About Hobbies I made a big insight (for me) for me just a few days ago. >> the hobbies that had stuck with me are the ones that had a community! << Call me slow or what have you but for some reason I had looked at hobbies as the thing I did for myself, you know my me-time. Something that I didn't shared with my wife or others because they just don't understand. You know the image, Frank Underwood lonely painting trees on a miniature tabletop war thing (Idk the name of that). It might also be the lonely hacker, writing scripts and breaking into systems and creating mayhem (Mr. Robot?) or the coin collector, or whatever... But in most of those scenarios there is a community around that activity! A hacker is definitively not alone, he has some motivations that have very much to do with how he is perceived by those around him, let it be as an activist with strong convictions, a rebel, or the one that was able to do X thing. What's the darkweb for if not, among other things, to brag anonymously? You'd think that if somebody wants to be anonymous they would just hide but no, they just get a hidden identity, a weird name, but are still part of a community. About the coin collector... I bet you'd be hard press to find one that wouldn't jump to the opportunity of telling and showing you ALL of his collection! In the short three decades that I've existed I've gone through quite a few hobbies, and sadly none of them cheap! I was into cycling, music production, RC Helis, Gaming, Electronics Design (Analog, Digital, Microcontrollers, FPGA, etc.) and from all of those I have books and equipment and tools and instruments... but just a few bring me the joy that they once did. And I didn't know why, until a few days ago! I enjoyed RC Helis when I had an active club near me and I was building stuff and sharing it a few times a week! Once I moved and lost the community my RC stuff is taking dust. With cycling the same, I had clubs, knew people that I'd just meet on the street, friends that introduced me to the hobby in the first place... but after moving to a different place where very few people around me (if any) were into cycling, that passion also died away. My family and wife used to call those things "one of your phases" which honestly troubled me. Am I just a thrill seeker incapable of sticking to anything? How could I know what was a phase and what had more substance to it? And then it hit me! I have looked into ham radio before, you know, the thing that people use expensive stuff to show off and talk to other people about who knows what. Anyways, lately I decided to take a second look and went to ##hamradio @ freenode and started to talk with people there... long story short, I'm getting my license! Same thing with gopher and SDF. Not only is it cool to do computing like it was the 90's but hanging out with people doing the same is what makes it better! bboard and com for the win! Maybe other people have hobbies that they enjoy by themselves without anybody ever knowing about it, but as for me, I'm happy to have (I think) cracked the code as to what is a phase and what has the chance of lasting longer and bring the expected benefits of a hobby one's passionate about! Wanna share some of your hobbies or just anything? shot me a note in sdf or email at benj AT sdf DOT org Take care y'all!