________            ____                                     
          /_  __/ /_  ___     / __ \_      ______ _______   _____  ____ 
           / / / __ \/ _ \   / / / / | /| / / __ `/ ___/ | / / _ \/ __ \
          / / / / / /  __/  / /_/ /| |/ |/ / /_/ / /   | |/ /  __/ / / /
         /_/ /_/ /_/\___/  /_____/ |__/|__/\__,_/_/    |___/\___/_/ /_/ 
                ____  __           __                  _ __  __  
               / __ )/ /___ ______/ /___________ ___  (_) /_/ /_ 
              / __  / / __ `/ ___/ //_/ ___/ __ `__ \/ / __/ __ \
             / /_/ / / /_/ / /__/ ,< (__  ) / / / / / / /_/ / / /
            /_____/_/\__,_/\___/_/|_/____/_/ /_/ /_/_/\__/_/ /_/ 
          "their swords were forged by dwarves, in the mists of time..."
  TEXT  About this phlog
           [T]ools   [H]acks   [O]pinions   [R]ants   [I]deas   [M]isc
  TEXT  [M] (20221128) The Zen garden is still there
  TEXT  [T] (20201230) ed tutorial published
  TEXT  [M] (20201216) The Soviet: the third circumlunar colony 
  TEXT  [M] (20201211) U1FFF: and the winner is...
  TEXT  [M] (20201106) U1FFF Last Call
  TEXT  [M] (20201026) U1FFF Update!
  TEXT  [M] (20201015) Announcing U1FFF: The 1st Unix 1-liner Five Fridays Funfair
  TEXT  [T] (20201011) ed(1) is The Right Tool (VIII)
  TEXT  [T] (20201011) ed(1) is The Right Tool (VII)
  TEXT  [T] (20201010) ed(1) is The Right Tool (VI)
  TEXT  [T] (20201009) fmt(1) without fmt(1)
  TEXT  [T] (20201005) ed(1) is The Right Tool (V)
  TEXT  [T] (20200913) What day is today
  TEXT  [O] (20200214) On systemd-Linux
  TEXT  [H] (20200111) Hack the break
  TEXT  [T] (20190925) ed(1) is The Right Tool (IV)
  TEXT  [T] (20190905) ed(1) is The Right Tool (III)
  TEXT  [M] (20190904) Unix gets 50 -- a personal perspective
  TEXT  [M] (20190901) Unix gets 50 -- 50 links and pointers
  TEXT  [T] (20190830) ed(1) is The Right Tool (II)
  TEXT  [T] (20190811) Making ASCII plots with gnuplot
  TEXT  [M] (20190808) About man-poems
  TEXT  [M] (20190808) A man-poem for `gramscii`
  TEXT  [H] (20190807) De-mangling Office365 "safe" links - part 2
  TEXT  [H] (20190805) De-mangling Office365 "safe" links
  TEXT  [M] (20190506) Joe Armstrong: a minimalist hacker
  TEXT  [T] (20190505) ed(1) is The Right Tool (I)
  TEXT  [O] (20190328) Free means free, seriously
  TEXT  [O] (20190306) This is a revolution, not a drill...
  TEXT  [T] (20190227) commonalities and differences
  TEXT  [T] (20190223) netcat: literally `cat through the network`
  TEXT  [O] (20190219) There is no FOMO in the Small Internet
  TEXT  [H] (20190217) gophed: my own gopher client
  TEXT  [T] (20190213) fold, fmt, par: get your text in order
  TEXT  [T] (20190209) split et impera
  TEXT  [O] (20190205) Distilling the zen of pubnix
  TEXT  [O] (20190205) pubnix as an ecosystem
  TEXT  [T] (20190202) If you are bored on a Unix shell...
  TEXT  [H] (20190201) phrollo: phlogroll in 12 lines of shell script
  TEXT  [O] (20190201) There is no silver bullet
  TEXT  [T] (20190130) A quickie (about exiting vi(1))
  TEXT  [T] (20190129) Tiny tools for great writers
  TEXT  [T] (20190125) Sorting and counting
  TEXT  [O] (20190123) The Small Internet oughta remain small
  TEXT  [T] (20190122) cut(1) and paste(1)
  TEXT  [M] (20190121) So, phlog it will be....
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