2018-10-11 Working Title :-) I'm just going to start putting words on the screen, as it were. I was hung up on coming up with a title for this post when I realized that it's something that I could do afterwards. I've got hung up on editing in the past before I even had any ideas on the virtual page. The most important thing is to actually *write something*. I'm at work. I've got most of my work done for the day and now I'm waiting for a meeting to start. I've got some groovy tunes from DI.fm (the "PsyChill" channel currently) playing on mt headphones and I've my Linux lappie purring away, managing messsaging and the like. I really like the fact that my boss isn't too worried about what tools I use, as long as the work gets done. I have to say that I'm enjoying this lightweight overhead of a phlog. I don't get bogged down by formatting. I just need to put words into my editor. I do find that all the decisions I need to make about what images and links to include in my WordPress blog often slows down the writing process. Beyond the novelty of building this phlog, entry by entry, is the fact that it is very minimal. I don't feel like I'm tied down by a lot of additional decisions beyond creating content. Well, I hope I can come up with a better idea next time. Then again, maybe this weird stream-of-conscious style of writing is attractive.