At the end of 2003: Happy New Year! Shengdan kuai le (merry Christmas) and Xinnian kaui le (happy New Year) from Harbin! In January my contract with the university and my "year" (322 days) in northeast Asia will be complete. These days everyone is looking forward to the long vacation around the traditional lunar New Year's Day, which I think is January 21st this year. That is the most important holiday of the year, but no one minds celebrating the New Year twice. In fact, I have just finished listening to President Hu's holiday greetings on central television. Winter set in about mid-November, and the temperature hasn't been above 32°F since then. Harbin is known to reach very cold temperatures frequently, even -40°F, but this December has been mild. Although it often was about 0°F, it has often been warmer, too. Since the weather is so consistent, Harbin is a great place for ice lanterns and ice sculptures. I will see these things on Friday, January 2nd, so if you don't see the picture above, check again after the 2nd. I just couldn't resist the chance to send my New Year's greetings in advance, because my teacher-inspired scheme to send everyone a Christmas postcard has failed (she claims there are beautiful postcards with winter scenes at the post office store, but I was unable to find them). My classes and exams are now finished, and I am relieved. You see, two of my classes actually asked me to offer an extra exam! They are preparing for the important exam that will allow them to study in Britain, and since my exams closely follow the format of the speaking portion of that exam, they wanted more chances to practice for the interview with me. Plus, I decided that it would be very sensible to have a Christmas party with each of my seven classes, including the movie A Charlie Brown Christmas. The result was mayhem! I am grateful for the help of Phil, Bethany, and Matt N. so that I could show the movie. You know it is impossible for me to concentrate exclusively on teaching. There was another rock concert on November 29, so I had to attend! The quality of all the bands had improved, and my favorite was the group that wore the gray coveralls, although several groups were almost as good. On December 19, I went to a new cafe to hear Joel (an American) play some songs (in English). Then on Christmas Day and the 27th, I attended services that were full of skits, dancing, and singing. So it is easy to be entertained even when you can't understand the language. At the Dongfu office, the culture nights have been increasing in popularity. We were overcrowded with nearly 90 in attendance for the Thanksgiving culture night. Next, we had some friends help us with a culture night about Scotland, so I learned to bake shortbread. For Christmas, we tried to avoid the crowding problem by presenting the culture night at a university first, and once again at the office, but we still had 80 people. It's so nice to see people who are enthusiastic about studying English, because it helps us to be more enthusiastic about teaching it. This year of teaching has been a big challenge for me. To be honest, as I look back on this experience as it draws to a close, I could have done a lot of things better. I could have studied harder, taught better, prayed more, been more aggressive about forming friendships and trying to do difficult tasks, and been less aggressive in defense of my American ideas about personal rights and politeness. But when we learn to walk, and we fall down, we must let Dad pick us up off the floor for another try! So, I'm trying again. In February I'll begin working part-time for Dongfu again as an English teacher, plus some office work. I will also attempt to take a language class at Hei Da (intensive reading, which for some reason really means grammar). This will be a six-month trial, after which we will evaluate the productiveness of that setup. There are still a lot of work permit, visa, housing and financial issues to be ironed out. I hope you are in support of my idea. Your feedback is always welcome. Dongfu company has many difficulties to overcome, so please remember all of the company members. Supposedly tickets have been purchased, and I will be flying home on January 12th! I'm excited about this vacation, and I want to have a chance to visit everyone before February 15th. Well, perhaps Calgary, Denver, and Florida are out of my reach, but hopefully I can visit the majority of my family and friends. Since my vacation falls at a time when you are NOT on vacation, I expect you to get in touch with me about a time when you are free to meet me. See you soon!