+++ Update to the Slerm Phlogging Engine +++
           Monday, August 29, 2016 at 09:05
       This is a small update fixing selector line endings so they are RFC
       1436 compliant. Someone left a comment on my phlog noting that I was
       outputting \n, instead of \r\n as per the RFC. Now, in today's day
       and age, this probably makes no difference, but it is possible that
       an older client could make assumptions about line endings. So,
       fixed! Read on for details on how to download slerm v1.7.
  TEXT Continued...
       +++ The Days of Dialup are Ending +++
           Sunday, July 03, 2016 at 09:12
       July 1st came and went and with it my annual dues notices. I donate
       to support a wide variety of SDF's services, MetaARPA of course, but
       also VPN, VOIP and dialup. I've been a dialup member for a while, I
       joined SDF in 2007 so it was 2008 or so. For all of those years
       through this one, I lived in a house in New England with copper
       phone lines, so dialup made sense as a backup internet for power
       outages. I also used it while traveling, for example in Vermont
       where cell service was spotty and the internet unrelaible. But I"ve
       recently relocated to Quebec - no copper phone lines where I am,
       power is reliable, internet is also quite reliable (but expensive,
       at least moreso than I was used to in the US). Anyway, I was sad to
       do so, but I finally cancelled my dialup membership, I just don't
       see a need for it anymore. During any extended power outage (a
       couple of days or more), I would not have a phone line anyway, since
       it is provided via the cable line. I also don't travel as much, but
       even when I do, most everywhere has decent wireless internet now.
  TEXT Continued...
       +++ Moved to Canada +++
           Saturday, July 02, 2016 at 11:20
       I noted before that I was planning to move my family to Canada
       [0]. Well, we finally did it in June of this year, and are settling
       in to the new home in southern Quebec.
  TEXT Continued...
       +++ Slerm is Back! +++
           Wednesday, December 16, 2015 at 16:45
       This is a first post under my newly-revamped phlogging engine slerm
       (now v1.6), you can read about slerm and even comment below:
  TEXT Continued...
       +++ Low Tech +++
           Tuesday, December 08, 2015
       I enjoy reading the weekly posts over at The Archdruid Report [0].
       Very thought-provoking. Last week's post [1] was on the aggression
       and anger many face by admitting to eschewing a "modern" way of life
       in favor of simpler, older technologies. The comments to this post
       are full of interesting anecdotes.
  TEXT Continued...
       +++ Dumb Phones +++
           Monday, November 16, 2015
       I've noticed lately more and more people buried in their mobile
       devices in public or even while they are in supposedly social
       situations. While the former is understandable (the phone has taken
       the place of books or magazines in waiting rooms and airport
       terminals), the latter is downright rude.
  TEXT Continued...
       +++ Journaling +++
           Thursday, September 03, 2015
       I've kept a hand-written journal twice before for short periods.
       Once when I was 20 and on a NOLS excursion in the North Cascades,
       that was for 31 days. More recently, I had a written journal for
       four months in 2013, but never kept up with it. Reading through both
       recently made me realize the value such a journal can hold, not only
       for selfish reasons, but for future generations of family members,
       who might be interested in the personal details of their great-
       grandfather's life, say.
  TEXT Continued...
       +++ Moving to Canada +++
           Friday, June 05, 2015
       Last year I discovered I was a Canadian citizen under their 'new'
       (2009) citizenship act. Although I was born in the US, my father was
       born and raised in Quebec. The new law allows citizenship by descent
       for the first generation born abroad to a Canadian parent. So my
       kids are not Canadian citizens, but I (and my siblings) are, retro-
       active to birth. I received my Canadian citizenship certificate in
       March of this year, and my passport in May.
  TEXT Continued...
       +++ RIP +++
           Saturday, February 28, 2015
       A life is like a garden. Perfect moments can be had, but not
       preserved, except in memory. LLAP -Leonard Nimoy
  TEXT Continued...
       +++ Slerm - it's Alive +++
           Friday, January 16, 2015
       With the switch to Gophernicus as the SDF gopher server, gopher
       moles became possible again. I talked about this before [0], but
       recently found the time to update my old dynamic phlogging software,
       slerm, so that it worked with Gophernicus. I am testing it and will
       release another tarball hopefully very soon. Here is the list of
       features from the original README [1]:
  TEXT Continued...
       +++ Everyman's Library +++
           Friday, December 19, 2014
       I've recently discovered "Everyman's Library" - a publishing house
       that specializes in high-quality hardcovers of classic authors. I'm
       not a book collector by any stretch of the imagination, but I do
       love to read and like the feel of a nice hardcover. You can get
       these in the usual brick & mortar bookstores, or online - they are
       reasonably priced and have sewn cloth bindings, acid-free paper, and
       a built-in bookmark. I put some pictures of 'The Stories of Ray
       Bradbury' in my SDF gallery [0].
  TEXT Continued...
       +++ Higher Order Perl and Free Books +++
           Wednesday, December 03, 2014
       I wish more authors would come to their senses, particularly with
       technical books. I purchased the dead-tree version of Higher Order
       Perl years ago, it is an amazing book and recommended reading for
       any programmer. Luckily, it is free to download [0].
  TEXT Continued...
       +++ Time to Re-visit Dynamic Phlogging +++
           Wednesday, September 17, 2014
       For a few years SDF used the Bucktooth gopher server, which works
       fine but had some security issues that were very hard to fix given
       that server's design and the difficulty of testing.
  TEXT Continued...
       +++ Ending the Old-School D&D Campaign +++
           Monday, September 15, 2014
       So I ended the old-school D&D campaign today that I had been running
       on the bboard (board CAMPAIGN) for the past year or so. Posting
       frequency of the participants was at about once every few weeks, so
       clearly the interest had waned. It was fun while it lasted, though!
  TEXT Continued...
       +++ Back to Slackware +++
           Sunday, September 14, 2014
       It's been a while since I updated the phlog/blog. Funny how things
       like this tend to go in spurts, at least for me. I can write
       regularly for a while, then lose interest but always come back at
       some point.
  TEXT Continued...
       +++ Cosmos: A Spacetime Odyssey +++
           Tuesday, March 18, 2014
       As a long-time fan of Carl Sagan's works, I am happily gobbling up
       the recent Cosmos remake on Fox with Neil deGrasse Tyson (NdT). It
       is very well done and NdT was definitely the right person to host
       the show.
  TEXT Continued...
       +++ Adventures of a Sysadmin, Fun With cPanel Edition +++
           Wednesday, March 12, 2014
       Oh, how I loathe cPanel. It completely takes over your linux
       servers. Once installed, there is no uninstalling it, it has hooks
       into every part of the OS. Once infected by the cPanel virus, you
       must make all changes to the server configuration through cPanel, or
       cPanel's highly intuitive collection of command line utilities.
  TEXT Continued...
       +++ 2600 Magazine's Ebooks +++
           Saturday, January 18, 2014
       I've been a subscriber to 2600 magazine for about four years, and
       while the technical content is of varying quality, I enjoy reading
       the opinions, letters, 'hacker perspectives' columns and fiction. I
       also like reading the older 2600 magazines - from the 80s. This is
       when I got my start in computing, so there is definitely a bit of
       nostalgia there, but I also enjoy reading about the computing
       history of that time.
  TEXT Continued...
       +++ SDF Dialup +++
           Friday, January 03, 2014
       I'm typing this over a dialup connection into SDF. I've had an SDF
       dialup account since I've joined, but seldom use it anymore. I do
       like to keep it around as a last-ditch internet access method, so I
       test it from time-to-time. It *has* come in useful before during
       extended power outages.
  TEXT Continued...
       +++ Trisquel GNU/Linux 6.0 Meets an Old Laptop +++
           Friday, November 29, 2013
       I recently acquired an old laptop (A Dell Latitude) from a friend
       that was throwing it out. I love old laptops, they tend to be built
       more solidly and have much nicer-feeling keyboards than 'modern'
       ones. The lack of horsepower doesn't bother me, as my mostly non-GUI
       needs don't require lots of memory, disk or CPU.
  TEXT Continued...
       +++ Cool Gopher Phlog to Blog Converter +++
           Wednesday, November 27, 2013
       Our very own Echosa has made a very nice gopher phlog-to-blog
       converter, complete with disqus comments. I like it - simple, clean
       and has the advantage of only having to update your phlog/blog in
       one place.
  TEXT Continued...
       +++ NYC Scary +++
           Friday, November 22, 2013
       Last month I was in NY city for a few days on business. Since I live
       in Connecticut, I am able to take the train into Penn Station. On
       the way home, my train was delayed and I stayed in Penn Station for
       a bit longer than I wanted to. It was...interesting, to say the
  TEXT Continued...
       +++ Learning Morse Code +++
           Tuesday, October 08, 2013
       I've had my ham license for about 5 years, but never done much with
       it until recently, when I bought an Icom IC-718, put an antenna up
       over my garage and started learning morse code. Why morse code?
       Local 2M repeaters don't really interest me, and I have little
       desire to actually chat via phone/SSB/AM with anyone. CW seems so
       much _cooler_ somehow, despite it still being just another form of
       communication. It may be the minimalist nature of CW that appeals to
       me - a low-power battery operated transceiver, wire antenna and key
       are all you need.
  TEXT Continued...
       +++ Homeschooling Update +++
           Friday, September 20, 2013
       I noted back in April that my wife and I were considering home
       schooling our kids, ages 9 and 12. We did end up doing this, and it
       has been generally a positive experience during the first
       month. We're learning the best ways to do things as we go along,
       using whatever free or low-cost resources we can find. For example,
       we make regular trips to the town library for textbooks or fiction,
       use the Khan Academy website, and various online sources of
       documentaries and educational shows (Netflix, Discovery, Youtube).
  TEXT Continued...
       +++ Role Playing Games by Bboard and Gopher +++
           Saturday, August 17, 2013
       I and some old-school D&D enthusiasts started a bboard/gopher Swords
       & Wizardry campaign [0]. Coming from some recent play-by-post or
       forum-based games, I had some reservations, but I must say it's been
       working quite well.
  TEXT Continued...
       +++ TV's Everywhere +++
           Friday, July 26, 2013
       I've noticed lately that more and more public and private venues are
       installing large, flat-screen TVs. They are always on, tuned to CNN
       or Fox News, or some sports channel. I'm not sure if this is the
       same in other parts of the world, but it seems most Americans
       tolerate or perhaps even want this, or why else would businesses
       install them?
  TEXT Continued...
       +++ Comments on Textfiles +++
           Wednesday, June 05, 2013
       Over at jstg's phlog [0] he laments the lack of plain text files on
       the internet. He is not alone in that sentiment, the 'modern' web is
       more about looks than actual content. There are ways to cope,
  TEXT Continued
       +++ Jefferson Quote +++
           Wednesday, May 1st, 2013
       Here's a quote from a founding father you don't see very often. I think we
       can all agree on his sentiments towards banks:
  TEXT Continued...
       +++ Micro-managers +++
           Monday, April 29th, 2013
       I had just started troubleshooting an issue on a production server the other
       day, when one of the managers got wind of the problem and wanted to hop on a
       IM session with me so we could both figure out the problem as it was
       'critical'. Please, no.
  TEXT Continued...
       +++ Consumerism +++
           Saturday, April 13th, 2013
       I was at a local Staples today grabbing some office supplies. While there, I
       took a look at the laptops they had on display. Universally overpriced with
       loads of crapware/adware and all with a highly visible 'Windows 8 installed'
       sticker. The usual bait-and-switch with a sticker price in a large font and
       the admission in a tiny font at the bottom edge of the tag that the actual
       price is higher, unless you send in for a mail-in rebate. Rather than tout
       how worthless it all was and how a decent text editor was nowhere to be
       found, stickers touting the latest version of Office for just $50 more, and
       some sort of kiosk display with prominent Facebook and Netflix icons. No
       mention of the required anti-virus software, I guess that's just assumed
       nowadays. How can people use these to do anything useful, I thought to
       myself? The answer is they can't, and they are not intended to be useful,
       merely to enable consumption.
  TEXT Continued...
       +++ The Problem With Public Schools +++
           Wednesday, April 03th, 2013
       My wife and I have been discussing homeschooling our two children (ages 9
       and 12). Public school in the US seems to be completely concerned with
       teaching kids how to do well on state standardized tests, and less about
  TEXT Continued...
       +++ Expensive Cloud +++
           Tuesday, April 02nd, 2013
       I was recently surprised to learn that large disk arrays can be much cheaper
       if you self-host them versus, well versus pretty much any "cloud" storage
  TEXT Continued...
       +++ Killing Caps Lock +++
           Friday, March 29th, 2013
       The dreaded caps lock key. Never has a key been so useless yet so
       ever-present. As a heavy emacs user, I keep myself sane by turning it into
       an extra control key. Various linux distros and desktops have their GUI apps
       for changing keyboard layout, but I found some simple commands that work
       pretty much everywhere.
  TEXT Continued...
       +++ Ebooks are Still too Expensive +++
           Tuesday, March 26, 2013
       Sigh. It seems the publishing industry has not learned from the
       mistakes of other, dying industries and is still clinging to quaint
       business models.
  TEXT Continued...
       +++ Gopher Automation +++
           Tuesday, March 26th, 2013
       I used to have a few gopher CGI (aka gopher mole) scripts on my SDF gopher
       site. One displayed the latest weather for my area, one was my phlogging
       script slerm, and one generated a random Firefly quote every time it was
  TEXT Continued...
       +++ THE WEBSITE IS DOWN +++
           Monday, March 25th, 2013
       Ugh. Why is it that people still feel the need to WRITE IN ALL CAPS in
       email?  What, is this 1996 (of course, I am posting this on a gopher
  TEXT Continued...
       +++ Public School is Boring +++
           Friday, March 22nd, 2013
       I went to a parent-teacher conference at the local elementary school with my
       9-year old daughter yesterday. She does fairly well, but tends to be
       inconsistent, probably due to the ebb and flow in her interest level. This
       was evident while discussing reading.
  TEXT Continued...
       +++ Prophetic Carl Sagan Quote +++
           Tuesday, March 19th, 2013
       Carl Sagan is one of my favorite authors. His book, 'The Demon-Haunted
       World" is a classic, and is essential reading for the budding skeptic. A
       quote from that book is eerily prophetic:
  TEXT Continued...
       +++ Phlogit - The goPHerLOG helper--
           Monday, March 18th, 2013
       I recently converted the 'mkgopherentry' shell script that many here at SDF
       use for their phlogs to perl.
  TEXT Continued...
       +++ What Router? Adventures of A Freelance Sysadmin--
           Sunday, March 17th, 2013
       The ringing phone interrupted Nalo's concentration, his eyes glued to the
       terminal window, his fingers tapping at the keyboard. He glanced at the
       caller-ID. Minicorp. Crap, not again. He paused his nethack game with a
  TEXT Continued...
       +++ Musings on Network Security +++
           Monday, September 10, 2012
       As a sysadmin, I have always thought simplicity should be a key
       guideline when securing Linux or Unix servers. That sounds rather
       meaningless by itself, so an example is in order. Anyone who spends
       time looking at the log files on an internet-facing server or
       firewall will notice the almost constant barrage of SSH brute-force
       attacks. SSH is indispensable as a remote administration tool, so it
       is likely to be installed on every such Linux or Unix system. Some
       admins like to install automatic analysis and blocking tools (e.g.,
       fail2ban), but I dislike such tools because they are just another
       way of "enumerating badness" [1]. So I secure SSH with a set of
       simple changes:
  TEXT Continued...
       +++ Unsubscribe Me Madness +++
           Tuesday, June 12, 2012
       For some reason I was getting marketing email from Barnes & Noble,
       several times per day. I must have inadvertently missed a checkbox
       labeled 'spam me' during my last online purchase. Anyway, I finally
       followed the 'unsubscribe' link and dutifully selected that I no
       longer wished to receive ANY email. This is the response I got after
  TEXT Continued...
       +++ Ebooks Cost Too Much +++
           Tuesday, March 27, 2012
       Some time ago I read the dead-tree version of the book Daemon, by
       Daniel Suarez. A very good book, and one I was glad to see now had a
       sequel. I was less pleased when I went to the Barnes & Noble website
       to see how much the ebook would cost (I have a 1st gen nook) -
       $9.99. Just out of curiosity, I checked the kindle price, and it was
       the same. I'm sorry, $9.99 is way too much for an ebook. I'm willing
       to pay more for physical books, but not an ephemeral digital
       version, even if it's in an open format like epub. I can't be alone
       seems to me publishers are losing money by jacking up ebook prices
       (I've noticed authors selling direct through Amazon or B&N to
       tend to charge less, it's just the publishers trying to hang on to
       an obsolete business model). In the end, I picked up an almost-new
       hardcover for $1.93 on half.com (just under $6.00 with shipping),
       and I have the physical book.
  TEXT Continued...
       +++ WTF is Tracker and Why is it Using All of My Memory? +++
           Sunday, March 18, 2012
       Recently, I updated by Debian testing XFCE desktop. Nothing unusual
       there, I've been using Debian for many years and after the gnome3
       disaster, have pretty much settled on XFCE. This update brought in a
       surprise, however. My desktop with 3GB of RAM was sluggish, and
       'top' showed I was using all my RAM *and* 500MB of swap. Hmmm...
  TEXT Continued...
       +++ Argh, No Snow +++
           Tuesday, February 28, 2012
       This time last year we had two feet of snow on the ground, now
       none. In fact it hasn't snowed appreciably in the northeastern US
       since mid-December, not at all normal for a New England winter.
       Most people are pleased by this turn of events, but my wife and I
       enjoy cross-country skiing. We have only been able to go out twice
       this winter, and then only by traveling north to Vermont during a
       lucky week in January where they had six whole inches of snow.
  TEXT Continued...
       +++ Alt.sysadmin.recovery Manpages +++
           Sunday, February 19, 2012
       More sysadmin humor, the alt.sysadmin.recovery [0] manpages.
  TEXT Continued...
       +++ Don't Mess With the Sysadmin +++
           Sunday, February 19, 2012
       A funny reminder not to mess with your sysadmin [0]. Reminds me of
       the BOFH stories [1].
  TEXT Continued...
       +++ WTF: Ubuntu, Debian and Gnome +++
           Friday, February 17, 2012
       After my rant on Ubuntu a few years ago it actually improved quite a
       bit. You still had loads of mysterious processes running, but at
       least they advanced things to the point of not slowing the desktop
       down (or maybe hardware just caught up), all the while keeping the
       same basic interface. I suppose they had gone just too long without
       messing things up, so in comes Unity (or Gnome3 if you are running
       the current Debian testing default desktop), and things are back to
       slow, clunky and unusable. At least for me - I tried it and
       abandoned it after a few days. Worse, the interface is radically
       changed, with no fallback. But hey, it looks good!
  TEXT Continued...
       +++ Perl CGI Programming, the Right Way (redux) +++
           Thursday, February 16, 2012
       Argh! The excellent Perl CGI course I first mentioned here is
       offline. Archive.org to the rescue.
  TEXT Continued...
       +++ Hurricane Irene +++
           Wednesday, August 31, 2011
       We've had an interesting few days since hurricane (really tropical
       storm) Irene hit Connecticut. We lost power Sunday morning, and
       finally got it back Tuesday. This wasn't really an inconvenience for
       us, as we had a generator and 20 gallons of fuel. That would last
       almost two weeks - the trick is to realize that you don't need 24x7
       power to be comfortable, assuming you are prepared (more about that
       below). We ran the generator about six hours a day - two hours each
       morning. afternoon and night. That was enough in 80-degree weather
       to keep the fridge and freezer cold enough so there was no food
       spoilage. While the generator was off, we relied on stored water
       (both potable and rainwater for flushing toilets), a propane stove,
       various solar lights, battery-powered flashlights and oil
       lanterns. Since it was late August in New England, we did not have
       to worry about heating the house, although we have a wood stove if
       it had been necessary.
  TEXT Continued...
       +++ Slerm Phlogging Script - Updates +++
           Tuesday, June 28, 2011
       I've updated slerm to fix an issue where embedded gopher links of
       type 1-9 were not recognized. I've also added 'bookshelf.txt', meant
       to be a list of what you are currently reading, displayed just below
       the site header.
  TEXT Continued...
       +++ Ideas for Improving Slerm +++
           Tuesday, June 28, 2011
       There are some ideas I've had for improving the slerm phlogging
       engine [], the main one being adding full-text search. In fact, this
       seems to be a drawback to gopher itself - although the Veronica and
       VISHNU searches [1] are useful, they index only selectors - not
       full-text [2]. For a lightweight, text-based protocol, this seems a
       big weakness. It means you have to hunt around gopherspace for
       interesting tidbits, since selector names aren't always that
       descriptive. It appears WAIS was meant to address this limitation,
       although only for locally connected gopher servers via a special
       client (think pre-internet).
  TEXT Continued...
       +++ Remote Access +++
           Sunday, May 22, 2011
       I setup VNC access to a desktop for a client recently, which they
       promptly b0rked by replacing their router and with it all the
       firewall/port forwarding settings - without telling me. In trying to
       get access to try and fix it, I explained how I would first need the
       IP address for the new router. I received this helpful email in
  TEXT Continued...
       +++ Mail Clients and Editors +++
           Wednesday, April 13, 2011
       My favorite mail client is mutt, and my editor-of-choice is GNU
       Emacs. The two play quite nicely together, and I still use them for
       personal mail, via a console SSH connection. This line in .muttrc
       does the trick:
  TEXT Continued...
       +++ Using Old OSes On Servers +++
           Wednesday, April 06, 2011
       Of all the linux distros or BSD's to choose from, I would say Fedora
       ranks at the bottom for me as far as production server use.  It's
       really meant as a testing OS, to test new ideas before they get
       incorporated into RHEL. While there are issues with any old
       operating system as far as community or vendor support, Fedora
       releases in particular have a very short lifespan (Fedora Legacy,
       which had been providing support for old Fedora releases, was shut
       down in 2007). I mention this because I have a client that contacts
       me every few months for help with some intractable server
       issue. From just a security perspective, this is scary, FC5 was
       released in 2006:
  TEXT Continued...
       +++ Hacker Wanted +++
           Wednesday, January 19, 2011
       Like most in the tech industry, I get emails from recruiters from
       time-to-time. Most I file in the bit-bucket pretty quickly. But one
       I received the other day was interesting for the wording used in the
       job description:
  TEXT Continued...
       +++ Slerm Phlogging Script - Updates +++
           Tuesday, December 21, 2010
       I've updated slerm to fix an issue where users could leave 'orphan'
       comments (comments not attached to any post) by forgetting to type
       the name of the post before the comment text. Now an error page is
       displayed, with instructions on what to do.
  TEXT Continued...
       +++ Slerm Phlogging Script +++
           Wednesday, November 17, 2010
       I've added some more updates to my version of the excellent 'germ'
       phlogging script as created by wt@sdf, and renamed it 'slerm' to
       differentiate it. The main change from the previous version is the
       ability to receive email alerts on post comments.
  TEXT Continued...
       +++ Highly Annoying Habits of Non-Geeks +++
           Tuesday, November 16, 2010
       Posted without comment, annoying habits of the non-geek:
  TEXT Continued...
       +++ Slide Rules +++
           Thursday, August 19, 2010
       [This post disappeared from the SDF bboard for some reason, so I'm
       posting it here]
  TEXT Continued...
       +++ This Server is a Tad Overloaded... +++
           Monday, August 02, 2010
       A server I do development work on...yikes:
  TEXT Continued...
       +++ Project Work and Crazy Expectations +++
           Friday, May 14, 2010
       I've never been a fan of detailed or formal requirements docs for
       software or other projects, as I've found the customer's needs
       always change and sticking to a pre-made list is impossible. But
       there has to be *something* to start with, something reasonably
       detailed enough to make an estimate (and I recommend doubling that
       before telling the customer). I got an email from a potential client
  TEXT Continued...
       +++ Partitioning Woes +++
           Tuesday, April 20, 2010
       Who partitions servers like this? A braindead hosting provider,
       that's who.
  TEXT Continued...
       +++ HTML Tag Removal Utility - unhtml +++
           Friday, April 16, 2010
       I updated 'unhtml' [0] today and copied it into /sys/sdf/bin so
       others could use it. Unhtml is a command-line utility to strip tags
       from HTML source. I'm using it to convert pyblosxom posts to gopher-
       suitable text.
  TEXT Continued...
       +++ Some More Light Reading... +++
           Thursday, April 15, 2010
       I like the Forgotten Realms novels so much, I've been reading all of
       them. Right now I'm reading the Paths of Darkness Collector's
       Edition [0]. So far all of RA Salvatore's books in this series have
       been great, although I'm guessing you'll like them better if you
       were or are into D&D.
  TEXT Continued...
       +++ Some Light Reading... +++
           Thursday, January 07, 2010
       I'm taking the family on a long-overdue vacation up to Vermont next
       week. In anticipation of doing lots of reading, I picked up two of
       R.A. Salvatore's Forgotten Realms trilogies, 'The Dark Elf' [0] and
       'Icewind Dale' [1]. If the reviews on Amazon and bn.com are any
       indication, they should be quite entertaining.
  TEXT Continued...
       +++ Kickin' it Old School #tags Palm,Ebooks,Ereader,Plucker +++
           Saturday, January 02, 2010
  TEXT Continued...
       +++ Text Adventures and Get Lamp +++
           Wednesday, December 30, 2009
       I still remember playing Zork happily for hours in my youth. For
       those that played them, text adventures encouraged logical,
       deliberate thinking that rarely exists in modern games. Poking
       through Jason Scott's blog ASCII [0] last night, I saw a note about
       Get Lamp [1] and put in a pre-order. If it's anything like BBS [2]
       it will be great. It's set to ship in March of 2010.
  TEXT Continued...
       +++ Viewing the Top-Ten Worst SSH Attackers +++
           Tuesday, December 29, 2009
       If you must maintain an 'open' SSH server, this might come in handy.
       This is a quick way to view the top ten worst offending SSH
       attackers in your secure log. It works on Red Hat-based Linux boxen
       (e.g., CentOS, Fedora), but it can easily be modified for other OS's
       by just changing the pattern or logfile.
  TEXT Continued...
       +++ Make Great Money Now as a Freelance Developer... +++
           Tuesday, October 13, 2009
       Well, I'm so glad the person posting this job [0] put a plus sign
       after the number '10' for an hourly rate, because as a 'Senior
       mod_perl programmer' with 'lots of application development
       background' who is used to dealing with 'Difficult code with poor
       documentation' in 'Very large applications developed over many
       iterations', I would never even consider applying for this at just
       $10/hour - the plus sign makes all the difference!
  TEXT Continued...
       +++ Squirrelmail Error +++
           Saturday, October 03, 2009
       I came across an obscure error using Squirrelmail recently. The
       error was just the text "ERROR : Connection dropped by imap server"
       after attempting to login with a newly-created user - less than
       helpful, and the server logs were no help (I'm using the Dovecot
       IMAP server). I was thrown off by the fact that I had recently
       migrated this client's installation to a new server, and thought
       everything should have worked as it had before. The key turned out
       to be that this was a brand-new user account, and that user's
       Maildir folders were missing. The easy fix is to create the maildir
  TEXT Continued...
       +++ Observations on Teaching Newbies to Use a Shell +++
           Saturday, September 26, 2009
       I've been teaching Linux/Unix Fundamentals courses recently, and
       thought I'd share some observations about students - some that
       surprised me. The course I teach is very command line intensive;
       while the individual student workstations are setup with graphical
       environments (KDE), the course can be taught and the concepts
       learned from a console.
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       +++ Using Rlwrap to Keep Your Commandline Sanity +++
           Sunday, September 13, 2009
       After many years of commandline use, I've gotten spoiled by the
       pervasiveness of GNU readline in shells and other shell-like apps,
       like the MySQL shell. When I do sit down and try to use an app
       without such support, the result is a fairly painful mix of cursing
       and visible control characters (Oracle's sqlplus interface is
       probably the poster child for miserable CLI experiences, with no
       convenience facilities whatsoever).
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       +++ Perl CGI Programming, the Right Way +++
           Tuesday, September 08, 2009
       One of the best resources for learning Perl CGI programming online
       used to be Ovid's CGI Course. I was disappointed to find it no
       longer online, but glad to see it in updated form, now maintained by
       the Perlmonks community [0]. It always distinguished itself from
       other CGI tutorials with its early attention to security and taint
       mode [1].  Well worth the read.
  TEXT Continued...
       +++ No Kidding...Really? +++
           Friday, September 04, 2009
       This [0] falls under the Master of the Obvious department. Glad my
       taxes didn't pay for this study.
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       +++ RCS Misery +++
           Friday, August 14, 2009
       While I am definitely old-school, and still use RCS for things like
       personal config files and documents, I would never consider using it
       on a development project where lots of developers are working on a
       shared codebase. I had to do just that recently for a contract I'm
       working on with several other developers. Absolute misery. Even
       worse, this version of RCS is hacked so that the VC metadata is not
       local, meaning I can't use Emacs' VC-mode to make life easier.
       Imagine locks that someone always forgets to release ("You done with
       that file?"), no merging, branching or private repos - so no way to
       test your changes without possibly breaking stuff other devs are
       doing. Sheesh.
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       +++ When Mutt Thinks Mailboxes Always Have New Mail +++
           Tuesday, August 04, 2009
       On SDF the non-inbox user mail files are accessed via an NFS mount.
       Mutt [0]has a hard time figuring out when an NFS mbox file has been
       modified in some circumstances. So when you press 'c' in the index
       view, your mailboxes always appear to have new mail. Highly
       irritating. The fix is to add "set check_mbox_size=yes" to your
       '.muttrc' (apparently this works only in more recent versions of
       mutt, the one on SDF is 1.5.19. Older versions [pre 1.5.15] can use
       a compile- time option "+BUFFY_SIZE").
  TEXT Continued...
       +++ No, It's Not the Onion +++
           Monday, August 03, 2009
       Via the Linux Gazette [0] - a series of command line tutorials in
       video format [1]. Yes, that's right, video format. I hesitate to
       even link to them. I can only imagine that this is some vain attempt
       to grab new subscribers to a dying format by appealing to the
       Youtube generation.
  TEXT Continued...
       +++ Happy Sysadmin Day! +++
           Friday, July 31, 2009
       Happy Sysadmin Day [0], and thanks, smj! That is all.
  TEXT Continued...
       +++ Oh My +++
           Friday, July 31, 2009
       Posted without comment [0].
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       +++ One More Nail in IE6's Coffin +++
           Wednesday, July 15, 2009
       So YouTube and some other sites are phasing out support for IE6 [].
       It's about frakking time. Developing web apps assuming IE6 support
       would be comical if it weren't so painful. No built-in PNG support?
       Are you kidding me? One very large company I contracted for still
       used IE6 as its standard corporate browser. Yup, that's right, in
       2009. Die, IE6, die.
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       +++ How Not to Send a Marketing Email +++
           Monday, July 06, 2009
       Sigh. I got a marketing email from a vendor today, along with 1538
       other people whose email addresses were plunked right into the 'To:'
       header. Microsoft needs to put an idiot dialog in Outlook that pops
       up when you click 'Send' with more than five 'To:' addresses [0].
  TEXT Continued...
       +++ Contract Programmer WTF +++
           Friday, July 03, 2009
       I've done contract work through Guru.com in the past, and I still
       take a look around there from time to time. While looking through
       open projects, I'll sometimes visit a contractor's profile that was
       given bad reviews. This customer review was priceless:
  TEXT Continued...
       +++ Random Cool Emacs Hack +++
           Wednesday, June 24, 2009
       If you spend a lot of time in Emacs, you'll invariably end up with
       multiple buffers of the same name hanging around. It's sometimes
       irritating to discern between them while switching. Check out the
       very useful elisp function that will kill all other Emacs buffers of
       the same name, courtesy of Trey Jackson at "Life Is Too Short For
       Bad Code" [0].
  TEXT Continued...
       +++ WTF, Ubuntu +++
           Thursday, June 18, 2009
       Um, seriously WTF, Ubuntu? I must be getting old and intolerant, or
       something. Ubuntu (and the current crop of Linux distros) all seem
       to be trying to out-Windoze one another. The bloat and propensity to
       hide everything from supposedly clueless users has gotten really
  TEXT Continued...
       +++ A Sysadmin's Lament, or why cPanel Sucks +++
           Saturday, May 23, 2009
       I've been wrestling with cPanel [0] on and off for years - more
       lately, and it always reminds me just how much it sucks. It can be
       convenient if you don't know how to maintain Linux servers and the
       various associated Internet services (Apache, BIND, etc.), but there
       really is no playing nicely with it from a command line sense. Once
       installed, it takes over your system, rendering it impervious to
       standard sysadmin tricks. What's more, its convenience is really
       it's downfall, because when something goes wrong with it, two things
       are true:
  TEXT Continued...
       +++ Cool Emacs Hacks +++
           Thursday, May 21, 2009
       I'm an Emacs-guy, have been for a long time. As much as I use vi
       from time-to-time, I never could get into modal editing. Despite
       having used GNU Emacs as a programmer for years, I still learn cool
       Emacs-fu all the time. Here are a few recent findings:
  TEXT Continued...
       +++ Google is the Internet +++
           Thursday, May 14, 2009
       Apparently, Google has become synonymous with the Internet. Everyone
       panicked today because Google search and apps were down [0]. I got
       an email from a client during the outage asking what could be the
       cause of the "slow internet". Google really has become the Internet
       for most people.
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       +++ Clueless Admins +++
           Tuesday, May 12, 2009
       Some people have no business maintaining Linux servers. I recently
       had someone ask me to fix his non-working LAMP web app. He gave me
       the contact details of the web host admin. So you can be spared the
       pain I went through, here are six warning signs you might be dealing
       with a novice Linux admin:
  TEXT Continued...
       +++ Where Did My Content Go? +++
           Saturday, May 09, 2009
       I realize businesses need to make money and advertise, but why must
       I be bombarded with advertising 24x7? Tell me why I should pay good
       money to watch commercials on cable TV? Shouldn't I get commercial-
       free TV if I pay for it?
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       +++ Scary Code Department +++
           Thursday, May 07, 2009
       What could possibly go wrong with this snippet of PHP code from a
       web-based CMS? Ignore the lack of error checking...
  TEXT Continued...
       +++ Linux is Boring, or Saved by the Slack +++
           Wednesday, May 06, 2009
       I've always thought that Linux would be less popular with hard-core
       geeks once it became mainstream - that the initial attraction was
       Linux's unpolished installation and configuration, how it let you
       get your "hands dirty". I started with Red Hat Linux back in 1995,
       and spent many long nights configuring and tweaking to get a usable
       system. The thrill was in the learning. I've recently found myself
       bored with Linux, I think mainly for the reason that there is no
       challenge anymore, no sense of accomplishment. Much of the user
       experience is now hidden beneath layers of graphical abstraction. I
       certainly do appreciate this, and use Ubuntu myself on my work
       boxen, as there are times you just have to get stuff done. But I
       still like to tweak and fiddle. There are also times when things go
       wrong, and simplicity rules.
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