I am currently sitting in one of my friend's rooms with my PowerBook (tethered to my phone) wondering how in the world I'm going to manage to escape. He did help me get my terminal in my room, so it might be rude to just up and leave but there's too many people. Plus, y'know, it's good to make social contact. It is kind of nice watching them play whatever weird game it is that I'm watching though. Something on the XBOX 360 with wizards and junk. Reminds me of Rayman Arena but with different graphics. I felt kind of lonely today. I went to Reuben's (Millsaps' on-campus [crappy] restaurant) for the first time in what seems like forever without Tomo. I can't get away from missing him - or imagining him where he used to be with me - but I have to move past it. He's been busy lately and hasn't even messaged me back in a week. That's honestly making the sadness worse. I feel ignored. Class is going well though. I didn't feel dead. Instead, I actually felt nice. Hopefully the load I have this semester is extremely minimal compared to last semester. Somebody just put gum in their mouth. Fuck. I've been noticing that a lot of things are giving me ASMR lately (even if they're not typical ASMR things). Tob's aNONradio show did and even Computer Science class did. Thankfully the dude that smacks isn't in there, so I'm good. Would you chew with your fucking mouth closed? It's too loud in here. I guess I should probably end this journal soon, but I don't really have much else to do other than write this . < . Other than formulate my escape plan. Probably with a clever lie. I hate to do that though. I want to play Eastern Mind (some weird game for Mac OS) soon. It looks.... interesting. I really want to go for it. Time to leave now. Goodnight SDF " o " )/