2018-10-01 Better Day Today continues to be wet and grey. However, I feel a little better than yesterday. Despite being exhausted, I managed to have a productive day. I'm now into my last evening of on-call for a couple weeks. Of course, there were a bunch of things I didn't get done, either because of time or because I just didn't have the "brain juice" to figure them out. I'm still pleased with what I achieved today in spite of everything. This phlog helps to make me a bit happy. I like fiddling with stuff like this and I enjoy writing. Unlike "The emporium of lost thoughts" (bradfonseca.com) where I try to cover "bigger" topics on a less personal theme, I feel like I can just say what's on my mind here on this humble phlog in my gopher hole. It reminds me of a more-structured "life log" I use with org-capture on emacs on my local machine (the very machine I'm typing this on now!). Well, it's about time to wrap up things for the day and go get some errands done. Talk to you again soon, invisible reader.