It has been a long time since I wrote aything here, being busy with other stuff. I just wanted to mention a few hacks I have been working on during the transition-to-new-year holidays, which are related to gopher and text tools. More phlogs to follow soon. Gopher support in VLC ===================== I submitted a patch to vlc-devel to add support for gopher URLs. The patch was accepted:;a=commitdiff;h=66c7fc04d7d0d944215c99012cbcb94dc42c3531 so if you pull the latest VLC git repo and build it, you can do things like: vlc gopher:// I also wanted to mention that gopher support had been recently added in another media player, mpv, by leot. xml2tsv ======= I wrote a simple tool to transform XML input into a list of tab-separated-values records. The tool is called xml2tsv and is available at: gopher:// git clone (git|https):// I find it very handy to parse and process HTML and XML input, and it can turn very useful for converting RSS feeds and HTML pages to gopher. As usual, comments and patches are welcome.