"It's not a mistery: there are neither swords, nor axes, nor hammers, nor shields as reliable, tough, and durable as those forged by the dwarven blacksmiths, under the mountain, in the mists of time. It's not a mistery, either, that such durability, toughness, and reliability were the sole result of the patient dedication of those wise master craftsmen, who sapiently distilled iron and fire to create indestructible weapons of legendary perfection..." -+-+-+- Computing has changed a lot in the last 30 years or so. In many ways, we have witnessed a so radical evolution of computers and communications that future generations will probably find it hard to believe that there was a time when Mac OSX, the World Wide Web, and Facebook did not exist at all. However, I am not that much surprised by those "advancements" (well, if you consider them as such), rather by the fact that despite computing in 2019 has little to do with computing in 1979, most of the software tools I use everyday for my computing are as old as I am. I am obviously referring to the set of command-line utilities normally available in a unix environment. Programs like sh, ed, awk, sed, grep, cut, paste, join, tail, etc., which have served generations of system administrators and users, while remaining basically unchanged since their first appearance in Unix v6 or v7, more than 40 years ago. No other toolbox in the history of computing as ever come anywhere close to the longevity of what we call "the unix environment". The reason for such a success is simple: each of those tools is very humble, and does *exactly one thing*. But does that one thing very well. The power of the unix toolbox relies on the creative combination of those basic tools in innumerable ways, to serve tasks unforeseen by the humble programmers who initially forged them. Living in a unix environment is a continuos quest for novel, unknown recipes. It's a perennial exploration of the limitless potential of simple tools. I will collect in this phlog stuff related to many of the tools in the unix environment, and to how I use them for my own daily computing. Most of the times, a phlog entry will consist of a one-liner with a couple of explanations. Other times will be a trick or a useful configuration. Once in a while, I might focus instead on a specific concept or on a cool idea. I might also indulge in an occasional rant about how these powerful concepts have been, in some case, neglected. I cannot guarantee that any of the stuff I will put here will be of any interest to anybody. HND KatolaZ