A few phloggers have recently mentioned to have "ditched" Linux for good [1][2][3][4]. I am also replacing Linux with OpenBSD in all my servers and personal machines. The reason for the change? I think RedHat has won the systemd battle and OpenBSD still provides what I consider a sane unix-like environment. I just don't agree with those who say that systemd drives Linux away from the Unix legacy. Indeed, the main aim of systemd is the same of many proprietary Unix systems in the '80s and in the '90s, i.e., hack together your own special, incompatible way of doing things, make it ubiquitous, annihilate any alternative, and conquer the world. Obviously, this has nothing to do with the original Unix philosophy, and with the aims of free software unix-like systems. But it is nevertheless a part of the Unix legacy (the evil part, if you like), the same part that risked to strangle Unix to death between 1989 and 1994. So if anything, systemd-Linux has made the choice to step on the footprints of the later AT&T and go conquer the world (or destroy it in the meanwhile, whatever...). Systemd represents the worst that Unix had to offer to the IT world, and the large majority of the Linux community has embraced it without hesitation. There are still a couple of distros which resist the change though, but it is clear to me that at this point systemd-Linux will be and will remain the norm. I am not at all scared by the "oh my god! How will you do without Application-X?". I was there when Linux was not popular at all, when most hardware did not work, and applications were buggy and sub-par with their Windows counterparts. I switched to Linux back then and I survived. I am sure I will survive this time as well :) -+-+-+- [1] gopher://sdf.org:70/0/users/sparcipx/phlog/February_2020/02-08-20 [2] gopher://republic.circumlunar.space:70/0/~slugmax/phlog/2020-02-10- comments-on-ditching-linux [3] gopher://i-logout.cz/0/phlog/posts/2020-02-11_on_ditching_linux.txt [4] gopher://zaibatsu.circumlunar.space/0/~yargo/clog/xq-bsd-not-linux--ed-prompt.txt