2018-10-25 Work Stress I'm finally sitting down to write this! I have had a busy day. First, I had to go downtown to run an errand which kind of threw of my usual schedule. Then, as I get home, my boss sends me an email to call her. I call her back and she has some data I need for the item I was working on yesterday. This is good as I was able to finish that task. However, before I could even get started I had to spend more than an hour with our Help Desk trying to figure out why the VPN client wouldn't accept my code. After uninstalling and reinstalling nearly every piece of software involved, and changing my token password, and after rebooting my work laptop multiple times, I was still no closer to having a solution to my problem. Finally, the agent suggested that I try the old VPN client (we had been "upgraded" a few weeks ago but I hadn't had any issues until today). Guess what? It worked! After I got my critical work tasks done, I uninstalled and reinstalled the new VPN client and now it appears to be working normally. After that, I spent most of the day doing catch up and dealing with other tasks. Now, at the end of the day, I'm beat and I still need to get my children from school and start all the evening tasks one has as a parent. I really do find that spending any significant amount of time being frustrated really wears me out. I think I need to find a better way to deal with the stress I get when I'm faced with a frustrating situation. I think I'll be happier as a result. I don't know if meditation might help. I've tried it and does help but sticking with it and making time for it is really hard. I think I'll have to make a better effort for find time for meditation. It might help me be less frustrated or deal with a frustrating situation better.