under separate a non-copyleft free software licence (the Gnuplot License [2]). -+-+-+- [1] gopher://bitreich.org/0/con/2019/rec/data-analysis.md [2] http://www.gnuplot.info/ [3] https://directory.fsf.org/wiki/License:Gnuplot