2018-10-17 Plotting Out My Next WordPress Blog Post My blog, The emporium of lost thoughts (https://bradfonseca.com), is a place I usually post about "bigger" topics. I post about various IT issues I've either learned about or technical things I've done. I also post about things I've read about. I generally keep the topics at arms-length in that I don't get too personal about what I blog about. I try to make my blog about ideas rather than about me personally. As you have likely gathered if you've read a few of my phlog entries, I don't really follow this rule here. I will just write about whatever comes to mind, how I'm feeling, or what I am thinking about. As I expect my actual audience is quite small here (approaching zero I think...), I'm less strict about what kind of theme I want to adhere to. This is not to say that the audience for my blog is any bigger but it is somewhat more accessible on the Web. I'm pretty sure I'm the only person who looks at it regularly. Today, I thought I'd like to do a bit planning for my next blog post. I have a couple ideas centred around book reviews. The first is for "Lost Connections: Uncovering the Real Causes of Depression - And the Unexpected Solutions" by Johann Hari (https://thelostconnections.com/) and the second just came to me yesterday: "Shadow Work: The Unpaid, Unseen Jobs that Fill Your Day" by Craig Lambert (http://craiglambert.net/about-shadow-works/). I found this second book via an article I read on The Guardian (https://www.theguardian.com/lifeandstyle/2018/oct/12/shadow-work-automation-tedious-jobs-oliver-burkeman). For "Lost Connections", I've already read the book and made notes. I just seem to be stuck writing the blog post. I'm not sure what it is. In fact, I actually put it aside to write an article on Gopher (https://bradfonseca.com/2018/10/05/gopher-the-other-web/) which got me more excited about writing about it. I'm hoping that I'll be able to pick it up again as I feel strongly about the topic and really enjoyed the book. I guess I really want to get the blog post *right*. In the case of "Shadow Work", I actually wrote a small entry here on my phlog (gopher://sdf.org:70/0/users/bradfonseca/phlog/2018-10-15_phlog.txt) entitled "Busy Work" about The Guardian article. However, I need to read the book first. Thus, a longer blog post will need to wait until I can get it from the library (yay for the library!). This means the blog post is still very much a future project. Oh well, I'm sure I'll come up with something. I'd like to post to my blog at least every two weeks but researching topics often takes more time then I have available (hmmmm....busy work?). In the meantime, I'll keep pecking away on my phlog. I'll work on my bigger blog topics and try not to stress about my frequency of posts.