- postreich - Unnamed repository; edit this file 'description' to name the repository. DIR Log DIR Files DIR Refs DIR README --- (1602B) --- 1 #!/bin/sh 2 3 # extract dependencies 4 5 # handle must be less than 16 bytes 6 7 # set password to ENV variable so it's hidden in the code. Check if it's empty 8 # before generating the key. 9 10 create_mailbox_url="gopher://localhost/7/postoffice/mailbox/create" 11 get_mailbox_url="gopher://localhost/0/postoffice/mailbox/get" 12 13 cupid_encryption() { 14 # printf "%s" $1 | \ 15 return 0 16 } 17 18 user_encryption() { 19 return 0 20 } 21 22 create_key_pair() { 23 # check if key exists already? 24 private_key_name="br_cupid.pem" 25 public_key_name=$( printf "%s" "$private_key_name" |\ 26 sed 's/pem$/pub/' ) 27 # Generate a 2048 bit key 28 # TODO: am i using safe primes? 29 openssl genpkey -algorithm RSA -out $private_key_name -pkeyopt -quiet 30 openssl pkey -in "$private_key_name" -pubout -out "$public_key_name" 31 if [ ! -r "$private_key_name" -o ! -r "$public_key_name" ]; then 32 printf "Did not generate private and public keys. Exiting.\n" 33 fi 34 return 0 35 } 36 37 create_mailbox() { 38 pub_key_contents=$( cat "" | base64 | tr -d "\n" ) 39 if [ $( printf "%s" "$pub_key_contents" | wc -c ) -gt 1024 ]; then 40 printf "Public key is larger than 1024 bits. Server might not get it all, \ 41 (geomyidae limit is 1024, rfc gopher limit is less) but trying anyways..." 42 fi 43 handle="roygbyte" 44 curl "$create_mailbox_url/$handle?$pub_key_contents" 45 } 46 47 open_mailbox() { 48 result=$( curl "$get_mailbox_url/$1" -s \ 49 | awk -F ',' '{ system("printf '%s' " $2 "| base64 -d | openssl pkeyutl -decrypt -inkey br_cupid.pem"); print "" }' ) 50 echo "$result" 51 } 52 53 create_mailbox 54 #open_mailbox "$1" 55