2018-10-16 Just a Few Things... Today is our first really cold fall day. It won't get much above 10 degrees Celsius this afternoon and it's pretty windy. I have actually set up and turned on my space heater. My home office is above the garage and is always a bit colder than the rest of the house in spite of the fact that we renovated and and completely reinsulated the walls and floor. Also, I think my body needs to get used to the cooler temperatures, which are a bit of a shock considering it was well above 20 degrees Celsius just last week. I have to admit I'm a bit bored today. The items I'm working on are routine and not very mentally stimulating. I guess I'm sort of looking forward to the weekend. Last weekend was completely packed with activities and I didn't get much down time. Next weekend might be a bit better. We don't have anything planned per se but we're now planning on taking my Dad back home. He still isn't supposed to drive until the middle of next week but he really wants to go home. He also has a friend looking after his dog. I guess my Dad is a little worried about his pet and taking advantage of his friend too. It will be nice to have our place back. As I've mentioned previously, my father can be difficult to live with. That being said, his attitude and outlook have improved as we get closer to the day we're taking him home. I don't relish spending 4+ hours in his truck with him but there isn't much I can do. I think I will go out for a walk for a bit. The work can wait and I need the light and some exercise. Perhaps I'll write something else when I get back. Shocking!