LRN: APRIL 16-17, 2024 Returning to the land of LISP ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Yesterday, I sat down to start work again on my small home-IoT UDP protocol. I hadn't covered much ground in the work. I had boilerplate code mostly working with LuaSockets and LuaFileSystem. I had selected an appropriate version of Lua (5.2), and gotten its environment and modules setup. I had chosen Lua because of its beautiful, brief syntax and its elegant single datastructure, tables. Lua is one of my favorite languages. But I just couldn't get myself excited to use it for this project. For one: t can't do proper multithreading, far as I know. This means I would have to find clever ways to handle the many datagrams I expected to send from my devices. Anyways, I finally decided to move the project over to the Land of LISP. I love LISPs. My brain is so much more adept at working with conses, parens, and the functional style this family of languages is often know to embody. Around this time last I was covering lots of ground in my pursuit of CommonLisp by reading about ANSI CommonLisp and the CLOS. At some point it fizzled out, and I struggled against myself going back to it for some time. I don't know why. Maybe because it feels so niche. Anyways, yesterday I came to the conclusion that LISP will be my focus for some time. If I need something done, I'm going to write it in a LISP. I am just so tired of popular, ugly languages like Python, which portend to be a swiss army knife when in fact it is a bunch of garbage heaped together looking like modern art. LISP is a happy place for me. CommonLisp especially, which I have working with Emacs and SBCL immediately flawlessly. Today I got a late start to my studies--I glanced over the `usocket' library. So not much progress to my learning goals. But I reckon having come to a singular familiar focus for the structure and expression of my keystrokes will prove nourishing. LISP!