2018-12-22 What The Hell This week has been a complete disaster. Everyone has been trying to get everything done before they go on holidays and all of that work has rolled down the hill to me. :P I have been going non-stop for the whole week. It was even busy at my Saturday job right when we opened but it has since slowed down.(Edit: It has been steady busy the whole shift so it *didn't* slow down at all.) Thank the gods! I don't think I could have taken another busy day. On top of that, my children haven't been sleeping properly. Between nightmares and upset tummies, both my spouse and I have been losing a lot of sleep over the last week. I'm hoping things will slow down a bit and that we get some more rest. Last night was the first night in a while that we were able to sleep through uninterrupted. Hopefully, this is a start of a upward trend. This past week I was listening to the "IRL - Because Online Life Is Real Life" podcast (https://irlpodcast.org/), specifically to "Season 4 Ep. 2 - Your Password Is the Worst" (https://irlpodcast.org/season4/episode2/). At the end of the podcast they recommended a password manager called 1Password and promoted an offer to sign up and get the first three months for free (1password.com/promo/IRL). I signed up because of the recommendation and because I've been mulling over getting a password manager for a while (the other thing I've been mulling over is a VPN but I haven't settled on one I'm comfortable with yet). I've saved most of my commonly accessed sites in my "vault". At some point, I will use 1Password to recommend complex random passwords for these sites and update my entries in my vault. I just need the time to go through and complete both tasks with the many, many websites I use. I have also been running around five days a week for the last four or five weeks, which is awesome. I am actually losing weigh over the holiday season. I figured it would be better to get into a habit BEFORE the new year, rather than starting from a crummy low point in January. Okay, I guess that's it for now. I can't promise too much activity over here for the next week or so. Really, that isn't much different from the way it's been over the last few weeks. Happy holidays everyone!