LRN: APRIL 18, 2024
       I have made contact... with myself! I got a boilerplate code example
       of `usocket' working and it's receiving `nc' emissions from my
       shell. The only snag that got me along the way is that `socket-server'
       is defined in the `usocket-server.asd' system definition file. So I
       had to load it separately along with the main `usocket' definition,
       using `(ql:quicklisp '(usocket usocket-server))'.
       So that's grand. Now the next problem: I don't know how to unbind the
       port! See, I evaluated the expression... so it's running in the
       REPL... but what if I want to redefine it? Can't, because the ports
       already in use. Not sure about that. I'm going to ignore this problem
       for a while.
       Next tasks:
       - I need to review programs that have use the UDP facilities of
       - Learn to debug ()
       - Learn to write tests
       - Create project directory with packege definition file
       Little things learned:
       - Press TAB in `slime-repl' to see completions
       - To inspect a function: `(inspect #'some-function)'