2018-11-27 Vacation Request Away! Kind of a busy day today but I managed to make some progress on some of the tasks I have. It was a less grey day today but it was colder and windier. I went for a run and got my steps in by walking up to my local to meet a friend for lunch. Tomorrow (and for the rest of the week) I will be going in for meetings and the like. I hate commuting but I get to do at least one way with my spouse so it makes it more tolerable. I requested my vacation for next year. I hope it gets approved. I'm the "junior" person on the team so I sometimes get screwed over by the requests of more senior people. The thing in my favour is that we have another person joining the team in January. This helps my cause as my manager prefers to always have at least one person working (and not on some sort of leave) each week. With three other people possibly available for the dates I'll be away instead of two the chances of having the preferred coverage are better. I'll keep my fingers crossed!