2018-10-24 Games and Work I ran a game of Pathfinder last night for my niece, my nephew, their friends, and a couple of the dads. As I mentioned yesterday, this was the 55th session of the Rise of the Runelords campaign I've been running since 2014 at least. We meet about once a month so I figured it's been that long. I've only been keeping proper records with dates in org-mode since the beginning of 2016 and that was noted as being "Session 21". I actually can't believe we've been doing this for so long. The group started out as my nephew and a couple of his friends with one of the dads who likes to play. In the time since we started playing, one of my nephew's friends dropped out but I've added a couple more dads, a couple of my friends/acquaintances, and now, my niece and her friend (the sister of one of my nephew's friends). It's a pretty loud and boisterous group now. They keep coming back so they must be having fun. For me, while it's a lot of work being the Game Master (GM) and putting together the personalized details for the campaign, I'm having a lot of fun too. :D ****** I have hit a bit of a lull at work. I'm actually waiting for a bunch of business users to figure out what it is they need me to do. In interviewing some operational people from the department I support at work, I think I've determined an error in how an upstream system is set up in that it won't properly represent the unit we're attempting to set up. It's now going around the wash-rinse-repeat cycle on email compounded by the fact that several people with key knowledge are on vacation. Even though the due date of getting this piece of work done is stated to be tomorrow, I don't see how we're going to have all the information we need in time. I think I'll make popcorn and watch the preceedings. ****** I guess that's all I have to say for today. Let's see what tomorrow brings.