2018-10-22 Voting and Other Things It's Voting Day across our province for any municipal and regional elections. I won't spend the electrons on all the controversy around our provincial government changing the voting boundaries in my city on the last minute to suit their purposes. While they are allowed to make changes like these as municipalities are set-up and governed by the province, the way this government went about it is just stupid. They could have waited until after the election to give the citizens of the city a say on what's happening but democratic process is not this government's strong suite. That's all I'll say on that. I'll be voting after work today and I'm confident I've done enough research into the candidates to have decided on the ones that most match up to what I think can and must be done in our city for the next four years. *** My spouse and I took my dad home on Saturday. As I may have mentioned previously, home for my dad is about 4 hours north of where I live by highway. We drove him home in his truck as he's not allowed to drive with his fractured hand. Ideally, he shouldn't drive at all. I'm trying to get in touch with his family physician but this is proving to be rather difficult. They don't appear to answer the phone and they request that you don't leave a message on their voice mail. I know he is very pleased to be home so there's that. *** I started mucking about with encrypted XMPP again. I've installed Pidgin on my Linux desktop and Xabber on my phone. The real issue here is the lack of anyone I know using it. I literally have two people to chat to on XMPP. If you'd like to find me in the XMPP universe, I have an account on two servers: - brad.fonseca@blah.im =AND= - brad.fonsseca@xmpp.dk I use OTR currently because it works without a whole lot of fiddling on my end. So, hit me up for a chat if you'd like! :)